Uttara Kanda: Chapter 67

अथ रात्र्यां प्रवृत्तायां शत्रुघ्नो भृगुनन्दनम्। पप्रच्छ च्यवनं विप्रं लवणस्य यथाबलम्॥ शूलस्य च बलं ब्रह्मन्के च पूर्वं विनाशिताः। अनेन शूलमुख्येन द्वन्द्वयुद्धमुपागताः॥
Thereupon when the night set in Śatrughna accosted Bhrgu's son Cyavana saying, “O Brāhmaṇa how powerful is Lavaņa? And what is the strength of his dart? What persons before had been destroyed by this dart in conflict?”

तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा शत्रुघ्नस्य महात्मनः। प्रत्युवाच महातेजाश्च्यवनो रघुनन्दनम्॥
Hearing the words of the high-souled descendant of Raghu, Satrughna, the highly effulgent Cyavana replied saying.

असंख्येयानि कर्माणि यान्यस्य रघुनन्दन। इक्ष्वाकुवंशप्रभवे यद्वृत्तं तच्छृणुष्व मे॥
O descendant of Raghu, Lavaņa has accomplished many works by this dart; among them, hear, what Māndhāta, born in the race of Iksawaku, did.

अयोध्यायां पुरा राजा युवनाश्वसुतो बली। मांधाता इति विख्यातस्त्रिषु लोकेषु वीर्यवान्॥
The early king of Ayodhyā was known over the three worlds under the name of Māndhātā. He was the son of Yuvanāśva, highly powerful and strong.

स कृत्वा पृथिवीं कृत्स्ना शासने पृथिवीपतिः। सुरलोकमितो जेतुमुद्योगमकरोनृपः॥
Having brought the whole world under his subjection the king Māndhātā engaged in the conquest of the celestial region.

इन्द्रस्य च भयं तीव्र सुराणां च महात्मनाम्। मांधातरि कृतोद्योगे देवलोकजिगीषया॥
He having been engaged in making preparations to conquer the world of gods—the celestial chief Indra with other immortals was greatly terrified.

अर्धासनेन शक्रस्य राज्यार्धेन च पार्थिवः। वन्द्यमानः सुरगणैः प्रतिज्ञामध्यरोहत।।।। तस्य पापमभिप्रायं विदित्वा पाकशासनः। सान्त्वपूर्वमिदं वाक्यमुवाच युवनाश्वजम्॥
With this promise, the king Mândhāta went into the celestial region that he would occupy the half of Indra's throne and kingdom and the celestials would adore him. Being apprised of this vicious intention of his, Indra, the slayer of Pāka, consoled him in sweet words, saying.

राजा त्वं मानुषे लोके न तावत्पुरुषर्षभ। अकृत्वा पृथिवीं वश्यां देवराज्यमिहेच्छसि॥
O foremost of men, even in the land of men, you have not been able to become the real king. Without perfectly subjugating the earth how do you wish to lord over the celestial kingdom?

यदि वीर समग्रा ते मेदिनी निखिला वशे। देवराज्यं कुरुष्वेह सभृत्यबलवाहनः॥
If the whole world is under your subjection, O hero, be you, with the whole host of your servants and soldiers, installed on the celestial throne.

इन्द्रमेवं ब्रुवाणं तं मांधाता वाक्यमब्रवीत्। क्व मे शक्र प्रतिहतं शासनं पृथिवीतले॥
Indra having said this, the high-souled Māndhātā replies: O Sakra, who on this earth, has disobeyed my commands.?

तमुवाच सहस्राक्षो लवणो नाम राक्षसः। मधुपुत्रो मधुवने न तेऽऽज्ञां कुरुतेऽनघ॥
Whereto Indra replied o sinless one, the night-ranger, Lavana, Madhu's son, living in Madhuvana, is not under your control.

तच्छुत्वा विप्रियं घोरं सहस्राक्षेण भाषितम्। वीडितोऽवाङ्मुखो राजा व्याहतुं न शशाक ह॥
Hearing those dreadful and unpleasant words from Indra, the king lowered his head in shame and became silent.

आमन्त्र्य तु सहस्राक्षं प्रायात्किचिदवाङ्मुखः। पुनरेवागमच्छीमानिमं लोकं नरेश्वरः॥ स कृत्वा हृदयेऽमर्ष सभृत्यबलवाहनः। आजगाम मधोः पुत्रं वशे कर्तुमरिंदमः॥
Thereupon, having welcomed Indra in that way, he left there and returned earth. O slayer of enemies, with an angry heart, army and conveyance he went to subjugate Madhu's son Lavaņa and sent an emissary inviting him to battle.

स काङ्खमाणो लवणं युद्धाय पुरुषर्षभः। दूतं संप्रेषयामास सकाशं लवणस्य सः॥ स गत्वा विप्रियाण्याह बहूनि मधुनः सुतम्। वदन्तमेवं तं दूतं भक्षयामास राक्षसः॥
The ambassador, having gone there, addressed many unpleasant words to Lavaņa and the nightranger devoured him.

चिरायमाणे दूते तु राजा क्रोधसमन्वितः। अर्दयामास तद्रक्षः शरवृष्ट्या समन्ततः॥
On the other hand finding the delay of his return the king Māndhāta, enraged, began to assail the Raksasa Lavaņa with arrows from all sides.

ततः प्रहस्य तद्रक्षः शूलं जग्राह पाणिना। वधाय सानुबन्धस्य मुमोचायुधमुत्तमम्॥
Laughing wild Lavaņa took up the dart in his hand and discharged it to destroy the king with his followers.

तच्छूलं दीप्यमानं तु सभृत्यबलवाहनम्। भस्मीकृत्वा नृपं भूमौ लवणस्यागमत्करम्॥
Thereupon growing powerful the dart reduced the king with his servants and army into ashes and returned to Lavaņa.

एवं स राजा सुमहान्हतः सबलवाहनः। शूलस्य तु बलं सौम्य अप्रमेयमनुत्तमम्॥
In this wise the high-souled king Māndhāta, with his huge army, was slain. O gentle hero, incomparable and great is the strength of the dart..

श्वः प्रभाते तु लवणं वधिष्यसि न संशयः। अगृहीतायुधं क्षिप्रं ध्रुवो हि विजयस्तव॥
Forsooth you shall slay Lavaņa next morning. Certain is your victory if Lavana cannot take up his dart.

लोकानां स्वस्ति चैवं स्यात्कृते कर्मणि च त्वया। एतत्ते सर्वमाख्यातं लवणस्य दुरात्मनः॥ शूलस्य च बलं घोरमप्रमेयं नरर्षभ। विनाशश्चैव मांधातुर्यत्नेनाभूच्च पार्थिव ॥
People shall be at ease if you can bring about the destruction of Lavaņa. O foremost of men, I shall then describe to you the incomparable and dreadful prowess of the vicious-souled Lavaņa and his dart. O king, with great exertions did Lavaņa slay Māndhāta and not easily.

त्वं श्वः प्रभाते लवणं महात्मन् वधिष्यसे नात्र तु संशयो मे। शूलं विना निर्गतमामिषार्थे ध्रुवो जयस्ते भविता नरेन्द्र॥
O high-minded one, next morning you shall surely destroy Lavaņa. He shall issue our for flesh without taking his dart. And at that time, O lord of man, you shall, forsooth, be crowned with victory.