Uttara Kanda: Chapter 66

यामेव रात्रि शत्रुघ्नः पर्णशालां समाविशत्। तामेव रात्रि सीतापि प्रसूता दारकद्वयम्॥
On the same night ſatrughna housed himself in a thatched cottage Sitā gave birth to twin sons.

ततोऽर्धरात्रसमये बालका मुनिदारकाः। वाल्मीके प्रियमाचख्युः सीतायाः प्रसवं शुभम्॥ भगवरामपत्नी सा प्रसूता दारकद्वयम्। ततो रक्षां महातेजः कुरु भूतविनाशिनीम्॥
In the midnight the Muni boys came to Vālmīki and communicated to him this auspicious intelligence, saying. “O illustrious Sir, the beloved spouse of Rāma has given birth to two sons; do you so protect them that evil spirits not injure them."

तेषां तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा महर्षिः समुपागमत्। बालचन्द्रप्रतीकाशौ देवपुत्रौ महौजसौ॥ जगाम तत्र हृष्टात्मा ददर्श च कुमारको। भूतघ्नीं चाकरोत्ताभ्यां रक्षा रक्षोविनाशिनीम्॥
Hearing those words the highly effulgent Vālmīki went there and attained to great on beholding those two highly effulgent sons, resembling the newly risen sun and the celestials. Thereupon he made arrangements against the oppression of ghosts and goblins.

कुशमुष्टिमुपादाय लवं चैव तु स द्विजः। वाल्मीकिः प्रददौ ताभ्यां रक्षां भूतविनाशिनीम्॥
Thereupon taking Kuśa (the upper part of the grass) and Lava (the lower part) the great ascetic Vālmīki made those arrangements.

यस्तयोः पूर्वजो जातः स कुशैर्मन्त्रसत्कृतैः। निर्मार्जनीयस्तु तदा कुश इत्यस्य नाम तत्॥ यश्चावरो भवेत्ताभ्यां लवेन सुसमाहितः। निर्मार्जनीयो वृद्धाभिलवेति च स नामतः॥ एवं कुशलवौ नाम्ना तावुभौ यमजातको। मत्कृताभ्यां च नामभ्यां ख्यातियुक्तौ भविष्यतः॥
And giving Kuśa sanctified by Mantras to the hands of elderly women he said, “do you rub the person of the elder boy with these”; and giving them Lava he said “do you rub the person of the younger brother with this. And according to this I shall name the first Son Kuśa and the second Lava; and by those names they shall be celebrated on earth.”

तां रक्षां जगृहुस्तां च मुनिहस्तात्समाहिताः। अकुर्वश्च ततो रक्षा तयोविगतकल्मषाः॥ तथा तां क्रियमाणां च वृद्धाभिर्गोत्रनाम च।
Thereupon reverentially taking from the hands of Vālmīki and Kuśa Lava, the means of protection, the elderly ladies engaged in guarding them.

संकीर्तनं च रामस्य सीतायाः प्रसवौ शुभौ॥ अर्धरात्रे तु शत्रुघ्नः शुश्राव सुमहत्प्रियम्। पर्णशालां ततो गत्वा मातर्दिष्ट्येति चाब्रवीत्॥
Hearing the Sītā without any trouble had given birth to two sons and elderly female ascetics had been engaged in protecting them and bearing the chanting of Råma's glories in the midnight, Satrughna thought within himself.

तदा तस्य प्रहृष्टस्य शत्रुघ्नस्य महात्मनः। व्यतीता वार्षिकी रात्रिः श्रावणी लघुविक्रमा॥
"Blessed it is that Sītā has given birth to two sons.” And with this joy the live long night of Śrāvaņa passed away in no time.

प्रभाते सुमहावीर्यः कृत्वा पौर्वाहिणकी क्रियाम्। मुनि प्राञ्जलिरामन्त्र्य ययौ पश्चान्मुखः पुनः॥
Having performed the morning rites after the expiration of the night and taken farewell from the ascetic Vālmīki, Lakşmaņa proceeded towards the west.

स गत्वा यमुनातीरं सप्तरात्रोषितः पथि। ऋषीणां पुण्यकीर्तीनामाश्रमे वासमभ्ययात्॥
And having spent seven nights he at last arrived at the hermitage of the pious Rși living on the banks of the Yamuna.

स तत्र मुनिभिः सार्धं भार्गवप्रमुखैर्नृपः। कथाभिरभिरूपाभिर्वासं चक्रे महायशाः॥ स काञ्चनाद्यैर्मुनिभिः समेतै रघुप्रवीरो रजनी तदानीम् कथाप्रकारैर्बहुभिर्महात्मा विरामयामास नरेन्द्रसूनुः।।१७।
Taking shelter there be engaged in pleasant conversation with Cyavana (son of Bhrgu), and other ascetics. Having remained there for the night and talked with those ascetics the highsouled, heroic Raghu prince Śatrughna was greatly delighted.