Uttara Kanda: Chapter 61

ब्रुवद्भिरेवमृषिभिः काकुत्स्थो वाक्यमब्रवीत्। किं कार्य ब्रूत मुनयो भयं तावदपैतु वः॥
When the sages had spoken thus, Käkutstha said: "O ascetics, tell me what is the work which I shall have to accomplish in your behalf. Your fear shall be removed."

तथा ब्रुवति काकुत्स्थे भार्गवो वाक्यमब्रवीत्। भयानां शृणु यन्मूलं देशस्य च नरेश्वर॥
As Käkutstha was speaking thus, Bhārgava remarked! O lord of men, do you hear of the origin of the fear that threatens our country.

पूर्व कृतयुगे राजन्दैतेयः सुमहामतिः। लोलापुत्रोऽभवज्ज्येष्ठो मधुर्नाम महासुरः॥
O king, formerly in the Kita age, there was a magnanimous offspring of Diti, the mighty Asura, Madhu, eldest son of Lotā.

ब्रह्मण्यश्च शरण्यश्च बुद्ध्या च परिनिष्ठितः। सुरैश्च परमोदारैः प्रीतिस्तस्यातुलाभवत्॥
He was well disposed towards Brāhmaṇas, kind to those seeking his refuge, and gifted with high intelligence. The exceedingly generous deities delighted in him greatly.

स मधुर्वीर्यसंपन्नो धर्म च सुसमाहितः। बहुमानाच्च रुद्रेण दत्तस्तस्याद्भुतो वरः॥
And by way of honouring him, Rudra conferred a wonderful boon upon Madhu endowed with prowess and ever intent on religion.

शूलं शूलाद्विनिष्कृष्य महावीर्य महाप्रभम्। ददौ महात्मा सुप्रीतो वाक्यं चैतदुवाच ह।६।।
And extracting a dart from his own, possessed of terrific energy, endowed with great force; and furnished with exceeding splendour that highsouled one, well pleased, made it over (to Madhu) and spoke to him.

त्वयायमतुलो धर्मो मत्प्रसादकरः शुभः। प्रीत्या परमया युक्तो ददाम्यायुधमुत्तमम्॥
You have practised excellent and unrivalled righteousness, which has won my good graces, and (therefore), I highly gratified, bestow on you this choice weapon.

यावत्सुरैश्च विप्रैश्च न विरुध्येर्महासुर। तावच्छूलं तवेदं स्यादन्यथा नाशमेष्यति॥
So long as you, O mighty Asura, do not assail celestials and Vipras, so long shall this be your, otherwise it shall come to naught.

यश्च मामभियुञ्जीत युद्धाय विगतज्वरः। तं शूलो भस्मसात्कृत्वा पुनरेष्यति ते करम्।।।।।
Reducing to cinders the person that shall rashly enter upon conflict with you, this dart shall return to your hand.

एवं रुद्राद्वरं लब्ध्वा भूय एव महासुरः। प्रणिपत्य महादेवं वाक्यमेतदुवाच ह॥
Having thus obtained the boon from Rudra, the mighty Asura, again bowing to Mahādeva, addressed him, saying.

भगवन्मम वंशस्य शूलमेतदनुत्तमम्। भवेत्तु सततं देव सुराणामीश्वरो ह्यसि॥
O reverend one, may this excellent dart be the possession of my family O god, you are the lord of the immortals.

तं ब्रुवाणं मधुं देवः सर्वभूतपतिः शिवः। प्रत्युवाच महादेवो नैतदेवं भविष्यति॥
Thereat the lord of all beings, the mighty deity Śiva, answered Madhu, when he had spoken thus: This will not be.

मा भूत्ते विफला वाणी मत्प्रसादकृता शुभा। भवतः पुत्रमेकं तु शूलमेतद्भविष्यति॥
But in order that your prayer may not go for nothing. I graciously say in your behalf that one of your sons shall sway this dart.

यावत्करस्थः शूलोऽयं भविष्यति सुतस्य ते। अवध्यः सर्वभूतानां शूलहस्तो भविष्यति ॥
So long that dart-handed one shall be incapable of being destroyed be any creature.

एवं मधुर्वरं लब्ध्वा देवात्सुमहदद्भुतम्। भवनं सोऽसुरश्रेष्ठः कारयामास सुप्रभम्॥
Having obtained this wonderful boon from the god, Madhu, foremost of Asuras, caused a splendid city to be constructed.

तस्य पत्नी महाभागा प्रिया कुम्भीनसीति या। विश्वावसोरपत्यं साप्यनलायां महाप्रभा॥
His beloved wife the exalted and majestic Kumbhīnasſ is the offspring of Viśvāvasu by Anala.

तस्याः पुत्रो महावीर्यो लवणो नाम दारुणः। बाल्यात्प्रभृति दुष्टात्मा पापान्येव समाचरत्॥
Her son, the highly powerful wicked, and fierce Lavana, ever since his boyhood, gave himself up to a sinful course of life.

तं पुत्रं दुर्विनीतं तु दृष्ट्वा क्रोधसमन्वितः। मधुः स शोकमापेदे न चैनं किंचिदब्रवीत्॥
Seeing his son, committed to an impious course Madhu was overcome with grief, but he did not say anything to him.

स विहाय इमं लोकं प्रविष्टो वरुणालयम्। शूलं निवेश्य लवणे वरं तस्मै न्यवेदयत्॥
And forsaking this world, he entered the region of Varuņa; and making over the dart to Lavana, communicated to him all about the boon he had obtained.

स प्रभावेण शूलस्य दौरात्म्येनात्मनस्तथा। संतापयति लोकांस्त्रीन्विशेषेण च तापसान्॥ एवंप्रभावो लवणः शूलं चैव तथाविधम्। श्रुत्वा प्रमाणं काकुत्स्थ त्वं हि नः परमा गतिः॥
And by virtue of the power of the dart, he oppress the three worlds in especial the ascetics; such is the power of Lavaņa, and such is his dart. Hearing all this O Kākutstha, you are capable (of righting our wrong.) You are our chief resource.

बहवः पार्थिवा राम भयातॆषिभिः पुरा। अभयं याचिता वीर त्रातारं न च विद्महे ॥
O Rāma, many a monarch has been already sued by the sages, O hero, to deliver them from this fear, but we have not yet found a deliverer.

ते वयं रावणं श्रुत्वा हतं सबलवाहनम्। त्रातारं विद्महे तात नान्यं भुवि नराधिपम्। तत्परित्रातुमिच्छामो लवणाद्भयपीडितान्॥
Hearing, O child, that Ravana together with all his forces and vehicles has been destroyed (by you), we know that there breathes not another king on earth capable of delivering us. Therefore our prayer is that you may deliver us afflicted with the fear of Lavana.

इति राम निवेदितं तु ते भयजं कारणमुत्थितं च यत्। विनिवारयितुं भवान्क्षमः कुरु तं काममहीनविक्रम॥
Thus, O Rāma, have we acquainted you with the occasion of fear that has arisen. You are capable of coping with the same. Do you of undeteriorated prowess, do the needful.