Uttara Kanda: Chapter 6

तैर्वध्यमाना देवाश्च ऋषयश्च तपोधनाः। भयार्ताः शरणं जग्मुर्देवदेवं महेश्वरम्॥ जगत्सृष्ट्यन्तकर्तारमजमव्यक्तरूपिणम्। आधारं सर्वलोकानामाराध्यं परमं गुरुम्॥ ते समेत्य तु कामारिं त्रिपुरारं त्रिलोचनम्। ऊचुः प्राञ्जलयो देवा भयगद्गदभाषिणः॥
Thus afflicted, the deities, sages, and ascetics, wrought up with fear, sought the protection of that god of gods Maheswara creator and destroyer of the cosmos, unborn, of an unmanifest form, the stay of all creatures, worthy of being adored, and the . supreme preceptors (of all). And coming to that enemy of Kama* and foc of Tripura the three-eyed (Deity), the gods with their voices faltering through fear, represented with joined hands. *The Hindu Cupid. Mahadeva had burnt to ashes Kama, when he had the fool-hardiness to disturb the contemplation of the former. By the way, Kalidasa has cared his faery fabric, entitled Kumāra Sambhava, on the basis of this legend.

सुकेशपुत्रैर्भगवन्पितामहवरोद्धतैः। प्रजाध्यक्ष प्रजाः सर्वा बाध्यन्ते रिपुबाधनैः॥ शरणान्यशरण्यानि आश्रमाणि कृतानि नः। स्वर्गाच्च देवान्प्रच्याव्य स्वर्गे क्रीडन्ति देववत्॥
O reverend one, the creatures of the lord of creatures are being (sorely) troubled by the sons of Sukesa, given to harassing their foes,-swolen with insolence on account of the benn conferred on them by the great-father, asylums, constituting our refuges,-have been divested of their power of granting shelter, and driving off the deities from the etherial regions, they are sporting there like the immortals.

अहं विष्णुरहं रुद्रो ब्रह्माहं देवराडहम्। अहं यमश्च वरुणश्चन्द्रोऽहं रविरप्यहम्॥ इति माली सुमाली च माल्यवांश्चैव राक्षसाः। बाधन्ते समरोद्धर्षा ये च तेषां पुरःसराः॥
'I am Vişnu,' 'I am Rudra,' 'I am the king of the celestials,' 'I am Yama,' 'I an Varuna,' 'I am the moon,' 'I am the Sun,' flattering themselves in this fashion, Māli and Sumāli and the Rākşasa Malyavān as well as those going before them, are annoying (the gods), breathing exhilaration of martial spirits.

तन्नो देव भयार्तानामभयं दातुमर्हसि। अशिवं वपुरास्थाय जहि वै देवकण्टकान्॥
Therefore, O god, it behove you to liberate us from fear, who have been greatly tormented by it. Do you, assuming your terrific form, slay the thorns of the celestials.

इत्युक्तस्तु सुरैः सर्वैः कपर्दी नीललोहितः। सुकेशं प्रति सापेक्षः प्राह देवगणान्प्रभुः॥
Thus addressed by the immortals in a body, that lord, Kaparddi of red-blue hue, reflecting that it would be wrong for him to destroy Sukesa (with his own hands), spoke to the gods.

अहं तान्न हनिष्यामि ममावध्या हि ते सुराः। किं तु मन्त्रं प्रदास्यामि यो वै तानिहनिष्यति ॥
I shall not slay them, you gods; they are incapable of being slain by me. But I shall unfold to you the way in which they will be destroyed.

एतमेव समुद्योगं पुरस्कृत्य महर्षयः गच्छध्वं शरणं विष्णुं हनिष्यति स तान्प्रभुः॥
Do you, you Maharsis, in the heat of this affairs, seck the shelter of Visnu. That lord will slay them.

ततस्तु जयशब्देन प्रतिनन्द्य महेश्वरम्। विष्णोः समीपमाजग्मुर्निशाचरभयार्दिताः॥
Thereat, saluting Maheśvara with the sounds of Jaya, (the celestial) afflicted with the fear of the night-rangers, presented themselves before Visnu.

शङ्खचक्रधरं देवं प्रणम्य बहुमान्य च। ऊचुः संभ्रान्तवद्वाक्यं सुकेशतनयान्प्रति ॥
And bowing down to the god holding the conch, discus and mace, and paying him high homage, they, greatly flurried, addressed him about the sons of Sukeśa, saying.

सुकेशतनयैर्देव त्रिभिस्त्रेताग्निसंनिभैः। आक्रम्य वरदानेन स्थानान्यपहतानि नः॥
O god, by virtue of the boon (that has been bestowed on them), resembling the three fires, Sukesa's three sons, assailing us, have deprived us of our abode.

लङ्का नाम पुरी दुर्गा त्रिकूटशिखरे स्थिता। तत्र स्थिताः प्रबाधन्ते सर्वान्नः क्षणदाचराः॥
There is a city named Lankā, stationed on the top of Trikuta, (extremely) difficult of entrance. Taking up their station at that place, the nightrangers in a body pursue us.

स त्वमस्मद्धितार्थाय जहि तान्मधुसूदन । शरणं त्वां वयं प्राप्ता गतिर्भव सुरेश्वर ॥
Do you, O slayer of Madhu, destroy them for our welfare. We have sought your shelter. Become our refuge, O foremost of celestials.

चक्रकृत्तास्यकमलात्रिवेदय यमाय वै। भयेष्वभयदोऽस्माकं नान्योऽस्ति भवता विना॥
Do you dedicate to Yama the lotuses of their faces, severed (in pieces) with your discus. Save you, we have none who can, while tormented with fright, inspire us with courage.

राक्षसान्समरे हृष्टान्सानुबन्धान्मदोद्धतान्। नुद त्वं नो भयं देव नीहारमिव भास्करः॥
Slay in encounter the elated Rākşasas along with their adherents; and even as the sun dried up dew, do you dispel this fear of ours.

इत्येवं दैवतैरुक्तो देवदेवो जनार्दनः। अभयं भयदोऽरीणां दत्त्वा देवानुवाच ह॥
Thus accosted by the deities, that god of gods Janārdana who brings fear to foes cheering up the celestial up the celestials, said to them.

सुकेशं राक्षसं जाने ईशानवरदर्पितम्। तांश्चास्य तनयाञ्जाने येषां ज्येष्ठः स माल्यवान्॥ तानहं समतिक्रान्तमर्यादानराक्षसाधमान्। निहनिष्यामि संक्रुद्धः सुरा भवत विज्वराः॥
'I know the Raksasa, Sukesa, as flushed with the boon bestowed by Iśāna. And I also know his sons, of whom Mālyavān is the eldest. Those worst if Rākṣasas that have over-riden your dignity will I, wrought up with wrath, slay (in battle); therefore, you gods, be of good cheer.

इत्युक्तास्ते सुराः सर्वे विष्णुना प्रभविष्णुना। यथावासं ययुर्हष्टाः प्रशंसन्तो जनार्दनम्॥
Thus addressed by the mighty Vişņu, the gods, highly rejoiced, went to their respective quarters, extolling Janārdana.

विबुधानां समुद्योगं माल्यवांस्तु निशाचरः। श्रुत्वा तौ भ्रातरौ वीराविदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
And hearing of the activity of the celestials; the night-rangers Mālyavân addressed his heroic brothers, saying.

अमरा ऋषयश्चैव संगम्य किल शंकरम्। अस्मद्वधं परीप्सन्त इदं वचनमब्रुवन्॥ सुकेशतनया देव वरदनाबलोद्धताः। बाधन्तेऽस्मान्समुद्रुप्ता घोररूपाः पदे पदे॥
The immortals and sages, going to Sankara, spoke these words, desirous of our destruction, The terrific sons of Sukeśa, puffed up, and swollen on account of their strength flowing from the boon, are crossing us at every step.

राक्षसैरभिभूताः स्मो न शक्ताः स्म प्रजापते। स्वेषु सद्मसु संस्थातुं भयात्तेषां दुरात्मनाम्॥
We have been overpowered by the Rākṣasas. And, o lord of creatures, from fear of those wicked-minded ones, we cannot remain in our own homes.

तदस्माकं हितार्थाय जहि तांश्च त्रिलोचन। राक्षसान्हंकृतेनैव दह प्रदहतां वर॥
Therefore, to do us good, do you, O threeeyed one, destroy them; and, O best of consuming ones, do you with your roars, burn them up.

इत्येवं त्रिदशैरुक्तो निशम्यान्धकसूदनः। शिरः करं च धुन्वान इदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Thus addressed by the deities, the slayer of Andhaka, hearing their speech, said, shaking his head and hands.

अवध्या मम ते देवाः सुकेशतनया रणे। मन्त्रं तु वः प्रदास्यामि यस्तान्वै निहनिष्यति॥
You gods, Sukesa's sons are incapable of being slain by me in battle. But I shall tell you the means whereby they may be slain.

योऽसौ चक्रगदापाणिः पीतवासा जनार्दनः। हरिनारायणः श्रीमाशरणं तं प्रपद्यथ॥
Do you seek the shelter of him who hold the discus and mace in his hands, and who is clad in a yellow attire, of Janardana, Hari, even of the auspicious Nārāyaṇa.

हरादवाप्य ते मन्त्र कामारिमभिवाद्य च। नारायणालयं प्राप्य तस्मै सर्वं न्यवेदयन्॥
Having received this counsel of Hara, they, rendering reverence to that enemy of Kāma, came the abode of Nārāyana and communicated everything to him.

ततो नारायणेनोक्ता देवा इन्द्रपुरोगमाः। सुरारीस्तान्हनिष्यामि सुरा भवत निर्भयाः॥
Then Nārāyana spoke to the celestials with Indra at their head, I will slay those foes of the celestials. You gods, cast off all fear!

देवानां भयभीतानां हरिणा राक्षसर्षभौ। प्रतिज्ञातो वधोऽस्माकं चिन्त्यतां यदिह क्षमम्।।३३
to O foremost of Rākşasas, Hari promised to the frightened celestials that he would slay us. Therefore do you think as to what is fit.

हिरण्यकशिपोर्मृत्युरन्येषां च सुरद्विषाम्। नमुचिः कालनेमिश्च संहादो वीरसत्तमः॥ राधेयो बहुमायी च लोकपालोऽथ धार्मिकः। यमलार्जुनौ च हार्दिक्यः शुम्भश्चैव निशुम्भकः।।३५ असुरा दानवाश्चैव सत्त्ववन्तो महाबलाः। सर्वे समरमासाद्य न श्रूयन्तेऽपराजिताः॥ सर्वैः क्रतुशतैरिष्टं सर्वे मायाविदस्तथा। सर्वे सर्वास्त्रकुशलाः सर्वे शत्रुभयंकराः॥ नारायणेन निहताः शतशोऽथ सहस्रशः। एतज्ज्ञात्वा तु सर्वेषां क्षमं कर्तुमिहार्हथ। दुःखं नारायणं जेतुं यो नो हन्तुमिहेच्छति॥
Hiranyakaśipu has met with death (at the hands of Hari), as also other enemies of the immortals. And Namuci and Kālanemi, and that foremost of heroes, Sanhrada and Rādheya, and Bahumāyī, and the virtuous Lokapāla, and Yamala, and Arjuna, and Hardikya, and Sumbha and Niśumbhaka, Asuras and Dānavas endowed with strength and possessed of terrific prowess all these, who having come to the field, had never been heard of as worsted, who had performed hundreds of sacrifices, who had been well skilled in illusion, who had been versed in every branch of knowledge, and who were the terrors of their foes have by hundreds and by thousands been destroyed by Narayana. Learning this, it behove you to do what would conduce to the behoof of all. It is a sore task to defeat Narayana, who wish to slay us.

ततः सुमाली माली च श्रुत्वा माल्यवतो वचः। ऊचतुर्भ्रातरं ज्येष्ठमश्विनाविव वासवम्॥
Thereat Sumāli and Māli, hearing the words of Malyavān, said to their eldest brother, like the Asvins addressing Vāsava.

स्वधीतं दत्तमिष्टं च ऐश्वर्यं परिपालितम्। आयुर्निरामयं प्राप्तं सुधर्मः स्थापितः पथि॥
We have studied, performed sacrifices, practised charity, and obtained riches; and attaining long health and long life, we have established sterling righteousness in our path.

देवसागरमक्षोभ्यं शस्त्रैः समवगाह्य च। जिता द्विषो ह्यप्रतिमास्तन्नो मृत्युकृतं भयम्॥
With arms plunging into the sea of celestials, we have conquered our unrivalled enemies. Therefore, we have no fear touching death.

नारायणश्च रुद्रध शक्रश्चापि यमस्तथा। अस्माकं प्रमुख स्थातुं सर्वे बिभ्यति सर्वदा।॥
Even Narayana and Rudra, Sakra and Yama, ever fear to stay before us (in the field).

विष्णोद्वेषस्य नास्त्येव कारणं राक्षसेश्वर। देवानामेव दोषेण विष्णोः प्रचलितं मनः॥
O lord of Raksasas. There is no occasion for Visnu's displeasure of us. The mind of Visnu has wavered in consequence of the evil caused by the celestials.

तस्मादद्यैव सहिताः सर्वेऽन्योन्यसमावृताः। देवानेव जिघांसामो येभ्यो दोषः समुत्थितः॥
Therefore, will we even avenge ourselves on the gods, from whom has sprung this wrong.

एवं संमन्त्र्य बलिनः सर्वसैन्यमुपासिताः। उद्योगं घोषयित्वा तु सर्वे नैर्ऋतपुङ्गवाः॥ युद्धाय निर्ययुः क्रुद्धाः जम्भवृत्रादयो यथा।
Having taken counsel together, those powerful ones conciliated their forces. And proclaiming (their order) that preparations were to be made, all the foremost Nairtas sallied forth for battle, like to those led by Jambha and Vſtra.

इति ते राम संमन्त्र्य सर्वोद्योगेन राक्षसाः॥ युद्धाय निर्ययुः सर्वे महाकाया महाबलाः। स्पन्दनैारणैश्चैव हयैश्च करिसंनिभैः॥ खरैर्गोभिरथोष्ट्रैश्च शिशुमारैर्भुजंगमैः। मकरैः कच्छपैर्मी विहंगैर्गरुडोपमैः॥ सिंहैव्या॑।र्वराहैश्च समरैश्चमरैरपि। त्यक्त्वा लङ्कां गताः सर्वे राक्षसा बलगर्विताः॥४९ प्रयाता देवलोकाय योद्धं दैवतशत्रवः।
O Rāma, having thus taken counsel together, with all the preparations complete, those hugebodied and redoubtable Rākşasa marched forth for conflict, mounted on cars, and elephants, and horses resembling elephants, and mules, and kine, and camels, and purpoises, and serpents, makaras, and tortoises, and fishes, and fowls resembling Garua himself, lions and tigers and boars and Srmaras and Camaras.' up with pride of prowess, the Raksasa Marica, leaving Lanka, and the enemies of the celestials went to the heavenly regions for battle, 1. How purpoises could be pressed into the service passes my conception, unless Sicumdra have any other meaning. 2. Wilson gives the meaning: (1) a kind of animal,' and (2) 'a young deer, 3. Bos Gruniens.

लङ्काविपर्ययं दृष्ट्वा यानि लङ्कालयान्यथ ॥ भूतानि भयदर्शीनि विमनस्कानि सर्वशः।
Perceiving the destruction of Lanka hand, those deities that had taken up their quarters there, everywhere were struck with fear and felt their spirits depressed.

रथोत्तमैरुह्यमानाः शतशोऽथ सहस्रशः॥ प्रयाता राक्षसास्तूर्णं देवलोकं प्रयत्नतः। रक्षसामेव मार्गेण दैवतान्यपचक्रमुः॥
Mounting the best of the cars, the Rakşasas by hundreds and thousands with intent mind swiftly sallied forth for the celestial regions. And the deities (aforementioned) followed the tract of the Raksasas.

भूतानि भयदर्शीनि विषमस्थानि सर्वशः। भौमाश्चैवान्तरिक्षाश्च कालज्ञप्ता भयावहाः। उत्पाता राक्षसेन्द्राणामभावाय समुत्थिताः॥
At the command of Kala, terrible evil omens foreshadowing the destruction of the Raksasachief began to arise on the earth well as in the sky.

अस्थीनि मेघा ववृषुरुष्णं शोणितमेव च। वेला समुद्राश्चोत्क्रान्ताश्चेलुश्चाप्यथ भूधराः॥
The clouds showered down bones and hot blood. The oceans overleapt their continents and the mountains shook.

अट्टहासान्विमुञ्चन्तो घननादसमस्वनाः। वाश्यन्त्यश्च शिवास्तत्र दारुणं घोरदर्शनाः॥
And jackals of terrific forms, having voices resembling the roaring of clouds, bursting out into a horse-laugh, began to emit cries frightfully.

संपतन्त्यथ भूतानि दृश्यन्ते च यथाक्रमम्। गृध्रचक्रं महच्चात्र प्रज्वालोदारिभिर्मुखैः॥ रक्षोगणस्योपरिष्टात्परिभ्रमति कालवत्।
Creatures were one after another seen to drop down; and mighty swarms of vultures, with mouths belching forth flames, began to wheel over the Raksasa, like to Kala himself.

कपोता रक्तपादाच सारिका विदुता ययुः॥ काका वाश्यन्ति तत्रैव बिडालाय द्विपादिकाः।
And blood-footed pigeons and Sarikas* darted off (around). And crows and two-legged cats began to cry in loud accents. *A species of harlot.

उत्पातांस्ताननादृत्य राक्षसा बलदर्पिताः॥ यान्त्येव न निवर्तन्ते मृत्युपाशवपाशिताः। माल्यवांश्च सुमाली च माली च सुमहाबलः॥ पुरःसरा राक्षसानां ज्वलिता इव पावकाः।
But fast bound with the noose of Death, the Raksasas, proud of their strength, disregarding these omens, march on, and do not stay their course, Mälyavān and Sumāli possessed of prodigious strength, going before the Raksasas, like flaming fires.

माल्यवन्तं तु ते सर्वे माल्यवन्तमिवाचलम् ॥ निशाचरा आश्रयन्ति धातारमिव देवताः।
Even as the gods take refuge under Dhātā, the night-rangers take refuge under Mālyavân resembling the mountain, Mälyavān.

तलं राक्षसेन्द्राणां महाभ्रघननादितम् ॥ जयेप्सया देवलोकं ययौ मालिवशे स्थितम्।
Under the command of Māli that host of Raksasas, roaring like mighty clouds, inspired with the desire of victory, went to the celestial regions.

राक्षसानां समुद्योगं तं तु नारायणः प्रभुः॥ देवदूतादुपश्रुत्य चक्रे युद्धे तदा मनः। ससज्जायुधतूणीरो वैनतेयोपरि स्थितः॥
The lord Nārāyana, hearing of the preparations of the Rākşasas from a celestial messenger, set his heart on fight. And equipped with weapons and quivers, he mounted on Vinata's offspring.* *Garuda, Narayana's vehicle.

आसाद्य कवचं दिव्यं सहस्रार्कसमद्युति। आबध्य शरसंपूर्णे इषुधी विमले तदा॥ श्रोणिसूत्रं च खङ्गं च विमलं कमलेक्षणः। शङ्खचक्रगदाशार्ङ्गखङ्गांश्चैव वरायुधान्॥ संपूर्ण गिरिसंकाशं वैनतेयमथास्थितः। राक्षसानामभावाय ययौ तूर्णतरं प्रभुः॥
And donning on his mail furnished with the effulgence of a thousand suns, fastening his spotless quivers filled with shafts, being engirt with his waist-band and bright falchion, and equipped with his conch, discus, mace, Sariga,* sword, and other superior weapons, that lotuseyed lord, seated on Vinata's offspring like a very mountain, set out speedily for compassing the destruction of the Raksasas.

सुपर्णपृष्टे स बभौ श्यामः पीताम्बरो हरिः। काञ्चनस्य गिरेः शृङ्गे सतडित्तोयदो यथा॥
Seated on Suparma's* back, the blue-brown Hari clad in yellow attire resembled a mass of clouds on the crest of the golden mountain, with lightning playing through it. *Lit. fair-feathered-a name of Garua.

स सिद्धदेवर्षिमहोरगैश्च गन्धर्वयक्षरुपगीयमानः। समाससादासुरसैन्यशत्रुश्चक्रासिशाङ्गमयुधशङ्खपाणिः।।६८
And hymned by Siddhas and celestials and sages and mighty (semi-divine) serpents and Gandharvas and Yakşas, the enemy of the Asura hosts presented himself, bearing in his hands the discus, sword, that weapon Śärnga and the conch.

सुपर्णपक्षानिलनुनपक्षं भ्रमत्पताकं प्रविकीर्णशस्त्रम्। चचाल तद्राक्षसराजसैन्यं चलोपलं नीलमिवाचलानम्॥
The Raksasa-hosts, struck by the wind produced by the wings of Suparņa, with their pennons swinging to and fro and their weapons scattered about, quaked like the blue summit of a mountain with its crags tossed about.

युगान्तवैश्वानरतुल्यविग्रहैः। निशाचराः संपिवार्य माधवं वरायुधैर्निर्बिभिदुः सहस्रशः॥
Then the night-rangers, hemming in Madhava,* began to pierce him with thousands of excellent sharpened weapons dyed in flesh and blood, and resembling the fire of Doomsday. *One of the many designations of Visnu.