Uttara Kanda: Chapter 59

श्रुत्वा तूशनसं क्रुद्धं तदार्तो नहुषात्मजः। जरां परमिकां प्राप्य यदुं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Yayāti the son of Nahușa, was greatly distressed on hearing of the ire of the preceptor Sukra. Thereupon meeting with the infirmities of age by the imprecation of the saint he said to his son Yadu.

यदो त्वमसि धर्मज्ञो मदर्थं प्रतिगृह्यताम्। जरां परमिकां पुत्र भोगै रंस्ये महायशः॥ न तावत्कृतकृत्योऽस्मि विषयेषु नरर्षभ। अनुभूय तदा कामं ततः प्राप्स्याम्यहं जराम्॥
O Yadu you are cognisant of religion; do you therefore take this decrepitude for me; I shall satisfy myself with various enjoyments. O foremost of men, I have not yet been satisfied with worldly enjoyments, I shall therefore again take upon myself this decrepitude after having enjoyed all objects of sense.

यदुस्तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा प्रत्युवाच नरर्षभम्। पुत्रस्ते दयितः पूरुः प्रतिगृह्णातु वै जराम्॥
Hearing those words of Yayāti, the foremost of men, Yadu replied: "Let your most favourite son Puru take upon himself this decrepitude.

बहिष्कृतोऽहमर्थेषु संनिकर्षाच्च पार्थिव । प्रतिगृह्णातु वै राजन्यैः सहाश्नासि भोजनम्॥
O king, you have deprived me from all things, what more, you do not allow me to come near you. Let that Puru take this, with whom you do eat and live.

तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा राजा पूरुमथाब्रवीत्। इयं जरा महाबाहो मदर्थं प्रतिगृह्यताम्॥
Hearing the words of Yadu, Yayāti said to Puru: “O you having large arms, do you take the decrepitude for me."

नाहुषेणैवमुक्तस्तु पूरुः प्राञ्जलिरब्रवीत्। धन्योऽस्म्यनुगृहीतोऽस्मि शासनेऽस्मि त्व स्थितः॥
Hearing the words of Yayāti, Puru, with folded hands, said: “I am always ready to satisfy your commands; and I have been favoured and honoured by this command of your."

पूरोवर्चनमाज्ञाय नाहुषः परया मुदा। प्रहर्षमतुलं लेभे जरां संक्रामयच्च ताम्॥
Hearing those words of Puru Yayāti was highly pleased and attained to an excess of delight and then transferred his won decrepitude to him.

ततः स राजा तरुणः प्राप्य यज्ञान्सहस्रशः। बहुवर्षसहस्राणि पालयामास मेदिनीम्॥
Thereupon regaining his youth the king reigned in earth for many thousand years celebrating thousands of sacrifices.

अथ दीर्घस्य कालस्य राजा पूरुमथाब्रवीत्। आनयस्व जरां पुत्र न्यासं निर्यातयस्व मे॥
Thereupon after a long time Yayāti said to Puru O my son, do you bring the decrepitude I have kept as deposit with you, let it now assail me.

न्यासभूता मया पुत्र त्वयि संक्रामिता जरा। तस्मात्प्रतिग्रहीष्यामि तां जरां मा व्यथां कृथाः।।११
I transferred it to you as a deposit. For this I shall take it back; be not sorry for this.

प्रीतश्चास्मि महाबाहो शासनस्य प्रतिग्रहात्। त्वां चाहमभिषेक्ष्यामि प्रीतियुक्तो नराधिपम्॥
I have been greatly pleased that you have satisfied my behests. I shall, now pleased, install you on the royal throne.

एवमुक्त्वा सुतं पूरुं ययातिर्नहुषात्मजः। देवयानीसुतं क्रुद्धो राजा वाक्यमुवाच ह ॥
Having thus addressed his son Puru, the king Yayāti angrily said to Yadu, the son of Devayāni.

राक्षसस्त्वं मया जातः क्षत्ररूपो दुरासदः। प्रतिहसि ममाज्ञां त्वं प्रजार्थे विफलो भव॥
You, vicious Rākhasa, are born of me in the shape of a Kşatriya, or else why should you disobey my orders? For this you shall never be a king.

पितरं गुरुभूतं मां यस्मात्त्वमवमन्यसे। राक्षसान्यातुधानांस्त्वं जनयिष्यसि दारुणान्॥
I am your father and preceptor and still you have disregarded me. You shall be the father of dreadful Räksasas.

न तु सोमकुलोत्पन्ने वंशे स्थास्यति दुर्मतेः। वंशोऽपि भवतस्तुल्यो दुविनीतो भविष्यति॥
O vicious minded; your descendants shall be degraded from the lunar race and your children shall be equally vicious-minded like you.

तमेवमुक्त्वा राजर्षिः पूरुं राज्यविवर्धनम्। अभिषेकेण संपूज्य आश्रमं प्रविवेश ह॥
Having thus imprecated Yadu, the royal saint Yayāti honoured Puru, Puru, the enhancer of prosperity of the kingdom, with installation and then retired to woods.

ततः कालेन महता दिष्टान्तमुपजग्मिवान्। त्रिदिवं स गतो राजा ययातिनहुषात्मजः॥
Thereupon after a long time he breathed his last and went to the abode of the celestials.

पूरुश्चकार तद्राज्यं धर्मेण महता वृतः। प्रतिष्ठाने पुरवरे काशिराज्ये महायशाः॥
The highly illustrious Puru reigned piously in the foremost of cities Pratisthan.

यदुस्तु जनयामास यातुधानान्सहस्रशः। पुरे क्रौञ्चवने दुर्गे राजवंशबहिष्कृते॥
Yadu begot thousands and thousands of Räkşasas and being degraded from the royal family reigned in a city named Krauñcavana, hard to be got at.

एष तूशनसा मुक्तः शापोत्सर्गो ययातिना। धारितः क्षत्रधर्मेण यं निमिश्चक्षमे न च ॥
In this wise, according to the custom of the Kșatriya the king Yayāti took upon himself the imprecation of the preceptor śukra, but he did not forgive him.

एतत्ते सर्वमाख्यातं दर्शनं सर्वकारिणाम्। अनुवर्तामहे सौम्य दोषो न स्याद्यथा नृगे॥
I have thus related to you everything. O gentle one, we shall follow the examples of these illustrious men. And in that case we shall not be degraded like the king Nļga.

इति कथयति रामे चन्द्रतुल्याननेन प्रविरलतरतारं व्योम जज्ञे तदानीम्। अरुणकिरणरक्ता दिग्बभौ चैव पूर्वा कुसुमरसविमुक्तं वस्त्रमागुण्ठितेव॥
While Rāma, having moon-like countenance, was speaking thus, the stars became fewer in the welkin, and east, stricken with the early rays of the sun, appeared like a damsel, clothed in a raiment coloured with the dye of flowers.

ततः प्रभाते विमले कृत्वा पौर्वाह्निकी क्रियाम्। धर्मासनगतो राजा रामो राजीवलोचनः॥ राजधर्मानवेक्षन्वै ब्राह्मणैर्नंगमैः सह। पुरोधसा वसिष्ठेन ऋषिणा कश्यपेन च॥ मन्त्रिभिर्व्यवहारज्ञैस्तथान्यैर्धर्मपाठकैः। नीतिज्ञैरथ सभ्यैश्च राजभिः सा सभा वृता॥ सभा यथा महेन्द्रस्य यमस्य वरुणस्य च। शुशुभे राजसिंहस्य रामस्याक्लिष्टकर्मणः॥
Thereupon having performed the morning rites the lotus-eyed Rama, in the early morning, sat on his royal throne and in the company of Brāhmaṇas and citizens engaged in looking into state affairs. The assembly consisted of the priest Vasiştha, the saint Kashyapa, ministers well versed in politics, other religious preceptors, moralists, members and kings. The assembly of Rāma, of unwearied, actions appeared like that of Mahendra, Yama and Varuna.

अथ रामोऽब्रवीत्तत्र लक्ष्मणं शुभलक्षणम्। निर्गच्छ त्वं महाबाहो सुमित्रानन्दवर्धन॥
Rāma said to Lakşmaņa, gifted with auspicious marks “O Saumitri having long arms, do you proceed to the city-gate to receive those who have come here for business."

कार्यार्थिनश्च सौमित्रे व्याहतुं त्वमुपाक्रम। रामस्य भाषितं श्रुत्वा लक्ष्मणः शुभलक्षणः॥ द्वारदेशमुपागम्य कार्यिणश्चाह्वयस्त्वयम्। न कश्चिदब्रवीत्तत्र मम कार्यमिहाद्य वै॥
According to Rāma's command Laksmana, gifted with auspicious mark, arrived at the gate and called those who had come there for business. But none said that he had been brought there by any business.

नाधयो व्याधयश्चैव रामे राज्यं प्रशासति। पक्क सस्या वसुमती सर्वोषधिसमन्विता॥
For there was neither decease nor poverty in the kingdorm. During Rama's regime, the earth was filled with corns and Asadhis.

न बालो म्रियते तत्र न युवा न च मध्यमः। धर्मेण शासितं सर्वं न च बाधा विधीयते॥
Children, youngmen and middle-aged people did not meet with death. The earth was governed piously so there was no obstacle.

दृश्यते न च कार्यार्थी रामे राज्यं प्रशासति। लक्ष्मणः प्राञ्जलिर्भूत्वा रामायैवं न्यवेदयत्॥
Thus during the administration of Rāma none was seen who wanted justice. Laksmana, with folded hands, said to Rāma, “None has come for business."

अथ रामः प्रसन्नात्मा सौमित्रिमिदमब्रवीत्। भूय एव तु गच्छ त्वं कार्यिणः प्रविचारय॥
Thereat, Rāma, with a delighted heart, replied"Do you go, O Saumitri, and see if nay one has come for business.

सम्यकप्रणीतया नीत्या नाधर्मो विद्यते व चित्। तस्माद्राजभयात्सर्वे रक्षन्तीह परस्परम्॥ बाणा इव मया मुक्ता इह रक्षन्ति मे प्रजाः। तथापि त्वं महाबाहो प्रजा रक्षस्व तत्परः॥
Royal policy if properly adopted, impiety can stand nowhere. It is for the fear of the king that people protect one another. And although laws, instituted by the are protecting the subjects like so many arrows, still, O you having long arms, do you be engaged in governing the subjects.”

एवमुक्तस्तु सौमित्रिनिर्जगाम नृपालयात्। अपश्यदूरदेशे वै श्वानं तावदवस्थितम्॥ तमेवं वीक्षमाणो वै विक्रोशन्तं मुहुर्मुहुः। दृष्ट्वाथ लक्ष्मणस्तं वै स पप्रच्छाथ वीर्यवान्॥
Being thus addressed Lakşmaņa issued out of the house and saw that a dog was waiting at the gate. Casting its looks around it was again and again barking. Beholding it in that plight the valiant Lakşmaņa said.

किं ते कार्यं महाभाग बूहि विस्रब्धमानसः। लक्ष्मणस्य वचः श्रुत्वा सारमेयोऽभ्यभाषत॥
"O generous sir, what business has brought you hither-do you relate it confidentially.” Hearing the words of Lakşmaņa the dog replied.

सर्वभूतशरण्याय रामायाकिष्टकर्मणे। भयेष्वभयदात्रे च तस्मै वक्तुं समुत्सहे॥
"I wish to relate it to Räma of unwearied actions, who is the refuge of all creatures and who declares fearlessness to all.

एतच्छुत्वा च वचनं सारमेयस्य लक्ष्मणः। राघवाय तदाख्यातुं प्रविवेशालयं शुभम्॥
Hearing the words of the dog Laksmana entered the beautiful palace to relate it to Rāma.

निवेद्य रामस्य पुनर्निर्जगाम नृपालयात्। वक्तव्यं यदि ते किंचित्तत्त्वं ब्रूहि नृपाय वै॥
And having communicated it to Rāma he issued out and said to the dog:-"If you have anything true to speak you may come and communicate it to the king."

लक्ष्मणस्य वचः श्रुत्वा सारमेयोऽभ्यभाषत। देवागारे नृपागारे द्विजवेश्मसु वै तथा॥ वह्निः शतक्रतुश्चैव सूर्यो वायुश्च तिष्ठति। नात्र योग्यास्तु सौमित्रे योनीनामधमा वयम्॥
Hearing the words Lakşmaņa the dog said, "We cannot enter into the house of divinities, kings and Brāhmaṇas nor can we go there where is fire, Indra, the sun or the wind, for we are the vilest born; so I cannot enter there.

प्रवेष्टुं नात्र शक्ष्यामि धर्मो विग्रहवानृपः। सत्यवादी रणपटुः सर्वसत्त्वहिते रतः॥
For king is the personification of virtue and specially the king Råma is truthful, well versed in the science of fighting and ever engaged in the welfare of all beings.

पाङ्गुण्यस्य पदं वेत्ति नीतिकर्ता स राघवः। सर्वज्ञः सर्वदर्शी च रामो रमयतां वरः॥
He is perfectly cognisant of where the six qualities are to be applied master of morality, know all, see all and the best of beautiful.

स सोमः स च मृत्युश्च स यमो धनदस्तथा। वह्निः शतक्रतुश्चैव सूर्यो वै वरुणस्तथा॥
He is the moon, death, Yama, Kubera, the giver of riches, fire, Indra, the sun and Varuna.

तस्य त्वं ब्रूहि सौमित्रे प्रजापालः स राघवः। अनाज्ञप्तस्तु सौमित्रे प्रवेष्टुं नेच्छयाम्यहम्॥
O Saumitri, do you go and communicate to the king protecting his subjects that without his permission I do not wish to go there."

आनृशंस्यान्महाभाग प्रविवेश महाद्युतिः। नृपालयं प्रविश्याथ लक्ष्मणो वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥
Thereupon the highly effulgent and noble-minded Lakşmaņa entered the palace and said to Rama:

श्रूयतां मम विज्ञाप्यं कौसल्यानन्दवर्धन। यन्मयोक्तं महाबाहो तव शासनजं विभो॥
"O you having long arms, O you the enhancer of Kausalya's joy-I have communicated your orders—I shall relate shortly everything regarding that; do you hear.

श्वा वै ते तिष्ठते द्वारि कार्यार्थी समुपागतः। लक्ष्मणस्यः वचः श्रुत्वा रामो वचनमब्रवीत्।। संप्रवेशय वै क्षिप्रं कार्यार्थी योऽत्र तिष्ठति॥
That dog, as a beggar, is waiting at the gate for your commands.” Whereto Rāma replied: “Bring him speedily here who is waiting at the gate for business."

श्रुत्वा रामस्य वचनं लक्ष्मणस्त्वरितस्तदा। श्वानमाहूय मतिमानराधवाय न्यवेदयत्॥ दृष्ट्वा समागतं श्वानं रामो वचनमब्रवीत्। विवक्षितार्थं मे ब्रूहि सारमेय न ते भयम्॥
Hearing the words of Rāma the intelligent Laks maņa immediately sent for the dog and informed Rāma, who, on beholding it, said "Do you communicate your desire to me; be not afraid.”

अथापश्यत तत्रस्थं रामं श्वा भिन्नमस्तकः। ततो दृष्ट्वा स राजानं सारमेयोऽब्रवीद्वचः॥ राजैव कर्ता भूतानां राजा चैव विनायकः। राजा सुप्तेषु जागर्ति राजा पालयति प्रजाः॥
Thereupon beholding the king Räma, the dog, having his head cut off, said. “The king is the preceptor of animals and their lord. The king is awake when the subjects are asleep and he protects them.

नीत्या सुनीतया राजा धर्म रक्षति रक्षिता। यदा न पालयेद्राजा क्षिप्रं नश्यन्ति वै प्रजाः॥
By administering the laws properly the king protects piety. Without his shelter the subjects meet with destruction.

राजा कर्ता च गोप्ता च सर्वस्य जगतः पिता। राजा कालो युगं चैव राजा सर्वमिदं जगत्॥
The king is the lord and father of the whole universe. He is time, he is Yuga and he is the creation, mobile and immobile.

धारणाद्धर्ममित्याहुर्धर्मेण विधृताः प्रजाः। यस्माद्धारयते सर्वं त्रैलोक्यं सचराचरम्॥
He is called Dharma because he hold all. It is Dharma (virtue) that uphold all mankind. It is by Dharma that the three worlds are being preserved.

धारणाद्विद्विषां चैत्र धर्मेणारझ्-यन्प्रजाः। यस्माद्धारणमित्युक्तं स धर्म इति निश्चयः॥ एष राजन्परो धर्मः फलवाओत्य राघव। नहि धर्माद्भवेत्किंचिहुष्प्रापमिति मे मतिः॥
It is Dharma or virtue that thwarts the enemies. It is virtue that governs the subjects duly. It is for this that virtue is called Dhārana or the holder. The virtue of preservation is the greatest and confers fruits in alter life. There is nothing like virtue hard to acquire in this world,

दानं दया सतां पूजा व्यवहारेषु चार्जवम्। एष राम परो धर्मो रक्षणात्प्रेत्य चेह च॥
Charity, kindness, honouring the pious and innocent conduct constitute the chief virtues; for by those the well-being of this life and the next is brought about.

त्वं प्रमाणं प्रमाणानामसि राघव सुव्रत। विदितश्चैव ते धर्मः सद्भिराचरितस्तु वै॥ धर्माणां त्वं परं धाम गुणाना सागरोपमः। अज्ञानाच मया राजनुक्तस्त्वं राजसत्तम॥
O Rāghava, O you of firms vows—you are an example of examples. You are cognisant of the conduct of the pious. You are like an ocean, the refuge of all virtues. O foremost of kings, out of ignorance, I have spoken to you so many things.

प्रसादयामि शिरसा न त्वं क्रोद्भुमिहार्हसि। शुनः स वचनं श्रुत्वा राघवो वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥ किं ते कार्य करोम्यद्य ब्रूहि विस्रब्ध मा चिरम्। रामस्य वचनं श्रुत्वा सारमेयोऽब्रवीदिदम्॥ धर्मेण राष्ट्रं विन्देत धर्मेणैवानुपालयेत्। धर्माच्छरण्यतां याति राजा सर्वभयापहः॥ इदं विज्ञाय यत्कृत्यं श्रूयतां मम राघव।
With my head downwards, I beg for your satisfaction. Be not offended with me.' Hearing those wise words of the dog, Rāma said. “What shall I do for you? Do you mention it confidentially.” Whereto the dog replied, saying: It is by piety that a king governs his kingdom-it is by virtue that a king protects his subjects, becomes a refuge to all and removes the fear of his men. Keeping an eye on this, O Rāma do you hear, what I say.

भिक्षुः सर्वार्थसिद्धश्च ब्राह्मणावसथे वसन्॥ तेन दत्तः प्रहारो मे निष्कारणमनागसः।
In the house of a certain Brāhmaṇa there lives a': beggar by the name of Sarvārthasiddha (i.e., who has got all his desires satisfied). And although I am innocent, he has for nothing hurt me.

एतच्छुत्वा तु रामेण द्वा:स्थः संप्रेषितस्तदा।॥ आनीतश्च द्विजस्तेन सर्वसिद्धार्थकोविदः।
Hearing those words Rāma sent his messenger who brought Sarvărthasiddha, master of all subjects.

अथ द्विजवरस्तत्र रामं दृष्ट्वा महाद्युतिः॥ किं ते कार्यं मया राम तब्रूहि त्वं ममानघ। एवमुक्तस्तु विप्रेण रामो वचनमब्रवीत्॥ त्वया दत्तः प्रहारोऽयं सारमेयस्य वै द्विजा किं तवापकृतं विप्र दण्डेनाभिहतो यतः॥
Thereupon beholding Rāma in the assembly that effulgent and leading twice-born one said: "O blameless Rāma, tell me what I shall do for you. Whereto Rāmă said "Otwice-born one, you have hurt this dog. What offence did it commit by you that you did strike it severely with a rod.

क्रोधः प्राणहरः शत्रुः क्रोधोऽमित्रमुखो रिपुः। क्रोधो ह्यसिर्महातीक्ष्णः सर्वं क्रोधोऽपकर्षति॥ तपते यजते चैव यच दानं प्रयच्छति। क्रोधेन सर्वं हरति तस्मात्क्रोधं विसर्जयेत्॥ इन्द्रियाणां प्रदुष्टानां हयानामिव धावताम्। कुर्वीत धृत्या सारथ्यं संहत्येन्द्रियगोचरम्॥
Anger in an enemy which take away life. Anger is a sweet-speeched enemy in the grab of a friend. It is the foremost of passions and like to a sharp dagger. And it is anger that steal away everything. It pilfers all that is acquired by asceticism, sacrifices and gifts. it is proper therefore by every means to kill anger. Passions are running amok on all sides like so many exceedingly wicked steeds. Being satiated with of all objects of enjoyments it is better to govern them by patience.

मनसा कर्मणा वाचा चक्षुषा च समाचरेत्। श्रेयो लोकस्य चरतो न द्वेष्टि न च लिप्यते॥ न तत्कृर्यादसिस्तीक्ष्णः सर्पो वा व्याहृतः पदा। अरिर्वा नित्यसंक्रुद्धो यथात्मा दुरनुष्ठितः॥ विनीतविनयस्यापि प्रकृतिर्न विधीयते। प्रकृति गृहमानस्य निश्चयेन कृतिधुंवा॥ एवमुक्तः स विप्रो वै रामेणाविष्टकर्मणा। द्विजः सर्वार्थसिद्धस्तु अब्रवीद्रामसंनिधौ॥
By mind, actions, words and eyes a man should engage in the well being of people. He should not injure any body and he not addicted to any thing. The harm, that a mind not under control, can accomplish, is beyond the range of a sharp dagger, trodden serpent and of an enemy always enraged. Even the nature of one, who has learnt humility, cannot be trusted. He, who hides his nature, himself reveals his true self.” Răma, of unwearied actions, having said this, Sarvarthāa, siddha, the foremost of twice-born ones, said:

मया दत्तप्रहारोऽयं क्रोधेनाविष्टचेतसा। भिक्षार्थमटमानेन काले विगतभैक्षके॥ रथ्यास्थितस्त्वयं श्वा वै गच्छ गच्छेति भाषितः। अथ स्वरेण गच्छंस्तु रथ्यान्ते विषमः स्थितः॥ क्रोधेन क्षुधयाविष्टस्ततो दत्तोऽस्य राघव। प्रहारो राजराजेन्द्र शाधि मामपराधिनम्॥ त्वया शस्तस्य राजेन्द्र नास्ति मे नरकाद्भयम्।
"Knocking about whole day for alms I was highly enraged and struck this dog. It was sitting in the mid-way and I asked it again and again to more away. Thereupon, moving away and standing with reluctance. It stood fearfully on the roadside. O descendant of Raghu, I was at that time stricken with hunger, and struck it for its vicious conduct. O king of kings, I am guilty in this, and you must punish me, O lord of kings, do you administer punishment to me,-I shall then be released from the fear of hell."

अथ रामेण संपृष्टाः सर्व एव सभासदः॥ किं कार्यमस्य वै बूत दण्डो वै कोऽस्य पात्यताम्। सम्यक्प्रणिहिते दण्डे प्रजा भवति रक्षिता॥
Thereupon, Rāma asked all the ministers, saying:-"What is to be done now? What punishment is to be inflicted on him? We can protect subjects, if we can administer punishment proportionate to crime."

भृग्वाङ्गिरसकृत्साद्या वसिष्ठश्च सकाश्यपः। धर्मपाठकमुख्याश्च सचिवा नैगमास्तधा॥ एते चान्ये च बहवः पण्डितास्तत्र संगताः। अबध्यो ब्राह्मणो दण्डैरिति शास्त्रविदो विदुः॥
Thereat, Bhrgu, Angiras, Kutsa, Vasistha, Káshya and other ascetic, the leading preachers, the ministers, the citizens, and other sages conversant with Sastras present there, said:-“A Brahmana should not be punished with death.”

बुवते राघवं सर्वे राजधर्मेषु निष्ठिताः। अथ मुनयः सर्वे राममेवाब्रुवंस्तदा॥ राजा शास्ता हि सर्वस्य त्वं विशेषेण राघव। त्रैलोक्यस्य भवाशास्ता देवो विष्णुः सनातनः॥
The sages conversant with laws having said this, the ascetics addressed Rama, saying:-"O Rāghava, a king is the governor of all-specially yourself. You are the chastiser of the three worlds, the eternal Visnu.”

एवमुक्ते तु तैः सर्वैः श्वा वै वचनमब्रवीत्। यदि तुष्टोऽसि मे राम यदि देयो वरो मम॥ प्रतिज्ञातं त्वया वीर किं करोमीति विश्रुतम्। प्रयच्छ ब्राह्मणस्यास्य कौलपत्यं नराधिप॥ कालञ्जरे महाराज कौलपत्यं प्रदीयताम्। एतच्छ्रुत्वा तु रामेण कौलपत्येऽभिषेचितः॥ प्रययौ ब्राह्मणो हृष्टो गजस्कन्धेन सोऽर्चितः।
They all having said this, the dog began:“You did solemnly say 'What shall I do for you?' Therefore, if you are gratified with me, and if you do wish to confer boons on me, do you appoint this Brahmana as the head of family.” Thereupon, having been thus honoured and pleased and ascending an elephant, he proceeded to occupy his new dignified station.

अथ ते रामसचिवाः स्मयमाना वचोऽब्रुवन्॥ वरोऽयं दत्त एतस्य नायं शापो महायुते।
At this, the councillors of Råma, surprised, said:-"O you of great effulgence, he has not been punished. Rather you have conferred on him a boon."

एवमुक्तस्तु सचिवै रामो वचनमब्रवीत्॥ न यूयं गतितत्त्वज्ञाः श्वा वै जानाति कारणम्।
Hearing the words of ministers., Rāma said: "You do not know the real truth of the whole thing-the dog knows it well."

अथ पृष्टस्तु रामेण सारमेयोऽब्रवीदिदम्॥ अहं कुलपतिस्तत्र आसं शिष्टान्नभोजनः। देवद्विजातिपूजायां दासीदासेषु राघव॥ संविभागी शुभरतिर्देवद्रव्यस्य रक्षिता। विनीतः शीलसंपन्न: सर्वसत्त्वहिते रतः॥
Being accosted by Rāma, the dog said: "O Rāghava, I was the head of the family of Kālanyava. After the worship of the deities and Brāhmaṇa and the feasting of the servants, male, and female, I used to take my food. I used to parcel out things duly, and my mind was not in the least attached to sin. I used to preserve with great care the articles belonging to the tutelary deities, was humble, good-natured and engaged in the wellbeing of all animals.

सोहं प्राप्त इमां घोरामवस्थामधमा गतिम्। एवं क्रोधान्वितो विप्रस्त्यक्तधर्मा हिते रतः॥ क्रुद्धो नृशंसः परुष अविद्वांश्चाप्यधार्मिकः। कुलानि पातयत्येव सप्त सप्त च राघव॥
Still I have fallen into this dreadful and wretched condition. O Rāghava, this Brāhmaṇa is angry by nature, and impious, injures others, and is impatient, cruel, harsh in words and ignorant, and therefore shall degrade his seven generations up and down.

तस्मात्सर्वास्ववस्थासु कौलपत्यं न कारयेत्। यमिच्छेन्नरकं नेतुं सपुत्रपशुबान्धवम्॥ देवेष्वधिष्ठितं कुर्याद्गोषु तं ब्राह्मणेषु च।
He will by no means be able to discharge the duties of a head of a family. He, whom you wishes to take to hell with her son, beasts and friends, should be engaged in the serving the Brāhmaṇs and kine.

ब्रह्मस्वं देवताद्रव्यं स्त्रीणां बालधनं च यत्॥ दत्तं हरति यो भूय इष्टैः सह विनश्यति। ब्राह्मणद्रव्यमादत्ते देवानां चैव राघव॥ सद्यः पतति घोरे वै नरके वीचिसंज्ञके। मनसापि हि देवस्वं ब्रह्मस्वं च हरेत्तु यः॥ निरयान्निरयं चैव पतत्येव नराधमः।
For all his good actions, he is slain who steals the wealth of a Brāhmaṇa, a deity, a woman, and a boy, and the riches given away by him. O Rāghava, one who pilfers the riches of a Brāhmaṇa or a deity falls into a hell called Vici. Even he who thinks in his mind of stealing it goes once and again into hell."

तच्छ्रुत्वा वचनं रामो विस्मयोत्फुल्ललोचनः॥ श्वाप्यगच्छन्महातेजा यत एवागतस्ततः।
Hearing the words of the dog, the eyes of the effulgent Rāma were expanded with surprise. The dog went back from where it had come.

मनस्वी पूर्वजात्या स जातिमात्रोऽपदूषितः॥ वाराणस्यां महाभागः प्राय चोपविवेश ह॥
In its pristine birth the dog was high-minded it is now cursed for being born in a degraded state of existence. Thereupon, repairing at last to Vārāṇasi the dog took the vow of fasting.

अथ तस्मिन्वनोद्देश रम्ये पादपशोभिते। नदीकोणे गिरिवरे कोकिलानेककूजिते॥ सिंहव्याघ्रसमाकीर्णे नानाद्विजगणावृते। गृध्रोलको प्रवसतो बहुवर्षगणानपि॥ अथोलूकस्य भवनं गृध्रः पापविनिश्चयः। ममेदमिति कृत्वासौ कलहं तेन चाकरोत्॥ राजा सर्वस्य लोकस्य रामो राजीवलोचनः। तं प्रपद्यावहे शीघ्रं यस्यैतद्भवनं भवेत्॥
There lived for a long time a vulture and an own on a mountain extending over the banks of a river, resonant with the notes of cuckoos and filled with lions, tigers and various birds, situated in a pleasant forest abounding in trees near the city of Ayodhyā. Once on a time the vicious vulture alleging that the nest of the owl was his own, began to quarrel with "The lotus-eyed Rama is the king of all people; let us go to him and he will decide to whom the nest belongs."

इति कृत्वा मतिं तां तु निश्चयार्थं सुनिश्चिताम्। गृध्रोलूको प्रपद्येतां कोपाविष्टौ हमर्षितौ॥ रामं प्रपद्य तौ शीघ्रं कलिव्याकुलचेतसौ। तौ परस्परविद्वेषात्स्पृशतश्चरणौ तदा॥ अथ दृष्ट्वा नरेन्द्रं तं गधो वचनमब्रवीत्। सुराणामसुराणां च प्रधानस्त्वं मतो मम॥ बृहस्पतेश्च शुक्राच विशिष्टोऽसि महाधुते। परावरज्ञो भूतानां कात्या चन्द्र इवापरः॥
Having thus settled the vulture and the owl, being impatient with rage, quarrellirg with one another, appeaid before Rāma and touched his feet. Beholding that lord of men, the vulture said: "O preserver of humanity, you are the foremost of celestials and Asuras. O you of great effulgence, you are gifted with intelligence and learning more than BỊhaspati and Sukrácārya. You are cognisant of the good and bad conditions of creatures. In beauty you are like the Moon and are irrepressible like the Sun.

दुर्निरीक्ष्यो यथा सूर्यो हिमांश्चैव गौरवे। सागरचैव गाम्भीर्ये लोकपालो यमो ह्यसि॥ क्षान्त्या धरण्या तुल्योऽसि शीघ्रस्वे ह्यनिलोपमः। गुरुस्त्व सर्वसंपन्नः कीर्तियुक्तश्च राघव॥ अमर्षी दुर्जयो जेता सर्वास्त्रविधिपारगः। शृणुष्व मम वै राम विज्ञाप्यं नरपुंगव॥ ममालयं पूर्वकृतं बाहुवीर्येण राघव। उलूको हरते राजंस्तत्र त्वं त्रातुमर्हसि॥
In glory you are like Himālaya, in gravity like the Ocean, in prowess like the Patriarch, in patience like the Earth, and in velocity like the Wind. O Råghava, you are the preceptor of the mobile and immobile creation, gifted with all sorts of wealth, illustrious, devoid of a revengeful spirit, unconquerable, victorious, and master of all Sāstras and laws. O foremost of men, hear. I have an application to you. O Raghava, I had built a nest for myself; this owl is now occupying it as his own; therefore, O king, do you save me.”

एवमुक्ते तु गृध्रेण उलूको वाक्यमब्रवीत्। सोमाच्छतक्रतोः सूर्याद्धनदाद्वा यमात्तथा॥ जायते वै नृपो राम किंचिद्भवति मानुषः। त्वं त सर्वमयो देवो नारायण इवापरः॥ याचते सौम्यता राजन्सम्यकप्रणिहिता विभो। समं चरसि चान्विष्य तेन सोमांशको भवान्॥ क्रोधे दण्डे प्रजानाथ दाने पापभयापहः। दाता हर्तासि गोप्तासि तेनेन्द्र इव नो भवान्॥ अधृष्यः सर्वभूतेषु तेजसा चानलोपमः। अभीक्ष्णं तपसे लोकांस्तेन भास्करसंनिमः॥
The vulture having said this, the owl began:"True, it is, o king, that is him are the portions of the Moon, Indra, the Sun, Kubera and Yama, but there is in him also a portion of man. But you are yourself the omnipresent deity, Narayana. You, impelled by your own self, do judge all creatures impartially; therefore, a portion of gentleness is well manifest in you and therefore do people call you, a portion of the Moon. O patriarch, in anger, punishment, gift with and fear, you are our giver, destroyer and protector,-it is for this that you are called Indra. in energy you are like fire irrepressible to all creatures, and because you do spread your lustre upon all creatures that you are called the Sun.

साक्षाद्वित्तेशतुल्योऽसि अथवा धनदाधिकः। वित्तेशस्येव पद्मा श्रीनित्यं ते राजसत्तम॥ धनदस्य तु कार्येण धनदस्तेन नो भवान्। समः सर्वेषु भूतेषु स्थावरेषु चरेषु च॥ शत्रौ मित्रे च ते दृष्टिः समतां याति राघव। धर्मेण शासनं नित्यं व्यवहारो विधिक्रमात्॥
You are the very lord of riches or are even superior to Kubera; like Padmā to the lord of riches. Sri is always by you. Because you do discharge the functions of Kubera, you are the giver of wealth to us. O Rāghava, you look upon all creatures, mobile and immobile, with an impartial eye-you do regard your friends and foes with impartiality, and you are duly protecting, your subjects.

यस्य रुष्यसि वै राम तस्य मृत्युर्विधावति। गीयसे तेन वै राम यम इत्यभिविक्रमः॥ यश्चैष मानुषो भावो भवतो नृपसत्तम। आनृशंस्यपरो राजा सत्त्वेषु क्षमयान्वितः॥ दुर्बलस्य त्वनाथस्य राजा भवति वै बलम्। अचक्षुषोत्तमं चक्षुरगतेः स गतिर्भवान्॥ अस्माकमपि नाथस्त्वं श्रूयतां मम धार्मिक। ममालयं प्रविष्टस्तु गृध्रो मां बाधते नृप।॥ त्वं हि देव मनुष्येषु शास्ता वै नरपुंगव।
O Rāghava, death pursues him with whom you are offended and it is for this reason that you are styled by people 'the highly powerful Yama. O foremost o kings, because you are forgiving to all creatures and a kind king that people sing your glories as of a man on earth. The king is the strength of the weak and helpless and he is the eye of the blind and the refuge of those who have no shelter. You are also our king: therefore do you listen to our petition. O king, entering into my nest, this vulture is oppressing me. You only, O foremost of men, are the divine chastiser of mankind.

एतच्छ्रुत्वा तु वै रामः सचिवानाह्वयत्स्वयम्॥ धृष्टिर्जयन्तो विजयः सिद्धार्थो राष्ट्रवर्धनः। अशोको धर्मपालश्च सुमन्त्रश्च महाबलः॥ एते रामस्य सचिवा राज्ञो दशरथस्य च। नीतियुक्ता महात्मानः सर्वशास्त्रविशारदाः॥ ह्रीमन्तश्च कुलीनश्च नये मन्त्रे च कोविदाः। तानाहूय च धर्मात्मा पुष्पकादवतीर्य च॥ गृधोलूकविवादं तं पृच्छति स्म रघूत्तमः। कति वर्षाणि वै गृध्र तवेदं निलयं कृतम्॥ एतन्मे कारणं ब्रूहि यदि जानासि तत्त्वतः। एतच्छ्रुत्वा तु वै गृध्रो भाषते राघवं स तम्॥ इयं वसुमती राम मनुष्यैः परितो यदा। उत्थितैरावृता सर्वा तदा प्रभृति मे गृहम्॥
Hearing those words, Rāma sent for his councillors. The ministers of Dasaratha and Rāma, Brhaspati, Yayanta, Vijaya, Siddhartha, Rast ravarddhana, Asoka, Daramapāla the highly powerful Sumantra and others were all versed in laws, high-minded, conversant with all the Sastras, intelligent, born in respectable families, and adepts in counsel. Having invited them all and ascending his Puspaka car, he went to the place in question, and, descending there, asked the vulture, “How long has this nest been made? Tell me, if you remember it." Whereto the vulture replied:"From the time when mankind were first born and spread over the four quarters of the globe have I been living in this nest."

उलूकश्चाब्रवीद्रामं पादपैरुपशोभिता। यदेयं पृथिवी राजंस्तदाप्रभृति मे गृहम्॥ एतच्छुत्वा तु वै रामः सभासदमुवाच ह॥ न सा सभा यत्र न सन्ति वृद्धा वृद्धा न ते ये न वदन्ति धर्मम्। नासौ धर्मो यत्र न सत्यमस्ति न तत्सत्यं यच्छलेनानुविद्धम्॥ ये तु सभ्याः सदा ज्ञात्वा तूष्णीं ध्यायन्त आसते। यथाप्राप्तं न बुवते ते सर्वेऽनृतवादिनः॥ जानन वाब्रवीत्प्रश्नान्कामात्क्रोधाद्भयात्तथा। सहस्रं वारुणान्याशानात्मनि प्रतिमुञ्चति॥ तेषां संवत्सरे पूर्णे पाश एकः प्रमुच्यते। तस्मात्सत्येन वक्तव्यं जानता सत्यमञ्जसा॥ एतच्छ्रुत्वा तु सचिवा राममेवाद्वंस्तदा। उलूकः शोभते राजन्न तु गृयो महामते॥ त्वं प्रमाणं महाराज राजा हि परमा गतिः। राजमूलाः प्रजाः सर्वा राजा धर्मः सनातनः॥ शास्ता नृणां नृपो येषां ते न गच्छन्ति दुर्गतिम्। वैवस्वतेन मुक्तास्तु भवन्ति पुरुषोत्तमाः॥
The owl also said: "At the time when the earth was (first) adorned with trees that this nest of mine was constructed." Hearing these words, Rama said to the councillors:-"That assembly is not an assembly where there are no friends—nor are they old men who do not dwell upon religious topics. That religion is not a religion where there is no truth and that truth is not the truth where there is hypocrisy. Those councillors are liars who do not give proper replies in time on the subjects they are well-informed on. He who does give reply to a question under the influence of passion, anger or fear, binds himself with. thousand nooses of Varuņa, and at the expiration of full one year he is released from a single sin.” Hearing these words, the ministers said to Rāma: "0 you having a large mind, what the owl has said is true the vulture has not spoken the truth. You are the evidence this, O great king-for the king is the last refuge of all-the root of the subject and the eternal religion. He who is punished by the king, is not doomed in a degraded state. He is, in truth, saved from the fear of hell and reaches a better state."

सचिवानां वचः श्रुत्वा रामो वचनमब्रवीत्। श्रूयतामभिधास्यामि पुराणे यदुदाहृतम्॥ द्यौः सचन्द्रार्कनक्षत्रा सपर्वतमहावना। सलिलार्णवसंपूर्णं त्रैलोक्यं सचराचरम्॥ एक एव तदा ह्यासीद्युक्तो मेरुरिवापरः। पुरा भूः सह लक्ष्या च विष्णोर्जठरमाविशत्॥ तां निगृह्य महातेजाः प्रविश्य सलिलार्णवम्। सुष्वाप देवो भूतात्मा बहून्वर्षगणानपि॥ विष्णोसुप्ते नदा ब्रह्मा विवेश जठरं ततः। रुद्धस्रोतं तु तं ज्ञात्वा महायोगी समाविशत्॥ नाभ्यां विष्णोः समुत्पन्ने पद्मे हेमविभूषिते। स तु निर्गम्य वै ब्रह्मा योगी भूत्वा महाप्रभुः॥ सिसृक्षुः पृथिवीं वायु पर्वतान्समहीरुहान्। तदन्तरे प्रजाः शर्वाः समनुष्यसरीस्पाः॥ सयुजाण्डजाः शर्वाः स ससर्ज महातपाः। तत्र श्रोत्रमलोत्पन्न: कैटभो मधुना सह॥ दानवौ तौ महावीर्यो घोररूपौ दुरासदौ। दृष्ट्वा प्रजापतिं तत्र क्रोधाविष्टौ बभूवतुः॥ वेगेन महता तत्र स्वयंभुवमधावताम्। दृष्ट्वा स्वयंभुवा मुक्तो रावो वै विकृतस्तदा॥ तेन शब्देन संप्राप्तौ दानवौ हरिणा सह। अथ चक्रप्रहारेण सूदितौ मधुकैटभौ॥ मेदसा प्लाविता सर्वा पृथिवी च समन्ततः। भूयो विशोधिता तेन हरिणा लोकधारिणा॥ शुद्धां वै मेदिनी तां तु वृक्षः सर्वामपूरयत्। ओषध्यः सर्वसस्यानि निष्पद्यन्त पृथग्विधाः॥ मेदोगन्धा तु धरणी मेदिनीत्यभिसंज्ञिता। तस्मान गृध्रस्य गृहमूलूकस्येति मे मतिः॥ तस्माद् गृध्रस्तु दण्ड्यो वै पापो हर्ता परालयम्। पीडां करोति पापात्मा दुर्विनीतो महानयम्॥
Hearing the words of the ministers, Rāma said: "Hear what is mentioned in the Purānas. Formerly the Sun, the Moon, the welkin with the stars, the earth with the mountains and forests—the three worlds, the mobile and the immobile, were under water. At that time only Nārāyaṇa existed as the second Sumeru. In Nārāyaṇa's belly was stationed the earth with Lakşmi. Having destroyed the creation and entered water, the highly effulgent Vişnu, identical with the souls of creatures, lay asleep there for many long years. Beholding Vişņu asleep after the destruction of the universe and knowing Vişņu of obstructed breath, the great ascetic Brahmā entered his abdomen. Thereupon, when a golden lotus sprang from Vişnu's navel. That great lord, ascetic Brahmā, originated therefrom and was engaged in austere penances for the purpose of creating earth, air, mountains, trees, men, reptiles and all animals born from womb or egg. At that time from the ears of Nārāyaṇa originated two valiant and dreadful demons under the name of Madhu and Kaitabha. Beholding the Patriarch, there they were greatly enraged and pursued him. Thereat the self-born cried aloud hideously. Awakened by that sound Nārāyaņa engaged in fighting with Madhu and Kaitabha, and slew them with his discus. And with their gore the whole earth was delighted. Thereupon, purifying the earth again, Hari, preserver of the world, covered it with trees. And various drugs were also created. And the earth was called Medini because it was filled with Medas, marrow of Madhu and Kaitabha. It is for this that I hold, O ministers, that this house not belong to the vulture, but to the owl. Therefore, this vicious vulture should be punished for this wicked, vicious-minded one, robbing another's nest, is oppressing him.” years.'

अथाशरीरिणी वाणी अन्तरिक्षात्प्रबोधिनी। मावधी राम गृधं त्वं पूर्वदग्धं तपोबलात्॥ कालगौतमदग्धोऽयं प्रजानाथो नरेश्वर। ब्रह्मदत्तेति नाम्नैष शूरः सत्यव्रतः शुचिः॥ गृहं त्वस्यागतो विप्रो भोजनं प्रत्यमार्गत। साग्रं वर्षशतं चैव भोक्तव्यं नृपसत्तम॥
In the interval a voice was heard in the sky stating the true facts: "O Rāma, do not slay the vulture,—for it has already been reduced to ashes by the force of Gautama's asceticism. O lord of men, this vulture, in its pristine birth, was a heroic truthful and pure king by the name of Brahmadatta. Once on a time a Brhāmaņa, by the name of Gautama, the very personification of Kāla, came to the house of Brahmadatta for food and said:-'0 king, I shall feed in your house for more than a hundred

ब्रह्मदत्तः स वै तस्य पाद्यमर्थ्य स्वयं नृपः। हार्द चैवाकरोत्तस्य भोजनार्थं महाद्युतेः॥ मांसमस्याभवत्तत्र आहारे तु महात्मनः। अथ क्रुद्धेन मुनिना शापो दत्तोऽस्य दारुणः॥ गृध्रस्त्वं भव वै राजन्मा मैनं ह्यथ सोऽब्रवीत्। प्रसादं कुरु धर्मज्ञ अज्ञानान्मे महाव्रत॥ शापस्यान्तं महाभाग क्रियतां वै ममानघ। तदज्ञानकृतं मत्वा राजानं मुनिरब्रवीत्॥ उत्पत्स्यति कुले राज्ञां रामो नाम महायशाः। इक्ष्वाकूणां महाभागो राजा राजीवलोचनः॥
Thereupon, offering that effulgent Brāhmaṇa, with his own hands, water to wash his feet the king Brahmadatta, made arrangements for his meal. Accidentally flesh was mixed with the food of the high-souled Gautama. Being enraged thereat, the ascetic imprecated him with a dreadful curse and said: "O king, you become a vulture.' The king said: 'Be propitiated, O you of great vows, do not imprecate me thus. I have out of ignorance committed this offence. O great one, O blameless one, do you act so that this curse may find termination.' Thereat understanding that this offence was committed by the king unwittingly, the ascetic said-'o king, in the race of Iksawkus a king shall be born under the name of Rāma.

तेन स्पृष्टो विपापस्त्वं भविता नरपुंगव। स्पृष्टो रामेण तच्छुत्वा नरेन्द्रः पृथिवीपतिः॥ गृध्रत्वं त्यक्तवानराजा दिव्यगन्धानुलेपनः। पुरुषो दिव्यरूपोऽभूदुवाचेदं च राघवम्॥ साधु राघव धर्मज्ञ त्वत्प्रसादादहं विभो। विमुक्तो नरकाद्धोराच्छापस्यान्तः कृतस्त्वया।॥
O foremost of men, you shall be released from the curse when he shall touch you.' Hearing the voice in the sky, Rāma touched Brahmadatta. Thereupon renouncing his venture from and assuming a beautiful body smeared with celestial perfumes, he praised Rāma and said: "O you conversant with piety, by your favour have I been saved from the dreadful hell—here has ended my curse."