Uttara Kanda: Chapter 47

अथ नावं सुविस्तीर्णा नैषादी राघवानुजः। आरुरोह समायुक्तां पूर्वमारोप्य मैथिलीम्॥
Having at first conducted Sītā to the spacious and well decorated boat plied by fishermen Laksmana himself got up.

सुमन्त्रं चैव सरथं स्थीयतामिति लक्ष्मणः। उवाच शोकसंतप्तः प्रयाहीति च नाविकम्॥
Thereupon he ordered Sumantra to wait there with the chariot, and being beside himself with sorrow ordered the sailors to move on.

ततस्तीरमुपागम्य भागीरथ्याः स लक्ष्मणः। उवाच मैथिली वाक्यं प्राञ्जलिर्बाष्पसंवृतः॥
Thereupon having reached the other side of Bhāgirathi, Lakşmaņa, with subdued voice and folded palms, said to Sītā.

हृद्गतं मे महच्छल्यं यस्मादार्येण धीमता। अस्मिनिमित्ते वैदेहि लोकस्य वचनीकृतः॥
O daughter of the king of Videha, this has pierced my heart like a dart, that my brother, by making me the instrumental of this action has made me the object of censure in the world.

श्रेयो हि मरणं मेऽद्य मृत्युर्वा यत्परं भवेत्। न चास्मिन्नीदृशे कार्ये नियोज्यो लोकनिन्दिते॥
The death and the pain consequent upon it are better than the action I am engaged in.

प्रसीद च न मे पापं कर्तुमर्हसि शोभने। इत्यञ्जलिकृतो भूमौ निपपात स लक्ष्मणः॥ रुदन्तं प्राञ्जलिं दृष्ट्वा काङ्क्षन्तं मृत्युमात्मनः। मैथिली भृशसंविग्ना लक्ष्मणं वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥ किमिदं नावगच्छामि ब्रूहि तत्त्वेन लक्ष्मण। पश्यामि त्वां न च स्वस्थमपि क्षेमं महीपतेः॥ शापितोऽसि नरेन्द्रेण यत्त्वं संतापमागतः। तब्रूयाः संनिधौ मह्यमहमाज्ञापयामि ते॥
"Be you propitiated, O beautiful damsel, do not hold me responsible for this.” Saying this, the humble Lakşmaņa began to weep and pray for death. Beholding him thus overwhelmed, Sītā said "What is the matter, Lakşmaņa? I do not understand anything. Do you speak out everything plainly to me. I find you beside yourself (with grief); is it all well with the kingdom? In the name of the king, do you give out to me, the cause of your sorrow."

वैदेह्या चोद्यमानस्तु लक्ष्मणो दीनचेतनः। अवाङ्मुखो बाष्पगलो वाक्यमेतदुवाच ह॥
Sītā having addressed him thus, Lakşmaņa with a poorly heart and suppressed tone, said thus.

श्रुत्वा परिषदो मध्ये ह्यपवादं सुदारुणम्। पुरे जनपदे चैव त्वत्कृते जनकात्मजे॥ रामः संतप्तहृदयो मा निवेद्य गृहं गतः। न तानि वचनीयानि मया देवि तवाग्रतः॥
O worshipful queen! I have kept within my heart all those words, which the king said, before he entered his palace, rendered sorry and impatient on hearing in the assembly the report of censure regarding you, O daughter of king Janaka. All those words are indeed above description and so I desist.

यानि राज्ञा हृदि न्यस्तान्यमर्षात्पृष्ठतः कृतः। सा त्वं त्यक्ता नृपतिना निर्दोषा मम संनिधौ॥ पौरापवादभीतेन ग्राह्यं देवि न तेऽन्यथा। आश्रमान्तेषु च मया त्यक्तव्या त्वं भविष्यसि ॥ राज्ञः शासनमादाय तथैव किल दौर्हदम्।
I only say so much, that afraid of the calumny of the citizens he has renounced you although your purity was sufficiently proved before me. But for that, do not consider yourself in any way guilty. Rāma has commanded me to leave you near the hermitage on the pretext of satisfying your desire as you are big with a child.

तदेतज्जाह्नवीतीरे ब्रह्मर्षीणां तपोवनम्॥ पुण्यं च रमणीयं च मा विषादं कृथाः शुभे। राज्ञो दशरथस्यैव पितुर्मे मुनिपुङ्गवः॥ सखा परमको विप्रो वाल्मीकिः सुमहायशाः। पादच्छायामुपागम्य सुखमस्य महात्मनः। उपवासपरैकाग्रा वस त्वं जनकात्मजे ॥
Do not uselessly give vent to sorrow any more. There is the holy and beautiful hermitage of the saints on the banks of Jähnavī. There lives Vālmīki, the foremost of saints, a great friend of our sire Dasaratha. O daughter of Janaka, approaching that high-souled saint, do you spend your days happily keeping Rāma always in your mind.

पतिव्रतात्वमास्थाय रामं कृत्वा सदा हृदि। श्रेयस्ते परमं देवि तथा कृत्वा भविष्यति॥
Do you satisfy the deities, O chaste damsel. This shall crown you with auspiciousness.