Uttara Kanda: Chapter 42

स विसृज्य ततो रामः पुष्पकं हेमभूषितम्। प्रविवेश महाबाहुरशोकवनिकां तदा॥ चन्दनागुरुचूतैश्च तुङ्गकालेयकैरपि। देवदारुवनैश्चापि समन्तादुपशोभिताम्॥ चम्पकागुरुपुंनागमधूकपनसासनैः। शोभितां पारिजातैश्च विधूमज्वलनप्रभैः।।३ लोध्रनीपार्जुनै गैः सप्तपर्णातिमुक्तकैः। मन्दारकदलीगुल्मलताजालसमावृताम्॥ प्रियङ्गुभिः कदम्बैश्च तथा च बकुलैरपि। जम्बूभिर्दाडिमैश्चैव कोविदारैश्च शोभिताम्॥ सर्वदा कुसुमैः रम्यैः फलवद्भिर्मनोरमैः। दिव्यगन्धरसोपेतैस्तरुणाङ्कुरपल्लवैः॥ तथैव तरुभिर्दिव्यैः शिल्पिभिः परिकल्पितैः। चारुपल्लवपुष्पाढ्यैर्मत्तभ्रमरसंकुलैः॥
Having sent away the golden Pușpaka, the highly powerful Rāma entered the Aśoka forest beautified by sandal, Aguru, Mango, dark sandal and Debadāru trees, and covered with Campaka, Aguru, Naga, Kesara, Madhuka, Nipa, Arjuna, Nāga, Saptaparņa, Muktaka, Mandāra, Kadali and various creepers, abounding in Priyanga, Kadamba, Vakula, Jambu, pomegranate, and trees, containing various flowers, picturesque, having many fruits, fragrant, decorated with new leaves and adorned with various other trees. There were many a tree, having profuse foliage and flowers and covered with maddened black bees as if constructed by architects.

कोकिलै ङ्गराजैश्च नानावणैश्च पक्षिभिः। शोभितां शतशश्चित्रां चूतवृक्षावतंसकैः॥ शातकुम्भनिभाः केचित्केचिदग्निशिखोपमाः। नीलाञ्जननिभाश्चान्ये भान्ति तत्र स्म पादपाः॥ सुरभीणि च पुष्पाणि माल्यानि विविधानि च। दीर्घिका विविधाकाराः पूर्णाः परमवारिणा॥
The forest-land was variegated and beautified by cuckoos, the ornaments of mango trees, black-bees and various birds of various colours, Among the trees beautifying the forest some were gold-hued, some were radiant as the flame of fire and some were like red collyrium. There were various flowers, spreading fragrance and making garlands. And there were various ponds filled with pure water.

माणिक्यकृतसोपानाः स्फाटिकान्तरकुट्टिमाः। फुल्लपद्मोत्पलवनाश्चक्रवाकोपशोभिताः॥ दात्यूहशुकसंघुष्टा हंससारसनादिताः। तरुभिः पुष्पशबलैस्तीरजैरुपशोभिताः॥
The stairs of those ponds were made of corals and the ground was of crystal. And they were all filled with lotuses and lilies. There were beautified with Cakravākas and the banks were graced with variegated trees and flowers.

प्राकारैर्विविधाकारैः शोभिताश्च शिलातलैः। तत्रैव च वनोद्देशे वैदूर्यमणिसंनिभैः॥ शाद्वलैः परमोपेतां पुष्पितदुमकाननाम्।
And the forest was encompassed by stone walls and in the-irtside were dwelling many a Sárdula bird resembling Vaiduryas. All the trees in the forest were filled with flowers.

तत्र संघर्षजातानां वृक्षाणां पुष्पशालिनाम्॥ प्रस्तराः पुष्पशबला नभस्तारागणैरिव।
And the rocks there, covered with flowers falling down from trees, appeared like welkin beautified with stars.

नन्दनं हि यथेन्द्रस्य ब्राह्मं चैत्ररथं यथा॥ तथाभूतं हि रामस्य काननं संनिवेशनम्। बह्वासनगृहोपेतां लतासनसमावृताम्॥ अशोकवनिकां स्फीतां प्रविश्य रघुनन्दनः। आसने च शुभाकारे पुष्पप्रकरभूषिते॥ कुशास्तरणसंस्तीर्णे रामः संनिषसाद ह। सीतामादाय हस्तेन मधुमैरेयकं शुचि ॥ पाययामास काकुत्स्थः शचीमिव पुरंदरः।
And Rama's Asoka forest was like to Indra's Nandana and Kubera's Caitraratha made by Brahmā. Having entered the rich Asoka forestabounding in many seats and houses and creepers Rāma sat on an excellent seat, covered with a beautiful coverlet and well constructed. Like to Purandara with Sacī he took Sītā by the hand, made her sit and drink the wine distilled in the province of forest.

मांसानि च सुमृष्टानि फलानि विविधानि च॥ रामस्याभ्यवहारार्थं किंकरास्तूर्णमाहरन्।
And in rio time the servants brought for him well-cooked meat and various fruits.

उपानृत्यंश्च राजानं नृत्यगीतविशारदाः॥ अप्सरोरगसङ्घाश्च किंनरीपरिवारिताः।
Being inebriate the beautiful Apsarās, wellskilled in the art of singing and dancing, began to dance before Rāma in the company of Kinnaris.

दक्षिणा रूपवत्यश्च स्त्रियः पानवशं गताः॥ उपानृत्यन्त काकुत्स्थं नृत्यगीतविशारदाः। मनोभिरामा रामास्ता रामो रमयतां वरः॥ रमयामास धर्मात्मा नित्यं परमभूषिताः।
The intelligent and beautiful females being intoxicated after taking wine, and well-skilled in the art of singing and dancing, began to dance before Råma. The virtuous-souled Rāma, the foremost of those who know how to please, satisfied those beautiful damsels adorned with various ornaments.

स तया सीतया सार्धमासीनो विरराज ह॥ अरुन्धत्या इवासीनो वसिष्ठ इव तेजसा।
And Sītā sitting by him, he appeared like the effulgent Vaşistha in the company of Arundhatī.

एवं रामो मुदा युक्तः सीतां सुरसुतोपमाम्॥ रमयामास वैदेहीमहन्यहनि देववत्।
Being greatly delighted the celestial-like Rama pleased everyday Sītā resembling a celestial damsel.

तथा तयोविहरतोः सीताराघवयोश्चिरम्॥ अत्यक्रामच्छुभः कालः शैशिरो भोगदः सदा। प्राप्तयोविविधान्भोगानतीतः शिशिरागमः॥
Sītā and Rāghava thus spent their days happily. And thus was spent the delightful winter giving all enjoyments. Enjoying various things the high-souled Rāma and Sītā spent ten thousand years.

पूर्वाणे धर्मकार्याणि कृत्वा धर्मेण धर्मवित्। शेष दिवसभागार्धमन्त:पुरगतोऽभवत्॥
Once on a morning time, having performed all the religious ceremonies, in the fore part of the day, Rāma, to spend the evening, entered the inner apartment.

सीतापि देवकार्याणि कृत्वा पौर्वाहिणकानि वै। श्वश्रूणामकरोत्पूजां सर्वासामविशेषतः॥
Sītā, too, having performed all religious ceremonies of morning, first in all, attended to the service of her mother-in-law.

अभ्यगच्छत्ततो रामं विचित्राभरणाम्बरा। त्रिविष्टपे सहस्र समुपविष्टं यथा शची॥
Thereupon wearing a beautifully coloured cloth and being adorned with various ornaments Sītā appeared before Rāma like to ſací approaching the king of celestials in heaven.

दृष्ट्वा तु राघवः पत्नी कल्याणेन समन्विताम्। प्रहर्षमतुलं लेभे साधुसाध्विति चाब्रवीत्॥
And beholding the auspicious signs of pregnancy in his souse Rāma attained to excessive delight.

अब्रीवच्च वरारोहां सीतां सुरसुतोपमाम्। अपत्यलाभो वैदेहि त्वय्ययं समुपस्थितः॥
Thereupon he said to the beautiful Sītā resembling a celestial damsel:-"0 Vaidehi, signs of pregnancy are manifest in you. What desires of your can we satisfy?"

किमिच्छसि वरारोहे कामः किं क्रियतां तव। स्मितं कृत्वा तु वैदेही रामं वाक्यमथाब्रवीत्॥ तपोवनानि पुण्यानि द्रष्टुमिच्छामि राघव। गङ्गातीरोपविष्टानामृषीणामुग्रतेजसाम्॥ फलमूलाशिलां देव पादमूलेषु वर्तितुम्। एष मे परमः कामो यन्मूलफलभोजिनाम्॥ अपेयकरात्रि काकुत्स्थ निवसेयं तपोवने।
Smiling a little the daughter of Janaka said:"O Rāghava, I wish to behold the holy hermitages. I wish to salute the greatly effulgent Rșis living on fruits and roots and residing on the banks of the Gangā. I greatly desire, O Rāma, that I may spend even one night in the hermitage of the Rșis living on fruits and roots.”

तथेति च प्रतिज्ञातं रामेणाक्लिष्टकर्मणा। विश्रब्धा भव वैदेहि श्वो गमिष्यस्यसंशयम्॥
Whereto replied Rāma of unwearied actions, saying 'so be it.' Believe me, O Vaidehi, that you shall undoubtedly go there to-morrow.

एवमुक्त्वा तु काकुत्स्थो मैथिली जनकात्मजाम्। मध्यकक्षान्तरं रामो निर्जगाम सुहद्धृतः॥
Having thus addressed Maithili, the daughter of Janaka, Rama, the descendant of Kakutstha, then issued out of the inner apartment and entered the middle one filled with his friends.