Uttara Kanda: Chapter 41

विसृज्य च महाबाहुर्ऋक्षवानरराक्षसान्। भ्रातृभिः सहितो रामः प्रमुमोद सुखं सुखी॥
Having bade adieu to bears, monkeys and Rākşasas the long-armed Rāma began to live happily in the company of his brothers.

अथापराह्णसमये भ्रातृभिः सह राघवः। शुश्राव मधुरां वाणीमन्तरिक्षान्महाप्रभुः॥
Thereupon afternoon, Lord Rāghava along with his brothers heard from the air the following sweet accents.

सौम्य राम निरीक्षस्व सौम्येन वदनेन माम्। कुबेरभवनात्प्राप्तं विद्धिमां पुष्पकं प्रभो॥
O gentle Rāma, do you with a delighted countenance behold me. O lord, know me as Puşpaka coming from the abode of Kuberu.

तव शासनमाज्ञाय गतोऽस्मि भवनं प्रति। उपस्थातुं नरश्रेष्ठ स च मां प्रत्यभाषत॥ निर्जितस्त्वं नरेन्द्रेण राघवेण महात्मना। निहत्य युधि दुर्धर्षं रावणं राक्षसेश्वरम्॥
O foremost of men, at your command I did go there to carry him. But he said to me. “Having slain the irrepressible Rāvaņa in battle the highsouled Rama, the foremost of men, has conquered you.

ममापि परमा प्रीतिर्हते तस्मिन्दुरात्मनि। रावणे सगणे चैव सपुत्रे सहबान्धवे॥
I have greatly been delighted on the destruction of the vicious-souled Rāvana, with his relatives, sons and friends.

स त्वं रामेण लङ्कायां निर्जितः परमात्मना। वह सौम्य त्वमेव त्वमहमाज्ञापयामि ते॥
O gentle one, the great Rāma has conquered you in Lanka. I permit you, therefore to convey him.

परमो ह्येष मे कामो यत्त्वं राघवनन्दनम्। वहेलॊकस्य संयानं गच्छस्व विगतज्वरः॥
You are the fit conveyance for traversing all regions. But my earnest desire is that you should take Rāma, the descendant of Raghu. Do, you therefore go there at pleasure without any sorrow.

सोऽहं शासनमाज्ञाय धनदस्य महात्मनः। त्वत्सकाशमनुप्राप्तो निर्विशङ्कः प्रतीच्छ माम्॥
Hearing this command of the high-souled Kubera I have come to you. Do you fearlessly accept me..

अधृष्यः सर्वभूतानां सर्वेषां धनदाज्ञया। चराम्यहं प्रभावेण तवाज्ञां परिपालयन्॥
I am above the conquest of all the worlds. At the command of Kubera I shall valiantly transverse all regions carrying out your behests.

एवमुक्तस्तदा रामः पुष्पकेण महाबलः। उवाच पुष्पकं दृष्ट्वा विमानं पुनरागतम्॥
Hearing the words of Pușpaka, the highly powerful Rāma said to the returning car stationed in the welkin:

यद्येवं स्वागतं तेऽस्तु विमानवर पुष्पक। आनुकूल्याद्धनेशस्य वृत्तदोषो न नो भवेत्॥
"O foremost of cars, Puspaka, if such be the case, do you come here; while the lord of wealth has commanded thus, I will not be blameable for had character."

लाजैश्चैव तथा पुष्पैधूपैश्चैव सुगन्धिभिः। पूजयित्वा महाबाहू राघवः पुष्पकं तदा॥ गम्यतामिति चोवाच आगच्छ त्वं स्मरे यदा। सिद्धानां च गतौ सौम्य मा विषादेन योजया॥ प्रतिघातश्च ते मा भूद्यथेष्टं गच्छतो दिशः।
Having said this and worshipped it with dried paddy, fragrant flowers and incense, Rāma, having long arms, addressed Puspaka. "Do you go and come here whenever I shall remember you. While proceeding by the welkin, O gentle one, be not sorry for our separation. And be not röbstructed in your course while traversing all the quarters.

एवमस्त्विति रामेण पूजयित्वा विसर्जितम्॥ अभिप्रेतां दिशं तस्मात्प्रायात्तत्पुष्पकं तदा।
Having been adored by Rāma and saying ‘so be it' Pușpaka L.oceeded towards its wished for direction.

एवमन्तर्हिते तस्मिन्पुष्पके सुकृतात्मनि॥ भरतः प्राञ्जलिर्वाक्यमुवाच रघुनन्दनम्।
And the holy Puşpaka car having thus vanquished, Bharata with folded palms, said to Rama, the delight of Raghu.

विबुधात्मनि दृश्यन्ते त्वयि वीर प्रशासति॥ अमानुषाणि सत्त्वानि व्याहृतानि मुहुर्मुहुः। अनामयश्च मानां साग्रो मासो गतो ह्ययम् ।।१८ जीर्णानामपि सत्त्वानां मृत्यु याति राघव। अरोगप्रसवा नार्यो वपुष्मन्तो हि मानवाः॥
O hero, during your divine administration, we have seen many inhuman creatures and objects speak like men. During all these months since your installation subjects have not suffered from any disease. Even the most aged animals have not met with death. The female, without any risk, have been giving birth to children and all people are plump and delighted.

हर्षश्चाभ्यधिको राजञ्जनस्य पुरवासिनः। काले वर्षति पर्जन्यः पातयन्नमृतं पयः॥
The delight of the citizens has been greatly increased, Oking. Indra has been pouring nectar-like showers in due time.

वाताश्चापि प्रवान्त्येते स्पर्शयुक्ताः सुखाः शिवाः। ईदृशो नश्चिरं राजा भवेदिति नरेश्वरः॥
The wind is always delightful and wholesome. O king of men, the inhabitants of the city and provinces are all saying "we may have for ever such a king.

कथयन्ति पुरे राजन्पौरजानपदास्तथा। एता वाचः सुमधुरा भरतेन समीरिताः। श्रुत्वा रामो मुदा युक्तो बभूव नृपसत्तमः॥
Hearing those sweet accents given vent to by Bharata, Rāma, the foremost of kings was greatly delighted