Uttara Kanda: Chapter 39

ते प्रयाता महात्मानः पार्थिवास्ते प्रहृष्टवत्। गजवाजिसहस्रौषैः कम्पयन्तो वसुंधराम्॥
Having agitated the earth with thousands of elephants and horses the kings proceeded to various quarters.

अक्षौहिण्यो हि तत्रासनाघावार्ये समुद्यताः। भरतस्याज्ञयानेकाः : प्रहृष्टबलवाहनाः॥
And being prepared to help Rāma many Akşauhiņī soldiers with many steeds waited at Ayodhya at the command of Bhärata.

ऊचुस्ते च महीपाला बलतर्पसमन्विताः। न रामरावणं युद्धेः पश्यामः पुरतः स्थितम्॥ भरतेन वयं पश्चात्समानीता निरर्थकम्। हता हि राक्षसाः क्षिप्रं पार्थिवैः स्युर्न संशयः॥
Those kings, proud and powerful, spoke to one another-We did not face Ravana~ the enemy of Răma; Bharata did uselessly invite us after the destruction of Rāvana. Had they brought us earlier, we would, forsooth, have slain him,

रामस्य बाहुवीर्येण रक्षिता लक्ष्मणस्य च। सुखं पारे समुद्रस्य युध्येम विगतज्वराः॥
We would have, on the other side of the Ocean, well protected by the prowess of Rāma and Lakşmaņa, and freed from all disturbances, fought at pleasure.

एताश्चान्याश्च राजानः कथास्तत्र सहस्रशः। कथयन्तः स्वराज्यानि जग्मुर्हर्षसमन्विताः॥
Being thus delighted, all those assembled princes proceeded to their respective kingdoms, dwelling on these and various other topics.

स्वानि राज्यानि मुख्यानि ऋद्धानि मुदितानि च। समृद्धधनधान्यानि पूर्णानि वसुमन्ति च॥ यथापुराणि ते गत्वा रत्नानि विविधान्यथ। रामस्य प्रियकामार्थमुपहारं नृपा ददुः॥ अश्वान्यानानि रत्नानि हस्तिनश्च मदोत्कटान्। चन्दनानि च मुख्यानि दिव्यान्याभरणानि च।९।। मणिमुक्ताप्रवालास्तु दास्यो रूपसमन्विताः। अजाविकं च विविधं रथांस्तु विविधान्बहून्॥
And having arrived at their celebrated cities, unscathed, abounding in delighted people, wealth, crops and jewels they sent various presents of gems to Rāma for his satisfaction. Besides this they made over to him innumerable horses, conveyances infuriated elephants, sandal, excellent ornaments, jewels, pearls, corals, beautiful female servants and various cars.

भरतो लक्ष्मणश्चैव शत्रुघ्नश्च महाबलः। आदाय तानि रत्नानि स्वां पुरी पुनरागताः॥ आगम्य च पुरीं रम्यामयोध्यां पुरुषर्षभाः। तानि रत्नानि चित्राणि रामाय समुपानयन्॥
And taking all those jewels, the highly powerful Bharata, Lakşmaņa and ſatrughna returned to their own city. Having arrived at the picturesque city Ayodhyà those foremost of men, made presents of various jewels to Räma.

प्रतिगृह्य च तत्सर्वं रामः प्रीतिसमन्वितः। सुग्रीवाय ददौ राज्ञे महात्मा कृतकर्मणे॥ बिभीषणाय च ददौ तथान्येभ्योऽपि राघवः। राक्षसेभ्यः कपिभ्यश्च यैर्वृतो जयमाप्तवान्॥
Having delightedly accepted those gifts Rāma in return made presents of them to the successful king Sugrīva, Vibhîşana and other Rākşasas and monkeys by whose help he had achieved victory.

ते सर्वे रामदचानि रत्नानि कपिराक्षसाः। शिरोभिर्धारयामासुर्भुजेषु च महाबलाः॥
And those highly powerful monkeys and night-rangers wore on their heads and arms those jewels conferred on them by Rāma.

हनूमन्तं च नृपतिरिक्ष्वाकूणां महारथः। अङ्गदं च महाबाहुमङ्कमारोप्य वीर्यवान्॥ रामः कमलपत्राक्षः सुग्रीवमिदमब्रवीत्। अङ्गदस्ते सुपुत्रोऽयं मन्त्री चाप्यनिलात्मजः॥ सुग्रीवमन्त्रिते युक्तौ मम चापि हिते रतौ। अर्हतो विविधां पूजां त्वत्कृते वै हरीश्वर॥
Having placed on his laps the long-armed Angada and Hanuman, the mighty car-warriorthe lotus-eyed Rāma said to Sugrīva “Angada is your good son and Hanuman is your wise councillor. O Sugriva, these are always engaged in my well-being and in giving me good counsels. For you, therefore, O king of monkeys, I should honour them in various ways.”

इत्युक्त्वा व्यपमुच्याङ्गाद्भूषणानि महायशाः। स बबन्ध महााणि तदाङ्गदहनूमतोः॥
Having said this, the illustrious Răma took off from his arms valuable ornaments and adorned Angada and Hanuman therewith.

आभाष्य च महावीर्यान्राघवो यूथपर्षभान्। नीलं नलं केसरिणं कुमुदं गन्धमादनम् ॥ सुषेणं पनसं वीरं मैन्दं द्विविदमेव च। जाम्बवन्तं गवाक्षं च विनतं धूम्रमेव च।॥ बलीमुखं प्रजङ्ख च संनादं च महाबलम्। दरीमुखं दधिमुखमिन्द्रजानुं च यूथपम्॥ मधुरं श्लक्ष्णया वाचा नेत्राभ्यामापिबनिव। सुहृदो मे भवन्तश्च शरीरं भ्रातरस्तथा॥ युष्माभिरुद्धृतश्चाहं व्यसनात्काननौकसः। धन्यो राजा च सुग्रीवो भवद्भिः सुहृदां वरैः॥
Thereupon having welcomed and casting loving looks upon the highly powerful and leading monkeys such as Nila, Kesarin, Kumuda, Gandhamadana, Susena, Panasa, Mainda, Dvivida, Jambavan, Abaksa, Dhumra, Balimukha, Prajaghna, Saunada, Darimukha, Dadhimukha, Indrajānu and others, he addressed them all in sweet accents, saying: "You are all my friends like to my limbs and brothers. O you inhabitants of forests, you have saved me from the ocean of danger. Blessed is the king Sugrīva and blessed are the friends like yourselves.

एवमुक्त्वा ददौ तेभ्यो भूषणानि यथार्हतः। वज्राणि च महाणि सस्वजे च नरर्षभः॥
Saying this Rāma, the foremost of men, conferred upon them dully many precious clothes and ornaments and embraced them all.

ते पिबन्तः सुगन्धीनि मधूनि मधुपिङ्गलाः। मांसानि च सुमृष्टानि मूलानि च फलानि च॥
The monkeys lived there all happily feasting on fragrant honey, well-cooked meat and various fruits and roots.

एवं तेषां निवसतां मासः साग्रो ययौ तदा। मुहूर्तमिव ते सर्वे रामभक्त्या च मेनिरे॥
In this way they spent more than a month—but it appeared to them as a moment on account of their devotion to Rāma.

रामोऽपि रेमे तैः साधं वानरैः कामरूपिभिः। राक्षसैश्च महावीक्षैश्चैव महाबलैः॥
He, too also spent his time happily with monkeys assuming shapes at will, the highly powerful Rakşasas and the mighty bears.

एवं तेषां ययौ मासो द्वितीयः शिशिरः सुखम्। वानराणां प्रहृष्टानां राक्षसानां च सर्वशः॥ इक्ष्वाकुनगरे रम्ये परां प्रीतिमुपासताम्। रामस्य प्रीतिकरणैः कालस्तेषां सुखं ययौ॥
In this way, the delighted monkeys and Rāks asas spent the second winter month. Enjoying delight they thus spent their days happily in the city of Ayodhyā working to the welfare of Rama.