Uttara Kanda: Chapter 38

एवमास्ते महाबाहुरहन्यहनि राघवः। प्रशासत्सर्वकार्याणि पौरजानपदेषु॥
Thus did the long-armed Rāma spend his days looking into all administrative works relating to the city and provinces.

ततः कतिपयाहःसु वैदेहं मिथिलाधिपम्। राघवः प्राञ्जलिर्भूत्वा वाक्यमेतदुवाच ह॥ भवान्हि गतिरव्यग्रा भवता पालिता वयम्। भवतस्तेजसोग्रेण रावणो निहतो मया॥
Some days having clasped, he, with folded hands, said to Janaka, the king of Mithila, "You are our only refuge-we have reared by you and by the help of your dreadful prowess we have been able to destroy Rāvaņa.

इक्ष्वाकूणां च सर्वेषां मैथिलानां च सर्वशः। अतुलाः प्रीतयो राजन्संबन्धकपुरोगमाः।४।।
O king, the relation between the families of Iksvāku and Mithila, by all side, is unequalled and delightful.

तद्भवान्स्वपुरं यातु रत्नान्यादाय पार्थिव। भरतश्च सहायार्थ पृष्ठतश्चानुयास्यति॥
Taking the jewel, do you proceed to your own city and Bharata as a help shall follow you.

स तथेति ततः कृत्वा राघवं वाक्यमब्रवीत्। प्रीतोऽस्मि भवतो राजन्दर्शनेन नयेन च॥
Saying “so be it" the king Janaka bespoke Rāma “O king, I have delighted with seeing you and your courteous manners.

यान्येतानि तु रत्नानि मदर्थं संचितानि वै। दुहित्रोस्तान्यहं राजन्सर्वाण्येव ददामि वै।७।।
The jewels which are collected for me, I do confer upon my two daughters.

ततः प्रयाते जनके केकयं मातुलं प्रभुम्। राघवः प्राञ्जलिर्भूत्वा विनयाद्वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥
The royal saint Janaka having gone away, Rāma, with folded hands and humbly said to his maternal uncle Kaikeya.

इदं राज्यमहं चैव भरतश्च सलक्ष्मणः। आयत्तास्त्वं हि नो राजन्गतिश्च पुरुषर्षभ।९।।
O king, this kingdom, myself, Bharat and Lakşmaņa are all at your disposal.

राजा हि वृद्धः संतापं त्वदर्थमुपयास्यति। तस्माद्गमनमद्यैव रोचते तव पार्थिव॥ लक्ष्मणेनानुयात्रेण पृष्ठतोऽनुगमिष्यते। धनमादाय बहुलं रत्नानि विविधानि च॥
The old king might have been grieved for your long absence. It therefore behove you, O king, to go there-today. With immense wealth and various jewels let Lakşmaņa follow there.

युधाजित्तु तथेत्याह गमनं प्रति राघव। रत्नानि च धनं चैव त्वय्येवाक्षय्यमस्त्विति॥
Agreeing with his request Yudhājit said, “O Rāghava, let jewels and wealth be inexhaustible with you.

प्रदक्षिणं च राजानं कृत्वा केकयवर्धनः। रामेण च कृतः पूर्वमभिवाद्य प्रदक्षिणम्॥ लक्ष्मणेन सहायेन प्रयातः केकयेश्वरः। हतेऽसुरे यथा वृत्रे विष्णुना सह वासवः ॥
Thereupon, Rama, at first saluted and went round him and then Yudhăjit, the son of Kekaya, went away to his kingdom in the company of Laksmana like to Indra (leaving for home)) in the company of Vişņu on the destruction of the Asura Vrtra.

तं विसृज्य ततो रामो वयस्यमकुतोभयम्। प्रतर्दनं काशिपतिं परिष्वज्येदमब्रवीत्॥
Having bade adieu to his maternal uncle Rāma embraced his friend Pratardana, the undaunted king of Käśī and said.

दर्शिता भवता प्रीतिर्दर्शितं सौहृदं परम्। उद्योगश्च त्वया राजन्भरतेन कृतः सह ॥
You have displayed your brotherly feelings and delight by making arrangements for my installation in the company of Bharata.

तद्भवानद्य काशेय पुरों वाराणसी व्रज। रमणीयां त्वया गुप्तां सुप्राकारां सुतोरणाम्॥
O king, do you now leave for your city Varanasi, highly picturesque, well-guarded, girt by strong walls on all sides and having welldecorated gateways.

एतावदुक्त्वा चोत्थाय काकुत्स्थः परमासनात्। पर्यष्वजत धर्मात्मा निरन्तरमुरोगतम्॥
Saying this, Rama, the descendant of Kākutstha rose up from his seat and embraced him cordially.

विसर्जयामास तदा कौसल्याप्रीतिवर्धनः। राघवेण कृतानुज्ञः काशेयो ह्यकुतोभयः॥ वाराणसी ययौ तूर्णं राघवेण विसर्जितः।
Having taken farewell from Rāma enhancing Kausalya's delight, the king of Kasi, with his followers, fearlessly and speedily proceeded to his own city Vārāṇasī.

विसृज्य तं काशिपति त्रिशतं पृथिवीपतीन्॥ प्रहसन्राघवो वाक्यमुवाच मधुराक्षरम्।
Having bade adieu to the king of Kasi, Rama, with a smiling countenance and sweet accents, said to the three hundred assembled kings.

भवतां प्रीतिरव्यग्रा तेजसा परिरक्षिता।२१।। धर्मश्च नियतो नित्यं सत्यं च भवतां सदा। युष्माकं चानुभावेन तेजसा च महात्मनाम्॥ हतो दुरात्मा दुर्बुद्धी रावणो राक्षसाधमः। हेतुमात्रमहं तत्र भवतां तेजसा हतः॥
Being well protected by your own prowess, you have all displayed your great love for me. By your piety, truthfulness, sagacity and strength, the vicious-souled Rāvana has been slain. Forsooth, I am merely the instrument in the destruction of Rāvana-he has been slain by your strength.

रावणः सगणो युद्धे सपुत्रामात्यबान्धवः। भवन्तश्च समानीता भरतेन महात्मना॥ श्रुत्वा जनकराजस्य काननात्तनयां हृताम्। उद्युक्तानां च सर्वेषां पार्थिवानां महात्मनाम् ॥ कालोऽप्यतीतः सुमहान्गमनं रोचयाम्यतः।
Hearing that Sitā, the daughter of Janaka, had been stolen away from the forest the highminded Bharata did bring you all-but fortunately you were not constrained to go through miseries. High-minded as you are, you were all prepared for this work. Long since you have here. I think it better that you should proceed to your respective habitations.

प्रत्यूचुस्तं च राजानो हर्षेण महता वृताः॥ दिष्ट्या त्वं विजयी राम राज्यं चापि प्रतिष्ठितम्। दिष्ट्या प्रत्याहृता सीता दिष्ट्या शत्रुः पराजितः।।२७ एष नः परमः काम एषा नः प्रीतिरुत्तमा। यत्त्वां विजयिनं राम पश्यामो हतशात्रवम्॥ एतत्त्वय्युपपन्नं च यदस्मांस्त्वं प्रशंससे। प्रशंसाह न जानीमः प्रशंसां वक्तुमीदृशीम्॥
Whereto the kings, greatly delighted, replied: "O Rāma, it is by your good fortune that you have come off victorious and been installed on the throne; it is by your good luck that you have got back Sītā and the enemy Daśānana has been vanquished. That we behold you, O Rama, victorious and freed from all enemies, is our great benefit and delight. The encomiums, you have showered upon us, are natural with you. You are Rama, who always pleases people. You are worthy of being praised but we do not know how to praise you.

आपृच्छामो गमिष्यामो हृदिस्थो नः सदा भवान्। वर्तामहे महाबाहो प्रीत्यात्र महता वृताः॥ भवेच्च ते महाराज प्रीतिरस्मासु नित्यदा। बाढमित्येव राजानो हर्षेण परमान्विताः॥
With your permission we shall now leave for our respective provinces but you shall always reside in our hearts. O you having long arms, O great king, may you have that love for us perpetually that we may find place in your heart. Whereto Rama replied saying "so be it."

ऊचुः प्राञ्जलयः सर्वे राघवं गमनोत्सुकाः। पूजितास्ते च रामेण जग्मुर्देशान्स्वकान्स्वकान्॥
Thereupon the kings, highly delighted and desirous of going, bade farewell to Rāma, with folded palms and being honoured by him, left for their respective kingdoms.