Uttara Kanda: Chapter 37

अभिषिक्ते तु काकुत्स्थे धर्मेण विदितात्मनि। व्यतीता या निशा पूर्वा पौराणां हर्षवर्धिनी॥
Kakutstha, knowing himself, being thus duly installed, the first night, enhancing the delight of the citizens, was spent.

तस्यां रजन्यां व्युष्टायां प्रातर्नृपतिवोधकाः। वन्दिनः समुपातिष्ठन्सौम्या नृपतिवेश्मनि ॥
At dawn, the prisoners to wake up the king, arrived at the palace.

ते रक्तकण्ठिनः सर्वे किंनरा इव शिक्षिताः। तुष्टुवुर्नृपतिं वीरं यथा वत्सं प्रहर्षिणः॥
And those songsters, well trained and having a musical voice like the Kinnaras, began to eulogise the heroic king, to the increase of his joy.

वीर सौम्य प्रबुध्यस्व कौसल्याप्रीतिवर्धन। जगद्धिसर्व स्वपिति त्वयि सुप्ते नराधिप।४।।
Awake, O gentle hero, increasing Kausalya's joy, O foremost of men. Yourself being asleep the whole universe will be laid up with sleep.

विक्रमस्ते यथा विष्णो रूपं चैवाश्विनोरिव। बुद्ध्या बृहस्पतेस्तुल्यः प्रजापतिसमो ह्यसि॥
In prowess you are like Vişnu, in beauty you are like two Asvins, in intellect you are like Brhaspati and in the capacity of governing you are like, the Patriarch Brahmă.

क्षमा ते पृथिवीतुल्या तेजसा भास्करोपमः। वेगस्ते वायुना तुल्यो गाम्भीर्यमुदधेरिव॥
Your patience equals that of earth, your effulgence equals that of the sun, your velocity equals the wind and your gravity resembles the deep.

अप्रकम्प्यो यथा स्थाणुश्चन्द्रे सौम्यत्वमीदृशम्। नेदृशाः पार्थिवाः पूर्व भवितारो नराधिप।७॥
You are stable like a stake, gentle like the moon. No king like you had flourished beforeno other shall follow.

यथा त्वमसि दुर्धर्षो धर्मनित्यः प्रजाहितः। न त्वां जहाति कीर्तिश्च लक्ष्मीश्च पुरुषर्षभ्दल।।।। श्रीश्च धर्मश्च काकुत्स्थ त्वयि नित्यं प्रतिष्ठितौ। एताश्चान्याश्च मधुरा वन्दिभिः परिकीर्तिताः॥
O foremost of men, you are irrepressible, ever pious and engaged in bringing about welfare to your subjects. Fame and wealth shall never renounce you. O Kākutstha, in you are perpetually stationed grace and wealth.

सूताश्च संस्तवैर्दिव्यैर्बोधयन्ति स्म राघवम्। स्तुतिभिः स्तूयमानाभिः प्रत्यबुध्यत राघवः॥
Thus did the panegyrists eulogise him in various sweet accents and Raghava got up.

स तद्विहाय शयनं पाण्डुराच्छादनास्तृतम्। उत्तस्थौ नागशयनाद्धरिनारायणो यथा॥
Like to Hari rising up from the bed of serpents Rāma, thus eulogised, rose up from his bed covered with a white coverlet.

तमुत्थितं महात्मानं प्रह्वाः प्राञ्जलयो नराः। सलिलं भाजनैः शुभैरुपतस्थुः सहस्रशः॥
Taking white vessels full of water, thousands of well-trained survivors stood waiting before the high-souled (Rāma).

कृतोदकः शुचिर्भूत्वा काले हुतहुताशनः। देवागारं जगामाशु पुण्यमिक्ष्वाकुसेवितम्॥
Washing his mouth, being purified and offering oblation to fire, he entered the holy room of the tutelary deity much honoured by the Iksvākus.

तत्र देवान्पितृन्विप्रानर्चयित्वा यथाविधि। बाह्यकक्षान्तरं रामो निर्जगाम जनैर्वृतः॥
And there having worshipped duly the celestials, manes and the Brahmans, he, encircled by men, came to the outer apartment.

उपतस्थुमहात्मानो मन्त्रिणः सपुरोहिताः। वसिष्ठप्रमुखाः सर्वे दीप्यमाना इवाग्नयः॥
There arrived the leading priests headed by Vaşistha and ministers all resplendent like to fire.

क्षत्रियाश्च महात्मानो नानाजनपदेश्वराः। रामस्योपविशन्पायुं शक्रस्येव यथामराः॥
And there sat around Rāma the Kasatriya kings hailing from various provinces as the celestials sit encircling their lord Indra.

भरतो लक्ष्मणश्चात्र शत्रुघ्नश्च महायशाः। उपासांचक्रिरे हृष्टा वेदास्त्रय इवाध्वरम्॥
The illustrious Bharata, Laksmana and Śatrughna began to worship him and he appeared like a sacrifice conducted by Vedic hymns.

याताः प्राञ्जलयो भूत्वा किंकरा मुदिताननाः। मुदिता नाम पार्श्वस्था बहवः समुपाविशन्॥
Many servants came cheerfully with folded palms, and others named by Muditā, sat around him.

वानराश्च महावीर्या विंशतिः कामरूपिणः। सुग्रीवप्रमुखा राममुपासन्ते महौजसः॥
The twenty heroic monkeys headed by the highly powerful Sugrīva also began to worship him.

विभीषणश्च रक्षोभिश्चतुर्भिः परिवारितः। उपासते महात्मानं धनेशमिव गुह्यकः॥
As the Guhyakas worship Kubera so Vibhiş aņa, accompanied by four Rākşasas, waited upon him.

तथा निगमवृद्धाश्च कुलीना ये च मानवाः। शिरसा वन्द्य राजानमुपासन्ते विचक्षणाः॥
All those who were advanced in the study of Vedas, born in respectable families, and learned, bowed to the king lowering their heads.

तथा परिवृतो राजा श्रीमद्भिषिभिवरैः। राजभिश्च महावीर्यैर्वानरैश्च सराक्षसैः॥ यथा देवेश्वरो नित्यमृषिभिः समुपास्यते। अधिकस्तेन रूपेण सहस्राक्षाद्विरोचते॥
Like to the celestial-king Indra worshipped by the saints the king Rāma was being perpetually honoured by the effulgent saints, kings, monkeys, and Raksasas. He appeared more beautiful than Indra at that time.

तेषां समुपविष्टानां तास्ताः सुमधुराः कथाः। कथ्यन्ते धर्मसंयुक्ताः पुराणज्ञैर्महात्मभिः॥
And religious themes were recited in that assembly by persons conversant with the knowledge of Purāņas.

एतच्छुत्वा त निखिलं राघवोऽगस्त्यमब्रवीत्। य एषःरजा नाम वालिसुग्रीवयोः पिता॥
Hearing the whole history, Rāma, the descendant of Raghu, said to Agastya : “O Reverend Sir, Rkşarajā is the name of the father of Vāli and Sugrīva (but you have not told me the name of their mother).

जननी का च भवनं सा त्वया परिकीर्तिता। वालिसुग्रीवयोश्चापि नामनी केन हेतुना॥ एतद्ब्रह्मन्समाचक्ष्व कौतूहलमिदं हि नः। स प्रोक्तो राघवेणैवमगस्त्यो वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥ शृणु राम कथामेतां यथापूर्वं समासतः। नारदः कथयामास ममाश्रममुपागतः॥
However I am curious to learn who was their mother where was their residence and how they had been named so-do you favour me with the account." Rama having said this Agastya said:"O Rāma, I shall relate to you everything in short of what I had heard from Närada when he came to my hermitage.

कदाचिदटमानोऽसावतिधर्ममुपागतः। अर्चितस्तु यथान्यायं विधिदृष्टेन कर्मणा॥ सुखासीनः कथामेनां मया पृष्टः स कौतुकात्।
Once on a time while travelling that highly pious ascetic arrived at my hermitage; I duly worshipped and welcomed him; and when I asked him out of curiosity, he, seated at pleasure, said.

कथयामास धर्मात्मा महर्षे श्रूयतामिति॥ मेरुर्नगवरः श्रीमाञ्जाम्बूनदमयः शुभः। तस्य यन्मध्यमं शृङ्गं सर्वदैवतपूजितम्॥ तस्मिन्दिव्या सभा रम्या ब्रह्मणः शतयोजना। तस्यामास्ते सदा देव: पद्मयोनिश्चतुर्मुखः॥
Hear, O great ascetic, the foremost of the pious; there is a mountain named Meru, highly picturesque, made of gold and greatly charming. The middle peak is much liked by the celestials, on which is situate the beautiful assemblage hall of Brahmă extending over a hundred leagues. The four-mouthed deity, sprung from lotus, always. reside there.

योगमभ्यसतस्तस्य नेत्राभ्यां यदसुस्रुवत्। तद्गृहीतं भगवता पाणिना चर्चितं तु तत्॥ निक्षिप्तमात्रं तद्भूमौ ब्रह्मणा लोककर्तृणा। तस्मिन्नश्रुकणे राम वानरः संबभूव ह॥ उत्पन्नमात्रस्तु तदा वानरच नरोत्तम। समाश्वास्य प्रियैर्वाक्यैरुक्तः किल महात्मना॥ पश्य शैलं सुविस्तीर्ण सुरैरध्युषितं सदा। तस्मिन् रम्ये गिरिवरे बहुमूलफलाशनः॥ ममान्तिकचरो नित्यं भव वानरपुंगव। कंचित्कालमिहास्व त्वं ततः श्रेयो भविष्यति॥
And from his eyes while going through the Yoga practices tears trickled down. No sooner the Patriarch Brahmä, with his hands, wiped them off into the ground than a monkey originated from those tears. O foremost of men, as soon as that monkey was produced, the high-souled Brahma consoled him in sweet accents and said, "Do you proceed to that leading mountain where the celestials perpetually reside. O foremost of monkeys, living upon many a fruit and root in that picturesque mountain you should always live by me. And while you shall live in this wise for some time you shall be crowned with auspiciousness.”

एवमुक्तः स चैतेन ब्रह्मणा वानरोत्तमः। प्रणम्य शिरसा पादौ देवदेवस्य राघव॥ उक्तवाँल्लोककर्तारमादिदेवं जगत्पतिम्। यथाज्ञापयसे देव स्थितोऽहं तव शासने॥ एवमुक्त्वा हरिदेवं ययौ हृष्टमनास्तदा। स तदा दुमखण्डेषु फलपुष्पधनेषु च॥
Brahmā having thus said this, O Raghava, the foremost of monkeys saluted that god of gods, placing his head at his feet and said to that Primeval deity, the creator of beings and the lord of the universe. "O god, you are placing me under your behests-verily I shall follow them." Having said this to Patriarch that monkey immediately went to a forest abounding in fruits and flowers.

ब्रह्मन्प्रतिबलः शीघ्रं वने फलकृताशनः। चिन्वन्मधूनि मुख्यानि चिन्वन्पुष्पाण्यनेकशः॥ दिने दिने च सायाह्ने ब्रह्मणोऽन्तिकमागमत्। गृहीत्वा राम मुख्यानि पुष्पाणि च फलानि च॥ ब्रह्मणो देवदेवस्य पादमूले न्यवेदयत्। एवं तस्य गतः कालो बहु पर्यटतो गिरिम्॥ कस्यचित्त्वथ कालस्य समतीतस्य राघव। ऋक्षराड् वानरश्रेष्ठस्तृषया परिपीडितः॥ उत्तरं मेरुशिखरं गतस्तत्र च दृष्टवान्। नानाविहगसंघुष्टं प्रसन्नसलिलं सरः॥
There living on fruits and collecting honey and various flowers, he, every day, used to come to Brahmă in the evening. O Rāma, in this wise he used to make an offering of an excellent fruits and flowers at the feet of Brahmā, the god of gods. Journeying in this way over the mountain he spent many long years. Some time having elapsed in this way, O Raghava, Rksaraja, the foremost of monkeys, being distressed with thirst, repaired to the excellent mountain Meru. There is a pond of pure water, resonant with the notes of various birds.

चलत्केसरमात्मानं कृत्वा तस्य तटे स्थितः। ददर्श तस्मिन्सरसि वक्रच्छायामथात्मनः॥ कोऽयमस्मिन्मम रिपुर्वसत्यन्त ले महान्। रूपं चान्तर्गतं तत्र वीक्ष्य तत्पश्यतो हरिः॥ क्रोधाविष्टमना होष नियतं मावमन्यते। तदस्य दुष्टभावस्य पुष्कलं कुमतेहम्॥ एवं स चिन्त्य मनसा स वै वानरचापलात्। आप्लुत्य चापतत्तस्मिन्हदे वानरसत्तमः॥ उत्प्लुत्य तस्मात्स ह्रदादुत्थितः प्लवगः पुनः। तस्मिन्नेव क्षणे राम स्त्रीत्वं प्राप स वानरः॥ मनोज्ञरूपा सा नारी लावण्यललिता शुभा। विस्तीर्णजघना सुधूर्नीलकुन्तलमूर्धजा॥ मुग्धसस्मितवक्रा च पीनस्तनतटा शुभा।
Having shaken his manes with a delighted heart, Rkşarāja saw his reflection in his waters. Beholding his own image there that monkey-chief, stricken with anger and anxiety thought-“What arch-enemy of mine is living in the waters? I shall destroy the excellent abode of the vicious-souled one.” Thinking thus within himself, that monkey, out of fickleness, jumped down into the lake. And he again sprang up therefrom. And at the time of rising, O Rama, that leading monkey found himself-metamorphosed into a female form, which was highly charming, graceful and beautiful. Her waist was spacious, eye-brows beautiful and hairs were black and curling; her countenance was beautiful and smiling, breast high and beauty matchless.

हृदतीरे च सा भाति ऋजुयष्टिलता यथा॥ त्रैलोक्यसुन्दरी कान्ता सर्वचित्तप्रमाथिनी। लक्ष्मीव पद्मरहिता चन्द्रज्योत्स्नेव निर्मला॥ रूपेणाप्यभवत्सा तु श्रियं देवीमुमा यथा। द्योतयन्ती दिशः सर्वास्तथाभूत्सा वराङ्गना॥ एतस्मिन्नन्तरे देवो निवृत्तः सुरनायकः। पादावुपास्य देवस्य ब्रह्मणस्तेन वै पथा॥ तस्यामेव च वेलायामादित्योऽपि परिभ्रमन्। तस्मिन्नेव पदे सोऽभूास्मिन्सा तनुमध्यमा॥ युगपत्सा तदा दृष्टा देवाभ्यां सुरसुन्दरी। कंदर्पवशगौ तौ तु दृष्ट्वा तां संबभूवतुः॥
And there appeared charming on the banks of the lake, lighting up all quarters that female, agitating the mind all, and beautiful in the triple world like to simple Sastilatā, Ramā, without lotus, pure rays of the moon, Pärvatī more beautiful than even Lakşmi. At this time was returning by that way, Indra, the leader of the celestials after having worshipped the feet of Brahmă. And the sun too journeying arrived there. They has simultaneously espied that female form and were possessed by Kandarpa.

ततः क्षुभितसर्वाङ्गौ सुरेन्द्रौ पन्नगाविव। तद्रूपमद्भुतं दृष्ट्वा त्याजितौ धैर्यमात्मनः॥ ततस्तस्यां सुरेन्द्रेण स्कन्नं शिरसि पातितम्। अनासाथैव तां नारी संनिवृत्तमथाभवत्॥ ततः सा वानरपतिं जज्ञे वानरमीश्वरम्। अमोघरेतसस्तस्य वासवस्य महात्मनः॥ वालेषु पतितं बीजं वाली नाम बभूव सः। भास्करेणापि तस्यां वै कंदर्पवशवर्तिना॥ बीजं निषिक्तं ग्रीवायां विधानमनुवर्तत। तेनापि सा वरतनुर्नोक्ता किंचिद्वचः शुभम्॥ निवृत्तमदनश्चाथ सूर्योऽपि समपद्यत। ग्रीवायां पतितं बीजं सुग्रीवः समजायत॥ एवमुत्पाद्य तौ वीरौ वानरेन्द्रौ महाबलौ। दत्त्वा तु काञ्चनी मालां वानरेन्द्रस्य वालिनः॥ अक्षय्यां गुणसंपूर्णां शक्रस्तु त्रिदिवं ययौ। सूर्योऽपि स्वसुतस्यैव निरूप्य पवनात्मजम्॥ कृत्येषु व्यवसायेषु जगाम सविताम्बरम्। तस्यां निशायां व्युष्टायामुदिते च दिवाकरे॥ स तद्वानररूपं तु प्रतिपेदे पुनर्नृप। स एव वानरो भूत्वा पुत्रौ स्वस्य प्लवंगमौ॥ पिड्रेक्षणी हरिवरौ बलिनौ कामरूपिणौ। मधून्यमृतकल्पानि पायितौ तेन तौ तदा॥
What more, their whole body, as soon as they saw her, was moved and the firmness of the mind shaken. Thereupon Indra begot on her a son named Vālī for he originated from her hairs and the sun beget on her another son, who was named Sugrīva for he originated from her neck. Thus the two highly powerful monkeys being born, Indra went back to his region having conferred upon Vāli an un-ending garland of gold. And having engaged Hanumăn, the Wind god's son in the service of Sugrīva, the sun too went back to the sky. O king, the sun having risen after that night Rkşarajā again obtained his own real monkey shape. Having thus regained his monkey form he made his two highly powerful sons, leading monkeys, assuming shapes at will and having tawny eyes, drink honey like nectar.

गृह्य ऋक्षरजास्तौ तु ब्रह्मणोऽन्तिकमागमत्। दृष्टवक्षरजसं पुत्रं ब्रह्मा लोकपितामहः॥ बहुशः सान्त्वयामास पुत्राभ्यां सहितं हरिम्। सान्त्वयित्वा ततः पश्चाद्देवदूतमथादिशत्॥ गच्छ मद्वचनात किष्किन्धां नाम वै शुभाम्। सा ह्यस्य गुणसंपन्ना महती च पुरी शुभा॥
Thereupon taking them, he came to the abode of Brahmām, the grand-father of celestials, consoled him in diverse ways. Then he ordered the celestial messenger saying, "At my behest, O emissary, do you proceed to the highly picturesque city of Kişkindha. That golden, big and charming city is worthy of Řkşarajā.

तत्र वानरयूथानि सुबहूनि वसन्ति च। बहुरत्नसमाकीर्णा वानरैः कामरूपिभिः॥ पुण्या पुण्यवती दुर्गा चातुर्वर्ण्यपुरस्कृता। विश्वकर्मकृता दिव्या मन्नियोगाय शोभना॥ तत्रःरजसं दृष्ट्वा सपुत्रं वानरर्षभम्। यूथपालान्समाह्वाय यांश्चान्यान्प्राकृतान्हरीन्॥ तेषां संभाव्य सर्वेषां मदीयं जनसंसदि। अभिषेचय राजानमारोप्य महदासने॥ दृष्टमात्राश्च ते सर्वे वानरेण च धीमता। अस्यर्भरजसो नित्यं भविष्यन्ति वशानुगाः॥ इत्येवमुक्ते वचने ब्रह्मणा तं हरीश्वरम्। पुरतः कृत्य दूतोऽसौ प्रययौ तां पुरीं शुभाम्॥ स प्रविश्यानिलगतिस्तां गुहां वानरोत्तमः। स्थापयामास राजानं पितामहनियोगतः॥ राज्याभिषेकविधिना स्नातोऽथाभ्यर्चितस्तथा। स बद्धमुकुटः श्रीमानभिषिक्तः स्वलंकृतः॥ . आज्ञापयामास हरीन्सर्वान्मुदितमानसः।
There live many thousand monkeys besides others assuming shapes at will. It abounds in various jewels, invincible, is inhabited by four Varnas, holy and sacred. At my command Viśvakarmā has constructed the celestials and picturesque city of Kişkindhā. Do you place there Rksaraja, the foremost of monkeys, with his sons; and having invited the leading monkeys and others and received them courteously do you install him on the throne. On beholding this monkey-chief, gifted with intelligence they shall be all subject to hirm." Brahma, having said this, the celestial emissary, with Ķkşarajā before him, proceeded to the highly picturesque city of Kiskindhā. And having entered there with the velocity of the wind, he, at the command of the Patriarch, crowned the leading monkey Řkşarajā as king. And being sprinkled according to the ceremonies of installation, and adorned with a crown and various other ornaments he, with a delighted heart, engaged in governing the monkeys.

सप्तद्वीपसमुद्रायां पृथिव्यां ये प्लवंगमाः॥ वालिसुग्रीवयोरेष एष चक्षरज:पिता। जननी चैष तु हरिरित्येतद्भद्रमस्तु ते॥ यश्चैतच्छ्रावयेद्विद्वान्यश्चैतच्छृणुयान्नरः। सिद्ध्यन्ति तस्य कार्यार्था मनसो हर्षवर्धनाः॥ एतच सर्वं कथितं मया विभो प्रविस्तरेणेह यथार्थतस्तत्। उत्पत्तिरेषा रजनीचराणामुक्ता तथैवेह हरीश्वराणाम्॥
All the monkey, residing on earth consisting of seven insular continents and bounded by ocean, came under his subjection. Thus Rkşarajă was both the father and mother of Vali and Sugrīva. may god betide you. The learned who listen to and make others hear this story, conducing to the enhancement of their delight, get all their desires and objects accomplished. I have duty described to you at length all events and have recounted the stories relating to the birth of the Kings of monkeys and Rākşasas.

एतां श्रुत्वा कथां दिव्यां पौराणी राघवस्तदा। भ्रातृभिः सहितो वीरो विस्मयं परमं ययौ॥
Hearing this excellent Paurānic theme in the company of his brothers, Rāghava was greatly surprised.

राघवोऽथ ऋषेर्वाक्यं श्रुत्वा वचनमब्रवीत्। कथेयं महती पुण्या त्वत्प्रसादाच्छुता मया॥
Thereupon hearing the words of the Rși he said:-“By your favour I have listened to the highly sacred theme.

बृहत्कौतूहले चास्मिन्संवृतो मुनिपुंगवा उत्पत्तिर्यादृशी दिव्या वालिसुग्रीवयोजि॥ किं चित्रं मम ब्रह्मर्षे सुरेन्द्रतपनावुभौ। जातौ वानरशार्दूलौ बलेन बलिनां वरौ॥
O foremost of Munis, I was greatly worked up with curiosity in this matter. I am not the least surprised to learn, O twice-born one, that those two sons of the celestials would be two highly powerful leading monkeys since their origin is divine.”

एवमुक्ते तु रामेण कुम्भयोनिरभाषत। एवमेतन्महाबाहो वृत्तमासीत्पुरा किल॥ अथापरां कथां दिव्यां शृणु राजन्सनातनीम्। यदर्थं राम वैदेही रावणेन पुरा हृता॥
Rāma having said this Agastya said: “O you having long arms, thus in the days of yore the birth of Vali and Sugriva was brought about. o king, I shall now again relate to you another divine theme. O Rāma I shall now describe to you why did Rāvana steal Sītā.

तत्तेऽहं कीर्तयिष्यामि समाधि श्रवणे कुरु। पुरा कृतयुगे राम प्रजापतिसुतं प्रभुम्॥ सनत्कुमारमासीनं रावणो राक्षसाधिपः। वपुषा सूर्यसंकाशं ज्वलन्तमिव तेजसा॥ विनयावनतो भूत्वा ह्यभिबाद्य कृताञ्जलिः। उक्तवानरावणो राम तमृषि सत्यवादिनम्॥ को हस्मिन्नवरो लोके देवानां बलवत्तरः। यं समाश्रित्य विबुधा जयन्ति समरे रिपून्॥ कं जयन्ति द्विजा नित्यं कं ध्यायन्ति च योगिनः। एतन्मे शंस भगवन्विस्तरेण तपोधन। ११॥ विदित्वा हृद्गतं तस्य ध्यानदृष्टिर्महायशाः। उवाच रावणं प्रेम्णा श्रूयतामिति पुत्रका॥
Do you hear it attentively. O Rāma, in the golden age, having bowed to the Patriarch's son, the truthful Rși Sanaskumar highly effulgent, resplendent like to the sun, shining in his native brilliance and seated at his own place, Rāvana, the lord of Raksasas, said:-"Which is now among the celestials can brave and powerful, by whose help the celestials can vanquish their enemies and whom the twice-born ones daily worship and the devotees meditate upon. O you having piety for wealth, O you gifted with six sorts of wealth, do you describe this to me kindly.” Being apprised of Ravana's intention, the saint Sanatkumar, who saw every thing through his devotion, said to him out of love-_ “Hear my son.

यो वै भर्ता जगत्कृत्स्नं यस्योत्पत्तिं न विद्महे। सुरासुरैर्नतो नित्यं हरिनारायणः प्रभुः॥ यस्य नाभ्युद्भवो ब्रह्मा विश्वस्य जगतः पतिः। येन सर्वमिदं सृष्टं विश्वं स्थावरजंगमम्॥ तं समाश्रित्य विबुधा विधिना हरिमध्वरे। पिबन्ति हमृतं चैव मानिताश्च यजन्ति तम्॥ पुराणैश्चैव वेदेच पञ्चरात्रैस्तथैव च। ध्यायन्ति योगिनो नित्यं क्रतुभिश्च यजन्ति तम्॥ ' दैत्यदानवरक्षांसि ये चान्ये चामरद्विषः। सर्वाञ्जयति सङ्ग्रामे सदा सर्वैः स पूज्यते॥
The learned duly, in their sacrifices, worship that Hari, respected of people and drinking nectar, who is the lord of the universe, whose origin we do not know, who is daily worshipped by the celestials and Asuras, who is highly powerful Närāyaṇa from whose navel has sprung Brahmă, the creator of the world, and who has created the universe consisting of mobile and immobile beings. The Yogis meditate upon him and celebrate sacrifices in his honour according to the Vedas Purānas, Pancharatra and other rituals. He always vanquish in encounter Daityas, Danavas, Raksasas and all other enemies of the celestials and every one of them worships him."

श्रुत्वा महर्षेस्तद्वाक्यं रावणो राक्षसाधिपः। उवाच प्रणतो भूत्वा पुनरेव महामुनिम्॥ दैत्यदानवरक्षांसि ये हताः समरेऽरयः। कां गतिं प्रतिपद्यन्ते किं च ते हरिणा हताः॥ रावणस्य वचः श्रुत्वा प्रत्युवाच महामुनिः। दैवतैनिहता नित्यं प्राप्नुवन्ति दिवः स्थलम्॥ पुनस्तस्मात्परिभ्रष्टा जायन्ते वसुधातले। पूर्वार्जितः सुखैर्दुःखैर्जायन्ते च म्रियन्ति च॥
Hearing those words of the great ascetic Sanatkumar, Ravana, the lord of Raksasas, bowing, replied:-“Being slain by Hari to what station do the Daityas, Dānavas and Räkşasas attain? And why does, Hari destroy them?” Whereto Sanatkumar replied:-"Whoever are slain by the celestials do eternally reside in their region. And being banished therefrom, they again take their birth on earth. Thus by the misery and happiness acquired in their pristine existence, they go through births and deaths.

स्त्रैलोक्यनाथेन जनार्दनेन। ते तें गतास्तनिलयं नरेन्द्राः क्रोधोऽपि देवस्य वरेण तुल्यः॥ श्रुत्वा ततस्तद्वचनं निशाचरः सनत्कुमारस्य मुखाद्विनिर्गतम्। तथा प्रहृष्टः स बभूव विस्मितः कथं न यास्यामि हरि महाहवे॥
O king, all the monarchs, slain by Janärddana, holding discuss and the lord of the triple world, attained to his own region; even his anger become like a boon." Hearing those words given vent to by the great ascetic Sanatkumar the night-ranger Råvaņa, being worked up with delight and surprise, began to meditate how he should enter into conflict with Hari.

एवं चिन्तयतस्तस्य रावणस्य दुरात्मनः। पुनरेवापरं वाक्यं व्याजहार महामुनिः॥ मनसथेप्सितं यत्तद्भविष्यति महाहवे। सुखी भव महाबाहो कंचित्कालमुदीक्षय॥
The vicious-souled Răvaņa thinking thus the great ascetic, again gave vent to accents. “o you having long arms, what you have desired in your mind shall be encompassed in the great encounter. Be you happy and wait for some time.”

एवं श्रुत्वा महाबाहुस्तमृर्षि प्रत्युवाच सः। कीदृशं लक्षणं तस्य बूहि सर्वमशेषतः॥ राक्षसेशवचः श्रुत्वा स मुनिः प्रत्यभाषत। श्रूयतां सर्वमाख्यास्ये तव राक्षसपुंगव॥ स हि सर्वघतो देवः सूक्ष्मोऽव्यक्तः सनातनः। तेन सर्वमिदं व्याप्तं त्रैलोक्यं सचराचरम्॥ स भूमौ दिवि पाताले पर्वतेषु वनेषु च। स्थावरेषु च सर्वेषु नदीषु नगरीषु च॥ ओङ्कारचैव सत्यश्च सावित्री पृथिवी च सः। धराधरधरो देवो हनन्त इति विश्रुतः॥
Hearing this the long-armed (Ravana) again said to the ascetic:-"Do you tell me at length what are his marks." Hearing the words of the lord of Raksasas, the ascetic replied:-"Hearken, I shall relate to you every thing, O foremost of Raksasas. That great deity pervade all, is minute, invisible ever-existing, and manifest over the universe consisting of mobile and immobile creations. He is present in the celestials region, in the earth, in the region underneath the earth, on the mountains, in the forests, in all stationary objects, in all rivers and in all cities. He is Om, truth, Sāvitri and earth. He is known as the deity Dharādhara (holder of earth) and Ananta.

अहश्च रात्रिश्च उभे च संध्ये दिवाकरशैव यमच सोमः। स एव कालो ह्यनिलोऽनलश्च स ब्रह्मरुद्रेन्द्र स एव चापः॥ विद्योतति ज्वलति भाति लोकान्सृजत्ययं संहरति प्रशास्ति। क्रीडां करोत्यव्ययलोकनाथो विष्णुः पुराणो भवनाशकैकः॥
He is day, night, morning and evening, Yama, the moon, Kāla, the wind, Brahmā, Rudra, Indra and water. He makes the world manifest and shine; he creates them, destroys them and governs them. He sport, is eternal, the lord of men, Vişņu, Purāņa and the only destroyer of the world..

अथवा बहुनानेन किमुक्तेन दशानन। तेन सर्वमिदं व्याप्तं त्रैलोक्यं सचराचरम्॥ नीलोत्पलदलश्यामः किंजल्कारुणवाससा। प्रावृट्काले यथा व्योम्नि सतडित्तोयदो यथा॥ श्रीमान्मेघवपुः श्यामः शुभः पङ्कजलोचनः। श्रीवत्सेनोरसा युक्तः शशाङ्ककृतलक्षणः॥ तस्य नित्यं शरीरस्था मेघस्येव शतहदाः। सामरूपिणी लक्ष्मीदेहमावृत्य तिष्ठति॥
What is the use of speaking more, O Dasanana, He comprehends the three worlds, the mobile and immobile. Wearing a yellow raiment like to the filaments of lotus, Narayana, resembling dark-blue lotus in colour, is resplendent like to clouds in the welkin accompanied by lightening. And covering his person, Laksmi, in the shape of warfare, lies stationed in his body like to lightning in the clouds.

न शक्यः स सुरैर्द्रष्टुं नासुरैर्न च पन्नगैः। यस्य प्रसादं कुरुते स वै तं द्रष्टुमर्हति॥ नहि यज्ञफलैस्तात न तपोभिस्तु संचितैः। शक्यते भगवान्द्रष्टु न दानेन न चेज्यया॥ तद्भक्तैस्तद्गतप्राणैस्तचित्तैस्तत्परायणैः। शक्यते भगवान्द्रष्टुं ज्ञाननिर्दग्धकिल्बिषैः॥ अथवा पृच्छ्य रक्षेन्द्र यदि तं द्रष्टुमिच्छसि। कथयिष्यामि ते सर्वं श्रूयतां यदि रोचते॥ कृते युगे व्यतीते वै मुखे त्रेतायुगस्य तु। हितार्थं देवमानां भविता नृपविग्रहः॥ इक्ष्वाकूणां च यो राजा भाव्यो दशरथो भुवि। तस्य सुनुर्महातेजा रामो नाम भविष्यति॥ महातेजा महाबुद्धिर्महाबलपराक्रमः। महाबाहुर्महासत्त्वः क्षमया पृथिवीसमः॥ आदित्य इव दुष्प्रेक्ष्यः समरे शत्रुभिस्तदा। भविता हि तदा रामो नरो नारायणः प्रभुः॥ पितुर्नियोगात्स विभुर्दण्डके विविध वने। विचरिष्यति धर्मात्मा भ्रात्रा सह महामनाः॥ तस्य पत्नी महाभागा लक्ष्मी सीतेति विश्रुता। दुहिता जनकस्यैषा उत्थिता वसुधातलात्॥ रूपेणाप्रतिमा लोके सर्वलक्षणलक्षिता। छायेवानुगता रामं निशाकरमिव प्रभा॥
The celestials, Asuras or Nagas-none is capable of casting his looks upon him. He alone can see him with whom he is pleased, O my son; neither by the fruits of sacrifices, asceticism, selfcontrol, gifts, sacrifices, nor by anything else can one behold the Illustrious Deity. Those alone can see Him, who have devoted themselves, their life and being, to him and who, by virtue of discriminative knowledge, have got their sins burnt. if you are willing to behold him hear, if you do like, I shall describe everything at length. At the end of the golden age and the beginning of Tretā Yuga the deity Nārāyaṇa shall assume a human form for the benefit of men and celestials. A son by the name of Rāma shall be born to Dasaratha, of the Ikşvaku race who shall govern earth. Rāma shall be highly effulgent, highly powerful and in patience like to earth-and the enemies in the encounter shall not be able to eye him as they cannot the sun. In this wise the lord Nārāyaṇa shall appear in a human form. At the behest of his sire, the pious and the high-minded Rāma shall sojourn in the forest of Dandaka in the company of his brother. His spouse the gracious Lakşmi, shall be celebrated under the appellation of Sītā. She will be born as the daughter of Janaka, the king of Mithilā and will come out of earth. In beauty she shall be matchless on earth and be gifted with auspicious marks and shall be matchless on earth and be gifted with auspicious marks and shall always follow Rāma like a shadow as the rays follow the moon.

शीलाचारगुणोपेता साध्वी धैर्यसमन्विता। सहस्रांशो रश्मिरिव ह्येका मूर्तिरिव स्थिता॥ एवं ते सर्वमाख्यातं मया रावण विस्तरात्। महतो देवदेवस्य शाश्वतस्याव्यंयस्य च॥ एवं श्रुत्वा महाबाहु राक्षसेन्द्रः प्रतापवान्। त्वया सह विरोधेच्छुश्चिन्तयामास राघव॥ सनत्कुमारात्तद्वाक्यं चिन्तयानो मुहुर्मुहुः। रावणो मुमुदे श्रीमान्युद्धार्थ विचचार ह॥ श्रुत्वा च तां कथां रामो विस्मयोत्फुल्ललोचनः। शिरसञ्चालनं कृत्वा विस्मयं परमं गतः॥ श्रुत्वा तु वाक्यं स नरेश्वरस्तदा मुदा युतो विस्मयमानचक्षुः। पुनश्च तं ज्ञानवतां प्रधानमुवाच वाक्यं वद मे पुरातनम्॥३०
She will be graced with a good conduct, chaste and patient; and Sitã and Răma shall always together like the rays to the sun. Rāvaņa, I have thus related to you everything about the Närāyaṇa, the great Brahmana, eternal and incomprehensible." O Raghava, hearing those words, the highly powerful lord of Raksasas began to concert plans for entering into conflict with you. Meditating again and again over Sanatkumāra's words and delighted he began to journey for battle." Hearing those words, Rāma with his eyes expanded in surprise, was greatly wondered. And being delighted he again said to Agastya, the foremost of the wise:-"Do you recount the ancient stories."

ततः पुनर्महातेजाः कुम्भयोनिमहायशाः। उवाच रामं प्रणतं पितामह इवेश्वरम्॥ श्रूयतामिति चोवाच रामं सत्यपराक्रमम्। कथाशेषं महातेजाः कथयामास स प्रभुः॥ यथाख्यानं श्रुतं चैव यथावृत्तं यथा तथा। प्रीतात्मा कथयामास राघवाय महामतिः॥ एतदर्थं महाबाहो रावणेन दुरात्मना। सुता जनकराजस्य हृता राम महामते॥
The highly effulgent and illustrious Agastya, spring from a vessel, again addressed the humble Rāma as the great Patriarch sprung from lotus spoke to the Great Deity. He said to Răma, having truth for his prowess:-"Do you hear." Saying this, the highly effulgent Agastya began to narrate the last portion of the story. The high-minded saint, with a delighted heart, described to Rāma all he has heard and narrated." O high-minded Rama, having long arms, it is for this reason that the vicioussouled Rāvana stole away Janaki, the daughter of king Janaka.

एतां कथां महाबाहो नारदः सुमहायशाः। कथयामास दुर्धर्ष मेरौ गिरिवरोत्तमे॥ देवगन्धर्वसिद्धानामृषीणां च महात्मनाम्। कथाशेषं पुनः सोऽथ कथयामास राघव॥ नारदः सुमहातेजाः प्रहसन्निव मानद। तां कथां शृणु राजेन्द्र महापापप्रणाशनीम्॥ यां तु श्रुत्वा महाबाहो ऋषयो दैवतैः सह। ऊचुस्तं नारदं सर्वे हर्षपर्याकुलेक्षणम्॥ यश्चमां श्रावयेन्नित्यं शृणुयाद्वापि भक्तितः। स पुत्रपौत्रवानराम स्वर्गलोके महीयते॥
O you having long arms! O you of many glories! O you invincible! Närada recounted this story to me on the summit of mountain-chief Meru. O Rāghava, the highly effulgent one narrated to me the last portion of this story in the presence of the celestials, Gandharvas, Siddhas, ascetics and other great men. O lord of kings, O conferror of honours, do you listen to that story which remove monstrous iniquity. Hearing this you having long arms, said to the ascetic Nārada “He who shall reverentially listen to this story every day, shall be bless with sons and grandsons and be honoured in the region of the celestials.

ततः स राक्षसो राम पर्यटन्पृथिवीतले। विजयार्थी महाशूरै राक्षसैः परिवारितः॥ दैत्यदानवरक्षःसु यं शृणोति बलाधिकम्। तमाह्वयति युद्धार्थी रावणो बलदर्पितः॥ एवं स पर्यटन्सर्वां पृथिवीं पृथिवीपते। ब्रह्मलोकान्निवर्तन्तं समासाद्याथ रावणः॥ व्रजन्तं मेघपृष्ठस्थमंशुमन्तमिवापरम्। तमभिसृत्य प्रीतात्मा ह्यभिवाद्य कृताञ्जलिः॥ उवाच हृष्टमनसा नारदं रावणस्तदा। आब्रह्मभुवनं लोकास्त्वया दृष्टा ह्यनेकशः॥ कस्मिल्लोके महाभाग मानवा बलवत्तराः। योद्धमिच्छामि तैः सार्धं यथाकामं यदृच्छया॥
Thereupon being desirous of achieving victories, Ravana, the lord of Raksasas, proud of his strength, began to journey over the earth in the company of the heroic Rākşasas. Whoever, among the Daityas, Dänavas and Räkşasas was reported to him as being powerful he used to invite for battle. O king of earth, having thus traversed the whole world, the ten-necked demon saw the saint Nărada returning to his own region from Brahmaloka. Like the second sun he was proceeding through the clouds. Rāvana, with a delighted heart, neared him and addressed the celestial saint Nārada with folded palms, saying:-"O you gifted with six sorts of wealth, you have seen many a time all creations from Brahmā down to an insect. Do you tell me, O great one, the inhabitants of which, world are more powerful? I wish to fight with them according to my desire."

चिन्तयित्वा मुहूर्तं तु नारदः प्रत्युवाच तम्। अस्ति राजन्महाद्वीपं क्षीरोदस्य समीपतः॥ तत्र ते चन्द्रसंकाशा मानवाः सुमहाबलाः। महाकाया महावीर्या मेघस्तनितनि:स्वनाः॥ महामात्रा धैर्यवन्तो महापरिघबाहवः। श्वेतद्वीपे मया दृष्टा मानवा राक्षसाधिप।॥ बलवीर्यसमोपेतान्यादृशास्त्वमिहेच्छसि। नारदस्य वचः श्रुत्वा रावणः प्रत्युवाच ह॥
Whereto, thinking for a moment, the celestial saint Nārada replied: "O king, there is an insular continent near the milky ocean. All the inhabitants that live there are gifted with strength-effulgent like the rays of the moon, huge-bodied, highly powerful and have a voice deep as the muttering of the clouds. They are all greatly beautiful, patient and have huge arms. O king of Rākşasas, I have seen in Swetadvipa such powerful men, as you do want to see on this earth.” Hearing the words of Narada, Ravana said.

कथं नारद जायन्ते तस्मिन्द्वीपे महाबलाः। श्वेतद्वीपे कथं वासः प्राप्तस्तैस्तु महात्मभिः॥ एतन्मे सर्वमाख्याहि प्रभो नारद तत्त्वतः। त्वया दृष्टं जगत्सर्वं हस्तामलकवत्सदा॥ रावणस्य वचः श्रुत्वा नारदः प्रत्युवाच ह। अनन्यमनसो नित्यं नारायणपरायणाः॥ तदाराधनसक्ताच तचित्तास्तत्परायणाः। एकान्तभावानुगतास्ते जरा राक्षसाधिप॥ तचित्तास्तद्रतप्राणा नरा नारायणं सदा। श्वेतद्वीपे तु तैर्वास अर्जितः सुमहात्मभिः॥ ये हता लोकनाथेन शाईमानम्य संयुगे। चक्रायुधेन देवेन तेषां वासस्त्रिविष्टपे॥ नहि यज्ञफलैस्तात न तपोभिन संयमैः। न च दानफलैर्मुख्यैः स लोकः प्राप्यते सुखम्॥ नारदस्य वचः श्रुत्वा दशग्रीवः सुविस्मितः। ध्यात्वा तु सुचिरं कालं तेन योत्स्यामि संयुगे॥ आपृच्छ्य नारदं प्रायाच्छेतद्वीपाय रावणः। नारदोऽपि चिरं ध्यात्वा कौतूहलसमन्वितः॥ दिदृक्षुः परमाश्चर्यं तत्रैव त्वरितं ययौ। स हि केलिकरो विप्रो नित्यं च समरप्रियः॥ रावणोऽपि ययौ तत्र राक्षसैः सह राघव। महता सिंहनादेन दारयन्स दिशो दश॥
“O celestial saint, why are the inhabitants of Svetadvipa powerful? And how did those highsouled ones come to live there? O lord, do you relate to me everything at length. You do observe the whole universe like a myrobalam in your palms." Hearing the words of Ravana, the celestial saint said:-"o lord of Raksasas, the inhabitants of Svetadvipa are perpetually devoted to Nārāyaņa with whole-mindedness and earnestly worship Him. They have always their hearts and minds devoted to Him and are all high-souled. Having rendered their lives and souls to Nārāyaṇa, they have been blessed with their abode in Svetadvſpa. Those, who are slain in the encounter with his bow bent by Vişnu— the holder of discuss and the preserver of the world, attain to the celestial region. Neither by sacrifice, devout penance, self-control nor excellent gifts may be obtained the celestial region full of bliss.” Hearing the words of Nārada, the Ten-necked demon was worked up with surprise and meditating for some time said "I shall enter into conflict with him." Thereupon inviting Nárada he proceeded to Śvetadvipa. Thinking for a long time and being curious to witness that wondrous encounter, Nārada speedily went there. He was ever fond of sport and warfare. Filling all the quarters with dreadful leonine roars Rāvana with all the Rākşasas moved towards the Svetadvīpa.

गते तु नारदं तत्र रावणोऽपि महायशाः। प्राप्य श्वेतं महाद्वीपं दुर्लभं यत्सुरैरपि॥ तेजसा तस्य द्वीपस्य रावणस्य बलीयसः। तत्तस्य पुष्पकं यानं वातवेगसमाहतम्॥ अवस्थातुं न शक्नोति वाताहत इवाम्बुदः। सचिवा राक्षसेन्द्रस्य द्वीपमासाद्य दुईशम्॥ अब्रुवनरावणं भीता राक्षसा जातसाध्वसाः। राक्षसेन्द्र वयं मूढा भ्रष्टसंज्ञा विचेतसः॥ अवस्थातुं न शक्ष्यामो युद्धं कर्तुं कथंचन। एवमुक्त्वा दुद्रुवस्ते सर्व एव निशाचराः॥ रावणोऽपि हि तद्यानं पुष्पकं हेमभूषितम्। विसर्जयामास तदा सह तैः क्षणदाचरैः॥ गतं तु पुष्पकं राम रावणो राक्षसाधिपः। कृत्वा रूपं महाभीमं सर्वराक्षसवर्जितः॥ प्रविवेश तदा तस्मिश्वेतद्वीपे स रावणः। प्रविशन्नेव तत्राशु नारीभिरुपलक्षितः॥ एकया स स्मितं कृत्वा हस्ते गृह्य दशाननम्। पृष्ध्यागमनं ब्रूहि किमर्थमिह चागतः॥ को वा त्वं कस्य वा पुत्रः केन वा प्रहितो वदा इत्युक्तो रावणो राजक्रुद्धो वचनमब्रवीत्॥ अहं विश्रवसः पुत्रो रावणो नाम राक्षसः। युद्धार्थमिह संप्राप्तो न च पश्यामि कंचन॥ एवं कथयतस्तस्य रावणस्य दुरात्मनः। प्राहसंस्ते ततः सर्वे सुस्वनं युवतीजनाः॥
After Närada had reached there, the illustrious Daśānana went to that insular continent beyond even the reach of the celestials. Being struck by the radiant heat of that insular continent, the Puspaka car, of the mighty Ravana, could not stand, there like clouds scattered by the wind. Having arrived at that dreadful insular continent the councillors of the lord of Raksasas, fearfully said to Ravana. "O lord, we are all stupified and beside ourselves with fear. We cannot anyhow stand here: how shall we fight?” Saying this the Rakşasas fled away into all directions. And Daśānana too sent away his golden car Puşpaka with them. And Daśānana too sent away his chariot and assuming a dreadful figure he alone entered Śvetadvīpa. At the time of his entering he was seen by the females there. One of them of his entering he was seen by the females there. One of them beholding him by the hand and smiling said "Why have you come hither? Who are you? who is your father? and what for have you come here? Do you definitely say." Hearing those words, oking, Ravana, in anger said:-"I am the son of the ascetic Visrava, I am Ravana by name; I have come hither being desirous of fighting; but I do not behold anyone here.” The vicious-souled Rāvana having said this all the young damsels laughed gently.

तासामेका ततः क्रुद्धा बालवद्गृह्य लीलया। भ्रामितस्तु सखीमध्ये मध्ये गृह्य दशाननम्॥ सखीमन्यां समाहूय पश्य त्वं कीटकं धृतम्। दशास्यं विंशतिभुजं कृष्णाञ्जनसमप्रभम्॥ हस्ताद्धस्तं स च क्षिप्तो भ्राम्यते भ्रमलालसः। भ्राम्यप्राणेन बलिना राक्षसेन विपश्चिता॥ पाणावेकाथ संदष्टा रोषेण वनिता शुभा। मुक्तस्तयाशुभ: कीटो धुन्वन्त्या हस्तवेदनात्॥ गृहीत्वान्या तु रक्षेन्द्रमुत्पपात विहायसा। ततस्तामपि संक्रुद्धो विददार नखै शम्॥ तया सह विनिर्वृतः सहसैव निशाचरः। पपात सोऽम्भसो मध्ये सागरस्य भयातुरः॥
But one of them, being enraged, took up Rāvana, like a child, as if in sport and hurled him among her companions. And addressing another she said: "Behold, I have caught this black Rāvaņa, having twenty arms and ten faces, like a small insect. Thereupon Rāvana, being worn out with hurling, passed from one hand to another. Being thus hurled the learned and powerful Rāvana, in anger, severely bit the palms of that fair one. Being overwhelmed with pain that damsel let him off. Thereupon, another, taking that Raksasachief, rose up in the welkin. Ravana, again waxing wroth tore her with his nails. And being left off by that damsel, the terrified night-ranger fell down into the waters of the deep.

पर्वतस्येव शिखरं यथा वज्रविदारितम्। प्रापतत्सागरजले तथासौ विनिपातितः॥ एवं स रावणो राम श्वेतद्वीपनिवासिभिः। युवतीभिर्विगृह्याशु भ्रामितश्च ततस्ततः॥ नारदोऽपि महातेजा रावणं प्राप्य धर्षितम्। विस्मयं सुचिरं कृत्वा प्रजहास ननर्त च॥ एतदर्थ महाबाहो रावणेन दुरात्मना। विज्ञायापहृता सीता त्वत्तो मरणकाझ्या॥ भवान्नारायणो देवः शङ्खचक्रगदाधरः। शाईपद्मायुधो वजी सर्वदेवनमस्कृतः॥ श्रीवत्साङ्को हृषीकेशः सर्वदेवाभिपूजितः। पद्मनाभो महायोगी भक्तानामभयप्रदः॥ वधार्थं रावणस्य त्वं प्रविष्टो मानुषीं तनुम्। किं न वेत्सि त्वमात्मानं यथा नारायणो हाहम्॥ मा मुह्यस्व महाभाग स्पर चात्मानमात्मना। गुह्याद्गुह्यतरस्त्वं हि ह्येवमाह पितामहः॥ त्रिगुणश्च त्रिवेदी च त्रिधामा च त्रिराघव। त्रिकालकर्म त्रैविद्य त्रिदशारिप्रमर्दन॥ भयाक्रान्तास्त्रयो लोकाः पुराणैर्विक्रमैस्त्रिभिः। त्वं महेन्द्रानुजः श्रीमान्बलिबन्धनकारणात्॥ अदित्या गर्भसंभूतो विष्णुस्त्वं हि सनातनः। लोकाननुग्रहीतुं वै प्रविष्टो मानुषीं तनुम्॥ तदिदं साधितं कार्यं सुराणां सुरसत्तमा निहतो रावणः पापः सपुत्रगणबान्धवः॥
The females, inhabiting that insular continent again and again in this wise hurled Rāvaņa. Beholding his thus distressed the highly effulgent Nārada danced in joy and surprise. O you having long arms, being apprised of this, the vicioussouled Răvaņa stole away Sită with a view to meet death at your hands. You are Narayana, holding discuss, conch and club; you have in your hands the bow, a lotus, thunder-bolt and other weapons; you are worshipped of all deities; you are graced with the mystic mark Sribatsa, adored by all celestials, have a lotus navel, are a great ascetic, and Harishikesha declaring fearlessness to all devotees. You have assumed a human form to bring about the destruction of Ravana. Do you not recognise yourself as Nārāyaṇa? O great one, do not forget yourself; do you recollect your real self. The Patriarch Brahma said that you are subtler than the subtle. You are the three qualities, the three Vedas and the regions-that of the celestials, of the mortals and the region under the earth. Your work is manifest in time, past, present and future; you are the observer of three Vedas and destroyer of the enemies of the celestials. With your three steps, you did in the days of yore, transverse the three worlds. You went born of Aditi, as the youngest brother of Indra for binding Bali. You are the eternal Vişnu. To extend your flavours to humanity you have been born as man. O foremost of the celestials, the work of the deities has been accomplished. The vicious Răvaņa, with his sons and relatives, has been slain.

प्रहृष्टाश्च सुराः सर्वे ऋषयश्च तपोधनाः। प्रशान्तं च जगत्सर्वं त्वत्प्रसादात्सुरेश्वर॥ सीता लक्ष्मीर्महाभागा संभूता वसुधातलात्। त्वदर्थमिह चोत्पन्ना जनकस्य गृहे प्रभो॥ लङ्कामानीय यत्नेन मातेव परिरक्षिता। एवमेतत्समाख्यातं तव राम महायशः॥ ममापि नारदेनोक्तमृषिणा दीर्घजीविना। यथा सनत्कुमारेण व्याख्यातं तस्य रक्षसः॥ तेनापि च तदेवाशु कृतं सर्वमशेषतः। यश्चतच्छ्रावयेच्छ्राद्धे विद्वान्ब्राह्मणसंनिधौ॥ अन्नं तदक्षयं दत्तं पितॄणामुपतिष्ठति। एतां श्रुत्वा कथां दिव्यां रामो राजीवलोचनः॥ परं विस्मयमापन्नो भ्रातृभिः सह राघवः। वानराः सहसुग्रीवा राक्षसाः सबिभीषणाः॥ राजानश्च सहामात्या ये चान्येऽपि समागताः। ब्राह्मणाः क्षत्रिया वैश्याः शूद्रा धर्मसमन्विताः॥ सर्वे चोत्फुल्लनयनाः सर्वे हर्षसमन्विताः। राममेवानुपश्यन्ति भृशमत्यन्तहर्षिताः॥
The Rşis, having piety for their wealth and all the deities have been pleased. O foremost of gods all this has been brought about by the flavours; and the whole universe has been pacified. Sita is the very presentation of Lakşmi, sprung from earth. It is for you that she has been born in the race of Janaka. Bringing her into Larkā Rāvana protected her with care like his mother. Rāma, I have thus related to you the entire story. Hearing this from the Rşi Sanatkumăra, the long-lived Närada described this to me. Daśānana, to a letter I followed the instructions of Sanatkumāra. Who ever listens to this story at the time of Sraddha, the rice, offered by him, becoming, inexhaustible, reaches his manes." Hearing this celestial theme, the lotus-eyed Rāma along with his brothers was greatly surprised. And having their eyes expanded with delight the monkeys, with Sugrīva, the Rāks asas with Vibhisana, the kings, with their councillors, and all other assembled pious Brahmins, Ksatriyas, Vaisyas, and Sudras, they all delightedly espied Rāma.

ततोऽगस्त्यो महातेजा राघवं चेदमब्रवीत्। दृष्टाः सभाजिताश्चापि राम यास्यामहे वयम्॥ एवमुक्त्वा गताः सर्वे पूजितास्ते यथागतम्॥
Thereupon the highly effulgent Agastya said to Rama: "O Rāma, we have all seen you and been honoured; now we shall depart.” Saying this, they, being honoured, repaired to their respective habitations.