Uttara Kanda: Chapter 35

अपृच्छत तदा रामो दक्षिणाशाश्रयं मुनिम्। प्राञ्जलिविनयोपेत इदमाह वचोऽर्थवत्॥
Thereupon Rāma, being stricken with curiosity, with folded palms and humbly accosted Agastya, residing in the southern quarter, with pregnant accents, saying.

अतुलं बलमेतद्वै वालिनो रावणस्य च। न त्वेताभ्यां हनुमता समं त्विति मतिर्मम॥
You say that Rávaņa and Vāli had unequalled strength but I think their can not equal that of Hanuman.

शौर्य दाक्ष्यं बलं धैर्य प्राज्ञता नयसाधनम्। विक्रमश्च प्रभावश्च हनूमति कृतालयाः॥
Heroism, liberality, strength, patience, intellect, knowledge of lawn and means, prowess and energy all exist together in Hanuman. on

दृष्ट्वैव सागरं वीक्ष्य सीदन्तीं कपिवाहिनीम्। समाश्वास्य महाबाहुर्योजनानां शतं प्लुतः॥
When the monkey host lost heart beholding the ocean, Hanumān, consoling crossed over the deep extending over a hundred leagues.

धर्षयित्वा पुरीं लङ्कां रावणान्तःपुरं तदा। दृष्टा संभाषिता चापि सीता ह्याश्वासिता तथा॥
Having discarded the presiding goddess of Lanka he went to the mansion of Rāvana and on beholding Sita there, he consoled her.

सेनाग्रगा मन्त्रिसुताः किंकरा रावणात्मजः। एते हनुमता तत्र एकेन वितिपातिताः।।६।
What to speak of more, Hanuman, singlehanded, slew Ravana's commander-in-chief, the minister's son, his servants and his one son.

भूयो बन्धाद्विमुक्तेन भाषयित्वा दशाननम्। लङ्का भस्मीकृता येन पावकेनेव मेदिनी॥
Being released from the Brahma weapon Hanuman remonstrated with Rāvaņa, and reduced Larkā into ashes like to fire burning down earth.

न कालस्य न शक्रस्य न विष्णोवित्तपस्य च। कर्माणि तानि श्रूयन्ते यानि युद्धे हनूमतः॥
What I have seen myself performed by Hanumān in the conflict is above the power of Kala, Vasava and even the lord of riches.

एतस्य बाहुवीर्येण लङ्का सीता च लक्ष्मणः। प्राप्ता मया जयश्चैव राज्यं मित्राणि बान्धवाः॥
It is by the strength of the arms of that Windgod's son I ave obtained Lanka, Sita, Lakşmaņa, Victory, kingdom and my friends.

हनूमान्यदि मे न स्याद्वानराधिपतेः सखा। प्रवृत्तिमपि को वेत्तुं जानक्याः शक्तिमान्भवेत्।।१०
What more, had not Hanumăn, the friend of the king of monkeys-Sugrīva, been in my company who could have brought Sītā intelligence?

किमर्थ वाली चैतेन सुग्रीवप्रियकाम्यया। तदा वैरे समुत्पन्ने न दग्धो वीरुधो यथा॥
Why did not Hanumän, although wishing welfare to Sugrīva, reduce Vāli to ashes like so many creepers on the occasion of his quarrel with Sugriva?

नहि वेदितवान्मन्ये हनूमानात्मनो बलम्। यदृष्टवाञ्जीवितेष्टं क्लिश्यन्तं वानराधिपम्॥
Methinks, Hanuman was not cognisant of his own prowess then? And therefore he did stood to witness the miseries of Sugrīva— the king of monkeys who was dearer than his life.

एतन्मे भगवन्सर्वं हनूमति महामुने। विस्तरेण यथातत्त्वं कथयामरपूजित॥
O you worshipped of the immortals, do you truly describe to me in detail this action of Hanuman.

राघवस्य वचः श्रुत्वा हेतुयुक्तमृषिस्ततः। हनूमतः समक्षं तमिदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Hearing those well-meaning words of Rāghava, the ascetic Agastya said to him in the presence of Hanumān.

सत्यमेतद्रघुश्रेष्ठ यद्ब्रवीषि हनूमति। न बले विद्यते तुल्यो न गतौ न मतौ परः॥
O foremost of Raghus, what, you have said regarding Hanumān, is all true. As regards, strength, velocity and intellect there is none who can equal Hanuman.

अमोघशापैः शापस्तु दत्तोऽस्य मुनिभिः पुरा। न वेत्ता हि बलं सर्वं बली सन्नरिमर्दन ॥
O repressor of enemies, in the days of yore Hanumān was imprecated by the ascetics, whose curses never become fruitless, to the effect that he would never be conscious of his whole strength.

वाल्येऽप्येतेन यत्कर्म कृतं राम महाबल। तन्न वर्णयितुं शक्यमिति वाल्यतयास्य ते॥
I am not capable of describing to you the wondrous childish feat which Hanuman did perform in his boyhood.

यदि वास्ति त्वभिप्रायः कं श्रोतुं तव राघव। समाधाय मतिं राम निशामय वदाम्यहम्॥
But if you are, O Raghava, greatly anxious to hear it, I shall relate do you hear with a quiescent mind.

सूर्यदत्तवरस्वर्णः सुमेरु म पर्वतः। यत्र राज्यं प्रशास्त्यस्य केसरी नाम वै पिता ॥
Hanuman's father Keśarī reigned in the mountain Sumeru which resembles gold by the influence of the sun.

तस्य भार्या बभूवेष्टा ह्यञ्जनेति परिश्रुता। जनयामास तस्यां वै वायुरात्मजमुत्तमम्॥
Kesari had a well-known wife by the name of Añjanā to whom he was greatly attached. The deity Wind begot on Añjană an excellent son.

शालिशूकनिभाभासं प्रासूतेमं तदाञ्जना। फलान्याहतुकामा वै निष्क्रान्ता गहने वरा ॥
Repairing to a dense forest for collecting fruits, the excellent damsel gave birth to Hanumān resembling the tip of a ſala tree and went away.

एष मातुर्वियोगाच्च क्षुधया च भृशार्दितः। रुरोद शिशुरत्यर्थ शिशुः शरवणे यथा।२२॥
Being distressed with hunger on account of the absence of the mother, Hanuman, just born, cried like Kartikeya, the commander-in-chief of the celestials, in the forest of Saras.

तदोद्यन्तं विवस्वन्तं जपापुष्पोत्करोपमम्। ददर्श फललोभाच्च ह्युत्पपात रविं प्रति॥
At this time the sun resembling Japā flowers, having risen, Hanumān, to get a fruit, sprang up.

बालार्काभिमुखो बालो बालार्क इव मूर्तिमान्। ग्रहीतुकामो बालार्क प्लवतेऽम्बरमध्यगः॥
Being desirous of holding the newly risen sun, Hanumān, resembling it, began to leap in the middle of the welkin.

एतस्मिन्प्लवमाने तु शिशुभावे हनूमति। देवदानवयक्षाणां विस्मयः सुमहानभूत्॥
The child Hanuman having thus ascended the sky, celestials, Dānavas and Yakşas surprisingly exclaimed.

नाप्येवं वेगवान्वायुर्गरुडो न मनस्तथा। यथायं वायुपुत्रस्तु क्रमतेऽम्बरमुत्तमम्॥
The velocity, with which Marut's son is going, is not possessed even by the Wind, Garuda and mind.

यदि तावच्छिशोरस्य ईदृशो गतिविक्रमः। यौनं बलमासाद्य कथं वेगो भविष्यन्ति ॥
If he has got such vehemence in his boyhood what great strength he shall have in his youth.

तमनुप्लवते वायुः प्लवन्तं पुत्रमात्मनः। सूर्यदाहभयाद्रसंस्तुषारचयशीतलः॥
His own son thus leaping, the wind, becoming cool by the touch of snow, began to follow him proceeding in the sky lest the rays of the sun might scorch him.

बहुयोजनसाहस्रं क्रान्नेव गतोम्बरम्। पितुर्बलाच्च बाल्यच्च भास्कराभ्याशमागतः।।२९
Rising high up in the sky on account of childish freaks and traversed many thousand leagues by the help of his father Hanuman neared the sun.

शशुरेष त्वदोषज्ञ इति मत्वा दिवाकरः। कार्य चास्मिन्समायत्तमित्येवं न ददाह सः॥
Considering that he was a mere child and therefore not tarnished by any sin and that a great divine work would be accomplished by him in future the sun did not burn Hanuman.

यमेव दिवसं ह्येष ग्रहीतुं भास्करं प्लुतः तमेव दिवसं राहुर्जिघृक्षति दिवाकरम्॥
At the every day when Hanuman sprang up to hold the sun, Rāhu too essayed to possess him.

अनेन च परामृष्टो राहुः सूर्यरथोपरि। अपक्रान्तस्ततस्त्रस्तो राहुश्चन्द्रार्कमर्दनः॥
Having reached the top of the sun's car Hanuman touched Rāhu; so he, the repressor of the moon's rays, accordingly went back on beholding the sun thus possessed.

इन्द्रस्य भवनं गत्वा सरोषः सिंहिकासुतः। अब्रवीद्धृकुटिं कृत्वा देवं देवगणैर्वृतम्॥
And repairing to the house of Indra, Sinhika's son, in wrath and with frowns, said to him encircled by the celestials.

बुभुक्षापनयं दत्त्वा चन्द्राकौं मम वासव। किमिदं तत्त्वया दत्तमन्यस्य बलवृत्रहन्॥
O Vasava! O slayer of Bala and Vrtra-to remove my hunger you did give me both the sun and moon; why you have then given them to another?

अद्याहं पर्वकाले तु जिघृक्षुः सूर्यमागतः। अथान्यो राहुरासाद्य जग्राह सहसा रविम्॥
On account of the Parva I came to devour the sun but another Rahu came and possessed him.

स राहोर्वचनं श्रुत्वा वासवः संभ्रमान्वितः। उत्पपातासनं हित्वा उद्वहन्काञ्चनीं जम्॥ ततः कैलासकूटाभं चतुर्दन्तं मदस्रवम्। शृङ्गारधारिणं प्रांशुं स्वर्णघण्टाट्टहासिनम्॥ इन्द्रः करीन्द्रमारुह्य राहुं कृत्वा पुरःसरम्। प्रायाद्यवाभवत्सूर्यः सहानेन हनूमता॥
Hearing the words of Råhu, the King of the deities, wearing a golden garland, having his understanding bewildered, proceeded, on the back of his elephant-chief Airavata, huge like the summit of the Kailäsa hill, with temporal juice always trickling, having four tasks, roaring, and adorned with golden bells, towards Hanumān and the sun with Rāhu before him.

अथातिरभसेनागाद्राहुरुत्सृज्य वासवम्। अनेन च स वै दृष्टः प्रधावशैलकूटवत्॥
Having left behind Indra, Rāhu, quickly went there but fled away on beholding the hugebodied Hanumān resembling a mountain summit.

ततः सूर्यं समुत्सृज्य राहुं फलमवेक्ष्य च। उत्पपात पुनर्योम ग्रहीतुं सिंहिकासुतम्॥
Thereupon leaving aside the sun and being desirous of holding Rāhu, the son of Siṁhikā considering him as a fruit, Hanumān again sprang up into the sky.

उत्सृज्यामिमं राम प्रधावन्तं प्लवंगमम्। अवेक्ष्यैवं परावृत्तो मुखशेषः पराङ्मुखः॥
Beholding Hanuman approach renouncing the sun, Rāhu with his countenance only visible, desisted and went back.

इन्द्रमाशंसमानस्तु त्रातारं सिंहिकासुतः। इन्द्र इन्द्रेति संत्रासान्मुहुर्मुहुरभाषत।॥
And considering Indra as the saviour the son of Simhikā, stricken with fear, again and again cried aloud "Indra! Indra!!"

राहोर्विक्रोशमानस्य प्रागेवालक्षितं स्वरम्। श्रुत्वेन्द्रोवाच मा भैषीरहमेनं निषूदये॥
Understanding everything by the piteous accents of Rāhu Indra said, “No fear, I shall soon slay him.”

ऐरावतं ततो दृष्ट्वा महत्तदिदमित्यपि। फलं तं हस्तिराजानमभिदुद्राव मारुतिः॥
Thereupon beholding the huge-bodied Airāvat and considering him as a bigger fruit Măruti ran towards him.

तथास्य धावतो रूपमैरावतजिघृक्षया। मुहूर्तमभवद्धोरमिन्द्राद्युपरि भास्वरम्॥
Proceeding thus tempestuously when he rose above the head of Indra, Hanuman, looked in a moment dreadful like the fire of dissolution.

एवमाधावमानं तु नातिक्रुद्धः शचीपतिः। हस्तान्तादतिमुक्तेन कुलिशेनाभ्यताडयत्॥
But not greatly enraged the thousand-eyed lord of Saci, with the thunder bolt in his hand, struck the running Hanumān.

ततो गिरौ पपातैष इन्द्रवज्राभिताडितः। पतमानस्य चैतस्य वामा हनुरभज्यत॥
Belaboured by the thunder-bolt of Indra Hanuman fell down on a summit and broke his left jaw.

तस्मिंस्तु पतिते चापि वज्रताडनविह्वले। चुक्रोधेन्द्राय पवनः प्रजानामहिताय सः॥
He being thus overwhelmed by the stoke of Indra's thunder-bolt, the Wind-god became displeased with the king of celestials and was determined upon bringing about mischief to all created beings.

प्रचारं स तु संगृह्य प्रजास्वन्तर्गतः प्रभुः। गुहां प्रविष्टः स्वसुतं शिशुमादाय मारुतः।॥ विण्मूत्राशयमावृत्य प्रजानां परमार्तिकृत्। रुरोध सर्वभूतानि यथा वर्षाणि वासवः॥
The all-comprehending wind, not spreading himself, entered into a cave with his son. Like to Väsava distressing all creatures by putting a stop to the showers, the wind too put all animals into unbearable suffering by obstructing all execrations.

वायुप्रकोपाद्भूतानि निरुच्छ्वासानि सर्वतः। संधिभिर्भिद्यमानैश्च काष्ठभूतानि जज्ञिरे॥
On account of the anger of the Wind-god their breath was completely obstructed, and the joints-as if pierced, became hard as wood.

निःस्वाध्यायवषट्कारं निष्क्रियं धर्मवर्जितम्। वायुप्रकोपात्रैलोक्यं निरयस्थमिवाभवत्॥
Svādhyāya Vaşațkāra and all the religious observances of the triple world were put a stop to by the anger of the Wind-god. So the three world appeared as if stricken with sorrow.

ततः प्रजाः सगन्धर्वाः सदेवासुरमानुषाः। प्रजापति समाधावन्दुःखिताश्च सुखेच्छया॥
Thereupon the affixed celestials, Gandharvas, Asuras and men repaired to the Patriarch Brahmă with a view to bring about the wellbeing of created beings.

ऊचुः प्राञ्जलयो देवा महोदरनिभोदराः। त्वया तु भगवन्सृष्टाः प्रजानाथ चतुर्विधाः॥ त्वया दत्तोऽयमस्माकमायुषः पवनः पतिः। सोऽस्मन्प्राणेश्वरो भूत्वा कस्मादेषोऽद्य सत्तम ॥ रुरोध दुःखं जनयनन्तःपुर इव स्त्रियः।
With their bellies swollen for the obstruction of the wind the celestials with folded hands said: "O lord of created beings, you have created four classes of beings and you have given us wind to preserve our lives. But we do not know, why the wind, the lord of our beings, is distressing us, by obstructing our movements like to females confined in an inner apartment.

तस्मात्त्वां शरणं प्राप्ता वायुनोपहता वयम्॥ वायुसंरोधजं दुःखमिदं नो नुद दुःखहन्।
Being thus distressed by the wind we have come to seek your shelter. O you the remover of miseries-do you remove our affictions consequent upon the obstruction of the wind..

एतत्प्रजानां श्रुत्वा तु प्रजानाथः प्रजापतिः॥ कारणादिति चोक्त्वासौ प्रजाः पुनरभाषत।
Hearing those words of the created beings, and saying the reason of that the lord of creation (the Patriarch Brahma) again said.

यस्मिंश्च कारणे वायुश्चक्रोध च रुरोध च॥ प्रजाः शृणुध्वं तत्सर्वं श्रोतव्यं चात्मनः क्षमम्।
Hear, O created beings, why the wind, being enraged, has obstructed the course of all beings. All that deserves to be listened and it is right too.

पुत्रस्तस्यामरेशेन इन्द्रेणाद्य निपातितः। ५९॥ राहोर्वचनमास्थाय ततः स कुपितोऽनिलः।
Hearing the words of Rāhu, Indra, the king of ION 35 RĀMĀYAŅAM the celestials, has belaboured the Wind-god's son. It is for this that he has been offended.

अशरीरः शरीरेषु वायुश्चरति पालयन्॥ शरीरं हि विना वायुं समतां याति दारुभिः।
Preserving the bodies, the wind, having no persons, passes through them all. Without wind the body becomes like wood.

वायुः प्राणः सुखं वायुर्वायुः सर्वमिदं जगत्॥ वायुना संपरित्यक्तं न सुखं विन्दते जगत्। अद्यैव च परित्यक्तं वायुना जगदायुषा॥ अद्यैव ते निरुच्छ्वासाः काष्ठकुड्योपमाः स्थिताः।
Therefore the wind constitutes the life, the happiness and the whole universe. Renouncing the wind the world cannot attain to happiness. Being cast off by the wind and having their breaths obstructed, behold, the world, today appear like dried wood.

तद्यामस्तत्र यत्रास्ते मारुतो रुक्प्रदो हि नः। मा विनाशं गमिष्याम अप्रसाद्यादिते सुतम्॥
Let us therefore go there where the wind, the giver of our afflictions, wait. If we do not please the son of Aditi we shall all meet with destruction.

ततः प्रजाभिः सहितः प्रजापतिः सदेगन्धर्वभुजंगगुह्यकैः जगाम यत्रास्यति तत्र मारुतः सुतं सुरेन्द्राभिहतं प्रगृह्य सः।६४।।
Thereupon the Patriarch Brahmā, the celestials, Gandharvas, serpents, Guhyakas and other created beings went where the wind was waiting with his own son belaboured by the king of the celestials.

ततोऽर्कवैश्वानरकाश्चनप्रभं सुतं तदोत्सङ्गगतं सदागते। देवगन्धर्वऋषियक्षराक्षसैः॥
Thereupon beholding that boy, on the lap of the Wind-God, resembling gold and Baiśvānara, the four-mouthed Brahmā, the celestials, Gandharvas, Rșis, Yakşas and Rākşasas were all moved with pity.