Uttara Kanda: Chapter 34

अर्जुनेन विमुक्तस्तु रावणो राक्षसाधिपः। चचार पृथिवीं सर्वानिर्विण्णस्तथा कृतः॥
Released by Arjuna, and yet not conceiving any shame, Rāvana, the king of Räkşasas again began to transverse the earth.

राक्षसं वा मनुष्यं वा शृणुतेऽयं बलाधिकम्। रावणस्तं समासाद्य युद्धे ह्वयति दर्पितः॥
Rākşasas or men, of whom the proud Rävaņa heard to be powerful he used to approach and summon them for fight.

ततः कदाचित्किष्किन्धां नगरी वालिपालिताम्। गत्वाह्वयति युद्धाय वालिनं हेममालिनम्॥
After some time he arrived at the city of Kişkindhā reared by Vāli and invited him, wearing golden garland, to fight.

ततस्तु वारनामात्यास्तारस्तारापिता प्रभुः। उवाच वानरो वाक्यं युद्धप्रेप्सुमुपागतम्॥
Thereat, Tara, her father Susena and the Prince Sugrīva said to the king of Rākşasas.

राक्षसेन्द्र गतो बाली यस्ते प्रतिबलो भवेत्। कोऽन्यः प्रमुखतः स्थातुं तव शक्तः प्लवंगमः॥
O lord of Rākşasas, he is not present here, who shall be able to withstand you. What monkey else is capable of standing before you?

चतुभ्यॊऽपि समुद्रेभ्यः संध्यामन्वास्य रावण। इदं मुहूर्तमायाति बाली तिष्ठ मुहूर्तकम्॥
However, O Ravana, Vali shall soon return after performing the Sandhya rites at the confluence of the four oceans; therefore wait here for a moment.

एतानस्थिचयान्पश्य य एते शङ्खपाण्डुराः। युद्धार्थिनामिमे राजन्वानराधिपतेजसा ॥
Behold, O Dasanana, there lie the bones of all those, like conch, who came ere this to fight with the powerful king of monkeys.

यद्धामृतरसः पीतस्त्वया रावण राक्षस। तदा बालिनमासाद्य तदन्तं तव जीवितम्॥
O Ravana, O Raksasa, ever if you have drunk nectar, you shall at this very moment loose your life, when the encounter with Vāli shall take place.

पश्येदानों जगच्चित्रमिमं विश्रवसः सुत। मुहूर्त तिष्ठस्व दुर्लभं ते भविष्यति।९।।
O Vaiśravaņa, do you observe the variegated universe now wait for a moment after which it will be hard for you to keep your life.

अथवा त्वरसे मतुं गच्छ दक्षिणसागरम्। वालिनं द्रक्ष्यसे तत्र भूमिष्ठमिव पावकम्॥
Or if you do wish to meet with death do you speedily repair to the southern ocean and you shall behold there Vali like to fire placed on earth.

स तु तारं विनिर्भय॑ रावणो लोकरावणः। पुष्पकं तत्समारुह्य प्रययौ दक्षिणार्णवम्॥ तब हेमगिरिप्रख्यं तरुणार्कनिभाननम्। रावणो बालिनं दृष्ट्वा संध्योपासनतत्परम्॥
Hearing those words, Rāvana, the aggrandiser of the triple world, remonstrated with Tāra and ascending his flowery car went to the southern ocean and espied Vali, having red countenance like the rising sun, engaged in Sandhyā rites with whole-mindedness.

पुष्पकादवरुह्याथ रावणोऽञ्जनसंनिभः। ग्रहीतुं वालिनं तूर्णं निःशब्दपदमव्रजत्॥
Thereupon having descended from his Puşpaka car he with silent approached Vāli to bring him under his grasp.

यदृच्छया तदा दृष्टो वालिनापि स रावणः। पापाभिप्रायकं दृष्ट्वा चकार न तु संभ्रमम्॥ शशमालक्ष्य सिंहो वा पन्नगं गरुडो यथा। न चिन्तयति तं वाली रावणं पापनिश्चयम्॥
Casting his looks at pleasure, Vali saw him. Albeit apprised of his evil intention, he was not the least moved. And he did not care for him as a lion is not moved on beholding a hare and Garuda on beholding a serpent.

जिघृक्षमाणमायान्तं रावणं पापचेतसम्। कक्षावलम्बिनं कृत्वा गमिष्ये वीन्महार्णवान्॥
He then thought within himself-“This vicious-souled Răvaņa is approaching to catch me; holding him under my arm pit I shall journey over the three great oceans.

द्रक्ष्यन्त्यरिं ममाङ्कस्थं संसदूरुकराम्बरम्। लम्बमानं दशग्रीवं गरुडस्येव पन्नगम्॥
Everyone will behold the enemy Rāvana, under my arm pit as a serpent possessed by Garuda, with his thighs, arms and clothes loosened.

इत्येवं मतिमास्थाय बाली मौनमुपास्थितः। जपन्वै नैगमान्मन्त्रांस्तस्थौ पर्वतराडिव॥
Having thought thus Vāli remained silent for sometime and reciting incantations he waited there like a mountain.

तावन्योन्यं जिघृक्षन्तौ हरिराक्षसपार्थिवौ। प्रयत्नवन्तौ तत्कर्म ईहतुर्बलदर्पितौ॥
Thereupon the king of monkeys and the lord of Rākşasas, proud of strength, essayed to catch one another.

हस्तग्राहं तु तं मत्वा पादशब्देन रावणम्। पराङ्मुखोऽपि जग्राह वाली सर्पमिवाण्डजः॥
Vāli was seated with his back (towards Rāvaņa); still from his footsteps he perceived that he had come within the grasp of Råvaņa's army and he at once caught hold of him like to Garuda holding a serpent.

ग्रहीतुकामं तं गृह्य रक्षसामीश्वरं हरिः। खमुत्पपात वेगेन कृत्वा कक्षावलम्बिनम् ॥
Getting hold of Rāvana, the lord of Rākşasas, desirous of catching him, (Vāli) and placing him under his arm-pit Vāli vehemently rose high up in the welkin.

तं च पीडयमानं तु वितुदन्तं नखैर्मुहुः। जहार रावणं वाली पवनस्तोयदं यथा॥
And he went away carrying him, scratching him again and again with his snails like to winds scattering clouds.

अथ ते राक्षसामात्या ह्वियमाणे दशानने। मुमोक्षयिषवो वालिं रवमाणा अभिद्रुताः॥
The Ten-necked demon being thus carried away, his councillors, to release him, pursued, exclaiming, Vali, in the welkin.

अन्वीयमान्स्तैर्वाली भाजतेऽम्बरमध्यगः। अन्वीयमानो मेघौधैरम्बरस्थ इवांशुमान्॥
They thus following him, Vali, appeared in the sky like the sun in the midst of clouds.

तेऽशक्नुवन्तः संप्राप्तुं वालिनं राक्षसोत्तमाः। तस्य बारूरुवेगेन परिश्रान्ता व्यवस्थिताः॥
The Rākşasas could not catch Vāli but were rather exhausted by the stroke of his arms and thighs.

वालिमार्गादपाक्रामन्पर्वतेन्द्रापि गच्छतः। किं पुनर्जीवनप्रेप्सुर्बिभ्रद्वै मांसशोणितम्॥
What to speak of animals made of flesh and blood anxious for their lives even the mountains make way when Vāli goes.

अपक्षिगणसंपातान्वानरेन्द्रो महाजवः। क्रमशः सागरान्सर्वान्संध्याकालमवन्दत ॥
Rising high up into the sky where even the birds cannot reach, Vali, the lord of monkeys and gifted with great velocity, by and by finished his Sandhyā rites above the oceans.

संपूज्यमानो यातस्तु खचरैः खचरोत्तमः। पश्चिमं सागरं वाली आजगाम सरावणः॥
Being worshipped by the aerials their lord, with Rāvaņa, first proceeded to the western ocean.

तस्मिन्संध्यामुपासित्वा स्नात्वा जप्त्वा च वानरः। उत्तरं सागरं प्रायद्वहमानो दशाननम्॥
Having finished there Sandhyā prayers and recited incantations he, with Daśānana, went to the northern ocean.

बहुयोजनसाहस्रं वहमानो महाहरिः। वायुवच्च मनोवच्च जगाम सह शत्रुणा॥ उत्तरे सागरे संध्यामुपासित्वा दशाननम्। वहमानोऽगमद्वाली पूर्वं वै स महोदधिकम्॥
And having journeyed over many thousand leagues like the wind and mind, that huge monkey, with his enemy, finished his prayers at the northern ocean and then proceeded to the eastern ocean.

तत्रापि संध्यामन्वास्य वासविः सहरीश्वरः। किष्किन्धामभितो गृह्य रावणं पुनरागमत्॥
And having recited his prayers there also, Vali, the son of Indra, and the king of monkeys, carrying Rāvana, returned to the city of Kişikindhā.

चतुर्ध्वपि समुद्रेषु संध्यामन्वास्य वानरः। रावणोद्वहनश्रान्तः किष्किन्धोपवनेऽपतत्॥
Having gone through his Sandhyā rites at the four oceans and carrying Răvaņa, that monkeychief was greatly exhausted and (therefore) descended into the gardens of Kişkindhā.

रावणं तु मुमोचाथ स्वकक्षात्कपिसत्तमः। कुतस्त्वमिति चोवाच प्रहसनरावणं मुहुः॥
Having got out Răvaņa from his arm-pit, the foremost of monkeys, laughing again and again said:-"Where are you coming?"

विस्मयं तु महद्गत्वा श्रमलोलनिरीक्षणः। राक्षसेन्द्रो हरीन्द्रं तमिदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Thereupon being surprised greatly, Daśānana, the king of Rākşasas, with eyes, shaking with exhaustion, said to the king of monkeys.

वानरेन्द्र महेन्द्राभ राक्षसेन्द्रोऽस्मि रावणः। युद्धेप्सुरिह संप्राप्तः स चाद्यासादितस्त्वया॥
O king of monkeys, resembling Mahendra, I am Rāvaņa, the king of Rākşasas; I came here to fight: but I have been defeated by you. Alas!

अहो बलमहो वीर्यमहो गाम्भीर्यमेव च। येनाहं पशुवगृह्य भ्रामितश्चतुरोऽर्णवान्॥
What strength is your! what prowess! What gravity! Holding me like a beast you have journeyed over the four oceans.

एवमश्रान्तवद्वीर शीघ्रमेव च वानर। मां चैवोद्वहमानस्तु कोऽन्यो वीर भविष्यति॥
O hero! What heroic wight is there who is not exhausted by carrying me so vehemently?

त्रयाणामेव भूतानां गतिरेषा प्लवंगम। मनोनिलसुपर्णानां तव चात्र न संशयः॥
O monkey, mind, wind and Garuda-these three are gifted with the velocity. Undoubtedly you have got the same velocity.

सोऽहं दृष्टबलस्तुभ्यमिच्छामि हरिपुङ्गव। त्वया सह चिरं सख्यं सुस्निग्धं पावकाग्रतः॥
Your prowess has been sufficiently displayed. But bow I wish, O king of monkeys, to make friends with you for ever before fire.

दाराः पुत्राः पुरं राष्ट्र भोगाच्छादनभोजनम्। सर्वमेवाविभक्तं नौ भविष्यति हरीश्वर॥
O king of monkeys, from today, wife sons, city, kingdom, enjoyment, cloth and food shall be our common,

ततः प्रज्वालयित्वाग्निं तावुभौ हरीराक्षसौ। भ्रातृत्वमुपसंपन्नौ परिष्वज्य परस्परम् ॥
Thereupon having lighted up fire the king of monkeys and the king of Rākşasas, embracing each other, became friends.

अन्योन्यं लम्बितकरौ ततस्तौ हरिराक्षसौ। किष्किन्धां विशतुर्हष्टौ सिंहौ गिरिगुहामिव॥
Thereupon holding each other by the arms they entered the city of Kiskindha like to two lions, entering delightedly a cave.

स तत्र मासमुषितः सुग्रीव इव रावणः। अमात्यैरागतैर्नीतस्त्रैलोक्योत्सादनार्थिभिः॥
There like Sugrīva Răvaņa spent a month. Afterwards his councillors, desirous of destroying the triple world, took him away.

एवमेतत्पुरावृतं वालिना रावणः प्रभो। धर्षितश्च वृतश्चापि भ्राता पावकसंनिधौ॥
O lord Răma, I have thus related to you the previous history. Having thus belaboured Rāvaņa Vālī at last made friends with him before fire.

बलमप्रतिमं राम वालिनोऽभवदुत्तमम्। सोऽपि त्वया विनिर्दग्धः शलभो वह्निना यथा।४६
O Rama, Vali and unequalled and great strength. Like to fire burning down locusts you did burn down Vali.