Uttara Kanda: Chapter 32

नर्मदापुलिने यत्र राक्षसेन्द्रः स दारुणः। पुष्पोपहारं कुरुते तस्माद्देशाददूरतः॥ अर्जुनो जयतां श्रेष्ठो माहिष्मत्याः पतिः प्रभुः। क्रीडते सह नारीभिर्नर्मदातोयमाश्रितः॥
At no distance from where on the banks of the river Narmadā, that dreadful lord of Rākşasas collected the flowers, Arjuna, the King of Māhismatī, and the foremost of the victorious, was sporting with his wives in the water.

तासां मध्यगतो राजा रराज न तदार्जुनः। करेणूनां सहस्रस्य मध्यस्थ इव कुञ्जरः॥
And being encircled by them the king Arjuna appeared like a leading elephant surrounded by a thousands of she elephants.

जिज्ञासुः स तु बाहूनां सहस्रस्योत्तमं बलम्। रुरोध नर्मदावेगं बाहुभिर्बहुभिर्वृतः॥
In order to measure the strength of his thousand arms the King of Haihayas obstructed the course of Narmadă.

कार्तवीर्यभुजासक्तं तज्जलं प्राप्य निर्मलम्। कूलोपहारं कुर्वाणं प्रतिस्रोतः प्रधावति॥
Being obstructed by the arms of Kārtavīryarjuna and having flooded the banks with her pure waters, Narmadā flowed in an opposite direction.

समीननक्रमकरः सपुष्पकुशसंस्तरः। स नर्मदाम्भसो वेगः प्रावृट्काल इवाबभौ॥
The currents of Narmadā, rising high as during the rainy season flowed with fishes, and crocodiles.

स वेगः कार्तवीर्येण संप्रेषित इवाम्भसः। पुष्पोपहारं सकलं रावणस्य जहार ह।७।।
That stream, as if driven against Rävaņa by Kārtavīryarjuna, carried away his collection of flowers.

रावणोऽर्धसमाप्त तमुत्सृज्य नियमं तदा। नर्मदां पश्यते कान्तां प्रतिकूलां यथा प्रियाम्॥ पश्चिमेन तु तं दृष्ट्वा सागरोद्गारसंनिभम्। वर्धन्तमम्भसो वेगं पूर्वामाशां प्रविश्य तु।९।। ततोऽनुद्धान्तशकुनां स्वभावे परमे स्थिताम्। निर्विकाराङ्गनाभासामपश्यद्रावणो नदीम्॥
Having given up his worship which was halffinished Rāvana looked towards Narmadā looking like an unwilling damsel and saw that she, with rising currents, was flowing towards the east from the west and the waters beyond that were in a natural state like a quiet lady and the birds were seated there without any anxiety.

सव्येतरकराङ्गुल्या ह्यशब्दास्यो दशाननः। वेगप्रभावमन्वेष्टुं सोऽदिशच्छुकसारणौ॥
Thereupon being anxious to learn the cause of the rise of the river, the Ten-necked demon, with his right finger, hinted Suka and Sarana.

तौ तु रावणसंदिष्टौ भ्रातरौ शुकसारणौ। व्योमान्तरगतौ वीरौ प्रस्थितौ पश्चिमामुखौ॥
Being commanded by Rāvana, the two brothers, the heroic Suka and Sāraņa proceeded towards the west by the aerial way.

अर्धयोजनमात्रं तु गत्वा तौ रजनीचरौ। पश्येतां पुरुष तोये क्रीडन्तं सहयोषितम्॥
And going half a league, the two night-rangers espied a man sporting in the waters with some females.

बृहत्सालप्रतीकाशं तोयव्याकुलमूर्धनम्। मदरक्तान्तनयनं मदव्याकुलचेतसम्॥
He was huge as a Sāla tree, his hairs were floating on the water, he was inebriate and his eyes were reddened in consequence thereof.

नदी बाहुसहस्रेण रुन्धन्तमरिमर्दनम्। गिरिं पादसहस्रेण रुन्धन्तमिव मेदिनीम्॥
Like to Sumeru holding the earth with his thousand feet he obstructed the current of the river with his thousand arms.

बालानां वरनारीणां सहस्रेण समावृतम्। समदानां करेणूनां सहस्रेणेव कुञ्जरम्॥
He was surrounded by a thousands of beautiful damsels like an elephant by a thousands of she-elephants.

तदद्भुततरं दृष्ट्वा राक्षसौ शुकसारणौ। संनिवृत्तावुपागम्य रावणान्तमथोचतुः॥
Beholding that dreadful spectacle, the Rākṣasas-Śuka and Sāraṇa came back and approaching Rāvaņa communicated (all) to him.

बृहत्सालप्रतीकाशः कोऽप्यसौ राक्षसेश्वर। नर्मदां रोधवद्ध्वा क्रीडापयति योषितः॥
O lord of Rākşasas, an unknown person, huge as a Sāla tree, is sporting with females obstructing the course of Narmadā like to a dam.

तेन बाहुसहस्रेण संनिरुद्धजला नदी सागरोद्रागरसंकासानुद्गारान्सृजते मुहुः॥
Being withheld by the thousand arms of that man the waters of Narmadā were continually throwing up high waves.

इत्येवं भाषमाणौ तौ निशम्य शुकसारणौ। रावणोऽर्जुन इत्युक्त्वा स ययौ युद्धलालसः॥
Hearing the words of śuka and Sarana, Ravana exclaimed “This is Arjuna' and proceeded to fight with him.

अर्जुनाभिमुखे तस्मिन्रावणे राक्षसाधिपे। चण्डः प्रवाति पवनः सनादः सरजस्तथा॥
Ravana, the lord of Raksasas, having set out with a hostile intention against Kārtavīryarjuna, the wind mixed with dust began to blow high with tumultuous sound.

सकृदेव कृतो रावः सरक्तपृषतो घनैः। महोदरमहापार्श्वधूम्राक्षशुकसारणैः॥ संवृतो राक्षसेन्द्रस्तु तत्रागाद्यत्र चार्जुनः।
The clouds began to mutter with a downpour of rain. And the lord of Räkşasas proceeded against Arjuna with Mahodara. Mahāparáva, Dhumraksa, Suka and Sarana.

अदीर्घेणैव कालेन स तदा राक्षसो बली॥ तं नर्मदाह्वदं भीममाजगामाञ्जनप्रभः। स तत्र स्त्रीपरिवृतं वासिताभिरिव द्विपम्॥ नरेन्द्रं पश्यते राजा राक्षसानां तदार्जुनम्।
Within a short time the dreadful Raksasa, powerful as the elephant Arjuna, reached the banks of Narmada and espied there Arjuna encircled by females as an elephant surrounded by she-elephants.

स रोषाद्रक्तनयनो राक्षसेन्द्रो बलोद्धतः॥ इत्येवमर्जुनामात्यानाह गम्भीरया गिरा।
At the very sight the eyes of the lord of Raksasas, proud of his prowess, grew red and addressing the councillors of the king Arjuna he said.

अमात्याः क्षिप्रमाख्यात हैहयस्य नृपस्य वै॥ युद्धार्थ समनुप्राप्तो रावणो नाम मामतः।
Do you communicate to the king of Haihayas that Rāvana, the lord of Raksasas, has come to fight with him.

रावणस्य वचः श्रुत्वा मन्त्रिणोऽथार्जुनस्य ते॥ उत्तस्थुः सायुधास्तं च रावणं वाक्यमब्रुवन् ।
Hearing the words of Rāvana, the ministers of Arjuna stood up with arms and said.

युद्धस्य कालो विज्ञातः साधु भो साधु रावण ॥ यः क्षीबं स्त्रीगतं चैव योद्धमुत्सहसे नृपम्। स्त्रीसमक्षगतं यत्त्वं योद्धमुत्सहसे नृपम्॥ वासितामध्यगं मत्तं शार्दूल इव कुञ्जरम्। क्षमस्वाद्य दशग्रीव उष्यतां रजनी त्वया। युद्धे श्रद्धा तु यद्यस्ति श्वस्तात समरेऽर्जुनम् ॥ यदि वापि त्वरा तुभ्यं युद्धतृष्णासमावृत। निपात्यास्मानणे युद्धमर्जुनेनोपयास्यसि॥
O good Råvaņa, you are well cognisant of the proper time for fighting. Now our king is drunk and is sporting with the females in the waters like an elephant in the circle of female-elephants. And now do you wish to fight with him. Therefore, O Ten-necked one, do you spend the night here, if you are bent upon fighting. Or even if you are anxious to enter speedily into conflict with Arjuna do you slay us all at first, and then fight with the king.

ततस्तै रावणामात्यैरमात्यास्ते नृपस्य तु। सूदिताश्चापि ते युद्धे भक्षिताश्च बुभुक्षितैः॥
Thereupon the hungry councillors of Rāvana, slew some of the ministers of the king and devoured some.

ततो हलहलाशब्दो नर्मदातीरगो बभौ। अर्जुनस्यानुयात्राणां रावणस्य च मन्त्रिणाम्॥
There arose a dreadful uproar on the banks of Narmada, of the councillors of Răvana and Arjuna.

इषुभिस्तोमरैः प्रासैत्रिशूलैर्वज्रकर्षणैः। सरावणानर्दयन्तः समन्तात्समभिद्रुताः॥
The warriors of Arjuna assailed Rāvana and his ministers with hundreds of arrows, Prāsas, darts, Tomaras, thunder-bolts and Karsanas.

हैहयाधिपयोधानां वेग आसीत्सुदारुणः। सनक्रीमीनमकरसमुद्रस्येव निःस्वनः॥
The warriors of Arjuna became dreadfully furious and emitted cries like the roaring of the deep infested with crocodiles, fishes and other marine monsters.

पवणस्य तु तेऽमात्याः प्रहस्तशुकसारणाः। कार्तवीर्यबलं क्रुद्धा निहन्ति स्म स्वतेजसा ॥
Thereupon being enraged and displaying their own prowess Suka, Sāraṇa and other ministers of Ravana began to destroy Arjuna's soldiers.

अर्जुनाय तु तत्कर्म रावणस्य समन्त्रिणः। क्रीडमानाय कथितं पुरुषैर्भयविह्वलैः॥
Thereupon the emissaries, stricken with fear, went to the sporting king and communicated to him the proceedings of Rāvana and his iministers.

श्रुत्वा न भेतव्यमिति स्त्रीजनं स तदार्जुनः। उत्ततार जलात्तस्माद्गङ्गातोयादिवाञ्जनः॥
Hearing those words and saying to the females-"Do not fear” he rose up from the waters like an elephante

क्रोधदूषितनेवस्तु स तदार्जुनपावकः। प्रजज्वाल महाघोरो युगान्त इव पावकः॥
The eyes of that fire-like Arjuna were reddened with ire and he shone dreadfully like the fire of dissolution.

स तूर्णतरमादाय वहेमाङ्गदो गदाम्। अभिदुद्राव रक्षांसि तमांसीव दिवाकरः॥
And taking up speedily his club, that one, always using golden clubs, pursued the Rakşasas like to darkness following the sun.

बाहविक्षेपकरणां समुद्यम्य महागदाम्। ग्रागडं वैमास्थाय आपपातैव सोऽर्जुनः॥
Holding up the huge club and hurling it with his arms, Arjuna, resorting to the velocity of Garuda, went on

सत्य मार्ग समारुद्भय विन्ध्योऽर्कस्येव पर्वतः। थितो विन्ध्य दवाक प्रहस्तो मुसलायुधः॥
Thereupon stood there obstructing his course Raksasa, worked up with anger and with a mace in his hand, like to the Vindhya range standing in the way of the sun.

ततोऽस्य मुसलं घोरं लोहबद्धं मदोद्धतः। प्रहस्तः प्रेषयन्क्रुद्धो ररास च यथान्तकः॥
And throwing down off his hand the iron mace, he, in anger, began to roar, like Yama.

तस्याग्रे मुसलस्याग्निरशोकापीडसंनिभः। प्रहस्तकरमुक्तस्य बभूव प्रदहनिव॥
And the top of the mace freed from the hand of Prahasta, was ablaze like the tips of Asoka flowers.

आधावमानं मुसलं कार्तवीर्यस्तदार्जुनः। निपुणं वञ्चयामास गदया गतविक्लवः॥
Not the least agitated on beholding that mace, the king Arjuna, by his club, baffled its action.

ततस्तमभिदुद्राव सगदो हैहयाधिपः। भ्रामयाणो गदां गुर्वी पञ्चबाहुशतोच्छ्याम्॥
Thereupon uplifting the huge club, five hundred hands long, the king of Haihayas pursued Prahasta.

ततो हतोऽतिवेगेन प्रहस्तो गदया तदा। निपपात स्थितः शैलो वज्रिवज्रहतो यथा।।४७
And within a short time being struck down by that club gifted with great velocity Prahasta fell down on earth like to the summit of a mountain clapped down by the thunder-bolt of Indra.

प्रहस्तं पतितं दृष्ट्वा मारीचशुकसारणाः। समहोदरधूम्राक्षा अपसृष्टा रणाजिरात्॥
Beholding Prahasta fallen, Marica, Suka, Säraņa, Mahodara and Dhumrākṣa fled away from the battle-field.

अपक्रान्तेष्वमात्येषु प्रहस्ते च निपातिते। रावणोऽभ्यद्रवत्तूर्णमर्जुनं नृपसत्तमम्॥
All the councillors having thus fled away and Prahasta being slain, Rāvaņa speedily proceeded towards Arjuna, the foremost of kings.

सहस्रबाहोस्तद्युद्धं विंशद्वाहोश्च दारुणम्। नृपराक्षसयोस्तत्र आरब्धं रोमहर्षणम्॥
Thereupon there ensued a terrible encounter capable of making down erect between the thousand-armed Arjuna, the king of men, and the twenty-armed Ravana, the king of Raksasas.

सागराविव संक्षुब्धौ चलमूलाविवाचलौ। तेजोयुक्ताविवादित्यौ प्रदहन्ताविवानलौ ॥ बलोद्धतौ यथा नागौ वासितार्थे यथा वृषौ। मेघाविव विनर्दन्तौ सिंहाविव बलोत्कटौ॥ रुद्रकालाविव क्रुद्धौ तौ तदा राक्षसार्जुनौ। परस्परं गदां गृह्य ताडयामासतुर्भृशम्॥
And taking up their clubs Arjuna and Råvaņa began to fight with one another emitting cries like the mutterings of clouds, like to two huge balls fighting for a cow, two agitated oceans, two moving mountains, two effulgent Adityas, two burning flames, two proud elephants, two proud lions and like the very Rudra and Kāla.

वज्रप्रहारानचला यथा घोरान्विषेहिरे। गदाप्रहारांस्तौ तत्र सेहाते नरराक्षसौ॥
As the mountains suffer many clappings of thunder-bolts so did they bear many strokes.

यथाशनिरवेभ्यस्तु जायतेऽथ प्रतिश्रुतिः। तथा तयोर्गदापोथैर्दिशः सर्वाः प्रतिश्रुताः॥
And all the quarters were resounded with the sound proceeding from the stroke of their clubs like to the sound of thunder-bolts.

अर्जुनस्य गदा सा तु णत्यमानाहितोरसि। काञ्चनाभं नभश्चक्रे विद्युत्सौदामनी यथा॥
Being placed against the breast of Rāvaņa Arjuna's club rendered, for a moment, the welkin look like the burning gold as does the lightning.

तथैव रावणेनापि पात्यमाना मुहुर्मुहुः। अर्जुनोरसि निर्भाति गदोल्केव महागिरौ॥
And striking again and again against Arjuna's breast Ravana's club looked like a huge firebrand.

नार्जुनः स्वेदमायाति न राक्षसगणेश्वरः। सममासीत्तयोयुद्धं यथा पूर्व बलीन्द्रयोः॥
Neither Arjuna was worn out nor was Rāvaņa. And the conflict went on between them like the encounter between Bali and Våsava in the days of yore.

शृङ्गैरिव वृषायुध्यन्दन्तायैरिव कुञ्जरौ। परस्परं विनिघ्नन्तौ नरराक्षससत्तमौ॥
The King of men and the King of Rākşasas assailed and wounded one another with their clubs like to two bulls striking one another with their horns and two elephants with their tusks.

ततोऽर्जुनेन क्रुद्धेन सर्वप्राणेन सा गदा। स्तनयोरन्तरे मुक्ता रावणस्य महोरसि॥
Thereupon worked up with rage, Arjuna, with his full might, smote Răvaņa on his breast, with his club.

वरदानकृतत्राणे सा गदा रावणोरसि। दुर्बलेव यथावेगं द्विधाभूतापतन्क्षितौ ॥
But Rāvana was well protected by the boon of the celestial, so the club fell on earth sundered into two pieces like one hurled by a weak wight.

स त्वर्जुनप्रयुक्तेन गदाघातेन रावणः। अपासर्पद्धनुर्मानं निषसाद च निष्टनन्॥
Still wounded by the mace of Arjuna, Rāvana, shedding tears, ran away at a distance of four feet and sat there.

स विह्वलं तदालक्ष्यदशग्रीवं ततोऽर्जुनः। सहसोत्पत्य जग्राह गरुत्मानिव पन्नगम्॥ स तु बाहुसहस्रेण बलादृह्य दशाननम्। बबन्ध बलवानराजा बलिं नारायणो यथा॥ बध्यमाने दशग्रीवे सिद्धचारणदेवताः। साध्वीतिवादिनः पुष्पैः किरन्त्यर्जुनमूर्धनि॥
Beholding Răvaņa thus over-whelmed Arjuna sprang up and caught him like Garuda holding a serpent and Vişņu binding Bali. Daśagrīva being thus bound, the Siddhas, Caranas and the celestials exclaiming "Well done! Well done!!” showered flowers upon Arjuna.

व्याघ्रो मृगमिवादाय मृगराडिव कुञ्जरम्। ररास हैहयो राजा हर्षादम्बुदवन्मुहुः॥
And the king emitted leonine roars again and again as a tiger joyous roars like a cloud, holding a deer under his grasp.

प्रहस्तस्तु समाश्वस्तो दृष्ट्वा बद्धं दशाननम्। सहसा राक्षसः क्रुद्ध अभिदुद्राव हैहयम्॥
Regaining his sense and beholding Rāvana bound, Prahasta, in great anger, pursued, the King of Haihaya.

नक्तंचराणां वेगस्तु तेषामापततां बभौ। उद्भूत आतपापाये पयोदानामिवाम्बुधौ ॥
And the Rākşasa force grew tempestuous like to the rising of the ocean during rains.

मुश्च मुञ्चते भाषन्तस्तिष्ठतिष्ठेति चासकृत्। मुसलानि च शूलानि सोत्ससर्ज तदा रणे॥
Thereupon exclaiming repeatedly “Leave him off! Leave him off Wait! Wait!!" The Raksasa host hurled hundreds of Musalas and darts in the battle-field.

अप्राप्तान्येव तान्याशु असंभ्रान्तस्तदार्जुनः। आयुधान्तमरारीणां जग्राहारिनिषूदनः॥
Not the least moved thereby the king Arjuna, the slayer of enemies, bore those weapons of the enemies of the celestials.

ततस्तान्येव रक्षांसि दुर्धरैः प्रवरायुधैः। भित्त्वा विद्रावयामास वायुरम्बुधरानिव॥
Thereupon baffling the weapons of the Räkşasas by means of many a dreadful and excellent one, Arjuna, the king of Haihayas, drove them away · like winds scattering the clouds.

राक्षसांस्त्रासयामास कार्तवीर्यार्जुनस्तदा। रावणं गृह्य नगरं प्रविवेश सुहद्धृतः॥ र्द्विजैः सपौरैः पुरुहूतसंनिभः। ततोऽर्जुनः स्वां प्रविवेश तां पुरी बलिं निगृह्येव सहस्रलोचनः॥
Having thus struck terror to the night-rangers, he, encircled by his own kinsmen, repaired to his own city with Ravana, carrying him bound like to Indra carrying Bali bound. Thereupon flowers and fried paddy were showered upon him by the Brāhmaṇas and citizens.