Uttara Kanda: Chapter 31

ततो रामो महातेजा विस्मयात्पुनरेव हि। उवाच प्रणतो वाक्यमगस्त्यमृषिसत्तमम्॥
Thereupon having bowed to Agastya the foremost of ascetics, the highly effulgent Rāma again surprisingly said.

भगवनराक्षसः क्रूरो यदाप्रभृति मेदिनीम्। पर्यटत्किं तदा लोकाः शून्या आसन्द्विजोत्तम॥ राजा वा राजमात्रो वा किं तदा नात्र कश्चन। धर्षणं यत्र न प्राप्तो रावणो राक्षसेश्वरः॥
"O Brāhmaṇa, O foremost of twice-born ones, when that cruel Rāvana journeyed over the earth, was it void of people? Was there no king, or prince on earth to administer punishment to him?

उताहो हतवीर्यास्ते बभूवुः पृथिवीक्षितः। बहिष्कृता वरास्त्रैश्च बहवो निर्जिता नृपाः॥
Were all the kings then shorn of their strength and prowess? And many kings I (hear) were vanquished an driven out by him with various excellent weapons.

राघवस्य वचः श्रुत्वा अगस्त्यो भगवानृषिः। उवाच रामं प्रहसन्पितामह इवेश्वरम्॥
Hearing the words of Rāghava, the ascetic Agastya, having six sorts of wealth, laughing said, like to Brahmā, speaking to Rudra

इत्येवं बाधमानस्तु पार्थिवान्पार्थिवर्षभ। चचार रावणो राम पृथिवीं पृथिवीपते॥ ततो माहिष्मती नाम पुरीं स्वर्गपुरीप्रभाम्। संप्राप्तो यत्र सांनिध्यं सदासीद्वसुरेतसः॥ तुल्य आसीन्नृपस्तस्य प्रभावाद्वसुरेतसः। अर्जुनो नाम यत्राग्निः शरकुण्डेशयः सदा॥
O Rāma, O lord of earth, traversing the earth, Rāvana arrived at the city of Māhismatī, resembling the city of the celestials, where lived perpetually the deity of fire. There reigned a king named Arjuna, effulgent like fire which was kept perpetually in a well covered with Sara.

तमेव दिवसं सोऽथ हैहयाधिपतिर्बली। अर्जुनो नर्मदा रन्तुं गतः स्त्रीभिः सहेश्वरः॥
One day the highly powerful Arjuna, the king of Haihayas, repaired to the river Narmadā, with his wives to sport.

तमेव दिवसं सोऽथ रावणस्तत्र आगतः। रावणो राक्षसेन्द्रस्तु तस्यामात्यानपृच्छत॥
At the very same day, Ravana, the lord of Rākṣasas, arrived there and asked his councillors saying.

क्वार्जुनो नृपतिः शीघ्रं सम्यगाख्यातुमर्हथ। रावणोऽहमनुप्ताप्तो युद्धेप्सुनुवरेण ह॥
Where is the king Arjuna? Do you speedily tell me; I am Rāvana, I have come to fight with your king.

ममागमनमप्यग्रे युष्माभिः संनिवेद्यताम्। इत्येवं रावणेनोक्तास्तेऽमात्याः सुविपश्चितः॥ अब्रुवनराक्षसपतिमसांनिध्यं महीपतेः।
Do you, at first, communicate to him the news of my arrival. Being thus addressed by Ravana, the learned ministers informed the lord of Raksasas, of the absence of the king.

श्रुत्वा विश्रवसः पुत्रः पौराणामर्जुनं गतम्॥ अपसृत्यागतो बिन्ध्यं हिमवत्संनिभं गिरिम्।
Hearing of the absence of the king from the citizens Viśravasa's son came out of the city and reached the Vindhya mountain resembling the Himalayas.

स तमभ्रमिवाविष्टमुद्धान्तमिव मेदिनीम्॥ अपश्यद्रावणो विन्ध्यमालिखन्तमिवाम्बरम्। सहस्रशिखरोपेतं सिंहाध्युषितकंदरम्॥ प्रपातपतितैः शीतैः साट्टहासमिवाम्बुभिः। देवदानवगन्धर्वैः साप्सरोभिः सकिंनरैः॥ स्वस्त्रीभिः क्रीडामानैश्च स्वर्गभूतं महोच्छ्रयम्। नदीभिः स्यन्दमानाभिः स्फटिकप्रतिमं जलम्।।१७ फणाभिश्चलजिह्वाभिरनन्तमिव विष्ठितम्। उत्क्रामन्तं दरीवन्तं हिमवत्संनिभं गिरिम्॥ पश्यमानस्ततो विन्ध्यं रावणो नर्मदां ययौ। चलोपलजला पुण्यां पश्चिमोदधिगामिनीम्॥ महिषैः सृमरैः सिंहै: शार्दूलर्भगजोत्तमैः। उष्णाभितप्तैस्तृषितैः संक्षोभितजलाशयाम्॥
He espied the mountain extending over the welkin like to clouds and rising up as if riving the earth and obstructing the sky. The mountain had a thousand summits and the lions were residing in the caves and hundreds of fountain were falling from it; the mountain was as if laughing aloud and the celestials, Gandharvas, Apsarās and Kinsaras were sporting there with their females, and it appeared in consequence thereof) like the region of celestials; and rivers, with waters transparent like crystal, were flowing. And it therefore appeared like a thousand serpents having trembling tongues. And casting his looks upon Vindhya mountain, resembling the Himalayas and having huge caves, Ravana, the king of Raksasas, reached the river Narmadā, of holy waters and going rapidly to the western ocean. Her waters were being agitated by buffaloes, deer, tigers, lions, bears and elephants distressed by heat.

चक्रवाकैः सकारण्डैः सहसजलकुक्कुटैः। सारसैश्च सदा मत्तैः कूजद्भिः सुसमावृताम्॥
Having covered her, Cakravakas, Karandavas, swans, water-cocks and Sārasas, maddened, were emitting notes.

फुल्लदुमकृतोत्तंसां चक्रवाकयुगस्तनीम्। विस्तीर्णपुलिनश्रोणी हंसावलिसुमेखलाम्॥ पुष्परेण्वनुलिप्ताङ्गी जलफेनामलांशुकाम्। जलावगाहसुस्पशा फुल्लोत्पलशुभेक्षणाम्॥ पुष्पकादवरुह्याशु नर्मदां सरितां वराम्। इष्टामिव वरां नारीमवगाह्य दशाननः॥ स तस्याः पुलिने रम्ये नानामुनिनिषेविते। उपोपविष्टः सचिवैः सार्धं राक्षसपुङ्गवः॥
The charming Narmadā appeared like a beautiful damsel-having blossoming trees for her waist, the row of swans for Mekhala, filaments of flowers for paste, watery foams for white silken cloth, the pleasure of descending into water for the pleasure of touch and fullblown lotuses for white eyes. Having descended from his car and bathed in the waters of Narmadā, the foremost of streams, resembling a fair one, Ravana, the lord of Raksasas, with his councillors, sat on her coast resided by many an ascetic.

प्रख्याय नर्मदां सोऽथ गङ्गेयमिति रावणः। नर्मदादर्शने हर्षमाप्तवान्स दशाननः॥ उवाच सचिवांस्तत्र सलीलं शुकसारणौ। एष रश्मिसहस्रेण जगत्कृत्वेव काञ्चनम्॥ तीक्ष्णतापकरः सूर्यो नभसो मध्यमास्थितः।
Delighted at her beauty and having spoken highly of Narmadā like to Gangă he addressed his ministers Suka and Sāraṇa with gestures, saying:-“Behold, having rendered the earth pale, with his many rays, the sun, emitting parching heat, is in the sky.

मामासीनं विदित्यैव चन्द्रायति दिवाकरः॥ नर्मदाजलशीतश्च सुगन्धिः श्रमनाशनः। मद्भयादनिलो ह्येष वात्यसौ सुसमाहितः॥
But seeing me here seated, his rays have become cool like those of the moon. At my fear, even the wind is blowing carefully, being cold and fragrant by the touch of the waters of the Narmadā and removing our toil.

इयं वापि सरिच्छेष्टा नर्मदा शर्मवर्धिनी। नक्रमीनविहंगोर्मिः सभयेवाङ्गना स्थिता॥
This charming Narmadā, abounding in crocodiles, fishes and birds, though a natural stream, is standing still like a terrified damsel.

तद्भवन्तः क्षताः शस्त्रैर्नृपैरिन्द्रसमैयुधि । चन्दनस्य रसेनेव रुधिरेण समुक्षिताः॥
Being wounded in conflicts with many a king your persons have been pasted with blood.

ते यूयमवागहध्वं नर्मदां शर्मदां शुभाम्। सार्वभौममुखा मत्ता गङ्गामिव महागजाः॥
Therefore like to Särvabhauma and other infuriated elephants going down into the water of the Ganges, do you descend into the water of Narmadā conferring auspiciousness and health.

अस्यां स्नात्वा महानद्यां पाप्मनो विप्रमोक्ष्यथ। अहमप्यद्य पुलिने शरदिन्दुसमप्रभे॥ पुष्पोपहारं शनकैः करिष्यामि कपर्दिनः।
Bathing in this stream you shall be cleansed from sins. I shall, also on the coast of this river, like the rays of the autumnal moon, reverentially worship with flowers Mahādeva, holding Pināka in his hands.

रावणेनैवमुक्तास्तु प्रहस्तशुकसारणाः॥ समहोदरधूम्राक्षा नर्मदां विजगाहिरे।
Hearing the words of Ravana, Prahasta, Suka, Sarana, Mahodara, Dhumraksa and other councillors descended into the waters of Narmada.

राक्षसेन्द्रगजैस्तैस्तु क्षोभिता नर्मदा नदी॥ वामनाञ्जनपद्मद्यैर्गङ्गा इव महागजैः।
She was agitated by those elephant like leading Rākşasas like to the Gargā by Vămana, Anjana, Padma and other elephants.

ततस्ते राक्षसाः स्नात्वा नर्मदायां महाबलाः॥ उत्तीर्य पुष्पाण्याजवुर्बल्यर्थं रावणस्य तु।
Thereupon having got up from the waters the highly powerful Rākşasas culled flowers for Ravana's offerings.

नर्मदापुलिने हृद्ये शुभ्राभ्रसदृशप्रभे॥ राक्षसैस्तु मुहुर्तेन कृतः पुष्पमयो गिरिः।
In a moment the Rākṣasas collected heaps of flowers on the picturesque banks of Narmadā, resembling the white clouds.

पुष्पेषूपहतेष्वेवं रावणो राक्षसेश्वरः॥ अवतीर्णो नदी स्नातुं गङ्गामिव महागजः। तत्र स्नात्वा च विधिवज्जप्त्वा जप्यमनुत्तमम्॥ नर्मदासलिलात्तस्मादुत्ततार स रावणः।
Flowers being thus collected, Rāvana, the king of Rākşasas descended into the Narmadā for bathing like a huge elephant into the Gangā. And having bathed he got up, reciting excellent incantations.

ततः क्लिन्नाम्बरं त्यक्त्वा शुक्लवस्त्रसमावृतः।।४० रावणं प्राञ्जलिं यान्तमन्वयुः सर्वराक्षसाः। तद्गतीवशमापन्ना मूर्तिमन्त इवाचलाः॥
Thereupon having left off his wet cloth he put on a white one. And to find out place for worshipping, he, with folded hands, proceeded towards the banks. And the Răkşasas too, like to so many moving mountains, followed him.

यत्र यत्र च याति स्म रावणो राक्षसेश्वरः। जाम्बूनदमयं लिङ्गं तत्र तत्र स्म नीयते॥
Wherever Rāvana went the golden Siva Linga was brought.

वालुकावेदिमध्ये तु तल्लिङ्गं स्थाप्य रावणः। अर्चयामास गन्धैश्च पुष्पैश्चामृतगन्धिभिः॥
Thereupon Rāvaņa placed that upon a heap of sands and began to worship it with various nectar-smelling flowers and sandal.

ततः सतामार्तिहरं परं वरं वरप्रदं चन्द्रमयूखभूषणम्। समर्चयित्वा स निशाचरो जगौ प्रसार्य हस्तान्प्रणनर्त चाग्रतः॥
Having finished the worship of Siva, the foremost of deities, having ww moon on his crown, the conferrer of boons and the remover of miseries, the night-ranger danced with uplifted hands and sang before it.