Uttara Kanda: Chapter 29

ततस्तमसि संजाते सर्वे ते देवराक्षसाः। आयुद्ध्यन्त बलोन्मत्ताः : सूदयन्तः परस्परम्॥
Thereupon darkness having set in all the celestials and Rākşasas, maddened with their strength, began to fight rushing one another.

इन्द्रश्च रावणश्चैव रावणिश्च महाबलः। तस्मिंस्तमोजालवृते मोहमीयुर्न ते त्रयः॥ स तु दृष्ट्वा बलं सर्वं रावणो निहतं क्षणात्। क्रोधमभ्यगमतीव्र महानादं च मुक्तवान्॥
And in that darkness-Indra, Ravana and Meghanāda— these three were not possessed by the influence of illusion. Beholding his whole army slain in a moment, Ravana, worked up with dreadful ire, sent out terrible roars.

क्रोधात्सूतं च दुर्धर्षः स्यन्दनस्थमुवाच ह। परसैन्यस्य मध्येन यावदन्तो नयस्व माम्॥
And in anger, that irrepressible one said to the charioteer, stationed on the car, “Do you take me to the other end of the enemies' host."

अद्यैव त्रिदशान्सर्वान्विक्रमैः समरे स्वयम्। नानाशस्त्रमहासारैर्नयामि यमसादनम्॥
I shall soon in the field of battle, with the stroke of various weapons despatch all the deities to the abode of Death,

अहमिन्द्रं वधिष्यामि धनदं वरुणं यमम्। त्रिदशान्विनिहत्याशु स्वयं स्थास्याम्यथोपरि॥
I shall slay Indra, Kubera, Varuna and Yama, what to speak of more, I shall soon destroy all the deities and place myself above them.

विषादो नैव कर्तव्यः शीघ्रं वाहय मे रथम्। द्विः खलु त्वां ब्रवीम्यद्य यावदन्तं नयस्व माम्॥
Be not sorry; do you soon drive my chariot. To-day I have told you twice to take me to the end of the enemy's army.

अयं स नन्दनोद्देशो यत्र वर्तावहे वयम्। नय मामद्य तत्र त्वमुदयो यत्र पर्वतः॥
We are now waiting near the Nandana grove, do you take me to the hill when the sun rises.

तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा तुरगान्स मनोजवान्। आदिदेशाथ शत्रुणां मध्येनैव च सारथि।।।।।
Hearing his words the charioteer drove the steeds, coursing at will through the enemies' host.

तस्य तं निश्चयं ज्ञात्वा शक्रो देवेश्वरस्तदा। रथस्थः समरस्थस्तान्देवान्वाक्यमथाब्रवीत्॥
Thereupon being apprised of his intention, Śakra, the king of the celestials, stationed on car, said to the deities, in the field of battle.

सुराः शृणुत मद्वाक्यं यत्तावन्मम रोचते। जीवन्नेव दशग्रीवः साधु रक्षो निगृह्यताम्॥
O you deities-bear my words, what appear to me best. This Ten-necked demon must be vanquished by us while alive.

एष ह्यतिबलः सैन्ये रथेन पवनौजसा। गमिष्यति प्रवृद्धोर्मिः समुद्र इव पर्वणि ॥
Ascending his car, gifted with the velocity of the wind, the highly powerful one is proceeding among the army like to the deep with waves rising during Parva.

नह्येष हन्तुं शक्योऽद्य वरदानात्सुनिर्भयः। तद्ग्रहीष्यामहे रक्षो यत्ता भवत संयुगे॥
It is not possible to slay him now, for he shall not meet with death in consequence of the boon. So let us make him captive-and we should all exert to that end.

यथा बलौ निरुद्धे च त्रैलोक्यं भुज्यते मया। एवमेतस्य पापस्य निरोधो मम रोचते॥
Bali being held captive, I am enjoying the three worlds-and I think proper to obstruct the course of this vicious-souled one.

ततोऽन्यं देशमास्थाय शक्रः संत्यज्य रावणम्। अयुध्यत महाराज राक्षसांस्त्रासयरणे॥
Having said this and left aside Råvaņa, Sakra went to another side, O King, and fought terrifying the Rākşasas in the conflict.

उत्तरेण दशग्रीवः प्रविवेशानिवर्तकः। दक्षिणेन तु पार्श्वेन प्रविवेश शतनुतुः॥
Dasagriva, incapable of being thwarted, entered by the northern route and the performer of hundred sacrifices by the southern.

ततः स योजनशतं प्रविष्टो राक्षसाधिपः। देवतानां बलं सर्वं शरवरवाकिरत्॥
Thereupon having entered into the army up to a hundred leagues the lord of Rākşasas overpowered the celestial host with a downpour of shafts.

ततः शक्रो निरीक्ष्याथ प्रनष्टं तु स्वकं बलम्। न्यवर्तयदसंभ्रान्तः समावृत्य दशाननम्॥
Thereupon beholding his own army slain Sakra, returned fearlessly and obstructed the Ten-necked demon.

एतस्मिन्नन्तरे नादो मुक्तो दानवराक्षसैः। हा हताः स्म इति ग्रस्तं दृष्ट्वा शक्रेण रावणम्॥
In the interim beholding Rāvaņa brought under his grasp by Śakra the demons and Raksasas cried aloud, “Alas we are slain."

ततो रथं समास्थाय रावणिः क्रोधमूर्च्छितः। तत्सैन्यमतिसंक्रुद्धः प्रविवेश सुदारुणम्॥
Thereupon ascending his car Ravana's son, became senseless by his wrath and beside himself with rage, entered the dreadful flank.

तां प्रविश्य महामायां प्राप्तां पशुपतेः पुरा। प्रविवेश सुसंरब्धस्तत्सैन्यं समभिद्रवत्॥
Having resorted to the illusory powers, conferred upon him yore by Pasupati he entered into the enemies' camp and belaboured them.

स सर्वा देवतास्त्यक्त्वा शक्रमेवाभ्यधावत। महेन्द्रश्च महातेजा नापश्यच्च सुतं रिपोः॥
Having left behind all other deities he pursued Indra and the highly effulgent Mahendra too espied his enemy's son.

विमुक्तकवचस्तत्र बध्यमानोऽपि रावणिः। त्रिदशैः सुमहावीनं चकार च.किंचन ॥
And albeit assailed by the highly powerful deities, Ravanas son, divested of mail, entertained no fear.

स मातलिं समायान्तं ताडयित्वा शरोत्तमैः। महेन्द्रं बाणवर्षेण भूय एवाभ्यवाकिरत्॥
Having overpowered the approaching charioteer Måtalt, with many excellent arrows he covered Mahendra with a downpour of shafts.

ततस्त्यक्त्वा रथं शक्रो विससर्ज च सारथिम्। ऐरावतं समारुह्य मृगयामास रावणिम्॥
Thereat having left his car and charioteer Indra mounted his elephant Airāvata and ran about in search of Ravana's son.

स तत्र मायाबलवानदृश्योऽथान्तरिक्षगः। इन्द्रं मायापरिक्षिप्तं कृत्वा स प्राद्रवच्छरैः॥
Being invisible in the welkin by virtue of his illusory powers and having brought Indra under the influence thereof he struck him with hundreds of arrows.

स तं यदा परिश्रान्तमिन्द्रं जज्ञेऽथ रावणिः। तदैनं मायया बद्ध्वा स्वसैन्यमभितोऽनयत्॥
When Råvaņa's son came to know that Indra was exhausted he, having bound him up by virtue of illusion, proceeded towards his army.

तं तु दृष्ट्वा बलात्तेन नीयमानं महारणात्। महेन्द्रममराः सर्वे किं नु स्यादित्यचिन्तयन्॥
Having seen Mahendra carried away by force from the battle field the deities thought“What is this?”

दृश्यते न स मायावी शक्रजित्समितिंजयः। विद्यावानपि येनेद्रो माययापहृतो बलात्॥
That conqueror of Śakra and subduer of enemies, conversant with illusory powers, was not visible, by whom, Indra, although master of many illusions, was carried away by force.

एतस्मिन्नन्तरे क्रुद्धाः सर्वे सुरगणास्तदा। रावणं विमुखीकृत्य शरवर्षैरवाकिरन्॥
In the meantime, the celestials, all enraged, covered Rāvana with a downpour of shafts and belaboured him.

रावणस्तु समासाद्य आदित्यांश्च वसूंस्तदा। न शशाक स सङ्गामे योद्धं शत्रुभिरदितः॥
And being worn out in the encounter with the Ādityas and Vasus he was not capable of fighting any more.

स तं दृष्ट्वा परिम्लानं प्रहारैर्जर्जरीकृतम्। रावणिः पितरं युद्धे दर्शनस्थोऽब्रवीदिदम्॥
Beholding his father thus distressed and assailed in warfare with strokes, Ravana's son, although invisible, said.

आगच्छ तात गच्छामो रणकर्म निवर्तताम्। जितं नो विदितं तेऽस्तु स्वस्थो भव गतज्वरः।।३३
Do you come, O father, our work in the battle field is finished; know, we have achieved victory; be you consoled and divested of agonies.

अयं हि सुरसैन्यस्य त्रैलोक्यस्य च यः प्रभुः। स गृहीतो देवबलाद्भग्नदर्पाः सुराः कृताः॥
By virtue of my illusory powers I have made Mahendra captive the lord of the three worlds and of the celestial host and have crushed down the pride of the deities.

यथेष्टं भुक्ष्व लोकांस्त्रीनिगृह्यारातिमोजसा। वृथा किं ते श्रमेणेह युद्धमद्य तु निष्फलम्॥
Having subdued your enemy by virtue of your prowess do you enjoy the three worlds at your pleasure. What is the use of labouring again? And useless it is to fight again.

ततस्ते दैवतगणा निवृत्ता रणकर्मणः। तच्छ्रुत्वा रावणेर्वाक्यं शक्रहीनाः सुरा गताः॥
Hearing the words of Rāvana's son the deities retired from the battle field, and went away without Sakra.

दशरिपुः प्रथितो निशाचरेन्द्रः। स्वसुतवचनमादृतः प्रियं तत्समनुनिशम्य जगाद चैव सूनुम्॥
And hearing the sweet words of his son, the lord of the night-rangers, the enemy of the celestials, having great prowess and wide spread fame, desisted from fighting and affectionately said to his son.

अतिबलसदृशैः पराक्रमैस्त्वं मम कुलवंशविवर्धनः प्रभो। यदयमतुलबलस्त्वयाद्य वै त्रिदशपतिस्त्रिदशाश्च निर्जिताः॥
You have enhanced the glory of our race displaying the prowess like a highly powerful man. You have vanquished the celestials and their king of unequalled might.

नय रथमधिरोप्य वासवं नगरमितो व्रज सेनया वृतस्त्वम्। अहमपि तव पृष्ठतो दुतं सह सचिवैरनुयामि हृष्टवत्॥
Do you set out hence for the city, taking Indra on your chariot and surrounded by soldiers. I shall, soon, delighted, follow you with my councillors.

त्रिदशपतिं परिगृह्य रावणिः। स्वभवनमधिगम्य वीर्यवान् कृतसमरान्विससर्ज राक्षसान्॥
Thereupon having returned home with his army and chariots and taking the king of the celestials, the powerful son of Rāvana dismissed the victorious warriors.