Uttara Kanda: Chapter 25

स तु दत्त्वा दशग्रीवो बलं घोरं खरस्य तत्। भगिनीं च समाश्वास्य हृष्टः स्वस्थतरोऽभवत्॥
Having thus given the command of a huge and dreadful army to Khara and consoled his sister the Ten-necked demon was satisfied and freed from anxiety.

ततो निकुम्भिला नाम लङ्कोपवनमुत्तमम्। तद्राक्षसेन्द्रो बलवान्प्रविवेश सहानुगः॥
Thereupon that highly powerful lord of Rāksasas with his followers entered an excellent garden in Larkā named Nikumbhilā.

ततो यूपशताकीर्णं सौम्यचैत्योपशोभितम्। ददर्श विष्ठितं यज्ञं श्रिया संप्रज्वलनिव॥
There, he saw, filled with hundreds of sacrificial posts and altars, a sacrifice being celebrated, as if burning in its lustre.

ततः कृष्णाजिनधरं कमण्डलुशिखाध्वजम्। ददर्श स्वसुतं तत्र मेघनादं भयावहम्॥
He beheld his fearful son Meghanāda too, clad in an antelope skin and holding Sikhă and Kamandalu.

तं समासाद्य लङ्केशः परिष्वज्याथ बाहुभिः। अब्रवीत्किमिदं वत्स वर्तसे ब्रूहि तत्त्वतः॥
Having seen him (there) and embraced him by his arms the lord of Lankā said: “What are you after, O my child? Tell me the truth."

उशना त्वब्रवीत्तत्र यज्ञसंपत्समृद्धये। रावणं राक्षसश्रेष्ठं द्विजश्रेष्ठो महातपाः॥
Thereupon that foremost of twice-born ones Usanas* of austere penances, wishing the prosperity of the sacrifice, said to Rāvana, the Raksasa chief. *Another name of Sukra. Indrajit took the vow of silence so he thought it improper to disturb him.

अहमाख्यामि ते राजश्रूयतां सर्वमेव तत्। यज्ञास्ते सप्त पुत्रेण प्राप्तास्ते बहुविस्तराः।७।। अग्निष्टोमोऽश्वमेधश्च यज्ञो बहुसुवर्णकः। राजसूयस्तथा यज्ञो गोमेधो वैष्णवस्तथा।।।। माहेश्वरे प्रवृत्ते तु यज्ञे पुंभिः सुदुर्लभे। वरांस्ते लब्धवान्पुत्रः साक्षात्पशुपतेरिह॥
Hear, I shall relate to you everything, O king; your son has met with the fruits of many a sacrifice, Agnistoma, Asvamedha, Bahusuvarņaka, Rājsūya, Gomedha and Vaisnava. And being engaged in this Maheśvara sacrifice, which is incapable of being celebrated by men, your son has obtained boon from Pasupati’ himself.

कामगं स्यन्दनं दिव्यमन्तरिक्षचरं ध्रुवम्। मायां च तामसी नाम यया संपद्यते तमः॥
He has also obtained illusory powers, which create darkness or ignorance, namely of ranging in the sky, of being eternal, of ascending a celestial car which curses at will and of creating darkness.

एतया किल सङ्ग्रामे मायया राक्षसेश्वर। प्रयुक्तया गतिः शक्या नहि ज्ञातुं सुरासुरैः॥
O lord of Rākşasas, these illusory powers being used in a conflict, even the celestials and Asuras shall not be able to perceive his course.

अक्षयाविषुधी बाणैश्चापं चापि सुदुर्जयम्। अस्त्रं च बलवद्राजञ्छत्रुविध्वंसनं रणे॥
Besides he has obtained a quiver, the arrows whereof shall never be exhausted, a bow, which is hard of being got by and a dreadful weapon which destroys enemies in a conflict.

एतान्सर्वान्वरांल्लब्ध्वा पुत्रस्तेऽयं दशानन । अद्य यज्ञसमाप्तौ च त्वां दिदृक्षन्स्थितो ह्यहम्॥
Having obtained these boons your son, O you having ten faces, and myself, the sacrifice being finished, have been waiting to behold you.

ततोऽब्रवीद्दशग्रीवो न शोभनमिदं कृतम्। पूजिताः शत्रवो यस्माद्रव्यैरिन्द्रपुरोगमाः॥
Whereto the Ten-necked demon replied, You have not done well as you have worshipped, with diverse articles my enemies, Indra and others.

एहीदानी कृतं यद्धिसुकृतं तन्त्र संशयः। आगच्छ सौम्य गच्छामः स्वमेव भवनं प्रति॥
However, what is done is done, there is virtue in this, no doubt; come, o gentle one, we shall go to our house.

ततो गत्वा दशग्रीवः सपुत्रः सविभीषणः। स्त्रियोऽवतारयामास सर्वास्ता बाष्पगद्गदाः॥ लक्षिण्यो रत्नभूताश्च देवदानवरक्षसाम्। तस्य तासु मतिं ज्ञात्वा धर्मात्मा वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥
Thereupon going there with his son and Vibhișana, the Ten-necked demon got down all those damsels, speechless with tears, gifted with auspicious marks, the precious females of the celestials, Dānavas and Räkşasas. Perceiving his vicious desire for those damsels, the virtuoussouled (Vibhisana) said.

ईदृशैस्त्वं समाचारैर्यशोर्थकुलनाशनैः। धर्षणं प्राणिनां ज्ञात्वा स्वमतेन विचेष्टसे॥
You do (still) follow your own whims, knowing that people are injured by these actions which destroy piety, wealth and fame.

ज्ञातींस्तान्धर्षयित्वेमास्त्वयानीता वराङ्गनाः। त्वामतिक्रम्य मधुना राजन्कुम्भीनसी हृता ॥
Having slain their kinsmen you past brought these beautiful damsels hither, but disregarding you, O King, Madhu has carried away Kumbhīnasī.

रावणस्त्वब्रवीद्वाक्यं नावगच्छामि किं त्विदम्। कोऽयं यस्तु त्वयाख्यातो मधुरित्येव नामतः।।२०
Ravana said:-“I do not understand all this. Who is that Madhu, who has been named by you?"

विभीषणस्तु संक्रुद्धो भ्रातरं वाक्यमब्रवीत्। श्रूयतामस्य पापस्य कर्मणः फलमागतम्॥
Worked up with ire Vibhîşana said to his brother: "Hear, the fruit of your vicious actions has arrived.

मातामहस्य योऽस्माकं ज्येष्ठो भ्राता सुमालिनः। माल्यवानिति विख्यातो वृद्धः प्राज्ञो निशाचरः॥ पिता ज्येष्ठो जनन्या नो ह्यस्माकं चार्यकोऽभवत्। तस्य कुम्भीनसी नाम दुहितुर्दुहिताभवत्॥ मातृष्वसुरथास्माकं सा च कन्यानलोद्भवा। भवत्यस्माकमेवैषा भ्रातृणां धर्मतः स्वसा॥
There was an old Räkşasas, celebrated for his wisdom, named Mālyavān, the elder brother of Sumālin, our maternal grandfather. His granddaughter is Kumbhinaşi and is born of our maternal aunt Analā.; so she is virtually our sister.

सा हृता मधुना राजनराक्षसेन बलीयसा। यज्ञप्रवृत्ते पुत्रे तु मयि चान्तर्जलोषिते॥ कुम्भकर्णो महाराज निद्रामनुभवत्यथ। निहत्य राक्षसश्रेष्ठानमात्यानिह संमतान्॥ धर्षयित्वा हृता राजनगुप्ताप्यन्तःपुरे तव।
Your son being engaged in the sacrifice and myself being under waters she was stolen away, Oking, by the powerful Rākşasa Madhu. Kumbhakarma, ogreat king, was then asleep. Having slain all the powerful Rākşasas and your councillors, he had stolen her away, O king, who was in your inner apartments.

श्रुत्वापि तन्महाराज क्षान्तमेव हतो न सः॥ यस्मादवश्यं दातव्या कन्या भत्रे हि भ्रातृभिः। तदेतत्कर्मणो ह्यस्य फलं पापस्य दुर्मतेः।२८।। अस्मिन्नेवाभिसंप्राप्तं लोके विदितमस्तु ते।
Hearing this even, O great king, we have pardoned and not slain him; an unmarried girl should be given away to her husband by her brothers, but that has not been the case, this is merely the result of your vicious actions, wicked-minded as you are. And this you have met with instantly, so the people say.

विभीषणवचः श्रुत्वा राक्षसेन्द्रः स रावणः॥ दौरात्म्येनात्मनोद्भूतस्तप्ताम्भा इव सागरः। ततोऽब्रवीद्दशग्रीवः क्रुद्धः संरक्तलोचनः॥
Hearing the words of Vibhīşaņa, Råvana, the lord of Rākşasas, became agitated like an ocean, by the recollection of his vicious deeds. And engaged, with blood-red eyes the ten-necked demon said.

कल्प्यतां मे रथः शीघ्रं शूराः सज्जीभवन्तु नः। भ्राता मे कुम्भकर्णश्च ये च मुख्या निशाचराः॥ वाहनान्यधिरोहन्तु नानाप्रहरणायुधाः। अद्य तं समरे हत्वा मधुं रावणनिर्भयम्॥ सुरलोकं गमिष्यामि युद्धाकाङ्क्षी सुहृद्धृतः।
Get my chariot ready soon and let all the heroes of our party be prepared. Let my brother Kumbhakarņa and other leading night-rangers, armed with various weapons, ascend their conveyances. Having slain today in the encounter that Madhu, who is not afraid of Ravana, I shall, encircled by my friends, and desirous of battle, proceed to the region of the celestials.

अक्षोहिणीसहस्राणि चत्वार्यग्र्याणि रक्षसाम्।।३३ नानाप्रहरणान्याशु निर्ययुयुद्धकाङ्क्षिणाम्। इन्द्रजित्त्वग्रतः सैन्यात्सैनिकान्परिगृह्य च॥ जगाम रावणो मध्ये कुम्भकर्णश्च पृष्ठतः। विभीषणश्च धर्मात्मा लङ्कायां धर्ममाचरन्॥ शेषाः सर्वे महाभागा ययुर्मधुपुरं प्रति।
Thereupon issued out for battle leading Rākşasas four thousand Akşauhiņi strong taking various weapons. Commanding them Indrajit proceeded the army, Răvaņa went in the middle and Kumbhakarna was in the rear; the virtuoussouled Vibhīşaņa remained in Lankā, being engaged in pious observances. And the rest of the leading Rākşasas proceeded towards the city of Madhu.

शरैरुष्टैर्हयैर्दीप्तैः शिशुमारैर्महोरगैः॥ राक्षसाः प्रययुः सर्वे कृत्वाकाशं निरन्तरम्।
All the Rākşasas went covering the sky, some on asses, some on camels, some on horses, some on quick-coursing porpoises and some on huge serpents.

दैत्याश्च शतशस्तत्र कृतवैराश्च दैवतैः ॥ रावणं प्रेक्ष्य गच्छन्तमन्वगच्छन्हि पृष्ठतः। स तु गत्वा मधुपुरं प्रविश्य च दशाननः॥ न ददर्श मधुं तत्र भगिनीं तत्र दृष्टवान्।
And beholding Rävaņa proceed, hundreds of Daityas, inimical to the celestials, followed him. Having arrived at the city of Madhu and entered there the ten-necked demon did not behold Madhu but espied his sister.

सा च प्रह्वाञ्जलिर्भूत्वा शिरसा चरणौ गता॥ तस्य राक्षसराजस्य वस्ता कुम्भीनसी तदा।
Thereupon being afraid of the king of Raksasas, Kumbhinasi, with folded palms, touched his feet with her crown.

तां समुत्थापयामास न भेतव्यमिति ब्रुवन्॥ रावणो राक्षसश्रेष्ठः किं चापि करवाणि ते।
Having raised her up the Rākşasa-chief Ravana said “No fear, what can I do for you?

साब्रवीद्यादि मे राजन्प्रसन्नस्त्वं महाभुज ॥ भर्तारं न ममेहाद्य हन्तुर्महसि मानद। नहीदृशं भयं किंचित्कुलस्त्रीणामिहोच्यते॥ भयानामपि सर्वेषां वैधव्यं व्यसनं महत्।
Where to she replied “O King, O you having long arms, if you are pleased with me, do not slay my husband today, Oconfrere of honours. It is said there is no other fear like this for damsels of high pedigree. The greatest of fears is that of being a widow.

सत्यवाग्भव राजेन्द्र मामवेक्षस्व याचतीम्॥ त्वयाप्युक्तं महाराज न भेतव्यमिति स्वयम्।
Be you truthful, O king of Kings, do you look towards me, who am thus begging. You have yourself said, O king, "no fear.”

रावणस्त्वब्रवीद्धृष्टः स्वसारं तत्र संस्थिताम्॥ क्व चासौ तव भर्ता वै मम शीघ्रं निवेद्यताम्। सह तेन गमिष्यामि सुरलोकं जयाय हि ॥
Being thus addressed Råvana said to his sister there: "Do you tell me speedily where is your husband. I shall go with him for conquests to the region of the celestials."

तव कारुण्यसौहार्दानिवृत्तोऽस्मि मधोर्वधात्। इत्युक्ता सा समुत्थाप्य प्रसुप्तं तं निशाचरम्॥ अब्रवीत्संप्रहृष्टेव राक्षसी सा पतिं वचः।
Out of pity and love for you I refrain from slaying Madhu. Being thus accosted, that Raksasi, being pleased, got her sleeping husband, the night-ranger, up and said.

एष प्राप्तो दशग्रीवो मम भ्राता महाबलः॥ सुरलोकजयाकाङ्क्षी साहाय्ये त्वां वृणोति च। तदस्य त्वं सहायार्थं सबन्धुर्गच्छ राक्षस॥
Here is my brother, the highly power Dasagrīva. Being desirous of conquering the region of the celestials he prays for your help. Do you therefore proceed to his help, O Raksasa, with all they friends.

स्निग्धस्य भजमानस्य युक्तमर्थाय कल्पितुम्। तस्यास्तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा तथेत्याह मधुर्वचः॥
It behoves you to help him, who out of affection for me, has prayed for your help.” Hearing those words Madhu said:-"So be it."

ददर्श राक्षसश्रेष्ठं यथान्यायमुपेत्य सः। पूजयामास धर्मेण रावणं राक्षसाधिपम्॥
Approaching a little he beheld that foremost of Rākşasas and duly welcomed Rāvana.

प्राप्य पूजां दशग्रीवो मधुवेश्मनि वीर्यवान्। तत्र चैकां निशामुष्य गमनायोपचक्रमे॥
Being thus honoured the highly power Dasagrīva spent one night in Madhu's house and then, addressed himself for departure.

ततः कैलासमासाद्य शैलं वैश्रवणालयम्। राक्षसेन्द्रो महेन्द्राभः सेनामुपनिवेशयत्॥
Thereupon reaching the hill Kailāsa, the abode of Vaisravana, the lord of Raksasas, resembling Mahendra, encamped his army.