Uttara Kanda: Chapter 23

ततो जित्वा दशग्रीवो यमं त्रिदशपुंगवम्। रावणस्तु रणश्लाघी स्वसहायान्ददर्श ह॥
Having vanquished Yama, the foremost of celestials, Rāvana delighting in warfare, saw his adherents.

ततो रुधिरसिक्ताङ्गं प्रहारैर्जर्जरीकृतम्। रावणं राक्षसा दृष्ट्वा विस्मयं समुपागमन्॥
Then seeing Rāvaņa, with his person bathed in blood, bettered by the weapon discharged at him, they were seized with surprise.

जयेन वर्धयित्वा च मारीचप्रमुखास्ततः। पुष्पकं भेजिरे सर्वे सान्त्विता रावणेन तु॥
And hailing him with victory, the councillors headed by Mārīca, having been encouraged by Ravana, ascended Puspaka.

ततो रसातलं रक्षः प्रविष्टः पयसां निधिम्। दैत्योरगगणाध्युष्टं वरुणेन सुरक्षितम्॥
Then the Rākṣasa entered the region of waters the abode of Daityas and serpents, well protected by Varuna.

स तु भोगवतीं गत्वा पुरीं वासुकिपालिताम्। कृत्वा नागान्वशे हृष्टो ययौ मणिमयीं पुरीम्॥
Arriving at Bhogavati the city governed by Vāsuki, he brought the serpents under subjection and then, delighted, bent his course to the palace Manimayi.

निवातकवचास्तत्र दैतेया लब्धवरा वसन्। राक्षसस्तान्समागम्य युद्धाय समुपाह्वयत्॥ ते तु सर्वे सुविक्रान्ता दैतेया बलशालिनः। नानाप्रहरणास्तत्र प्रहृष्टा युद्धदुर्मदाः॥ शूलैस्त्रिशूलैः कुलिशैः पट्टिशासिपरश्वधैः। अन्योन्यं बिभिदुः कृद्धा राक्षसा दानवास्तथा॥ तेषां तु युध्यमानानां साग्रः संवत्सरो गतः। न चान्यतरतस्तत्र विजयो वा क्षयोऽपि वा।।।।
There dwelt the Nivātakavacas, who had obtained boons. Those Daityas were possessed of prowess and endowed with strength, carrying various weapons, breathing high spirits and invincible in battle. And the Dānavas and Rāks asas growing enraged fell to raving each other with darts and tridents, Kuliśas and axes and pațțiśas. And as they fought one entire year passed away and neither side obtained victory or was worsted.

ततः पितामहस्तत्र त्रैलोक्यगतिरव्ययः। आजगाम द्रुतं देवो विमानवरमास्थितः॥
Then that way of the triune sphere, that God, the undeteriorating Great-father, swiftly presented himself on the scene mounted on his excellent car.

निवातकवचानां तु निवार्य रणकर्म तत्। वृद्धः पितामहो वाक्यमुवाच विदितार्थवत्॥
Making the Nivātakavacas desist from battle the ancient great-father spoke in clear words.

नह्ययं रावणो युद्धे शक्यो जेतुं सुरासुरैः। न भवन्तः क्षयं नेतुमपि सामरदानवैः॥
Even the celestials and the Asuras are not able to vanquish this Rāvaņa in battle; nor can the Dänavas backed by the gods can destroy you.

राक्षसस्य सखित्वं च भवद्भिः सह रोचते। अविभक्ताश्च सर्वार्थाः सुहृदां नात्र संशयः॥
Do you therefore turn your minds to making friendship with the Rākşasas. All interests are forsooth the common possession of friends.

ततोऽग्निसाक्षिकं सख्यं कृतवांस्तत्र रावणः। निवातकवचैः सार्धं प्रीतिमानभवत्तदा ॥
Thereat Rāvaņa made friendship with the Nivātakavacas in the presence of Fire; and then rejoiced greatly.

अर्चितस्तैर्यथान्यायं संवत्सरमथोषितः। स्वपुरानिर्विशेषं च प्रियं प्राप्तो दशाननः॥
And duly honoured (by then) Daśānana passed there a year, without any feeling of that place being different from his own home: and spent his time agreeably.

तत्रोपधार्य मायानां शतमेकं समाप्तवान्। सलिलेन्द्रपुरान्वेषी भ्रमति स्म रसातलम्॥
Having learnt there a hundred sorts of illusion, he directed his course to Rasātala, searching for the city of the lord of waters.

ततोऽश्मनगरं नाम कालकेयैरधिष्ठितम्। गत्वा तु कालकेयांश्च हत्वा तत्र बलोत्कटान्॥ शूर्पणख्याश्च भर्तारमसिना प्राच्छिनत्तदा। श्यालं च बलवन्तं च विद्युज्जिह्व बलोत्कटम्॥ जिह्वया संलिहन्तं च राक्षसं समरे तदा।
And then going to the city named Asma ruled by the Kālakāyas, (Rāvana) slew the Kālakāyas endowed with terrific strength; and then with his sword cut off his brother-in-law,' the husband of Śūrpanakhā, he mighty Vidyutjibha possessed of terrific strength; as the Rākşasa in the encounter was licking (the limbs of Ravana's followers).

तं विजित्य मुहूर्तेन जघ्ने दैत्यांश्चतुःशतम्॥ ततः पाण्डुरमेघाभं कैलासमिव भास्वरम्। वरुणस्यालयं दिव्यमपश्यद्राक्षसाधिपः॥ क्षरन्तीं च पयस्तत्र सुरभिं गामवस्थिताम्। यस्याः पयोभिनिष्पन्दात्क्षीरोदो नाम सागरः॥
Having vanquished him, he, in a moment, destroyed four hundred Daityas. And then the lord of Rākṣasas saw the grand abode of Varuņa resembling a mass of white clouds, and effulgent like to Kailāśa itself;—and also saw the milkconserving Surabhi stationed there; from the streams of whose milk was produced the ocean named Ksiroda.

ददर्श रावणस्तत्र गोवृषेन्द्रवरारणिम्। यस्माच्चन्द्रः प्रभवति शीतरश्मिनिशाकरः॥ यं समाश्रित्य जीवन्ति फेनपाः परमर्षयः। अमृतं यत्र चोत्पन्नं स्वधा च स्वधभोजिनाम्॥ यां ब्रुवन्ति नरा लोके सुरभिं नाम नामतः।
There Ravana saw the mother of kine and the foremost of bulls; from whom spring that maker of night the mild-beaming-moon; taking refuge under whom subsist the prime saints and those living on froth, the froth' (of milk): and wherefrom sprang ambrosia as well as the Svadha of Svădhă-subsisting ones,' even her that go with human beings under the name of Surabhi. 1. A typical instance of the lengths which the selfdenial of the Hindu sages went is furnished by the case of a certain class of ascetics, who, abstaining from every other kind of food, lived solely on the froth of milk, falling off from the udders after the calf had drunk it. This froth-drinking, in preference to drinking the milk itself was dictated by a motive of charity viz., not to deprive the calf of her legitimate fare. 2. The ancestral manes.

प्रदक्षिणं तु तां कृत्वा रावणः परमाद्भुताम्। प्रविवेशमहाघोरं गुप्तं बहुविधैर्बलैः॥
Having gone round this wonderful (cow), Rāvaņa entered the exceedingly dreadful abode of Varuna) guarded by various kinds of forces.

ततो धाराशताकीर्णं शारदाभ्रनिभं तदा। नित्यप्रहृष्टं ददृशे वरुणस्य गृहोत्तमम्॥
Then he beheld Varuna's splendid mansion, streaming with hundreds of torrents, resembling a mass of autumnal clouds, and always wearing a delightful aspect.

ततो हत्वा बलाध्यक्षान्समरे तैश्च ताडितः। अब्रवीच्च ततो योधानराजा शीघ्रं निवेद्यताम्॥ युद्धार्थी रावणः प्राप्तस्तस्य युद्धं प्रदीयताम्। वद वा न भयं तेऽस्ति निर्जितोऽस्मीति साञ्जलिः।।२७
And killing the generals of the forces, after having been resisted by them, he addressed the warriors, saying, 'Do you speedily acquaint your king with this "Rāvana has come here seeking battle." Do you give him fight, or say with joined hands. 'I have been defeated by you, and then you have no fear whatever?'

एतस्मिन्नन्तरे क्रुद्धा वरुणस्य महात्मनः। पुत्राः पौत्राश्च निष्क्रामन्गौश्च पुष्कर एव च॥
In the meantime the sons and grandsons of the high-souled Varuņa, as well as those of Puskara issued forth.

ते तु तत्र गुणोपेता बलैः परिवृताः स्वकैः। युक्त्वा रथान्कामगमानुद्यद्भास्करवर्चसः॥
They, endowed with every virtue, accompanied by their own forces, yoked cars furnished with the effulgence of the rising Sun, and coursing at the desire of their riders.

ततो युद्धं समभवद्दारुणं रोमहर्षणम्। सलिलेन्द्रस्य पुत्राणां रावणस्य च धीमतः॥
Then there took place a mighty encounter capable of making people's down stand on end, between the sons of the lord of waters, and those of the intelligent Rāvana.

आमात्यैश्च महावीर्यैर्दशग्रीवस्य रक्षसः। वारुणं तद्वलं सर्व क्षणेन विनिपातितम्॥
And in a short while that entire host of Varuņa was brought down by the highly powerful councillor of that Raksasa Daśagrīva.

समीक्ष्य स्वबलं संख्ये वरुणस्य सुतास्तदा। अर्दिताः शरजालेन निवृत्ता रणकर्मणः॥ महीतलगतास्ते तु रावणं दृश्य पुष्पके। आकाशमाशु विविशुः स्यन्दनैः शीघ्रगामिभिः॥
Seeing their own forces brought to straits in the conflict and driven back in the fight with networks of shafts, and down on the ground and seeing Rävaņa in Puspaka, Varuņa's sons swiftly shot into the welkin with their fleet-footing cars.

महदासीत्ततस्तेषां तुल्यं स्थानमवाप्य तत्। आकाशयुद्धं तुमुलं देवदानवयोरिव ॥
After they had attained a station of equal vantage (with Ravana) in the sky,* great was the encounter that then took place in the sky, resembling the encounter of the deities and the Dānavas. *Ere the Rāvana was fighting on Puspaka, while Varuna's sons fought on the earth.

ततस्ते रावणं युद्धे शरैः पावकसंनिभैः। विमुखीकृत्य संहृष्टा विनेदुर्विविधारवान्॥
And turning away Rāvana in the conflict by means of shafts resembling fire, they, exceedingly rejoiced, emitted various shouts.

ततो महोदरः क्रुद्धो राजानं वीक्ष्य धर्षितम्। त्यक्त्वा मृत्युभयं क्रुद्धो युद्धाकाङ्क्षी व्यलोकयत्।।
Then Mahodara, enraged on seeing the king sore pressed, casting off fear, and wrought up with rage, began to go around, eager for fight.

तेन ते वारुणा युद्धे कानगाः पवनोपमाः। महोदरेण गदया हतास्ते प्रययुः क्षितिम्॥
And smit with his mace by Mahodara, Varuna's sons coursing at will and resembling the wind in velocity) dropped down to the ground.

तेषां वरुणसूनूनां हत्वा योधान्हयांश्च तान्। मुमोचाशु महानादं विरथान्प्रेक्ष्य तान्स्थितान्॥
Having slain those warriors and also those horses of Varuna's sons (Mahodara) seeing them lying down deprived of their cars swiftly sent up a tremendous cheer.

ते तु तेषां रथाः साश्वाः सह सारथिभिवरैः। महोदरेण निहताः पतिताः पृथिवीतले॥
And destroyed by Mahodara, their cars and horses together with their foremost charioteers, lay down on the earth.

ते तु त्यक्त्वा रथान्पुत्रा वरुणस्य महात्मनः। आकाशे विष्ठिताः शूराः स्वप्रभावान्न विव्यथुः॥
Then forsaking their cars, the sons of highsouled Varuna, stationed in the sky, did not experience any pain* by virtue of their native power. *By virtue of their immortal origin.

धनूंषि कृत्वा सज्जानि विनिर्भिद्य महोदरम्। रावणं समरे क्रुद्धाः सहिताः समवारयन्॥
Having stretched their bows they pierced Mahodara, and then, all together they greatly angered prevented Rāvana.

सायकैश्चापविभ्रष्टैर्वज्रकल्पैः सुदारुणैः। दारयन्ति स्म संक्रुद्धा मेघा इव महागिरिम्॥
As the clouds, with a thousand torrents cleave a mountain, so they, with dreadful shafts, resembling thunderbolts and discharged off the bows, pierced him.

ततः क्रुद्धो दशग्रीवः कालाग्निरिव मूर्छितः। शरवर्षं महाघोरं तेषां मर्मस्वपातयत्॥
Thereupon the Ten-necked (demon), excited with wrath like the fire of dissolution, pierced them to their very vitals with highly dreadful arrows.

मुसलानि विचित्राणि ततो भल्लशतानि च। पट्टिशांश्चैव शक्तीश्च शतघ्नीमहतीरपि॥ पातयामास दुर्धर्षस्तेषामुपरि विष्ठितः। अपविद्धास्तु ते वीरा विनिष्पेतुः पदातयः॥
And stationed above, he showered on them variegated maces, Bhallas* Pattisas, Saktis and huge ſataghnis. Though pierced through and through these valiant foot-soldiers rushed forth. *An arrow with a crescent-shaped head.

ततस्तेनैव सहसा सीदन्ति स्म पदातिनः। महापङ्कमिवासाद्य कुञ्जराः षष्टिहायनाः॥
Thereupon with the arrows the infantry were greatly exhausted like to young elephants six years old, fallen in mire.

सीदमानान्सुतान्दृष्ट्वा विह्वलान्स महाबलः। ननाद रावणो हर्षान्महानम्बुधरो यथा॥
Beholding Varuņa's sors thus worn out and over-whelmed the highly powerful Rāvana roared in delight like to clouds.

ततो रक्षो महानादान्मुक्त्वा हन्ति स्म वारुणान्। नानाप्रहरणोपेतैर्धारापातैरिवाम्बुदः।॥
Thereupon emitting loud cries the Rākşasa, like to a cloud, with a downpour of diverse shafts, destroyed the offspring of Varuna.

ततस्ते विमुखाः सर्वे पतिता धरणीतले। रणात्स्वपुरुषैः शीघ्रं गृहाण्येव प्रवेशिताः॥
There upon they were all defeated and fell dead on the ground and all their followers fled away from the field of battle to their homes.

तानब्रवीत्ततो रक्षो वरुणाय निवेद्यताम्। रावणं त्वब्रवीन्मन्त्री प्रहासो नाम वारुणः॥
Răvaņa spoke to them. “Do you communicate this to Varuņa.” Whereto his minister Prahasta replied to Rävana.

गतः खलु महाराजो ब्रह्मलोकं जलेश्वरः। गान्धर्वं वरुणः श्रोतुं यं त्वमाह्वयसे युधि ॥
O great king Varuņa's sons are slain and the lord of waters, whom you are inviting for battle, has gone to the region of Brahma, to hear songs.

तत्किं तव यथा वीर परिश्रम्य गते नृपे। ये तु संनिहिता वीराः कुमारास्ते पराजिताः॥
While the king is away, what is the use of taking trouble, O hero? And all these heroic sons (of Varuna) have been vanquished.

राक्षसेन्द्रस्तु. तच्छ्रुत्वा नाम विश्राव्य चात्मनः। हर्षान्नादं विमुञ्चन्वै निष्क्रान्तो वरुणालयात्॥
Hearing these words and spreading his own name the lord of Rākṣasas expressing sign of joy, issued out of Varuna's abode.

आगतस्तु पथा येन तेनैव विनिवृत्य सः। लङ्कामभिमुखो रक्षो नभस्तलगतो ययौ।॥
And returning by the way by which he had come the Raksasa, stationed in the welkin, proceeded towards Lankā.

ततोऽश्मनगरं भूयो विचेरुयुद्धदुर्मदाः। यत्रापश्यद्दशग्रीवो गृहं परमभास्वरम्॥ वैदूर्यतोरणाकीर्णं मुक्ताजालविभूषितम्। सुवर्णस्तम्भगहनं वेदिकाभिः समन्ततः॥
And again journeyed in the city of Aśma (the followers of Rāvana) dreadful in fight. There the Ten-necked demon beheld a highly picturesque house adorned with networks of pearls, having gateways crested Vaiduryas, golden pillars and abounding in pavements.

वज्रस्फटिकसोपानं किङ्किणीजालसंवृतम्। बह्वासनयुतं रम्यं महेन्द्रभवनोपमम्॥
And the stairs, of that picturesque house resembling the abode of Mahendra, covered with girdles, were made of crystal.

दृष्ट्वा गृहवरं रम्यं दशग्रीवः प्रतापवान्। कस्येदं भवनं रम्यं मेरुमन्दरसंनिभम्॥
Beholding that excellent house the highly powerful Rävaņa thought within himself “Whose is this beautiful house, resembling the summit of Meru?"

गच्छ प्रहस्त शीघ्रं त्वं जानीष्व भवनोत्तमम्। एवमुक्तः प्रहस्तस्तु प्रविवेश गृहोत्तमम्॥ निःशून्यं प्रेक्षत वरं पुनः कक्ष्यान्तरे ययौ। सप्तकक्ष्यान्तरं गत्वा ततो ज्वालामपश्यत॥
Go, O Prahasta, and learn quickly whose house is this.” Thus ordered, Prahasta entered that excellent house and finding none in one apartment he at last in seventh apartment saw a flame of fire.

ततो दृष्टः पुमांस्तत्र हृष्टो हासं मुमोच सः। श्रुत्वा स तु महाहासमूर्ध्वरोमाभवत्तदा॥ ज्वालामध्ये स्थितस्तत्र हेममाली विमोहितः। आदित्य इव दुष्प्रेक्ष्यः साक्षादिव यमः स्थितः॥
There was a man in that flame, who, when seen, laughed aloud. Hearing that dreadful laughter Prahasta's down stood on their end. There was another man in that flame, as if in a swoon, engarlanded with golden lotuses, incapable of being looked at, like the sun, and resembling the Yama's self.

तथा दृष्ट्वा तु वृत्तान्त त्वरमाणो विनिर्गतः। विनिर्गम्याब्रवीत्सर्वं रावणाय निशाचरः॥ अथ राम दशग्रीवः पुष्पकादवरुह्य सः। प्रवेष्टुमिच्छन्वेश्माथ भिन्नाञ्जनचयोपमः॥
Beholding that the night-ranger speedily issued out of the house and communicated it to Rāvana. Thereupon, O Rama, having descended from Pus paka, the Ten-necked demon, black as collyrium, entered that house.

चन्द्रमौलिर्वपुष्प॑श्च पुरुषोऽस्याग्रतः स्थितः। द्वारमावृत्य सहसा ज्वालाजिह्वो भयानकः॥ रक्ताक्षश्चारुदशनो बिम्बोष्ठश्चारुदर्शनः। महाभीषणनासश्च कम्बुग्रीवो महाहनुः॥ रूढश्मश्चर्निगूढास्थिदंष्ट्रालो लोमहर्षणः।
(Immediately) obstructing the door there stood a huge-bodied man, dreadful like Śiva his tongue was all flame, his eyes were red, rows of teeth beautiful, lips like Bimba, his form was handsome, nose dreadful, neck like a shell marked with three lines, jaws were spacious, beards thick, bone fleshy, teeth huge and his appearance was all dreadful.

गृहीत्वा लोहमुसलं द्वारं विष्टभ्य तिष्ठति॥ अथ संदर्शनात्तस्य ऊर्ध्वरोमा बभूव सः। हृदयं कम्पते चास्य वेपथुश्चाप्यजायत॥ निमित्तान्यमनोज्ञानि दृष्ट्वा राम व्यचिन्तयत्।
And taking up an iron mace he stood at the gate. Beholding him, Daśānana's hairs stood on their end his heart and body trembled. And seeing these bad omens, O Rama, he began to think within himself.

अथ चिन्तयतस्तस्य स एव पुरुषोऽब्रवीत्॥ किं त्वं चिन्तयसे रक्षो ब्रूहि विस्रब्धमानसः। युद्धातिथ्यमहं वीर करिष्ये रजनीचर॥ एवमुक्त्वा स तद्रक्षः पुनर्वचनमब्रवीत्। योत्स्यसे बलिना सार्धमथवा मन्यसे कथम्॥ रावणोऽभिहितो भूय ऊर्ध्वरोमा व्यजायत। अथ धैर्य समालम्ब्य रावणो वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥ गृहेषु तिष्ठते को हि तद्रूहि वदतां वर। तेनैव सार्धं योत्स्यामि यथा वा मन्यते भवान्॥ स एनं पुनरप्याह दानवेन्द्रोऽत्र तिष्ठति।
He thus meditating that man said, 'What are you thinking, O Raksasa? Tell me all in confidence. I shall confer upon you the hospitality of fighting, O hero, O night-ranger.' Having said this he again spoke to Ravana, saying, 'Do you wish to enter into conflict with Bali, or what else is your intention?' Răvaņa was so overwhelmed that his hair stood on their end; but resorting to calmness he said, 'O you foremost of those skilled in speech, who resident in this house? I shall fight with him; speak out what you wish.' He again said (to Ravana) Ocean

एष वै परमोदारः शूरः सत्यपराक्रमः॥ वीरो बहुगुणोपेतः पाशहस्त इवान्तकः। बालार्क इव तेजस्वी समरेष्वनिवर्तकः॥ अमर्षी दुर्जयो जेता बलवानगुणसागरः। प्रियंवदः संविभागी गुरुविप्रप्रियः सदा॥ कालाकाङ्क्षी महासत्त्वः सत्यवाक्सौम्यदर्शनः। दक्षः सर्वगुणोपेतः शूरः स्वाध्यायतत्परः॥
The lord of Dānavas lives here, he is highly generous, heroic, and has truth for his prowess. He is gifted with many qualities, resplendent like to Yama with mace in his hand or the newly risen sun and incapable of being defeated in conflict, impetuous, invincible, victorious, powerful, a veritable of accomplishments, sweetspeeched, supporter of the dependants, fond of preceptor and Brähmaņas, always waiting for opportune hours, gifted with high powers, truthful, of a handsome person, skilful, gifted with all accomplishments, heroic and engaged in the study of the Vedas. He sometimes walks on foot and moves about like the wind, he shines like fire and spreads heat like the sun. He travels with the gods, spirits, serpents and birds.

एष गच्छति वात्येष ज्वलते तपते तथा। देवैश्च भूतसबैश्च पन्नगैश्च च पतत्रिभिः॥ भयं यो नाभिजानाति तेन त्वं योद्धुमिच्छसि। बलिना यदि ते योद्धं रोचते राक्षसेश्वर॥ प्रविश त्वं महासत्त्व सङ्ग्रामं कुरु मा चिरम्। एवमुक्तो दशग्रीवः प्रविवेश यतो बलिः॥
He does not know fear; do you wish to right with him? If you do wish to fight with Bali, O lord of Raksasas, o you gifted with great energy, do you speedily enter (this house) and engage in the encounter.' Being thus addressed the Ten-necked demon entered where Bali was.

स विलोक्याथ लङ्केशं जहास दहनोपमः। आदित्य इव दुष्प्रेक्ष्यः स्थितो दानवसत्तमः॥ अथ संदर्शनादेव बलिर्वे विश्वरूपवान्। स गृहीत्वा च तद्रक्ष उत्सङ्गे स्थाप्य चाब्रवीत्॥ दशग्रीव महाबाहो कं ते कामं करोम्यहम्। किमागमनकृत्यं ते ब्रूहि त्वं राक्षसेश्वर॥ एवमुक्तस्तु बलिना रावणो वाक्यमब्रवीत्।
Beholding the lord of Lankā, the foremost of Dănavas, resembling the flaming fire, and hard to look at like the sun, laughed. And taking that Rākş asa by the hand and placing him on his lap he said. 'O Ten-necked lord of Raksasas, O you having long arms, what desire of your may I satisfy? Do you tell me what for you have come hither.' Being thus addressed by Bali, Ravana said.

श्रुतं मया महाभाग बद्धस्त्वं विष्णुना पुरा॥ सोऽहं मोक्षयितुं शक्तो बन्धनात्त्वां न संशयः। एवमुक्ते ततो हासं बलिर्मुक्त्वैनमब्रवीत्॥ श्रूयतामभिधास्यामि यत्त्वं पृच्छसि रावण। य एष पुरुषः श्यामो द्वारे तिष्ठति नित्यदा॥ एतेन दानवेन्द्राश्च तथान्ये बलवत्तराः। वशं नीता बलवता पूर्वे पूर्वतराश्च ये॥ बद्धः सोऽहमनेनैवं कृतान्तो दुरतिक्रमः। क एनं पुरुषो लोके वञ्चयिष्यति मानवः॥ सर्वभूतापहर्ता वै य एष द्वारि तिष्ठति। कर्ता कारयिता चैव धाता च भुवनेश्वरः॥ न त्वं वेद न चैवाहं भूतभव्यभवत्प्रभुः। कलिश्चैवैष कालश्च सर्वभूतापहारकः॥ लोकत्रयस्य सर्वस्य हर्ता स्रष्टा तथैव च। संहरत्येष भूतानि स्थावराणि चराणि श्व॥
I have heard, O illustrious sir, that formerly you was bound by Vişņu. Forsooth I am capable of releasing you from the bonds.' Hearing that Bali laughed and said, 'Hear, I shall relate to you what you have asked, O Rāvana. The red-hued man, who stands always at the door, by him formerly all the leading Dānavas and other powerful lords were brought into subjection by him I was also bound. He is invincible like to death; who is there on this earth that can deceive him? He, who stands at the door, is the destroyer of all beings, creator and preserver and the lord of the three worlds. You do not know him nor I do. He is identical with past, future and present and is the lord. He is Kali and he is Time, the destroyer of all beings. He is the destroyer and the creator of the three worlds, and he slays all beings mobile and immobile.

पुनश्च सृजते सर्वमनाद्यन्तं महेश्वरः। इष्टं चैव हि दत्तं च हुतं चैव निशाचर॥
And that lord of all gods again creates the universe without beginning or end. O night-ranger, he governs and preserves all sacrifices, gifts and oblations to fire.

सर्वमेव हि लोकेशो धाता गोप्ता न संशयः। नैवंविधं महद्भूतं विद्यते भुवनत्रये॥
Forsooth he is the creator and the preserver of the universe, there is none so wonderful in the three worlds.

अहं त्वं चैव पौलस्त्य ये चान्ये पूर्ववत्तराः। नेता ह्येषां महद्भुतं पशुं रशनया यथा॥
O son of Pulastya, He has been guiding the former Dänavas, myself, yourself like so many beasts bound with ropes.

वृत्रो दनुः शुकः शंभुर्निशुम्भः शुम्भ एव च। कालनेमिश्च प्राह्लादिः कूटो वैरोचनो मृदुः॥ र्जुनौ च कंसश्च कैटभो मधुना सह। एते तपन्ति द्योतन्ति वान्ति वर्षन्ति चैव हि॥ सर्वैः ऋतुशतैरिष्टं सर्वस्तप्तं महत्तपः। सर्वे ते सुमहात्मानः सर्वे वै योगधर्मिणः॥ सर्वैरैश्चर्यमासाद्य भुक्तं भोगैर्महत्तरैः। दत्तमिष्टमधीतं च प्रजाश्च परिपालिताः॥
Vrtra, Danu, Suka, Sambhu, Nisumbha, Sumbha, Kalanemi, Prahlada and others, Kuta, Vairocana, Mrdu, Yamala, Arjuna, Kansa, Kait abha, and Madhu used to impart heat like the sun, appear resplendent, like the rays, move about like air and pour showers like Indra. All of them celebrated many a sacrifice and were engaged in austere penances. All of them were high-souled and considered the practice of Yoga as a great virtue. Having got by an immense accession of wealth they enjoyed many pleasures, made many gifts, celebrated many sacrifices, studies (many lores) and governed their subjects.

स्वपक्षेष्वनुगोप्तारः प्रहन्तारः परेष्वपि। सामरेष्वपि लोकेषु नैतेषां विद्यते समम्॥ शूरास्त्वभिजनोपेताः शर्वशास्त्रार्थपारगाः। सर्वविद्याप्रवेत्तारः सङ्ग्रामेष्वनिवर्तकाः॥ सर्वैस्त्रिदशराज्यानि कारितानि महात्मभिः। युद्धे सुरगणाः शर्वे निर्जिताच सहस्रशः॥ देवानामप्रिये सक्ताः स्वपक्षपरिपालकाः। प्रमत्ताधोपसक्ताश्च बालार्कसमतेजसः॥ यस्तु देवान्प्रधर्षत तदेषां विष्णुरीश्वरः। उपायपूर्वकं नाशं स वेत्ता भगवान्हरिः॥ प्रादुर्भावं विकुरुते येनैतन्निधनं नयेत्। पुनरेवात्मनात्मानमधिष्ठाय स तिष्ठति॥ एवमेतेन देवेन दानवेन्द्रा महात्मना। ते हि सर्वे क्षयं नीता बलिनः कामरूपिणः॥ समरे च दुराधर्षाः श्रूयन्ते येऽपराजिताः। तेऽपि नीता महद्भूताः कृतान्तबलचोदिताः॥
They were all protectors of their own kith and kin and slayers of enemies; and in battle, there was none equal to them in the three worlds. They were all heroic, of a high pedigree, versed in all sacred writings, proficient in all branches of learning and indomitable in warfare. Having defeated thousands of celestials in conflict, the high-souled ones conquered the regions. They were always engaged in those works which were not liked by the celestials and used to maintain their own men. They were all inflated with pride and haughtiness and effulgent like the newly-risen sun. The glorious Hari, the lord Vișņu, know only how to bring about their destruction who perpetually assail the celestials. He creates all these and He, bringing about their destruction, exist in Himself at the time of dissolution. These highly powerful and highsouled Dänava chiefs, assuming shapes at will, have been destroyed by the glorious God. Besides, all these heroes, who have been heard of as being irrepressible and invincible in warfare, have been discomfited by the wondrous power of Kștānta.”

एवमुक्त्वाथ प्रोवाच राक्षसं दानवेश्वरः। यदेतद् दृश्यते वीर चक्रं दीप्तानलोपमम्॥ एतद्गृहीत्वा गच्छ त्वं मम पार्श्व महाबल। ततोऽहं तव व्याख्यास्ये मुक्तिकारणमव्ययम्॥ तत्कुरुष्व महाबाहो सा विलम्बस्व रावण। एतच्छ्रुत्वा गतो रक्षः प्रहसंश्च महाबलः॥ यत्र स्थितं महादिव्यं कुण्डलं रघुनन्दन। लीलयोत्पाटनं चक्रे रावणो बलदर्पितः॥ न च चालयितुं शक्तो रावणोऽभूत्कथंचन। लज्जया स पुनर्भूयो यत्नं चक्रे महाबलः॥
Having said this the lord of Dānavas again spoke to the lord of Rākşasa-'O hero, O you gifted with great strength, take that flaming discus which you behold and come to my side. I shall then relate to you the means of eternal liberation. Do what I have told you, O you having long arms. Delay not O Rāvana." Hearing this the highly powerful Raksasa proceeded, laughing, O descendant of Raghu where that celestial kundala was. Rāvana, proud of his prowess, easily took it up but could not move it by any means. And being ashamed that highly powerful one again attempted.

उत्क्षिप्तमात्रे दिव्ये च पपात भुवि राक्षसः। छिन्नमूलो यथा शालो रुधिरौघपरिप्लुतः॥
As soon as it was uplifted the Rākşasa dropped down on ground, bathed in a pool of blood, like to an uprooted Sāla tree.

एतस्मिन्नन्तरे जज्ञे शब्दः पुष्पकसंभवः। राक्षसेन्द्रस्य सचिवैर्मुक्तो हाहाकृतो महान्॥
In the meantime there arose a sound from Pus paka, and the councillors of that lord of Rākşasas cried aloud.

ततो रक्षा मुहूर्तेन चेतनां लभ्य चोत्थितम्। लजशवनतीभूयं बलिर्वाक्यमुवाच ह॥
Regaining his sense that Rākṣasa rose up in a moment and lowered his head in shame. Bali said to him.

आगच्छ राक्षसश्रेष्ठ वाक्यं शृणु मयोदितम्। यत्त्वया चोद्यतं वीर कुण्डलं मणिभूषितम्॥ एतद्धि पूर्वजस्यासीत्कर्णाभरणमीक्ष्यताम्। एतत्पतितवचैवमत्र भूमौ महाबल॥ अन्यत्पर्वतसानौ हि पतितं कुण्डलादनु। मुकुटं वेदिसामीप्ये पतितं युध्यतो भुवि॥
"Do you come, O foremost of Raksasas and hear my words. O hero, the kundala, crested with jewels, which you did assay to take up, is an ornament for the ear of one my forefathers. This fell here on the ground, O you gifted with great strength; another kundala was thrown on the summit of the mountain. Besides these kundalas his crown was also cast off on the ground before the altar during the encounter.

हिरण्यकशिपोः पूर्वं मम पूर्वपितामहात्। न तस्य कालो मृत्युर्वा न व्याधिर्न विहिंसकाः॥ न दिवा मरणं तस्य न रात्री संध्ययोर्नहि। न शुष्केण न चाट्टैण न च शस्त्रेण केनचित्॥ विद्यते राक्षसश्रेष्ठ तस्य नास्त्रेण केनचित्। प्रह्लादेन समं चक्रे वादं परमदारुणम्॥ तस्य वादे समुत्पन्ने धीरो लोकभयंकरः। सर्ववर्यस्य वीरस्य प्रह्लादस्य महात्मनः॥ उत्पन्नो राक्षसश्रेष्ठ नृसिंहाकृतिरूपधृक्। दृष्टं च तेन रौद्रेण क्षुब्धं सर्वमशेषतः॥
Formerly none bore enmity towards my ancestor Hiranyakasipu, Time Death, or illness. He had no death during the day, night, evening or morning. O foremost of Rākşasas, he did not experience death from any weapon whatsoever. He created a dreadful enmity with Prahlada. This conflict having taken place with the high-souled and heroic Prahlāda there rose up a dreadful figure of manlion, a terror to all, O foremost of Raksasas. And that terrible figure casting his looks about, all the worlds were over-whelmed.

तत उद्धृत्य बाहुभ्यां नखैर्निन्ये यमक्षयम्। एष तिष्ठति द्वारस्थो वासुदेवो निरञ्जनः॥ तस्य देवाधिदेवस्य गदतो मे शृणुष्व ह। वाक्यं परमभावेन यदि ते वर्तते हृदि॥ इन्द्राणां च सहस्राणि सुराणामयुतानि च। ऋषीणां चैव मुख्यानां शतान्यब्दसहस्रशः॥ वशं नीतानि सर्वाणि य एष द्वारि तिष्ठति। तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा रावणो वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥
Thereupon taking him up with his arms he destroyed him with his nails. The person, who is standing at the door, is this supreme Väsudeva, void of passion. I shall now relate to you the words of that supreme God; do you hear, if your heart is filled with spiritual thoughts. The person, who is standing at the door, has brought into subjection, is thousands of years, a thousand of Indras, an Ayuta of Gods and hundreds of great Rşis.” Hearing these words Rāvana said.

मया प्रेतेश्वरो दृष्टः कृतान्तः सह मृत्युना। पाशहस्तो महाज्वाल ऊर्ध्वरोमा भयानकः॥ दंष्ट्रालो विद्युजिहश्च सर्पवृश्चिकरोमवान्। रक्ताक्षो भीमवेगश्च सर्वसत्त्वभयंकरः॥ आदित्य इव दुष्प्रेक्ष्यः समरेष्वनिवर्तकः। पापानां शासिता चैव स मया युधि निर्जितः॥ न च मे तत्र भी: काचिद्यथा वा दानवेश्वर। एनं तु नाभिजानामि तद्भवान्वक्तुमर्हति॥
(I have seen) Krtanta, the lord of spirits with Death himself, with hairs standing erect. Serpents and scorpions are his hairs, his tongue is hard as the lightening, his teeth are dreadful, his eyes are red and is gifted with great velocity and a terror to all beings. He is incapable of being looked at like to the sun, unconquerable is battle and is the chastiser of the sinners. He even was defeated by me in conflict. There I did not feel the least pain or fear, O lord of Danavas. I do not know (this person) it behove you to give me an account.

रावणस्य वचः श्रुत्वा बलिर्वैरोचनोऽब्रवीत्। एष त्रैलोक्यधाता च हरिर्नारायणः प्रभुः॥ अनन्तः कपिलो जिष्णुर्नरसिंहो महाद्युतिः। ऋतुधामा सुधामा च पाशहस्तो भयानकः॥ द्वादशादित्यसदृशः पुराणपुरुषोत्तमः। नीलजीमूतसंकाशः सुरनाथः सुरोत्तमः॥
Hearing the words of Rāvaņa Bali said, "He is the lord Hari, Nārāyana the protector of the three worlds. He is Ananta,' Kapila-Jisnu' and the highly effulgent Manlion. He is Kratudhămas Sudhāman and has the dreadful mace in his hand. He is like to the twelve Adityas, Purāna and the excellent Puruşa; he is like to the red clouds, the lord of gods and the best god. 1. Lit, etermal endless. Here it is the name of Visnu. 2. A celebrated Muni or saint, the founder of the Sāṁkhya system of philosophy; the son of Kardama by Devahuti and according to some an incarnation of Visnu. 3. Lit-victorious, or triumphant, aname of Visnu. 4. Narasinha-a name of Visnu. When sprayed for by Prahlada to appear from a pillar Vişnu came out in the shape of man-lion and slew Hiranyakaśipu— the king of Daityas and father of Prahlada. 5. Protector of sacrifices-a name of Visnu. 6. Here it is evidently one of the names of Vişņu. In Visnu Purana. Book I, Chap. X. we find another account, Vireyas, married to Gauri, had Sudaman, a Lokapāla, or ruler of the east quarter, as his son.

ज्वालामाली महाबाहो योगी भक्तजनप्रियः। एष धारयते लोकानेष वै सृजते प्रभुः॥ एष संहरते चैव कालो भूत्वा महाबलः। एष यज्ञश्च याज्यश्च चक्रायुधधरो हरिः॥ सर्वदेवमयश्चैव सर्वभूतमयस्तथा। सर्वलोकमयश्चैव सर्वज्ञानमयस्तथा॥
O you having long arms, he is encircled by flames, a great devotee and fond devotees, this lord preserve the universe and has created it. And he, gifted with great strength, brought about destruction in the form of Time; and this Hari, with a discus in his hand, is sacrifice and is being worshipped in sacrifices. He is at one with all gods, all beings, all worlds and all knowledge.

सर्वरूपी महारूपी बलदेवो महाभुजः। वीरहा वीर चक्षुष्मांस्त्रैलोक्यगुरुरव्ययः॥ एनं मुनिगणाः सर्वे चिन्तयन्तीह मोक्षिणः। य एनं वेति पुरुषं न च पापैर्विलिप्यते॥ स्मृत्वा स्तुत्वा तथेष्ट्वा च सर्वमस्मादवाप्यते। एतच्छ्रुत्वा तु वचनं रावणो निर्ययौ तदा॥ क्रोधसंरक्तनयन उद्यतास्त्रो महाबलः। तथाभूतं च तं दृष्ट्वा हरिर्मुसलधृक्प्रभुः॥
He is all forms, the great form, Baladeva and has long arms; he slay heroes, has heroic eyes, is imperishable and the preceptor of the three worlds. All these sages, who long for final liberation, meditate upon him, he, who can know this Puruşa, is not sullied with sins. By remembering him, hearing of him and worshipping him, every thing can be obtained.” Hearing these words of Bali, the highly powerful Rāvana, having his eyes reddened with ire, issued out with uplifted weapon. Beholding him thus excited, the lord Hari, with a club in his hand, thought within himself, O Rama!

यैनं हन्म्यधुना पापं चिन्तयित्वेति रूपधृक् । अन्तर्धानं गतो राम ब्रह्मणः प्रियकाम्यया॥ न च तं पुरुषं तत्र पश्यते रजनीचरः। हर्षान्नादं विमुञ्चन्वै निष्क्रामवरुणालयात्।। येनैव संप्रविष्टः स पथा तेनैव निर्ययौ॥
“I shall not slay this sinner for the satisfaction of Brahmā” and assuming his own shape disappeared. And not beholding that Puruşa there, the night-ranger issued out of the abode of Varuna, shouting with joy. He went away by the way he had come.

अथ संचिन्त्य लङ्केशः सूर्यलोकं जगाम ह। मेरुशृङ्गे वरे रम्ये उषित्वा तत्र शर्वरीम्॥
Thereupon meditating for sometime the lord of Larikå went to the region of the sun and spent the night upon the picturesque summit of the mount Meru.

पुष्पकं तत्समारुह रवेस्तुरगसंनिभम्। नानापातगतिर्दिव्यं विहारवियति स्थितम्॥ यत्रापश्यद्रविं देवं सर्वतेजोमयं शुभम्। वरकाञ्चनकेयूररत्नाम्बरविभूषितम्॥
And ascending the car Pușpaka having the velocity of the sun's steeds, he, by various courses, went on and beheld the glorious sun. gifted with all radiance, purifying all, wearing golden Keyūras and clothes crested with jewels.

कुण्डलाभ्यां शुभाभ्यां तु भ्राजन्मुखविकासितम्। केयूरनिष्काभरणं रक्तमालावलम्बिनम्॥
His beautiful countenance was adorned with a pair of excellent Kundalas; and his person was embellished with Keyūras, Nişkas and garlands of red lotuses.

रक्तचन्दनदिग्धाङ्गं सहस्रकिरणोज्ज्वलम्। तमादिदेवमादित्यमुचैःश्रवसवाहनम्॥ अनाद्यन्तममध्यं च लोकसाक्षिं जगत्पतिम्। तं दृष्ट्वा प्रवरं देवं रावणो रक्षसां वरः॥ स प्रहस्तमुवाचाथ रवितेजोबलार्दितः। गच्छामात्य वदस्वैनं निदेशान्मम शासनम्॥ युद्धार्थं रावणः प्राप्तो युद्धं तस्य प्रदीयताम्। निर्जितोऽस्मीति वा बूहि पक्षमेकतरं कुरु॥
His body was anointed with red sandal and was radiant with a thousand rays. And beholding that foremost of gods, the sun, that primeval deity, without end or middle, having Uccaiśravas as his carrier, the witness of the world and the lord of the universe, the foremost of Raksasas, being overwhelmed with his rays, said to Prahasta, “O minister, do you proceed at my behest and communicate to him my orders, 'Rāvana has arrived here for battle, do you offer him fight.' Or say 'I have been defeated.' Do you follow one of theseextremes."

तस्य तद्वचनाद्रक्षः सूर्यस्यान्तिकमागमत्। पिङ्गलं दण्डिनं चैव पश्यते द्वारपालको॥
Hearing those words that Rākșasa proceeded towards the sun and beheld two gate-keepers, Pingala and Dandī by name.

ताभ्यामाख्याय तत्सर्वं रावणस्य विनिश्चयम्। तूष्णीमास्ते प्रहस्तस्तु तत्र तेजोंशुदीपितः॥ दण्डी गतो रवेः पार्श्व प्रणम्याख्यातवारवेः।
And communicating to them the resolution of Rāvana he stood there silent, being over-powered with the rays of the sun. And approaching the sun, Dandi communicated to him all this.

श्रुत्वा तु सूर्यस्तद्वृत्तं दण्डिनो रावणस्य ह॥ उवाच वचनं धीमान्बुद्धिपूर्वं क्षपापहः। गच्छ दण्डिञ्जयस्वैनं निर्जितोऽस्मीति वा वद॥ यत्तेभिकाङ्कितं कार्षीः कंचित्कालं क्षपाचरम्। स गत्वा वचनात्तस्य राक्षसस्य महात्मनः॥ कथयामास तत्सर्वं सूर्योक्तवचनं तदा। स श्रुत्वा वचनं तस्य दण्डिनो राक्षसेश्वरः। घोषयित्वा जगामाथ स्वजयं राक्षसाधिपः॥
Hearing of Rāvana's intention from Dandi the intelligent sun, the enemy of night, wisely said to him, ''Do you proceed, O Dandi; either defeat Rāvaņa or tell him 'I have been defeated.' Do whatever you wish.” Hearing those words he approached the high-souled Rāksasa and communicated to him what the sun had said. Hearing the words of Dandi the lord of Rākşasas trumpeted his own victory and went away.

अथ संचिन्त्य लङ्केशः सोमलोकं जगाम ह। मेशृङ्गवरे रम्ये रजनीमुष्य वीर्यवान्॥ अथ स्यन्दनमारूढो दिव्यस्रगनुलेपनः। अप्सरोगणमुख्येन सेव्यमानस्तु गच्छति॥ रतिश्रान्तोऽप्सरोङ्केषु चुम्बित: स विबुध्यते। दृष्टस्तु पुरुषस्तेन दृष्ट्वा कौतूहलान्वितः॥
Having spent the night on the picturesque summit of the mount Meru and thinking (for some time) the powerful lord of Lārkā went to the region of the moon. (And he saw a person) proceeding, seated on a car, sprinkled with heavenly unguents and attended upon by Apsarās. And worn out with the satisfaction of desire he was being kissed there. Seeing such a person his curiosity was greatly excited.

अथापश्यदृषि तत्र दृष्ट्वा चैवमुवाच तम्। स्वागतं तव देवर्षे कालेनैवागतो ह्यसि॥ कोऽयं स्यन्दनमारूढो हप्सरोगणसेवितः। निर्लज्ज इव संयाति भयस्थानं न विन्दति॥ रावणेनैवमुक्तस्तु पर्वतो वाक्यमब्रवीत्। शृणु वत्स यथातत्त्वं वक्ष्ये चाहं महामते॥
And beholding a Rși there he said to him, “Welcome you are, O celestial saint. Indeed you have come at a proper season. Who is this shameless Wight that is going is seated on a car and attended by Apsarās? Does he not perceive his object of fear?" Being thus addressed by Ravana, Parvata said, "O my child, O you gifted with great intellect, Hear I shall describe to you the truth.

अनेन निर्जिता लोका ब्रह्मा चैवाभितोषितः। एष गच्छति मोक्षाया सुसुखं स्थानमुत्तमम्॥ तपसा निर्जिता यद्वद्भवता राक्षसाधिप। प्रयाति पुण्यकृत्तद्वत्सोमं पीत्वा न संशयः॥
By him all the worlds have been conquered and Brahmă has been propitiated. And he is now proceeding to that excellent region full of bliss for obtaining final liberation. As all the worlds have been conquered by you by virtue of your asceticism, O lord of Raksasas, so is he going, undoubtedly performing many pious actions and drinking Soma juice.

त्वं तु राक्षसशार्दूल शूरः सत्यपराक्रमः। नैवेदृशेषु क्रुद्ध्यन्ति बलिनो धर्मचारिषु॥ अथापश्यद्रथवरं महाकायं महौजसम्। जाज्वल्यमानं वपुषा गीतवादित्रनिःस्वनैः॥ क्कै ष गच्छति देवर्षे भ्राजमानो महाद्युतिः। किन्नरैश्च प्रगायद्भिर्नृत्यद्भिश्च मनोरमम्॥
O foremost of Raksasas, you are heroic, and have truth for your prowess. The powerful are never offended with the pious.” Thereupon he espied an excellent, huge car, filled with all radiance and effulgence and the sound of musical instruments and singing. (And Rāvaņa said, “O great Rșis, who is that person, gifted with great effulgence, who go surrounded by charming songsters, dancing-girls and Kinnaras?"

श्रुत्वा चैनमुवाचाथ पर्वतो मुनिसत्तमः। एष शूरो रणे योद्धा संग्रामेष्वनिवर्तकः॥ युध्यमानस्तथैवेष प्रहारैर्जर्जरीकृतः। कृती शूरो रणे जेता स्वाम्यर्थे त्यक्तजीवितः॥ संग्रामे निहतोऽमित्रैर्हत्वा च सरमे बहून्। इन्द्रस्यातिथिरेवैष अथ वा यत्र गच्छति॥ नृत्यगीतपरैर्लोकः सेव्यते नरसत्तमः। पप्रच्छ रावणो भूयः कोऽयं यात्यर्कसंनिभः॥ रावणस्य वचः श्रुत्वा पर्वतो वाक्यमब्रवीत्। य एष दृश्यते राजन्विमाने सर्वकाञ्चने॥ पर्वतस्य वचः श्रुत्वा अप्सरोगणसंयुक्ते पूर्णचन्द्रनिभाननः। सुवर्णदो महाराज विचित्राभरणाम्बरः॥ एष गच्छति शीघ्रण यानेन तु महाद्युति। रावणो वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥
Hearing his words Parvata, the foremost of saints, again said, "He is heroic and a great warrior, he never return unsuccessful from a battlefield. Having performed many heroic feats in battle, and slain many enemies, he has been assailed with many wounds in fighting and has renounced his life for his master. Having destroyed many in battle, he has at last been slain by his enemies and is perhaps now going either to the region of Indra or to some such place. This best of men is now being entertained by these well-versed in the are of singing and dancing.” Rāvana again said, "Who go there effulgent like to the sun?” Hearing the words of Ravana, Parvata said, "The person, resembling the full moon and wearing diverse ornaments and clothes, whom you behold, O great diverse ornaments and clothes, whom you behold, O great king, in the golden car abounding in Apasaräs, distributed gold. He, gifted with great effulgence, is now going in a swift-coursing car." Hearing the words of Parvata, Ravana said.

एते वै यान्ति राजानो ब्रूहि त्वमृषिसत्तम। को ह्यत्र याचितो दद्याद्युद्धातिथ्यं ममा ध वै॥ तं ममाख्याहि धर्मज्ञ पिता मे त्वं हि धर्मतः। एवमुक्तः प्रत्युवाच रावणं पर्वतस्तदा॥ स्वर्गार्थिनो महाराज नैते युद्धार्थिनो नृपाः। वक्ष्यामि ते महाभाग यस्ते युद्धं प्रदास्यति॥ स तु राजा महातेजा: सप्तद्वीपेश्वरो महान्। मांधातेत्यभिविख्यातः स ते युद्धं प्रदास्यति॥ पर्वतस्य वचः श्रुत्वा रावणो वाक्यमब्रवीत्। कृतोऽसौ तिष्ठते राजा तत्समाचक्ष्व सुव्रत॥ सोऽहं यास्यामि तत्रैव यत्रासौ नरपुंगवः। रावणस्य वचः श्रुत्वा मुनिर्वचनमब्रवीत्॥ युवनाश्वसुतो राजा मांधाता राजसत्तमः। सप्तद्वीपससुद्रान्तां जित्वेहाभ्यागमिष्यति॥
"O foremost of Rsis, do you tell me, who, of these kings going, if prayed for, may offer me the hospitality of a battle? Forsooth you are my father; do you point out (such a man to me) O you conversant with piety." Being thus addressed, Parvata again said to Rāvana, “O great king, all these kings wish for heaven not for battle. I shall point out such a man, O great one, as shall enter into conflict with you. There is a highly powerful king, the lord of seven islands, well known by the name of Măndhāta; he shall enter into an encounter with you.” Hearing the words of Parvata, Rāvana again said, "Do you tell me, O you of great devotion, where this king resides. I shall go where lives this foremost of men.” Hearing the words of Ravana, the sage again said, "The son of Yuvanāśva has conquered the world consisting of seven islands beginning with the sea; Māndhātā, the foremost of kings, is just coming to meet him."

अथापश्यन्महाबाहुस्त्रैलोक्य वरदर्पितः। अयोध्यायाः पतिं वीरं मांधातारं नृपोत्तमम्॥ सप्तद्वीपाधिपं यान्तं चन्दनेन विराजता। काञ्चनेन विचित्रेण माहेन्द्राभेण भास्वता॥ जाज्वल्यमानं रूपेण दिव्यगन्धानुलेपनम्। तमुवाच दशग्रीवो युद्ध मे दीयतामिति॥ एवमुक्तो दशग्रीवं प्रहस्येदमुवाच ह। यदि ते जीवितं नेष्टं ततो युद्ध्यस्व राक्षस॥
Thereupon (Rāvana) having long arms, proud of the boon conferred upon him in the three worlds, beheld the heroic Māndhātā, the lord of Ayodhyā and the foremost of kings. The king of seven islands proceeded in a golden and well-painted car resplendent like that of Mahendra, shining in his beauty and sprinkled with celestial unguents. The Ten-necked demon said to him, “Do you give me battle.” Being thus addressed, he, laughing, said to the ten-necked demon, "If your life is not dear to you, do you fight with me, O Raksasa."

मांधातुर्वचनं श्रुत्वा रावणो वाक्यमब्रवीत्। वरुणस्य कुबेरस्य यमस्यापि न विव्यथे॥ किं पुनर्मानुषात्त्वत्तो रावणो भयमाविशेत्। एवमुक्त्वा राक्षसेन्द्रः क्रोधात्संप्रज्वनिव॥ आज्ञापयामास तदा राक्षसान्युद्धदुर्मदान्। अथ क्रुद्धास्तु सचिवा रावणस्य दुरात्मनः॥ ववर्षुः शरजालानि क्रुद्धा युद्धविशारदाः। अथ राज्ञा बलवता कङ्कपत्रैः शिलाशितैः॥ इषुभिस्ताडिताः सर्वे प्रहस्तशुकसारणाः। महोदरविरूपाक्षा हकम्पनपुरोगमा:॥ अथ प्रहस्तस्तु नृपमिषुवर्षेरवाकिरत्। अप्राप्तानेव तान्पर्वान्प्रचिच्छेद नृपोत्तमः॥ भृशुण्डीभिश्च भल्लैश्च भिन्दिपालैश्च तोमरैः। नरराजेन दह्यन्ते तृणभारा इवाग्निना॥ ततो नृपवरः क्रुद्धः पञ्चभिः प्रबिभेद तम्। तोमरैश्च महावेगैः पुनः क्रौञ्चमिवाग्निजः॥
Hearing the words of Māndhātă, Rāvana said, "Rāvaņa did not experience any affliction from Varuna, Kubera or Yama; why should he experience fear from you, who are a man?" Having said this, the lord of Rākşasas as if burning in ire, ordered the Rākşasas irrepressible in battle. Thereupon the ministers of the vicious-souled Ravana, highly enraged and well-skilled in warfare, began to make a downpour of arrows. Thereupon the highly powerful king Māndhātā, with sharpened shafts, assailed Prahasta, Suka Sarana, Mahodara, Virupaksa, Akampana and other foremost heroes. Prahasta covered the king with his arrows, but before they had approached him, that foremost of men shattered them into pieces. Like to fire burning down grass, the host of Rākşasas were burnt down by the king Mândhātā by means of hundreds of Bhusundis, Bhallas, Bhindipālās and Tomaras. As Kārtikeya, the son of fire, sundered the mount Krauñca with his shafts so Māndhātā, enraged, pierced Prahasta with five Tomaras gifted with great velocity.

ततो मुहुर्धापयित्वा मुद्गरं यमसंनिभम्। प्राहरत्सोऽतिवेगेन राक्षसस्य रथं प्रति॥ स पपात महावेगो मुद्गरो वसंनिभः। स तूर्णं पातितस्तेन रावणः शक्रकेतुवत्॥
Then hurling his mace again and again resembling that of Yama, he struck, vehemently, Rāvana's car therewith. That club, resembling the lightening, vehemently descended (upon Ravana's car) and Ravana, like Sakra's banner, was speedily upset by that.

तदा स नृपतिः प्रीत्या हर्षोद्गतबलो बभौ। सकलेन्दुकलाः स्पृष्ट्वा यथाम्बु लवणाम्भसः॥ ततो रक्षोबलं सर्वं हाहाभूतमचेतनम्। परिवार्याथ तं तस्थौ राक्षसेन्द्रं समन्ततः॥
Like to the rising of the waters of the salt ocean on the full moon, the king Måndhātā's joy and strength were greatly increased. Thereupon the entire Raksasa host, emitting loud cries, stood encircling on all sides the lord of Rākşasas.

ततश्चिरात्समाश्वस्य रावणो लोकरावणः। मांधातुः पीडयामास देहं लङ्केश्वरो भृशम्॥ मूर्छितं तु नृपं दृष्ट्वा प्रहृष्टास्ते निशाचराः। चुक्रुशुः सिंहनादांश्च प्रक्ष्वेलन्तो महाबलाः॥
Thereat speedily regaining his sense, Rāvana, a terror to all people, the lord of Lankā,-greatly assailed the person of Māndhātā. And beholding that king in a swoon, the highly powerful nightrangers were greatly delighted and emitted leonine roars.

लब्धसंज्ञो मुहूर्तेन अयोध्याधिपतिस्तदा। तं मन्त्रिभिः शत्रु पूज्यमानं निशाचरैः॥ जातकोपो दुराधर्षश्चन्द्रार्कसदृशद्युतिः। महता शरवर्षेण पातयद्राक्षसं बलम्॥ चापस्यैव निनादेन तस्य बाणरवेण च। संचचाल ततः सैन्यमुद्भूत इव सागरः॥ ताद्धमभवद्धोरं नरराक्षससंकुलम्। अथाविष्टो महात्मानौ नरराक्षससत्तमौ॥ कार्मुकासिधरौ वीरौ वीरासनगतौ तदा। मांधाता रावणं चैव रावणश्चैव तं नृपम्॥ क्रोधेन महताविष्टौ शरवर्ष मुमोचतुः। तौ परस्परसंक्षोभात्प्रहारैः क्षतविक्षतौ॥
Regaining his sense in a moment the king of Ayodhyā beheld his enemy worshipped by the courtiers and night-rangers. He was instantly worked up with ire; and assuming a person resplendent like that of the sun and the moon he began to slay the Räksasa host with a dreadful downpour of shafts. With his arrows and the noise thereof the entire Räksasa army were overwhelmed like the agitated deep. Thereupon there arose a dreadful conflict between men and demons. And those two heroic, high-souled and foremost of men and Rakşasas seated on warriors' seats and holding bow and daggers entered (the field).

कार्मुकेऽस्त्रं समाधाय रौद्रमस्त्रममुञ्चत। आग्नेयेन तु मांधाता तदस्त्रं पर्यवारयत्॥ गान्धर्वेण दशग्रीवो वारुणेन च राजराट्। गृहीत्वा स तु ब्रह्मास्त्रं सर्वभूतभयावहम्॥ वेदयामास मांधाता दिव्यं पाशुपतं महत्। तदस्त्रं घोररूपं तु त्रैलोक्यभयवर्धनम्॥
And possessed by great anger they began to assail one another with shafts, Māndhātā Rāvana and he again the king. They, being assailed by one another, were both wounded. And setting the Raudra shaft upori his bow Rāvana discharged it and Māndhatā baffled it by means of his fiery shafts. The Ten-necked demon took up the Gāndharva weapon and the king Māndhätă the Brahma weapon striking terror to all. Rävaņa then took up the celestial Pāśuapa weapon, dreadful and increasing the fright of the three worlds, obtained by him from Rudra by virtue of his rigid penances.

दृष्ट्वा त्रस्तानि भूतानि स्थावराणि चराणि च। वरदानात्तु रुद्रस्य तपसाराधितं महत्॥ तत: संकम्पते सर्वं त्रैलोक्यं सचराचरम्। देवाः संकम्पिताः सर्वे लयं नागाश्च संगताः॥ अथ तौ मुनिशार्दूलौ ध्यानयोगादपश्यताम्। पुलस्त्यो गालवश्चैव वारयामास तं नृपम्॥ सोपालम्भेश्च विविधैर्वाक्यै राक्षससत्तमम्। तौ तु कृत्वा तदा प्रीति नरराक्षसयोस्तदा॥ संप्रस्थितौ सुसंहृष्टौ पथा येनैव चागतौ॥
Seeing this all animal, mobile and immobile, were stricken with terror. Thereupon trembled all the three worlds consisting of mobile and immobile begins, the celestials and all the serpents became inert. Being apprised (of this conflict) by virtue of meditation the two foremost of ascetics Pulastya and Gälava remonstrated with them in many a way and prevented the king (Māndhātā) and the foremost of Rākṣasas. Thereupon that man and demon being reconciled with one another went back by the ways they had respectively come.

गताभ्यामथ विप्राभ्यां रावणो राक्षसाधिपः। दशयोजनसाहस्रं प्रथमं तु मरुत्पथम्॥
Those two Brāhmaṇas having departed, Rāvana, the lord of Raksasas, proceeded, at first, by the aerial way, ten thousand leagues.

यत्र तिष्ठन्ति नित्यं हि हंसाः सर्वगुणान्विताः। अथ अर्ध्वं तु गत्वा वै मरुत्पथमनुत्तमम्॥
He then went to the excellent upper aerial region where live perpetually ganders gifted with many accomplishments.

दशयोजनसाहस्रं तदेव परिगण्यते। तत्र संनिहिता मेघास्त्रिविधा नित्यशः स्थिता:॥ आग्नेयाः पक्षिणो ब्राह्मास्त्रिविधास्तत्र ते स्थिताः। अथ गत्वा तृतीयं तु वायो पन्थानमुत्तमम्॥ नित्यं यत्र स्थिताः सिद्धाश्चारणाश्च मनस्विनः। दशैव तु सहस्राणि योजनानां तथैव च॥ चतुर्थं वायुमार्गं तु शीघ्रं गत्वा परंतप। असन्ति यत्र नित्यस्था भूताश्च सविनायकाः॥
The extent thereof is also counted by ten thousand leagues and there are stationed closely three classes of clouds* namely Āgneya, Paksaja and Brahma. He then proceeded to the third excellent aerial region where perpetually reside the high-minded Siddhas and Cāraṇas and the extent whereof is also ten thousand leagues. O slayer of enemies, he then speedily proceeded to the fourth aerial region where perpetually dwell the goblins and Vinayakas. *The three classes are (1) Agnija or produced from fire (2) Pakşaja or produced in a fortnight (3) Brāhma or produced from Brāhma.

अथ गत्वा स वै शीघ्रं पञ्चमं वायुगोचरम्। दशैव च सहस्राणि योजनानां तथैव च॥ गङ्गा यत्र सरिच्छ्रेष्ठा नागा वै कुमुदादयः। कुञ्जरास्तत्र तिष्ठन्ति ये तु मुञ्चन्ति सीकरम्॥ गङ्गातोयेषु क्रीडन्ति पुण्यं वर्षन्ति सर्वशः। ततो रविकरभ्रष्टं वायुना पेशलीकृतम्॥ जलं पुण्यं प्रपतति हिमं वर्षति राघव। ततो जगाम षष्ठं स वायुमार्ग महाद्युते॥ योजनानां सहस्राणि दशैव तु स राक्षसः। यत्रास्ते गरुडो नित्यं ज्ञातिबान्धवसत्कृतः॥१२ दशैव तु सहस्राणि योजनानां तथोपरि। सप्तमे वायुमार्गे च यत्रैते ऋषयः स्मृताः॥ अत अर्वं तु गत्वा वै सहस्राणि दशैव तु। अष्टमं वायुमार्ग तु यत्र गङ्गा प्रतिष्ठिता॥ आकाशगङ्गा विख्याता आदित्यपथसंस्थिता। वायुना धार्यमाणा सा महावेगा महास्वना॥ अत अर्ध्वं प्रवक्ष्यामि चन्द्रमा यत्र तिष्ठति। अशीतिं तु सहस्राणि योजनानां प्रमाणतः॥ चन्द्रमास्तिष्ठते यत्र नक्षत्रग्रहसंयुतः। शतं शतसहस्राणि रश्मयश्चन्द्रमण्डलात्॥ प्रकाशयन्ति लोकांस्तु सर्वसत्त्वसुखावहाः। ततो दृष्ट्वा दशग्रीवं चन्द्रमा निर्दहन्निव॥ स तु शीताग्निना शीघ्रं प्रादहद्रावणं तदा। नासहंस्तस्य सचिवाः शीताग्निभयपीडिताः॥
He quickly went to the fifth aerial region which also extends over ten thousand Yojanas where exist Gangā, the foremost of rivers, and the elephants headed by Kumuda, who pour down waters. They sport in the waters of the Ganges and pour down her holy waters. And those waters, parched by the rays of the sun and softened by the wind, pour down holy waters and dews, O Rāghava. Thereupon that Rākṣasa went to the sixth aerial region, you gifted with high radiance, which also extends over ten thousand Yojanas and were dwells Garuda perpetually respected of his kinsmen and friends. He then went to the seventh aerial region which is ten thousand leagues above and where dwell the seven Rşis. and again going up ten thousand leagues he reached the eight aerial region where Gangā, known as the Gangă of the sky, having strong currents and sending high roars, and upheld by air, is situated on the sun's way. I shall now describe the region higher than that where resides the moon, and the extent whereof is counted by eighty thousand leagues. There dwells the moon encircled by stars and planets from whom proceed hundreds and thousands of rays which light up the worlds and conduce to the pleasure of all animals. Thereupon beholding the Ten-necked demon the moon as if burnt (him) down speedily with his cold fiery rays. And stricken with the fear of those rays his councillors could not stand them.

रावणं जयशब्देन प्रहस्तोऽथैनमब्रवीत्। राजशीतेन वध्यामो निवर्ताम इतो वयम्॥ चन्द्ररश्मिप्रतापेन रक्षसां भयमाविशत्। स्वभाव एष राजेन्द्र शीतांशोर्दहनात्मकः॥ एतच्छुत्वा प्रहस्तस्य रावणः क्रोधमूर्छितः। विस्फार धनुरुद्यम्य नाराचैस्तमपीडयत्॥
Thereupon exclaiming his victory Prahasta said to Rāvaņa, “O king, we are destroyed by cold, so we must go away from here. The Rākşasas have been terrified by the rays of the moon; O foremost of kings, the cold rays of the moon have the natural property of fire in them." Hearing the words of Prahasta, Ravana, beside himself with wrath, having uplifted his bow and twanged it, began to assail him with Naracs.

अथ ब्रह्मा तदागच्छत्सोमलोकं त्वरान्वितः। दशग्रीव महाबाहो साक्षाद्विश्रवसः सुत॥ गच्छ शीघ्रमितः सौम्य मा चन्द्रं पीडयस्व वै। लोकस्य हितकामो वै द्विजराजो महाद्युतिः॥ मन्त्रं च संप्रदास्यामि प्राणात्ययगतिर्यदा। यस्त्वेतं संस्मरेन्मन्त्रं नासौ मृत्युमवाप्नुयात्॥ एवमुक्तो दशग्रीवः प्राञ्जलिर्देवमब्रवीत्। यदि तुष्टोऽसि मे देव लोकनाथ महाव्रत॥ यदि मन्त्रश्च मे देयो दीयतां मम धार्मिका यं जप्त्वाहं महाभाग सर्वदेवेषु निर्भयः॥ असुरेषु च सर्वेषु दानवेषु पतित्रिषु। त्वत्प्रसादात्तु देवेश स्यामजेयो न संशयः॥
Thereupon Brahmă come speedily to the region of the moon and said, "O Ten-necked one, O you having mighty arms, O direct son of Visravas, O gentle one, do you repair hence speedily, do not oppress the moon (for) this highly effulgent king of twice-born ones wish well-being to all. I shall communicate to you a mystical incantation; He who recollects it at the time of death, does not come by it." Being thus addressed the ten-necked demon, with folded hands, said, "If you are pleased with me O god! O lord of the worlds, O you of great penances, if do you wish to communicate that incantation, do you impart it upon me, O you of great piety; reciting which, O great one, I may be released of the fear of the celestials. Forsooth, by your favour, O lord of the celestials, I shall be invincible by all the Asuras, Danavas and birds."

एवमुक्तो दशग्रीवं ब्रह्मा वचनमब्रवीत्। प्राणात्ययेषु जप्तव्यो न नित्यं राक्षसाधिप॥ अक्षसूत्रं गृहीत्वा तु जपेन्मन्त्रमिमं शुभम्। जप्त्वा तु राक्षसपते त्वमजेयो भविष्यसि॥ अजत्वा राक्षसपते न ते सिद्धिर्भविष्यति। शृणु मन्त्रं प्रवक्ष्यामि येन राक्षसपुंगव॥ मन्त्रस्य कीर्तनादेव प्राप्स्यसे समरे जयम्। नमस्ते देवदेवेश सुरासुरनमस्कृत॥
Being thus accosted Brahmā said to the tennecked demon, “O lord of Rākşasas, do you recite it at the time of death and not every day. Taking a string of beads, you should recite this holy incantation, on which, you, O lord of Rasasas, shall be invincible, and if do you not recite it you shall not meet with success. Hear, I shall communicate to you the incantation, O foremost of Rākşasas, reciting which you shall obtain victory in the encounter. 'Salutation to you, O god, O lord of gods, O you worshipped of the celestials and Asuras.

भूतभव्य महादेव हरिपिङ्गललोचन। बालस्त्वं वृद्धरूपी च वैयाघ्रवसनच्छद॥ अर्चनीयोऽसि देव त्वं त्रैलोक्यप्रभुरीश्वरः। हरो हरितनेमी च युगान्तदहनोऽबलः॥ गणेशो लोकशंभुश्च लोकपालो महाभुजा महाभागो महाशूली महादंष्ट्री महेश्वरः॥ कालच बलरूपी च नीलग्रीवो महोदरः। देवान्तगस्तपोन्तश्च पशूनां पतिरव्ययः॥ शूलपाणिवृषः केतुर्नेता गोप्ता हरो हरिः। जटी मुण्डी शिखण्डी च लकुटी च महायशाः॥ भूतेश्वरो गणाध्यक्षः सर्वात्मा सर्वभावनः। सर्वगः सर्वहारी च स्रष्टा च गुरुरव्ययः॥ कमण्डलुधरो देवः पिनाकी धूर्जटिस्तथा। माननीयश्च ओङ्कारो वरिष्ठो ज्येष्ठसागमः।। मृत्युश्च मृत्युभूतश्च पारियात्रश्च सुव्रतः॥ ब्रह्मचारी गुहावासी वीणापणवतूणवान्। अमरो दर्शनीयश्च बालसूर्यनिभस्तथा॥
O you identical with past and future, O great god, Oyou having red eyes, you are a boy albeit, you assume the form of an old man; you wear tiger skin. O god, you are worthy of being worshipped, and the lord of the three worlds. You are Hara, Haritanemi, Yugāntadāhaka and Baladeva. You are Ganesa, Loka-Sambhu, Lokapāla, and of huge arms; you are great, the holder of a huge dare, having dreadful teeth, and the greatest of gods. You are time, the strength and have blue neck and a large belly; you are the destroyer of the celestials, the foremost of the ascetics and the lord of all created beings. You are the holder of a dart and have the bull as your emblem, are the leader, protector, the destroyer and the preserver; you have beared locks, are Mundi, Sikhandi, have a crown, and are greatly illustrious. You are the lord of sprites and goblins, the soul of all the protector of all, omniscient, the destroyer of all, the creator and the eternal preceptor. You are lord carried a kamandalu' in your hand, are the holder of a Pināka’ and Dhûrjați? you are, worthy of veneration, the most excellent OM, the first chanter of Sāman, the death, the element of death, Pāriyātra" and observant of penances. You are an ascetic, live in a cave and carried a Vina' Panava, and quiver in your hands; you are immortal and are like the newly-risen sun to behold. 1. An earthen or wooden water pot used by the ascetic and religious student. 2. The bow of Siva. A trident or three-pronged spear. 3. A name of Siva from dhur, a burden and tati, a collection; who collects or bears the burden of the three worlds. 4. The name of a mountain, apparently the central or western portion of the Vindhya chain. 5. A kind of stringed musical instrument. 6. A sort of musical instrument; a small drum of tabor.

श्मशानवासी भगवानुमापतिरनिन्दितः। भगस्याक्षिनिपाती च पूष्णो दशननाशनः॥ ज्वरहर्ता पाशहस्त: प्रलय: काल एव च। उल्कामुखोऽग्निकेतुश्च मुनिर्दीप्तो विशांपतिः॥ उन्मादो वेपनकरचातुर्थो लोकसत्तमः। वामनो वामदेवश्च प्राकप्रदक्षिणवामनः॥ भिक्षुश्च भिक्षुरूपी च त्रिजटी कुटिल: स्वयम्। शक्रहस्तप्रतिष्टम्भी वसूनां स्तम्भनस्तथा॥ ऋतुर्ऋतुकरः कालो मधुर्मधुकलोचनः। वानस्पत्यो वाजसनो नित्यमाश्रमपूजितः॥ जगद्धाता च कर्ता च पुरुषः शाश्वतो ध्रुवः। धर्माध्यक्षो विरूपाक्षस्त्रिधर्मा भूतभावनः॥ त्रिनेत्रो बहुरूपश्च सूर्यायुतसमप्रभः। देवदेवोऽतिदेवश चन्द्राङ्कित्तजटस्तथा॥ नर्तको लासकश्चैव पूर्णेन्दुसदृशाननः। ब्रह्मण्यश्च शरण्यश्च सर्वजीवमयस्तथा॥ सर्वतूर्यनिनादी च सर्वबन्धविमोक्षकः। मोहनो बन्धनश्चैव सर्वदा निधनोत्तमः॥ पुष्पदन्तो विभागश्च मुख्यः सर्वहरस्तथा। हरिश्मश्रुर्धनुर्धारी भीमो भीमपराक्रमः॥ मया प्रोक्तमिदं पुण्यं नामाष्टशतमुत्तमम्। सर्वपापहरं पुण्यं शरण्यं शरणार्थिनाम्।। जप्तमेतद्दशग्रीव कुर्याच्छत्रुविनाशनम्॥
You live in a cremation ground, are the illustrious lord of Umā and above all blemishes you did uproot the eyes of Bhagadeva and teeth of Pūşā. You are the destroyer of fever, hold mace in your hand and are (the very) dissolution and time. You have got a fire-brand in your mouth, have fire as your emblem, are highly resplendent and lord of men You are mad, make people tremble, are the fourth, and most respected of men; you are a dwarf, Vămanadeva and the dwarf who circumbulates the east. You are a beggar, wear the semblance of a beggar and are by nature crooked; you did assail Indra's hands and the Vasus. You are, the season, the maker of seasons, time, honey and have honeyed eyes. You are a tree bearing fruits and blossoms, have arrows as your seat and worshipped by people of all conditions perpetually. You are the protector and the creator of the universe, the Purusa, eternal and certain; the lord of all religions, Virūpākşa, the three qualities and the protector of all beings. You are three-eyed, assume many forms and brilliant as the Ayuta suns; you are the lord of all celestials, the foremost deity and wear bearded locks having the impressions of the moon; you are connected with Brāhmaṇa, worthy of being resorted to and identical with all created beings. You blow all bugles, severest all ties; you do charm and bind (ali) and do always bring about death. You have flowery teeth, are a division, the foremost and the destroyer of all; you have dreadful beards, hold a bow, are fearful and gifted with dreadful might.' These eight hundred holy and excellent names have been uttered by me which remove all iniquities, are holy and afford shelter to those who seek for it; if do you recite them, o ten-necked one, you shall be able to destroy your enemies."

दत्वा तु रावणस्यैवं वरं स कमलोद्भवः। पुनरेवागमक्षिप्रं ब्रह्मलोकं पितामहः॥
Having conferred this boon upon Rāvana the grand father, sprung from lotus, speedily returned to the region of Brāhmaṇa.

रावणोऽपि वरं लब्वा पुनरेवागमत्तथा। केनचित्त्वथ कालेन रावणो लोकरावणः॥ पश्चिमार्णवमागच्छत्सचिवैः सह राक्षसः। द्वीपस्थो दृश्यते तत्र पुरुषः पावकप्रभः॥ महाजाम्बूनदप्रख्य एक एव व्यवस्थितः। दृश्यते भीषणाकारो युगान्तानलसंनिभः॥
And having obtained the boon Råvaņa too came back. After a few days that Raksasa Ravana, the dread of all people, arrived at the banks of the western Ocean with his councillors. And on the island a person was seen bright as fire under the name of Mahājāmbūnada, seated there alone. He had a dreadful figure and was like to the fire at dissolution.

देवानामिव देवेशो ग्रहाणामिव भास्करः। शरभाणां यथा सिंहो हस्तिष्वैरावतो यथा॥ पर्वतानां यथा मेरुः पारिजातच शाखिनाम्। तथा तं पुरुषं दृष्ट्वा स्थितं मध्ये महाबलम्॥ अब्रवीच दशग्रीवो युद्धं मे दीयतामिति। अभवत्तस्य सा दृष्टिग्रहमाला इवाकुला॥ दन्तान्संदशतः शब्दो यन्त्रस्येवाभिभिद्यतः। जग।चैः स बलवान्सहामात्यो दशाननः॥ स गर्जन्विविधैर्नादैर्लम्बहस्तं भयानकम्। दंष्ट्रालं विकटं चैव कम्बुग्रीवं महोरसम्॥ मण्डूककुक्षिं सिंहास्य कैलासशिखरोपमम्। पद्यपादतलं भीमं रक्ततालुकराम्बुजम्॥ महानादं महाकायं मनोनिलसमं जवे। भीममाबद्धतूणीरं सघण्टाबद्धचामरम्॥ ज्वालामालापरिक्षिप्तं किङ्किणीजालनिःस्वनम्। मालया स्वर्णपद्यानां कण्ठदेशेऽवलम्बया॥ ऋग्वेदमिव शोभन्तं पद्ममालाविभूषितम्। सोऽञ्जनाचलसंकाशं काञ्चनाचलसंनिभम्॥
And beholding that highly powerful person among men like to the chief of gods among the celestials, the moon among the planets, the lion among the Sarabhas,* the Airāvata among the elephants, the Meru among the mountains, and the Pārijāta among the trees, the ten-necked demon said, “Give me battle." Thereat his eyes became agitated like to planets and from the from the clashing of his teeth there arose a sound like the clapping of thunder-bolts. And the highly powerful Dasảnana too roared with his councillors. And with darts, Śaktis and Pațțiśas he again and again assailed that highly effulgent person, having long arms, a dreadful appearance, huge teeth, a grim figure, a conch-like neck, spacious breast, a belly like that of a frog, a countenance like that of a lion, legs like the mount Kailasa, red palms, red hands, emitting dreadful roars, huge-bodied, gifted with the velocity of mind and air, dreadful. carrying quiver, bells and chowries, encircled by a burning flame and emitting a sweet note as a net-work of Kinkiņi does, having a garland of golden lotuses bung round his neck, appearing graceful like to the Rgveda, be-decked with lotus garlands, resembling the Añjana and golden mountains. *A fabulous animal supposed to have eight legs.

प्राहरद्राक्षसपतिः शूलशक्त्यष्टिपट्टिशैः। द्वीपिना स सिंह इव ऋषभेणेव कुञ्जरः॥ सुमेरुरिव नागेन्द्रनंदीवेगैरिवार्णवः। अकम्पमानः पुरुषो राक्षसं वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥
As the lion is not moved by the attack of wolf, the elephant by that of a bull, the Sumeru by the king of serpents and the great Ocean, by the current of a river, so that great person was not agitated and said to the ten-necked demon. "O vicious-minded night-ranger, I shall soon remove they desire for a battle."

तथा वेगसहस्राणि संश्रितानि तमेव हि। धर्मस्तस्य तपश्चैव जगत: सिद्धिहेतुकौ॥ ऊरू ह्याश्रित्य तस्थाते मन्मथः शिश्नमाश्रितः। विश्वेदेवाः कटीभागो मरुतो बस्तिपार्श्वयोः॥ मध्येऽष्टौ वसवस्तस्य समुद्राः कुक्षितः स्थिताः। पार्थादिषु दिशः सर्वाः सर्वसंधिषु मारुतः॥ पृष्ठं च भगवान्रुद्रो हृदयं च पितामहः। पितस्थाश्रिताः पृष्ठं हृदयं च पितामहाः॥ गोदानानि पवित्राणि भूमिदानानि यानि च। सुवर्णवरदानानि कक्षलोमानुगानि च॥ हिमवान्हेमकूटश्च मन्दरो मेरुरेव च। नरं तु तं समाश्रित्य अस्थिभूता व्यवस्थिताः॥ पाणिर्वज्रोऽभवत्तस्य शरीरे द्यौरवस्थिता। कृकाटिकायां संध्या च जलवाहाश्च ये धनाः॥ बाहु धाता विधाता च तथा विद्याधरादयः। शेषश्च वासुकिश्चैव विशालाक्ष इरावतः॥ कम्बलाश्वतरौ चोभौ ककीटकथनंजयौ। स च घोरविषो नागस्तक्षकः सोपतक्षकः॥ करजानाश्रिताश्चैव विषवीर्यमुमुक्षवः। अग्निरास्यमभूत्तस्य स्कन्धौ रुद्रैरधिष्ठितौ॥ पक्षमासर्तवश्चैव दंष्ट्रयोरुभयोः स्थिताः। नासे कुहूरमावास्या छिद्रेषु वायवः स्थिताः॥
O Rāma, the might of that person was a thousand times greater than that of Rāvana which was dreadful to all the worlds. Piety and asceticism, which are at the root of attaining to every thing in the world, are at his thighs; Cupid is his male organ, the Viśvedevas are at his waist and the Maruts are at the sides of his Basti; the Vasus are in the middle portion of his body, the oceans are in his belly, the quarters are on his sides, the Maruts are at his joints, the manes are one his back and the grand-father has taken shelter in his heart; the pious acts of making gifts of kine, gold and lands are his downs; the mounts Himālaya, Hemakūța, Manādara, and Meru are his bones: the thunder-bolt is his paim, the sky his body: the evening and watery clouds are on his neck, the creator, the preserver and the Vidyadharas are on his two arms. Ananta, Vasuki, Visalaksa, Iravata, Kambala, Asvatara, Karkotaka, Dhananjaya, the venomous Takşaka, and Upatakşaka, have taken shelter under the nails of his hands, in order to vomit forth their venom. The fire is in his mouth, the Rudras are on his shoulders, the fortnights, months, years and seasons are on the rows of his teeth; the lunar half and the dark half of the month are in his nostrils, and the airy currents are in the pores of his body.

ग्रीवा तस्याभवद्देवी वीणा चापि सरस्वती। नास्त्यौ श्रवणे चोभौ नेत्रे च शशिभास्करौ॥ वेदाङ्गानि च यज्ञाच तारारूपाणि यानि च। सुवृत्तानि च वाक्यानि तेजांसि च तपांसि च॥ एतानि नररूपस्य तस्य देहाश्रितानि वै। तेन वज्रप्रहारेण लब्धमात्रेण लीलया।॥ पाणिना पीडितं रक्षो निपपात महीतले। पतितं राक्षसं ज्ञात्वा विद्राव्य स निशाचरान्॥ ऋग्वेदप्रतिमः सोऽथ पद्ममालाविभूषितः। प्रविवेश च पातालं निजं पर्वतसंनिभः॥ उत्थाय च दशग्रीव आहूय सचिवान्स्वयम्। क्व गतः सहसा बूत प्रहस्तशुकसारणाः॥ एवमुक्ता रावणेन राक्षसास्ते तदाब्रुवन्। प्रविष्टः स नरोऽत्रैव देवदानवदर्पहा॥
Sarasvati, the goddess of speech, is his neck, the two Asvins are his ears, the sun and the moon are his two eyes. O Rāma, all the divisions of the Vedas, Aagamas, the whole host of stars, good words, energy, asceticism, all these are being supported by his body, assuming the shape of a man. Thereupon that Puruşa easily struck Rāvana with his hands hard as thunder. Being assailed thereby Rāvana immediately fell on the ground. Beholding that Raksasa fallen and having distressed others that huge person, like to the Rgveda, resembling a mountain and be-decked with lotus garlands, entered the region under the earth. Ravana addressed his councillors thus, "0 Prahasta, O Sukasarana and other ministers, where has that person suddenly gone? Do you tell me this." Hearing those words of Ravana the nightrangers said, “That man, who crush down the pride of the celestials and demons, has entered hither.”

अथ संगृह्य वेगेन गरुत्मानिव पन्नगम्। स तु शीघ्रं बिलद्वारं संप्रविश्य त दुर्मति॥ प्रविवेश च तद्द्वारं रावणो निर्भयस्तदा। स प्रविश्य च पश्यद्वै नीलाञ्जनचयोपमान्॥ केयूरधारिण शूरारक्तमाल्यानुलेपनान्। वरहाटकरत्नाद्यैर्विविधैश्च विभूषितान्॥ दृश्यन्ते तत्र नृत्यन्त्यस्तिस्रः कोट्यो महात्मनाम्। नृत्योत्सवा वीतभया विमलाः पावकप्रभाः॥ नृत्यन्त्यः पश्यते तांस्तु रावणो भीमविक्रमः। द्वारस्थौ रावणस्तत्र तासु कोटिषु निर्भयः॥ यथा दृष्टः स तु नरस्तुल्यांस्तानपि सर्वशः। एकवर्णानेकवेषानेकरूपान्महौजसः॥ चतुर्भुजान्महोत्साहांस्तत्रापश्यत्स राक्षसः।
As Garuda goes speedily taking a serpent so that vicious-minded Rāvana arrived quickly at the entrance of the den. And Ravana, having no fear, entered therein. And having entered there he saw males resembling the red collyrium, wearing Keyüras,* heroic, be-decked with red garlands, pasted with red sandal and adorned with diverse golden ornaments and jewels. He saw there three millions, of such high-minded persons. devoid of fear, pure, radiant like fire, dancing being mad after festivities. Beholding them the Ten-necked demon, of dreadful prowess, was not the least terrified and rather saw their dance, standing at the gate. They were all like the male being he had seen before. They were all of the same colour, same dress, same figure and equally gifted with great energy. They were all gifted with four arms and great energy. *A kind of ornament used on arms.

तांस्तु दृष्ट्वा दशग्रीव ऊर्ध्वरोमा बभूव ह॥ स्वयभूवा दत्तवरस्ततः शीघ्र विनिर्ययौ। अथापश्यत्परं तत्र पुरुषं शयने स्थितम्॥ पाण्डुरेण महार्हेण शयनासनवेश्मना। शेते स पुरुषस्तत्र पावकेनावगुण्ठितः॥ दिव्यस्रगनुलेपा च दिव्याभरणभूषिता। दिव्याम्बरधरा साध्वी त्रैलोक्यस्यैकभूषणम्॥ वालव्यजनहस्ता च देवी तत्र व्यवस्थिता। लक्ष्मी देवी सपद्मा वै भ्राजते लोकसुन्दरी॥
Beholding them the down of the Ten-necked demon stood erect though a boon had been conferred upon him by the Self-born and he speedily issued out of that place. And he again saw another huge person lying down on a bed. His house, seat and bed were all white and valuable and he was sleeping enveloped by fire. And there sat gracefully with a fan in her lotus hands, the goddess Laksmī, most beautiful in the three worlds, (as if) the ornament thereof, chaste, adorned with celestial garlands, sprinkled with excellent sandal paste, be-decked with rich ornaments and clad in a precious raiment.

प्रविष्टः स तु रक्षेन्द्रो दृष्ट्वा तां चारुहासिनीम्। जिघृक्षुः सहसा साध्वी सिंहासनसमास्थिताम्॥ विनापि सचिवैस्तत्र रावणो दुर्मतिस्तदा। हस्ते ग्रहीतुमन्विच्छन्मन्मथेन वशीकृतः॥ सुप्तमाशीविषं यद्रावणः कालनोदितः। अथ सुप्तो महाबाहुः पावकेनावगुण्ठितः॥ ग्रहीतुकामं तं ज्ञात्वा व्यपविद्धपटं तदा। जहासोचैर्भृशं देवस्तं दृष्ट्वा राक्षसाधिपम्॥ तेजसा सहसा दीप्तो रावणो लोकरावणः। कृत्तमूलो यथा शाखी निपपात महीतले॥ पतितं राक्षसं ज्ञात्वा वचनं चेदमब्रवीत्। उत्तिष्ठ राक्षसश्रेष्ठ मृत्युस्ते नाद्य विद्यते॥ प्रजापतिवरो रक्ष्यस्तेन जीवसि राक्षस। गच्छ रावण विस्रब्यो नाधुना मरणं तव॥
Having entered there without any councillor the vicious Rāvana, the lord of Räkşasas, on beholding that chaste damsel with sweet smiles seated on a royal seat, being possessed by desire, grew anxious to hold her by the hand, as one, under the influence of death, catches a sleeping serpent. Beholding that lord of Rākşasas with loose cloth and understanding him as desirous of holding (her) the deity, having huge arms, asleep and enveloped with flames, laughed aloud. And searched suddenly by his energy, Ravana, the dread of all people, fell down on earth like to an up-rooted tree. Beholding that Raksasa fallen he said the following words: “Rise up, O foremost of Raksasas, you shall not meet with death today; you shall live and be protected, O Raksasa, by the great Patriarch's boon. Do you therefore go away, O Ravana, with confidence, you shall not experience death just now."

लब्धसंज्ञो मुहूर्तेन रावणो भयमाविशत्। एवमुक्तस्तदोत्याय रावणो देवकण्टकः॥ लोमहर्षणमापनो हाब्रवीत्तं महाद्युतिम्। को भवान्वीर्यसंपन्नो युगान्तानलसंनिभः॥ ब्रूहि त्वं को भवान्देव कुतो भूत्वा व्यवस्थितः। एवमुक्तस्ततो देवो रावणेन दुरात्मना॥ प्रत्युवाच हसन्देवो मेघगम्भीरया गिरा। किं ते मया दशग्रीव वध्योऽसि न चिरान्मम॥ एवमुक्तो दशग्रीवः प्राञ्जलिर्वाक्यमब्रवीत्। प्रजापतेस्तु वचनान्नाहं मृत्युपथं गतः॥ न स जातो जनिप्यो वा मम तुल्य: सुरेष्वपि। प्रजापतिवरं यो हि लढयेवीर्यमाश्रितः॥ न तत्र परिहारोऽस्ति प्रयत्नश्चापि दुर्बलः। त्रैलोक्ये तं न पश्यामि यो मे कुर्याद्वरं वृथा॥
Regaining his sense instantly Rāvana was stricken with fear. And being thus addressed, that enemy, of the celestials, stood up and with his down erect, said to that highly resplendent deity, “Who are you gifted with great energy and like to the fire of dissolution? Tell me, who are you, O deity and when you have come hither." Being thus accosted by the vicious-souled Ravana, the deity, smiling, replied in words, deep as the muttering of clouds, saying, "What shall you do with me O tennecked demon? You are not to be slain by me now" Being thus addressed the Ten-necked demon, with folded palms said, “By the words of the Patriarch (Brahmā) I shall not tread the path of death; there is none born among men or the celestials who can equal me, and disregard, by virtue of his prowess, the great Patriarch's boon. His words can never be falsified, every great exertion is weak before them; I do not behold any such man in the three worlds who can render that boon useless.

अमरोहं सुरश्रेष्ठ तेन मां नाविशद्भयम्। अथापि च भवेन्मृत्युस्त्वद्धस्तान्नान्यतः प्रभो॥ यशस्यं श्लाघनीयं च त्वद्धस्तान्मरणं मम। अथास्य गात्रे संपश्यद्रावणो भीमविक्रमः॥ तस्य देवस्य सकलं त्रैलोक्यं सचराचरम्। आदित्या मरुतः साध्या वसवोऽऽथाश्विनावपि॥ रुद्राश्च पितरश्चैव यमो वैश्रवणस्तथा। समुद्रा गिरयो नद्यो वेदा विद्यास्त्रयोऽग्नयः॥ ग्रहास्तारागणा व्योम सिद्धा गन्धर्वचारणाः। महर्षयो वेदविदो गरुडोऽथ भुजंगमाः॥ ये चान्ये देवतासङ्घा संस्थिता दैत्यराक्षसाः। गात्रेषु शयनस्थस्य दृश्यन्ते सूक्ष्ममूर्तयः॥
O foremost of the deities, I am immortal, I do not fear you; and even if I meet with death, I may have it from you and no one else, O Lord. My death from you is both glorious and praiseworthy.” Thereupon Ravana, gifted with dreadful prowess, behold within the body of that deity, all the three worlds with mobile and immobile creations. The Adityas, the Maruts, the Siddhas, the two Asvins, Rudras, the manes, Yama, Kubera, the oceans, mountains, rivers, all the divisions of the Veda and knowledge, fire, planets, stars, sky, Siddhas, Gandharvas, Caranas, the ascetics conversant with the knowledge of Vedas, Garuda and the serpents, the other deities, Yaksas, Daityas and Rākşasas, were all seen in their incorporeal forms, on the person of that great Purusa, lying down. Thereupon the virtuous-souled Rāma said to Agastya, the foremost of Munis, "Who is that male being stationed in the island? Who are those three koțis male beings? And who is this person who crush down the pride of the Daityas and Dänavas?"

आह रामोऽथ धर्मात्मा ह्यगस्त्यं मुनिसत्तमम्। द्वीपस्थः पुरुषः कोऽसौ तिस्रः कोट्यस्तु काश्च ताः॥ शयानः पुरुषः कोऽसौ दैत्यदानवदर्पहा। रामस्य वचनं श्रुत्वा ह्यगस्त्यो वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥ श्रूयतामभिधास्यामि देवदेव सनातन। भगवान्कपिलो नाम द्वीपस्थो नर उच्यते॥ ये तु नृत्यन्ति वै तत्र स्वरास्ते तस्य धीमतः। तुल्यतेजःप्रभावास्ते कपिलस्य नरस्य वै॥ नासौ क्रुद्धेन दृष्टस्तु राक्षसः पापनिश्चयः। न बभूव तदा तेन भस्मसादाम रावणः॥ खिन्नगात्रो नगप्रख्यो रावणः पतितो भुवि। वाक्शरैस्तं बिभेदाशु रहस्यं पिशुनो यथा॥ अथ दीर्पण कालेन लब्धसंज्ञः स राक्षसः। आजगाम महातेजा यत्र ते सचिवाः स्थिताः॥
Hearing Rama's words Agastya said, “O you existing eternally, O god of gods, hearken, I shall relate (it) to you. The person stationed in the island is the illustrious Kapila. All those dancing persons are the deities equalling that intelligent Kapila in energy and power. And that Raksasa, sent on sin, was not seen by him with angry looks, and therefore, O Rama, Ravana, was not there and then reduced to ashes. And he, resembling a mountain, with his person pierced, fell on the ground. As a wily Wight goes through a secret so he pierced (Rāvana's person) with his shaft-like words. Having regained his sense, however, after a long time, that Raksasa, of great prowess, returned where his councillors were.