Uttara Kanda: Chapter 20

ततो वित्रासयन्मान्पृथिव्यां राक्षसाधिपः। आससाद घने तस्मिन्नारदं मुनिपुङ्गवम्॥
As the lord of Rākşasas was ranging the earth frightening everyone, Nārada foremost of ascetics, came to that wood mounted on a cloud,

तस्याभिवादनं कृत्वा दशग्रीवो निशाचरः। अब्रवीत्कुशलं पृष्ट्वा हेतुमागमनस्य च॥
Thereupon saluting him, the night-ranger Tennecked one enquired after his welfare as well as the occasion of his visit.

नारदस्तु महातेजा देवर्षिरमितप्रभः। अब्रवीन्मेघपृष्ठस्थो रावणं पुष्पके स्थितम्॥ राक्षसाधिपते सौम्य तिष्ठ विश्रवसः सुत। प्रीतोऽस्म्यभिजनोपेत विक्रमैरूर्जितैस्तव॥
That Devarsi the exceedingly energetic Nārada of immeasurable splendour, seated on the back of the cloud, addressed Ravana, who was stationed in Puspaka, saying, O lord of Raks asas, o placid one, O son of Viśravā, stay. I am well pleased with your prowess and fame.

विष्णुना दैत्यघातैश्च गन्धर्वोरंगधर्षणैः। त्वया समं विमर्दैश्च भृशं हि परितोषितः॥
And even as Vişnu had pleased me by destroying the Daityas, you pleased me by harassing the Gandharvas and serpents.

किंचिद्वक्ष्यामि तावत्तु श्रोतव्यं श्रोष्यसे यदि। तन्मे निगदतस्तात समाधिं श्रवणे कुरु॥
I will tell you something. If you would hear what I have to say then, O child, listen heedfully as I unfold it.

किमयं बध्यते तात त्वयावध्येन दैवतैः। हत एव ह्ययं लोको यदा मृत्युवशं गतः।७।।
Why, my child, do you slay these*; you are incapable of being slain by even the celestials. All these (men) are subject to death, they are verily slain. *i.e. human being.

देवदानवदैत्यानां यक्षगन्धर्वरक्षसाम्। अवध्येन त्वया लोकः क्लेष्टुं योग्यो न मानुषः॥
The world of man is unworthy of being afflicted by you who are incapable of being destroyed by Deities, Dānavas, Daityas, Yakşas, Gandharvas and Rākşasas.

नित्यं श्रेयसि सम्मूढं महद्भिर्व्यसनैर्वृतम्। हन्यात्कस्तादृशं लोकं जराव्याधिशतैर्युतम्॥
Who should slay creatures, who are ever stupid in respect of their welfare, environed by mighty dangers, and encompassed by hundreds of decrepitude and decease?

तैस्तैरनिष्टोपगमैरजस्रं यत्र कुत्र कः। मतिमान्मानुषे लोके युद्धेन प्रणयी भवेत्॥
What sensible person can set his heart on slaying human beings, who are everywhere beset with a perennial stream of evils.

क्षीयमाणं दैवहतं क्षुत्पिपासाजरादिभिः। विषादशोकसंमूढं लोकं त्वं क्षपयस्व मा॥
Do not you enfeeble those beings who are already enfeebled and smitten by Divinity with hunger, thirst, old age etc. and who are overwhelmed with sorrow, and grief.

पश्य तावन्महाबाहो राक्षसेश्वर मानुषम्। मूढमेवं विचित्रार्थं यस्य न ज्ञायते गतिः॥ क्वचिद्वादित्रनृत्यादि सेव्यते मुदितैर्जनैः। रुद्यते चापरैरातैर्धाराश्रुनयनाननैः॥
O mighty-armed one, o lord of Rākşasas, behold man, albeit having their sense stupified, engaged in the pursuit of various interests, and themselves not understanding their own ways;* some pass their time merrily with dancing and playing on musical instruments while others weep distressfully with tears streaming from their eyes down their cheeks. *Gati, according to the commentator, means the time of employment and suffering. I think the ordinary meaning answers, and give it accordingly.

मातापितृसुतस्नेहभाबन्धुमनोरमैः। मोहितोऽयं जनो ध्वस्तः क्लेशं स्वं नावबुध्यते।।१४
Down fallen on account of their attachment for their mothers and fathers and sons, and of their desires touching their wives and friends they set small store by labours having the hereafter as their object.

तत्किमेवं परिक्लिश्य लोकं मोहनिराकृतम्। जित एव त्वया सौम्य मर्त्यलोको न संशयः॥
What then is the use of affecting a race that is brought down ever by its own infatuation. O placid one, this world is verily conquered by you, there is no doubt.

अवश्यमेभिः सर्वैश्च गन्तव्यं यमसादनम्। तन्निगृणीष्व पौलस्त्य यमं परपुरंजय॥ तस्मिञ्जिते जितं सर्वं भवत्येव न संशयः।
These for certain will have to repair to the abode of Yama. Therefore, O Paulastya, O captor of hostile capitals, do you put down Yama. On him being conquered, all will doubtless be conquered by you.

एवमुक्तस्तु लङ्केशो दीप्यमानं स्वतेजसा ॥ अब्रवीनारदं तत्र संप्रहस्याभिवाद्य च। महर्षे देवगन्धर्वविहार समरप्रिय॥ अहं समुद्यतो गन्तुं विजयार्थं रसातलम्।
Thus addressed Lankā's lord, flaming in native energy, addressed Narada, laughing and saluting him. 'O you that delightest in the sport of gods and Gandharvas, and that take pleasure in warfare, I am ready to go to the nethermost regions for the purpose of conquest.

ततो लोकत्रयं जित्वा स्थाप्य नागान्सुरान्वशे। समुद्रममृतार्थं च मथिष्यामि रसालयम्॥
And conquering the three worlds, and bringing under subjection serpents and celestials I shall for ambrosia churn the nether regions.

अथाब्रवीद्दशग्रीवं नारदो भगवानृषिः। क्व खल्विदानी मार्गेण त्वयेहान्येन गम्यते॥ अयं खलु सुदुर्गम्यः प्रेतराजपुरं प्रति। मार्गो गच्छति दुर्धर्ष यमस्यामित्रकर्शन ॥
Then the reverend sage Närada spoke to the Ten-necked Ravana, Who save you can on forsooth go that journey? Verily, o irrepressible one, O destroyer of foes, the way leading to the city of the lord of the dead is difficult of access.

स तु शारदमेघाभं हासं मुक्त्वा दशाननः। उवाच कृतमित्येव वचनं चेदमब्रवीत्॥
Thereat laughing, the Ten-faced one said to the saint resembling a mass of white clouds, "This is done.

तस्मादेवं महाब्रह्म वैवस्वतवधोद्यतः। गच्छामि दक्षिणामाशां यत्र सूर्यात्मजो नृप॥
Therefore,* O great Brahmana, intent upon slaying the Vaivasvata's son, I will go by this way which lead to the king-the offspring of the sun. *As you has commanded me.

मया हि भगवन्क्रोधात्प्रतिज्ञातं रणार्थिना। अवजेष्यामि चतुरो लोकपालानिति प्रभो॥
O master, from wrath I have vowed that I will, eager for encounter, O reverend one, conquer the four Lokapālas.

तदिह प्रस्थितोऽहं वै पितृराजपुरं प्रति। प्राणिसंक्लेशकर्तारं योजयिष्यामि मृत्युना ॥
Then here go I to the city of the lord of the Pitſs; and I am determined to compass the death of him that visit creatures with smart.

एवमुक्त्वा दशग्रीवो मुनिं तमभिवाद्य च। प्रययौ दक्षिणामाशां प्रविष्टः सह मन्त्रिभिः॥
Having delivered himself thus and saluted the sage, he, entering the southern way with his councillors, proceeded along.

नारदस्तु महातेजा मुहूर्तं ध्यानमास्थितः। चिन्तयामास विप्रेन्द्रो विधूम इव पावकः॥
The exceedingly energetic Nārada best of Brāhmaṇas resembling a smokeless fire, remaining rapt for a while, began to reflect.

येन लोकस्वयः सेन्द्राः क्लिश्यन्ते सचराचराः। क्षीणे चायुषि धर्मेण स कालो जेष्यते कथम्॥
How can (Ravana) conquer Time who, when its life wane, righteously visit with affection the time, sphere with Indra, fraught with mobile and immobile.

स्वदत्तकृतसाक्षी यो द्वितीय इव पावकः। लब्धसंज्ञा विचेष्टन्ते लोका यस्य महात्मनः॥ यस्य नित्यं त्रयो लोका विद्रवन्ति भयार्दिताः। तं कथं राक्षसेन्द्रोऽसौ स्वयमेव गमिष्यति॥
How can this lord of Raksasas, of himself, go to him who, resembling another fire, bear to the gifts and acts (of persons), that high-souled one of whom attaining consciousness, people put forth their activity; and; afflicted with the fear of whom these three worlds fall away?

यो विधाता च धाता च सुकृतं दुष्कृतं तथा। त्रैलोक्यं विजितं येन तं कथं विजयिष्यते। अपरं किं तु कृत्वैवं विधानं संविधास्यति॥
How can (Rāvana) subdue him who ordain things both great and small, who met rewards and punishments for good and bad acts, and who himself has conquered the three worlds? Resorting* to what other means shall Rāvana secure (victory)? *Explains the commentator: "Time has every thing under its control. Like the all-enclosing space, time pervades all that is. This being so, resorting what transcending Time, shall Rāvana obtain victory over it."

कौतूहलं समुत्पन्नो यास्यामि यमसादनम्। विमर्दै द्रष्टुमनयोर्यमराक्षसयोः स्वयम्॥
I am curious about it. To Yama's abode shall I go for witnessing the encounter between Yama and the Raksasa.