Uttara Kanda: Chapter 2

तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा राघवस्य महात्मनः। कुम्भयोनिर्महातेजा वाक्यमेतदुवाच ह॥
Hearing those words of Rāghva, the exceedingly energetic Kumbhayoni spoke as follows.

शृणु राम तथा वृत्तं तस्य तेजोबलं महत्। जघान शत्रून्येनासौ न च वध्यः स शत्रुभिः॥
Having regard to his (Indrajit's) energy and might, I shall relate to you the history of his race, in the light of which you will perceive why Rāvana's son had been capable of slaying his enemies, but could not himself be slain by them.

तावत्ते रावणस्येदं कुलं जन्म च राघव। वरप्रदानं च तथा तस्मै दत्तं ब्रवीमि ते॥
I shall, O Rāghava, describe to you Răvaņa's race and birth, as well as the boon that had been conferred on him.

पुरा कृतयुगे राम प्रजापतिसुतः प्रभुः। पुलस्त्यो नाम ब्रह्मर्षिः साक्षादिव पितामहः॥
Formerly in the Krita age, O Rama, there was a Brahmarsi-lord (of creatures), son to Prajapati, and like to the very self of the great-father.

नानुकीर्त्या गुणास्तस्य धर्मतः शीलतस्तथा। प्रजापतेः पुत्र इति वक्तुं शक्यं हि नामतः॥
His virtues, springing from righteousness and excellency of character, are past all delineation; I can only say that, forsooth, he went by the name of Prajāpati's son.

प्रजापतिसुतत्वेन देवानां वल्लभो हि सः। इष्टः सर्वस्य लोकस्य गुणैः शुभैर्महामतिः॥
Verily on account of his being the son of Prajāpati, he was the darling of the deities; as by virtue of his spotless perfections, that magnanimous one was loved of all creatures.

स तु धर्मप्रसङ्गेन मेरोः पार्श्वे महागिरेः। तृणबिन्द्वाश्रमं गत्वाप्यवसन्मुनिपुङ्गवः॥
And on a religious mission that foremost of ascetics, repairing to the asylum of Triņabindu at the side of the mighty mountain, Meru, took up his abode there.

तपस्तेपे स धर्मात्मा स्वाध्यायनियतेन्द्रियः। गत्वाश्रमपदं तस्य विघ्नं कुर्वन्ति कन्यकाः॥ ऋपिपन्नगकन्याश्च राजर्षितनयाश्च याः। क्रीडन्त्योऽप्सरसश्चैव तं देशमुपपेदिरे॥
And with his senses centred on the study of the Vedas, that righteous-souled one, going to the hermitage, carried on austerities; but his religious rites were disturbed by certain girls. And daughters of sages and Pannagas and those of Rājarşis, as well as those of Apsarās, sporting, arrived at that quarter.

सर्वर्तुषूपभोग्यत्वाद्रम्यत्वात्काननस्य च। नित्यशस्तास्तु तं देशं गत्वा क्रीडन्ति कन्यकाः॥
And an account of every season being genial at that spot and also of the loveliness of the wood, the damsels, repairing to this place. ever disport there.

देशम्य रमणीयत्वात्पुलस्त्यो यत्र स द्विजः। गायन्त्यो वादयन्त्यश्च लासयन्त्यस्तथैव च॥ मुनेस्तपस्विनस्तस्य विघ्नं चक्रुरनिन्दिताः। अथ रुष्टो महातेजा व्याजहार महामुनिः॥
And on account of the beauty of that region, those wenches, coming to where that twice-born one, Pulastya was, used to sing, to play on instruments, and to dance; and thus those blameless beauties disturbed the rites of that anchoret practising austerities. Thereat, the mighty ascetic, waxing wroth, said,

या मे दर्शनमागच्छेत्सा गर्भ धारयिष्यति। तास्तु सर्वाः प्रतिश्रुत्य तस्य वाक्यं महात्मनः॥ ब्रह्मशापभयागीतास्तं देशं नोपचक्रमुः। तृणबिन्दोस्तु राजर्षेस्तनया न शृणोति तत्॥ गत्वाश्रमपदं तत्र विचचार सुनिर्भया।
‘She that comes within my kin, shall conceive.' Hearing the words of the high-souled one, (the damsels), afraid of a Brāhamana's curse, ceased to to haunt that place. But Triņabindu's daughter had not heard anything of all this, and going to the asylum, she ranged it fearlessly.

न चापश्यच्च सा तत्र कांचिदभ्यागतां सखीम्॥ तस्मिन्काले महातेजाः प्राजापत्यो महानृषिः। स्वाध्यायमकरोत्तत्र तपसा भावितः स्वयम्॥
She did not see there any of her associates come to that spot. And at that time that exceedingly energetic and mighty sage, Prajāpati's son, with his soul sanctified through eticism, was engaged in the study of the Veda.

सा तु वेदश्रुतिं दृष्ट्वा वै तपसो निधिम्। अभवत्पाण्डुदेहा सा सुव्यञ्जितशरीरजा॥
Hearing the sounds of Vedic recitation, and seeing that storehouse of asceticism, she had her body turned pale, and signs of pregnancy displayed themselves.

बभूव च समुद्विग्ना दृष्ट्वा तद्दोषमात्मनः। इदं मे किंत्विति ज्ञात्वा पितुर्गत्वाश्रमे स्थिता॥
Seeing that evil befall her, she was wrought up with anxiety; and, understanding matters, she said, "What is this?' And, going to her father's hermitage, stayed there.

तां तु दृष्ट्वा तथाभूतां तृणबिन्दुरथाब्रवीत्। किं त्वमेतत्त्वसदृशं धारयस्यात्मनो वपुः॥
Seeing her in this condition, Triņabindu said, "Wherefore is the person that you bear unlike what it used to be?'

सा तु कृत्वाञ्जलिं दीना कन्योदाच तपोधनम्। न जाने कारणं तात येन मे रूपमीदृशम्॥
Thereat, in .woe-begone guise, with joined hands, his daughter replied to that one having asceticism for the riches, 'O father, cause know I none whereby I have come by this appearance.

किं तु पूर्व गतास्म्येका महर्षे वितात्मनः। पुलस्त्यस्याश्रमं दिव्यमन्वेष्टुं स्वसखीजनम्॥
But searching for my associates, I had ere this alone repaired to the noble asylum of the Maharși Pulastya of a purified spirit.

न च पश्याम्यहं तत्र कांचिदभ्यागतां सखीम्। रूपस्य तु विपर्यासं दृष्ट्वा त्रासादिहागता॥
But associate found there I none, that had come thither. And seeing this change for the worse of my form, I from fear have come hither.

तृणबिन्दुस्तु राजर्षिस्तपसा द्योतितप्रभः। ध्यानं विवेश तच्चापि अपश्यदृषिकर्मजम्॥
Thereat the Rajarsi, Trinabindu, having a live effulgence through asceticism, entered into contemplation, and saw the consequence of the sage's act.

स तु विज्ञाय तं शापं महर्षे वितात्मनः। गृहीत्वा तनयां गत्वा पुलस्त्यमिदमब्रवीत्॥
And coming to know that curse of the Maharși of a purified spirit, he, taking his daughter, went to Pulastya and said.

भगवंस्तनयां मे त्वं गुणैः स्वैरेव भूषिताम्। भिक्षां प्रतिगृहाणेमां महर्षे स्वयमुद्यताम्॥
O worshipful one, O mighty sage, do you accept this daughter of mine, adorned with her native perfections, who of herself has come to you as alms.

तपश्चरणयुक्तस्य श्राम्यमाणेन्द्रिस्य ते। शुश्रूषणपरा नित्यं भविष्यति न संशयः॥
She will, without doubt, constantly tend you, practising asceticism, and having your senses fatigued.

तं ब्रुवाणं तु तद्वाक्यं राजर्षि धार्मिकं तदा। जिघृक्षुरब्रवीत्कन्यां बाढमित्येव स द्विजः॥
When that virtuous (sage) had said this, the twice-born Räjarși, desirous of accepting the girl (after due nuptial rights), said to the former, 'Well !'

दत्त्वा तु तनयां राजा स्वमाश्रमपदं गतः। सापि तत्रावसत्कन्या तोषयन्ती पतिं गुणैः॥
Having given away his daughter, the king went (back) to his asylum; and the girl stayed there, gratifying her husband with her virtues.

तस्यास्तु शीलवृत्ताभ्यां तुतोष मुनिपुङ्गवः। प्रीतः स तु महातेजा वाक्यमेतदुवाच ह॥
And that best of ascetics was gratified with her character and behaviour. And well pleased (with her), that highly energetic one said.

परितुष्टोऽस्मि सुश्रोणि गुणानां संपदा भृशम्। तस्माद्देवि ददाम्यद्य पुत्रमात्मसमं तव। उभयोवंशकर्तारं पौलस्त्य इति विश्रुतम्॥
'O you of shapely hips, well-pleased am I with you with your wealth of worth, and therefore, O exalted one, I will today confer on you a son like to yourself, who will perpetuate both the lines*-being celebrated as Paulastya. *(i.e. maternal and paternal lines.)

यस्मात्तु विश्रुतो वेदस्त्वयेहाध्ययतो मम। तस्मात्स विश्रवा नाम भविष्यति न संशयः॥
And as you had heard the Veda recited by me, so, without doubt, he shall be named Visravā.* *(From the root, Śru-to hear.)

एवमुक्ता तु सा देवी प्रहृष्टेनान्तरात्मना। अचिरेणैव कालेनासूत विश्रवसं सुतम्। त्रिषु लोकेषु विख्यातं यशोधर्मसमन्वितम्॥ श्रुतिमान्समदर्शी च व्रताचाररतस्तथा। पितेव तपसा युक्तो अभवद्विश्रवा मुनिः॥
Thus addressed, that noble damsel with her soul wrought with delight, in a short time brought forth her son Visravā, famed over the three worlds and furnished with virtue and fame: versed in the Vedas, of an impartial spirit, and ever engaged in observing vows. And the ascetic, Viśravă, was furnished with asceticism even like his sire. ever