Uttara Kanda: Chapter 19

अथ जित्वा मरुत्तं स प्रययौ राक्षसाधिपः। नगराणि नरेन्द्राणां युद्धकाङ्क्षी दशाननः॥
Having vanquished Marutta, that lord of Rākşasas the Ten-faced Răvaņa, eager for encounter, began to range the capitals of the foremost monarchs (of the earth).

समासाद्य तु राजेन्द्रान्महेन्द्रवरुणोपमान्। अब्रवीद्राक्षसेन्द्रस्तु युद्ध मे दीयतामिति॥ निर्जिताः स्मेति वा ब्रूत एष मे हि सुनिश्चयः। अन्यथा कुर्वतामेवं मोक्षो नैवोपपद्यते॥
And coming to the most powerful crowned heads (in the world) resembling Mahendra and Varuna, the Raksasa king said: 'Give me battle; or declare we have been defeated. This I am resolved upon. Otherwise there is no escape for you?'

ततस्त्वभीरवः प्राज्ञाः पार्थिवा धर्मनिश्चयाः। मन्त्रयित्वा ततोऽन्योन्यं राजानः सुमहाबलाः॥ निर्जिताः स्मेत्यभाषन्त ज्ञात्वा वरबलं रिपोः।
Thereat those wise kings, possessed of great strength, and ever abiding by righteousness, being frightened (at Ravana's intimidation), took counsel of each other. And knowing the superior strength of the foe, they said, “We have been defeated.

दुष्यन्तः सुरथो गाधिर्गयो राजा पुरूरवः॥ एते सर्वेऽब्रुवंस्तात निर्जिताः स्मेति पार्थिवाः। अथायोध्यां समासाद्य रावणो राक्षसाधिपः॥ सुगुप्तामनरण्येन शक्रेणेवामरावतीम्। स तं पुरुषशार्दूलं पुरंदरसमं बले॥ प्राह राजानमासाद्य युद्धं देहीति रावणः। निर्जितोऽस्मीति वा ब्रूहि त्वमेवं मम शासनम्॥
O child, Dusyanta, Suratha, Gadhi, and Gaya and king Pururavă all these kings said: 'We have been defeated.' And then Rāvaņa sovereign of the Rākşasas presented himself before Ayodhyā, governed by Anaranya, like Amarāvati ruled by. Sakra. And coming to that foremost of men king like to Purandara himself in prowess, Rāvana said, 'Give me battle; or say I have been defeated. This is my mandate.'

अयोध्याधिपतिस्तस्य श्रुत्वा पापात्मनो वचः। अनरण्यस्तु संक्रुद्धो राक्षसेन्द्रमथाब्रवीत्॥ दीयते द्वन्द्वयुद्धं ते राक्षसाधिपते मया। संतिष्ठ क्षिप्रमायत्तो भव चैवं भवाम्यहम्॥
The lord of Ayodhyā, on hearing the words of that wicked-minded one, Anaranya, enraged, addressed the Raksasa-chief, saying, 'O king of Raksasas, I will give you combat, stay you. At once prepare for fight, and I also shall go and prepare myself.'

अथ पूर्व श्रुतार्थेन निर्जितं सुमहद्बलम्। निष्क्रामत्तन्नरेन्द्रस्य बलं रक्षोवधोद्यतम्॥ नागानां दशसाहस्रं वाजिनां नियुतं तथा। रथानां बहुसाहस्रं पत्तीनां च नरोत्तम॥ महीं संछाद्य निष्क्रान्तं सपदातिरथं रणे।
When he had heard everything (regarding Răvaņa), the forces of that foremost of kings that had been intended for conquering (Ravana), sallied forth ready for bringing about the destruction of the of the Raksasa, ten-thousand elephants, a niyuta horse, and many thousands of cars and infantry, O best of men; and, that host consisting of infantry and cars, marched for encounter, covering up the earth.

ततः प्रवृत्तं सुमहद्युद्धं युद्धविशारद॥ अनरण्यस्य नृपते राक्षसेन्द्रस्य चाद्भुतम्।
Then, O you proficient in fight, there took place a mighty and wonderful encounter between king Anaranya and that lord of Raksasas.

तद्रावणबलं प्राप्य बलं तस्य महीपतेः॥ प्राणश्यत तदा सर्व हव्यं हुतमिवानले। युद्ध्वा च सुचिरं कालं कृत्वा विक्रममुत्तमम्॥ प्रज्वलन्तं तमासाद्य क्षिप्रमेवावशेषितम्। प्राविशत्संकुलं तत्र शलभा इव पावकम्॥
That host, of the king encountering the forces of Rāvana, were extinguished like to clarified butter thrown into the (sacrificial) fire. And having fought valorously for a long time, the remnant of the royal forces, suddenly coming in contact with the flaming Räkşasas ranks, were destroyed like to swarms of locusts entering into fire.

सोऽपश्यत्तन्नरेन्द्रस्तु नश्यमानं महाबलम्। महार्णवं समासाद्य वनापगशतं यथा॥
He saw the mighty army of that powerful monarch destroyed by the (adversary), like to a hundred streams absorbed by an approaching ocean.

ततः शक्रधनुःप्रख्यं धनुर्विस्फारयन्स्वयम्। आससाद नरेन्द्रस्तं रावणं क्रोधमूर्छितः॥
And then himself drawing his bow resembling the bow itself of Sakra, that foremost of sovereigns, beside himself with wrath, approached Rāvana.

अनरण्येन तेऽमात्या मारीचशुकसारणाः। प्रहस्तसहिता भग्ना व्यद्रवन्त मृगा इव॥
Brought down by Anaranya, his (Ravana's) councillors Mārica, Suka, and Sarana with Prahasta, took to their heels like to dear.

ततो बाणशतान्यष्टौ पातयामास मूर्धनि । तस्य राक्षसराजस्य इक्ष्वाकुकुलनन्दनः॥
Then that son of the Ikşvāku race discharged eight hundred arrows at Rāvana's head.

तस्य बाणाः पतन्तस्ते चक्रिरे न क्षतं क्वचित्। वारिधारा इवाभ्रेम्यः पतन्त्यो गिरिमूर्धनि ॥
And like to showers pouring down on the top of a mountain, his shafts did not inflict any wound (on Ravana).

ततो राक्षसराजेन क्रुद्धेन नृपतिस्तदा। तलेनाभिहतो मूर्ध्नि स रथानिपपात ह॥
Then the king, smitten on the head with a slap by the enraged king of Rākşasas, dropped down from his car.

स राजा पतितो भूमौ विह्वलः प्रविवेपितः। वज्रदग्ध इवारण्ये सालो निपतितो यथा॥
The king, deprived of his senses, fell down on the earth, with his body trembling all over; as falls in a forest a sāla scathed with heaven's fire.

तं प्रहस्याब्रवीद्रक्ष इक्ष्वाकुं पृथिवीपतिम्। किमिदानी फलं प्राप्तं त्वया मां प्रति युद्ध्यता॥
Thereat the Raksasa, laughing, spoke to that Iksvāku, lord of the earth, 'What is this that you have gathered as the fruit of your encounter with me.

त्रैलोक्ये नास्ति यो द्वन्द्वं मम दद्यानराधिप। शङ्के प्रसक्तो भोगेषु न शृणोषि बलं मम॥
O king, there is none in this triune sphere that can combat with me. Having hitherto been sunk in lunacy, you have not heard of my strength.

तस्यैवं ब्रुवतो राजा मन्दासुर्वाक्यमब्रवीत्। किं शक्यमिह कर्तुं वै कालो हि दुरतिक्रमः॥
As he was speaking thus, the king, whose sounds were fast running out said: 'What can I do in this matter. Verily time is incapable of being controlled.

नह्यहं निर्जितो रक्षस्त्वया चात्मप्रशंसिना। कालेनैव विपन्नोऽहं हेतुभूतस्तु मे भवान्।॥ किं त्विदानी मया शक्यं कर्तुं प्राणपरिक्षये। नह्यहं विमुखी रक्षो युध्यमानस्त्वया हतः॥
I have been overcome by Time; you are merely an instrument. What can I do now, when I am going to-lose my life? I never turned away from fight; I have been slain fighting.

इक्ष्वाकुपरिभावित्वाद्वचो वक्ष्यामि राक्षस। यदि दत्तं यदि हुतं यदि मे सुकृतं तपः। यदि गुप्ताः प्रजाः सम्यक् तदा सत्यं वचोऽस्तु मे।।२९
But, O Raksasas, I shall tell you something in consequence of the disgrace that the Ikşvāku race has met with (today). If I have practised charity, if I have offered oblations into fire, if I have carried on pious penances, if i have governed my people well, then be my words verified!

उत्पत्स्यते कुले ह्यस्मिनिक्ष्वाकूणां महात्मनाम्। रामो दाशरथि म यस्ते प्राणान्हरिष्यति।३०॥
There shall spring in the line of the highsouled Ikşvāku, one named Rāma son to Dasaratha who shall deprive your life.

ततो जलधरोदग्रस्ताडितो देवदुन्दुभिः। तस्मिन्नुदाहृते शापे पुष्पवृष्टिश्च खाच्च्युता॥
As he uttered this imprecation, the celestial kettle-drums sounded like the roaring of clouds; and blossoms showered down from the sky.

ततः स राजा राजेन्द्र गतः स्थानं त्रिविष्टपम्। स्वर्गते च नृपे तस्मिन्राक्षसः सोऽपसर्पत॥
Then, that best of kings, went to heaven; and when that king had gone to the celestial regions, the Raksasa (also) went away.