Uttara Kanda: Chapter 18

प्रविष्टायां हुताशं तु वेदवत्यां स रावणः। पुष्पकं तु समारुह्य परिचक्राम मेदिनीम्॥
When Vedavati had entered into the fire, Rāvana, ascending Puşpaka, began to range the earth.

ततो मरुत्तं नृपतिं यजन्तं सह दैवतैः। उशीरबीजमासाद्य ददर्श स तु रावणः॥
And coming to Uśirabīja, Rāvaņa saw a king (named) Marutta, sacrificing along with the deities.

संवर्तो नाम ब्रह्मर्षिः साक्षाद्धाता बृहस्पतेः। याजयामास धर्मज्ञः सर्वैर्देवगणैर्वृतः॥
And a righteous Brahmarşi named Samvarta, the very brother of Bphaspati, officiated at the sacrifice accompanied by the deities.

दृष्ट्वा देवास्तु तद्रक्षो वरदानेन दुर्जयम्। तिर्यग्योनि समाविष्टास्तस्य धर्षणभीरवः॥
Seeing that Rākşasa invincible by reason of the boon he had received, the deities, apprehensive of being worsted by him, assumed the forms of beasts.

इन्द्रो मयूरः संवृत्तो धर्मराजस्तु वायसः। कृकलासो धनाध्यक्षो हंसश्च वरुणोऽभवत्।।५ अन्येष्वपि गतेष्वेवं देवेष्वरिनिषूदन। रावणः प्राविशद्य सारमेय इवाशुचिः॥
Indra became a peacock and the king of righteousness, a crow and the bestower of riches a lizard, and Varuna a swan; and, O slayer of foes, others also became other beasts. And then Rāvana entered into that sacrifice like an unclean dog.

तं च राजानमासाद्य रावणो राक्षसाधिपः। प्राह युद्धं प्रयच्छेति निर्जितोऽस्मीति वा वद।७।।
Then coming up to the king, Răvaņa lord of Raksāsas said: 'Give me battle, or say, I am defeated.

ततो मरुत्तो नृपतिः को भवानित्युवाच तम्। अवहासं ततो मुक्त्वा रावणो वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥ अकुतूहलभावेन प्रीतोऽस्मि तव पार्थिव. धनदस्यानुजं यो मां नावगच्छसि रावणम्॥
Whereat king Marutta asked, him 'Who are you'? And Ravana laughing in contempt said. "O king, I am delighted, that lacking curiosity, you do not dishonour Rävaņa, younger brother to the bestower of riches.

त्रिषु लोकेषु कोऽन्योऽस्ति यो न जानाति मे बलम्। भ्रातरं येन निर्जित्य विमानमिदमाहृतम्॥
What other man is there in these three regions that know not the might of me, who, conquering my brother, has got possession of this car.

ततो मरुत्तः स नृपस्तं रावणमथाब्रवीत्। धन्यः खलु भवान्येन ज्येष्ठो भ्राता रणे जितः।। न त्वया सदृशः श्लाघ्यस्त्रिषु लोकेषु विश्वते। नाधर्मसहितं श्लाघ्यं तल्लोकं प्रतिसंहितम्। कर्म दौरात्म्यकं कृत्वा श्लाघ्यसे भ्रातृनिर्जयात्॥ कं त्वं प्राक्केवलं धर्म चरित्वा लब्धवान्वरम्। श्रुतपूर्व हि न मया भाषसे यादृशं स्वयम्॥
Thereat Marutta spoke to Ravana, saying, "Blessed for sooth are you, by whom your elder brother has been vanquished in fight. And a person so praise-worthy there is not in the three worlds. An act, that is divorced from righteousness and that is reprehended by people, can never be praiseworthy. Having committed a foul act, plumest you upon your having vanquished your brother? And practising what piety had you a-fortune received the boon? I had never before heard the like of what you say.

तिष्ठेदानीं न मे जीवन्प्रतियास्यति दुर्मते। अद्य त्वां निशितैर्बाणैः प्रेषयामि यमक्षयम्॥
But O perverse one, stay now. Living you shall not back. To-day with my sharpened shafts shall I despatch you to the abode of Yama.

ततः शरासनं गृह्य सायकांश्च नराधिपः। रणाय निर्ययौ क्रुद्धः संवर्तो मार्गमावृणोत्॥
Then taking up his bow and arrows, that king of men went out for encounter; but Samavartta stood in the way.

सोऽब्रवीत्स्नेहसंयुक्तं मरुत्तं तं महानृषिः। श्रोतव्यं यदि मद्वाक्यं संप्रहारो न ते क्षमः॥
And that great sage said to Marutta words informed with affection 'If you hear my speech, you should not fight.

माहेश्वरमिदं सत्रमसमाप्तं कुलं दहेत्। दीक्षितस्य कुतो युद्धं क्रोधित्वं दीक्षिते कुतः॥ संशयश्च जये नित्यं राक्षसश्च सुदुर्जयः। स निवृत्तो गुरोर्वाक्यान्मरुत्तः पृथिवीपतिः। विसृज्य सशरं चापं स्वस्थो मखमुखोऽभवत्॥ ततस्तं निर्जितं मत्वा घोषयामास वै शुकः। रावणो जयतीत्युच्चैहर्षानादं विमुक्तवान्॥
If this Maheśvara-sacrifice should remain incomplete, it will burn up your dynasty. Where is the fight of one initiated in a sacrifice? And where is the passion of one initiated in a sacrifice? And victory is ever uncertain; and the Rākşasa is difficult to vanquish. And thereupon, the lord of Earth Marutta desisted in consonance with the instructions of his spiritual preceptor; and composed addressed himself to completing the sacrifice, giving up his bow with the arrow set. And thereat considering him as defeated, Suka proclaimed this all round, and from delight cried aloud, 'Victory to Rāvana!

तान्भक्षयित्वा तत्रस्थान्महर्षीन्यज्ञमागतान्। वितृप्तो रुधिरैस्तेषां पुनः संप्रययौ महीम्॥
Then devouring the Maharsis that were present at the place of sacrifice, Rāvana, satiated with their blood, again went to the earth.

रावणे तु गते देवाः सेन्द्राश्चैव दिवौकसः। ततः स्वां योनिमासाद्य तानि सत्त्वानि चाब्रुवन्॥
On Ravana having departed, the deities, inhabiting the etherial regions Indra etc. assuming their proper forms, addressed those creatures.

हर्षात्तदाब्रवीदिन्द्रो मयूरं नीलबर्हिणम्। प्रीतोऽस्मि तव धर्मज्ञ भुजंगाद्धिन ते भयम्॥ इदं नेत्रसहस्रं तु यत्तद्वर्हे भविष्यति। वर्षमाणे मयि मुदं प्राप्स्यसे प्रीतिलक्षणम्। एवमिन्द्रो वरं प्रादान्मयूरस्य सुरेश्वरः॥
And from joy Indra spoke to the purpleplumed peacock, 'Pleased am I with you righteous one. No fear shall spring to you from serpents; and your plumage shall be furnished with an hundred eyes. And when I shall shower, you shall be filled with glee as a token of my satisfaction with you.' Thus did Indra chief of celestials, confer a boon on the peacock.

नीलाः किल पुरा बर्हा मयूराणां नराधिप। सुराधिपाद्वरं प्राप्य गताः सर्वेऽपि बहिणः॥
Formerly, O King, the peacock's wings had one unvaried blue. Having received the boon, the peacock departed.

धर्मराजोऽब्रवीद्राम प्राग्वंशे वायसं प्रति। पक्षिस्तवास्मि सुप्रीतः प्रीतस्य वचनं शृणु॥
O Rāma, then the king of righteousness said to the crow, seated in front of the sacrificial apartment 'O bird, I am well pleased with you. Listen to my words as I utter them.

यथान्ये विविधै रोगैः पीड्यन्ते प्राणिनो मया। ते न ते प्रभविष्यन्ति मयि प्रीते न संशयः॥
As I have been pleased with you, you shall without doubt, enjoy immunity from the various ailments to which the birds are subject.

मृत्युतस्ते भयं नास्ति वरान्मम विहंगम। यावत्त्वां न वधिष्यन्ति नरास्तावद्भविष्यसि॥
O bird, from my curse fear of death shall not approach you; and you shall exist so long as people do not slay you.

ये च मद्विषयस्था वै मानवाः क्षुधयार्दिताः। त्वयि भुक्ते सुतृप्तास्ते भविष्यन्ति सबान्धवाः॥
Those men residing in my dominion, being smitten with hunger, shall be refreshed along with your relations, when you have eaten and been refreshed.

वरुणस्त्वब्रवीद्धंसं गङ्गातोयविचारिणम्। श्रूयतां प्रीतिसंयुक्तं ततः पत्ररथेश्वरम्॥ वर्णो मनोरमः सौम्यश्चन्द्रमण्डलसंनिमः। भविष्यति तवोदग्रः शुद्धफेनसमप्रभः॥
Then Varuņa addressed that lord of birds the swan ranging the waters of the Gangā, 'Listen to my words fraught with joy, your hue shall be charming, mild, and like to the lunar disc; and it shall be beautiful, resembling the sheen of spotless foam.

मच्छरीरं समासाद्य कान्तो नित्यं भविष्यसि। प्राप्स्यसे चातुलां प्रीतिमेतन्मे प्रीतिलक्षणम्॥
And approaching my person you shall ever be beautiful to behold; and you shall, as a sign of my gratification, attain unparalleled complacence.

हंसानां हि पुरा राम न वर्णः सर्वपाण्डुरः। पक्षा नीलाग्रसंवीताः क्रोडाः शष्पाग्रनिर्मलाः॥ अथाब्रवीद्वैश्रवणः कृकलासं गिरौ स्थितम्।
Formerly, O Rama, swans had not a hue of one unvaried whiteness. Their wings ended in, blue, and their breasts wore the spotless hue of tender grass. Then Vaiśravana addressed the chameleon as it was stationed at the mountain.

हैरण्यं संप्रयच्छामि वर्णं प्रीतस्तवाप्यहम्॥ सद्रव्यं च शिरो नित्यं भविष्यति तवाक्षयम्। एष काञ्चनको वर्णो मत्प्रीत्या ते भविष्यति॥
Your hue shall be gold-gleaming. Pleased am I with you. Your undeteriorating head shall be ever gold-hued. And this golden hue of your shall proceed from my gratification?

एवं दत्त्वा वरांस्तेभ्यस्तस्मिन्यज्ञोत्सवे सुराः। निवृत्ते सह राज्ञा ते पुनः स्वभवनं गताः॥
Having thus conferred boons on them at that festal place, the celestials, along with the king, (on the sacrifice) having ended, went to their abode.