Uttara Kanda: Chapter 17

अथ राजन्महाबाहुर्विचरन्पृथिवीतले। हिमवद्वनमासाद्य परिचक्राम रावणः॥
Then, O King, the mighty-armed Ravana ranging the earth, came to Himavān and began to go round it.

तत्रापश्यत्स वै कन्यां कृष्णाजिनजटाधराम्। आर्षेण विधिना युक्तां दीप्यन्ती देवतामिव ॥
It came to pass that there he saw a damsel wearing a dark deer-skin and matted locks, leading the life of a saint, and flaming like a celestial.

स दृष्ट्वा रूपसंपन्नां कन्यां तां सुमहाव्रताम्। काममोहपरीतात्मा पप्रच्छ प्रहसन्निव॥
Seeing the girl observing high vows, endowed with beauty, he, with his soul overwhelmed with lust asked her, laughing.

किमिदं वर्तसे भद्रे विरुद्धं यौवनस्य ते। नहि युक्ता तवैतस्य रूपस्यैव प्रतिक्रिया।४॥
How is it, o amiable one, that you act thus contrary to your youth? This course of life surely does not befit your beauty.

रूपं तेऽनुपमं भीरु कामोन्मादकरं नृणाम्। न युक्तं तपसि स्थातुं निर्गतो ह्येष निर्णयः॥
Your loveliness, O timid one, is peerless, capable of maddening folk with desire. It does not behove you to lead an ascetic mode of life,-this would suit an old person.

कस्यासि किमिदं भद्रे कश्च भर्ता वरानने। येन संभुज्यसे भीरु स नरः पुण्यभाग्भुवि॥ पृच्छतः शंस मे सर्वं कस्य हेतोः परिश्रमः।
Whose daughter are you, O gentle lady? And what is this (vow) that you practise? And O fair faced wrench, who is your husband? He who has you for his wife, is, O timorous one, has religious merit on earth. Tell all about this to me who ask for it. For whom do you put yourself to trouble?

एवमुक्ता तु सा कन्या रावणेन यशस्विनी।७।। अब्रवीद्विधिवत्कृत्वा तस्यातिथ्यं तपोधना।
Thus accosted by Rāvana, that illustrious girl, having asceticism for wealth, having received him hospitably in due form, said.

कुशध्वजो नाम पिता ब्रह्मर्षिरमितप्रभः। बृहस्पतिसुतः श्रीमान्बुद्ध्या तुल्यो बृहस्पतेः।।।।।
My sire is named Kušadhvaja a Brahmarși of immeasurable energy, son to Bệhaspati, endowed with grace, and like to Bphaspati himself in intelligence.

तस्याहं कुर्वतो नित्यं वेदाभ्यासं महात्मनः। संभूता वाङ्गायी कन्या नाम्ना वेदवती स्मृता॥
And while that high sound one was engaged in the daily study of the Vedas, I was born as his word-impregnated daughter, named Vedavati.

ततो देवाः सगन्धर्वा यक्षराक्षसपन्नगाः। ते चापि गत्वा पितरं वरणं रोचयन्ति मे॥ न च मां स पिता तेभ्यो दत्तवान् राक्षसेश्वर। कारणं तद्वदिष्यामि निशामय महाभुज ॥
When the gods and the Gandharvas and the Yaksas, Raksasas, and Pannagas, coming to my sire asked for me, O foremost of Rākşasas, my father did not bestow me on any one of them. And I shall you the reason thereof; listen, O long-armed one.

पितुस्तु मम जामाता विष्णुः किल सुरेश्वर। अभिप्रेतस्त्रिलोकेशस्तस्मानान्यस्य मे पिता॥ दातुमिच्छति तस्मै तु तच्छुत्वा बलदर्पितः। शंभुर्नाम ततो राजा दैत्यानां कुपितोऽभवत्। तेन रात्रौ शयानो मे पिता पापेन हिंसितः॥ ततो मे जननी दीना तच्छरीरं पितुर्मम। परिष्वज्य महाभागा प्रविष्टा हव्यवाहनम्॥
My father's intended son-in-law was even Vişņu sovereign of the celestials, and the lord of the triune world; and my father would not bestow me on any other. And hearing this, a certain king of the Daityas, named Sambhu proud, of his prowess was wrought up with wrath, and one night as my sire was on bed, that wicked one slew him. Thereat my forlorn mother, of exalted righteousness embracing my father's body entered into fire.

ततो मनोरथं सत्यं पितुर्नारायणं प्रति। करोमीति तमेवाहं हृदयेन समुद्वहे ॥
Then wishing to realise my father's wish touching Närāyana, I have fixed my heart even upon him.

इति प्रतिज्ञामारुह्य चरामि विपुलं तपः। एतत्ते सर्वमाख्यातं मया राक्षसपुङ्गव।॥
Having made this promise, I have been carrying on rigid austerities. Thus, o foremost of Raksasas. I have related to you everything.

नारायणो मम पतिर्न त्वन्यः पुरुषोत्तमात्। आश्रये नियमं घोरं नारायणपरीप्सया॥
Nārāyaṇa is my husband, and not any one else than that best of male beings; and desirous of having Nārāyaṇa I have adopted severe restraints.

विज्ञातस्त्वं हि मे राजन्गच्छ पौलस्त्यनन्दन। जानामि तपसा सर्वं त्रैलोक्ये यद्धिवर्तते॥
I know you, O king. Go you, O son of Paulastya. By virtue of my asceticism I know all that takes place in these three regions.

सोऽब्रवीद्रावणो भूयस्तां कन्यां सुमहाव्रताम्। अवरुह्य विमानाग्रात्कंदर्पशरपीडितः॥
Thereat descending from the front of his car, Ravana, affected with the shafts of Kandarpa, again addressed that girl, observant of a mighty VOW. a

अवलिप्तासि सुश्रोणि यस्यास्ते मतिरीदृशी। वृद्वानां मृगशावाक्षि भ्राजते पुण्यसंचयः॥
O you of sharply hips, in as much as such is your intent, you must be very proud. O you having the eyes of young antelope, accumulation of religious merit suits old people.

त्वं सर्वगुणसंपन्ना नार्हसे वक्तुमीदृशम्। त्रैलोक्यसुन्दरी भीरु यौवनं तेऽतिवर्तते॥
You, furnished with every perfection, should not talk thus. You are the paragon in these three worlds,. Your youth wax away.

अहं लङ्कापतिर्भद्रे दशग्रीव इति श्रुतः। तस्य मे भव भार्या त्वं भुव भोगान्यथासुखम्।।२२।
I am the lord of Lărkā., O gentle lady. known as Dasagriva. Be you my wife, and enjoy pleasures according to your desire.

कश्च तावदसौ यं त्वं विष्णुरित्यभिभाषसे। वीर्येण तपसा चैव भोगेन च बलेन च। स मया नो मसो भद्रे यं त्वं कामयसेऽङ्गने॥
Who is he whom you call Vişņu O mild one, neither in prowess, nor in asceticism, nor in enjoyment, nor in strength, is he my equal, whom, O damsel, you seek.

इत्युक्तवति तस्मिंस्तु वेदवत्यथ साब्रवीत्। मा मैवमिति सा कन्या तमुवाच निशाचरम्॥ त्रैलोक्याधिपतिं विष्णुं सर्वलोकनमस्कृतम्। त्वदृते राक्षसेन्द्रान्यः कोऽवमन्येत बुद्धिमान्॥
Thus accosted, Vedavati said to the nightranger 'Do not say so' in respect of Visnu, lord of this triune sphere, bowed down to by all creatures. Save and except you alone, O King of Raksasa, who, that is intelligent, cried down (Narayana).

एवमुक्तस्तया तत्र वेदवत्या निशाचरः। मूर्धजेषु तदा कन्यां कराग्रेण परामृशत्॥
Thus addressed there by Vedavatī, the nightranger seized the girl by the hair.

ततो वेदवती क्रुद्धा केशान्हस्तेन साच्छिनत्। असिर्भूत्वा करस्तस्याः केशांश्छिन्नांस्तदाकरोत्॥
Thereat Vedavati, wroth, cut off her hair with her hand transformed into a sword.

सा ज्वलन्तीव रोषेण दहन्तीव निशाचरम्। उवाचाग्नि समाधाय मरणाय कृतत्वरा॥
Then, flaming up in ire and as if consuming the night-ranger, she, preparing a funeral pyre, hastened to make away with herself.

धर्षितायास्त्वयानार्य न मे जीवितमिष्यते। रक्षस्तस्मात्प्रवेक्ष्यामि पश्यतस्ते हुताशनम्॥
You object, having been outraged by you I wish not to live. Therefore, O Raksasa, I will enter into fire in your very presence.

यस्मात्तु धर्षिता चाहं त्वया पापात्मना वने। तस्मात्तव वधार्थ हि समुत्पत्स्यत्यहं पुनः॥
As I have in this world been dishonoured by you you are nefarious. I shall again be born to compass your destruction.

नहि शक्यः स्त्रिया हन्तुं पुरुषः पापनिश्चयः। शापे त्वयि मयोत्सृष्टे तपसश्च व्ययो भवेत्॥
It lie not in a female to slay a male intent on sin; and if I utter a curse, it shall cost my asceticism.

यदि त्वस्ति मया किंचित्कृतं दत्तं हुतं तथा। तस्मात्त्वयोनिजा साध्वी भवेयं धर्मिणः सुता ॥
But if I have done anything, given away any thing, offered oblations to the fire, then I shall be the chaste daughter of some virtuous person, albeit unborn of any female vessel.

एवमुक्त्वा प्रविष्टा सा ज्वलितं जातवेदसम्। पपान च दिवो दिव्या पुष्पवृष्टिः समन्ततः॥
Having delivered herself thus, she entered into the flaming fire; and thereat a celestial shower of blossoms rained all around from heaven.

सैषा जनकराजस्य प्रसूता तनया प्रभो। तव भार्या महाबाहो विष्णुस्त्वं हि सनातनः॥
O Lord, this is she that has been born as the daughter of king Janaka, your wife, O mightyarmed one. You are the eternal Visnu.

पूर्वं क्रोधहतः शत्रुर्ययासौ निहतस्तया। उपाश्रयित्वा शैलाभस्तव वीर्यममानुषम्॥
The enemy, endowed with the splendour of a hill, formerly that been slain by her, by help of your superhuman prowess.

एवमेषा महाभागा मत्र्येषूत्पत्स्यते पुनः। क्षेत्रे हलमुखोत्कृष्टे वेद्यामग्निशिखोपमा॥
This one of eminent righteousness would again spring up on earth like a flame from a field furrowed by the plough.

एषा वेदवती नाम पूर्वमासीत्कृते युगे। त्रेतायुगमनुप्राप्य वधार्थं तस्य राक्षसः। उत्पन्ना मैथिलकुले जनकस्य महात्मनः। सीतोत्पन्ना तु सीतेति मानुषेः पुनरुच्यते॥
This one named Vedavatſ was born in the Kệta age; and in the Tretā age, for compassing the destruction of that Rākşasa, she was born in the Maithila line of the high-souled Janaka.