Uttara Kanda: Chapter 16

स जित्वा धनदं राम भ्रातरं राक्षसाधिपः। महासेनप्रसूतिं तद्ययौ शरवणं महत्॥
O Rāma, having, vanquished his brother, the lord of riches, the king of Räkşasas went to the great wood of reeds, where Mahasena was born.

अथापश्यद्दशग्रीवो रौक्मं शरवणं महत्। गभस्तिजालसंवीतं द्वितीयमिव भास्करम्॥ स पर्वतं समारुह्य कंचिद्रम्यवनान्तरम्। प्रेक्षते पुष्पकं तत्र रामविष्टम्भितं तदा॥
The Ten-necked Rāvana saw the great golden wood of reeds. Furnished with networks of solar rays, and appearing like a second Sun, and ascending the mountain, he was surveying the heart of the forest, when, O Rama, Puspaka was (suddenly) deprived of its motion.

विष्टब्धं किमिदं कस्मानागमत्कामगं कृतम्। अचिन्तयद्राक्षसेन्द्रः सचिवैस्तैः समावृतः॥ किनिमित्तमिच्छया मे नेदं गच्छति पुष्पकम्। पर्वतस्योपरिष्ठस्य कर्मेदं कस्यचिद्भवेत्॥ ततोऽब्रवीत्तदा राम मारीचो बुद्धिकोविदः। नेदं निष्कारणं राजन्पुष्पकं यन्न गच्छति॥ अथ वा पुष्पकमिदं धनदानान्यवाहनम्। अतो निस्पन्दमभवद्धनाध्यक्षविनाकृतम्॥
The lord of Räkşasas, could not comprehend how the car which had been so made as to course in accordance with the wish of the rider, could have its course impeded; and thereat he in company with his. councillors thought, 'Wherefore does not his Puşpaka course at my desire over this mountain? Whose act is this?' Thereat Mārīca foremost of intelligent ones said, 'That Puspaka does not course cannot, sire, be without cause; or it may be that in consequence of Puşpaka not having borne any other than the bestower of riches, it has ceased its course not having the lord of wealth for its rider.'

इति वाक्यान्तरे तस्य करालः कृष्णपिङ्गलः। वामनो विकटो मुण्डी नन्दी हस्वभुजो बली॥ ततः पार्श्वमुपागभ्य भवस्यानुचरोऽब्रवीत्। नन्दीश्वरो वचश्चेदं राक्षसेन्द्रमशङ्कितः॥
As they were speaking thus, that attendant of Bhava, Nandi, terrific, of yellow black hue, dwarfish, frightful, with his head shaven, having short arms, and stout, coming up to them, said (this). And the lordly Nandi, undaunted, addressed the sovereign of the Raksasas, saying.

निवर्तस्व दशग्रीव शैले क्रीडति शंकरः। सुपर्णनागयक्षाणां देवगन्धर्वरक्षसाम्॥ सर्वेषामेव भूतानामगम्यः पर्वतः कृतः।
Desist you O Ten-necked one; Śankara sport in the mountain; and (now) He is incapable of being approached by every one, birds, serpents and Yaksas; gods, Gandharvas and Raksasas?

इति नन्दिवचः श्रुत्वा क्रोधात्कम्पितकुण्डलः॥ रोषात्तु ताम्रनयनः पुष्पकादवरुह्य सः। कोऽयं शंकर इत्युक्त्वा शैलमूलमुपागतः॥ सोऽपश्यन्नन्दिनं तत्र देवस्यादूरतः स्थितम्। दीप्तं शूलमवष्टभ्य द्वितीयमिव शंकरम्॥
Hearing Nandi's speech, (Ravana), wrought up with wrath, his eyes coppery, and his earrings shaking, leapt down from Puspaka. And saying, 'who is this Sankara? and he came down to the base of the mount. He beheld there Nandi stationed at the side of the deity, supporting himself on his flaming dart, resembling a second Sankara.

तं दृष्ट्वा वानरमुखमवज्ञाय स राक्षसः। प्रहासं मुमुचे तत्र सतोय इव तोयदः॥
And seeing that one having the face of a monkey, the Raksasas, deriding him, burst out into laughter, and seemed as if a mass of clouds were sending roars.

तं कुद्धो भगवानन्दी शंकरस्यापरा तनुः। अब्रवीत्तत्र तद्रक्षो दशाननमुपस्थितम्॥
Thereat, growing enraged, the reverend Nandi Sankara's other body spoke into that Rākṣasa The Ten-necked one present there.

यस्माद्वानररूपं मामवज्ञाय दशानन। अशनीपातसंकाशमपहासं प्रमुक्तवान्॥ तस्मान्मवीर्यसंयुक्ता मद्रूपसमतेजसः। उत्पत्स्यन्ति वधार्थ हि कुलस्य तव वानराः॥
“As O Daśānana, deriding me for my monkery-form, you have indulged in a laughter resembling the bursting of thunder, do monkeys endowed with prowess, and possessed of my form and energy shall be born for compassing the destruction of your race.

नखदंष्ट्रायुधाः क्रूर मन:संपातरंहसः। युद्धोन्मत्ता बलोद्रिक्ताः शैला इव विसर्पिणः॥ ते तव प्रबलं दर्पमुत्सेधं च पृथग्विधम्। व्यपनेष्यन्ति संभूय सहामात्यमुतस्य च॥
And armed with teeth and claws, and fierce and furnished with the fleetness of thought, and mad for encounter, and bursting with vigour, and resembling moving mountains and being born, they shall crush your high pride and power along with your courtiers and sons.

किं त्विदानी मया शक्यं हन्तुं त्वां हे निशाचर। न हन्तव्यो हतस्त्वं हि पूर्वमेव स्वकर्मभिः॥
But, O night-ranger, I can even now end you quite; yet I must not slay you for you have ere this been slain by your acts.

इत्युदीरितवाक्ये तु देवे तस्मिन्महात्मनि। देवदुन्दुभ्यो नेदुः पुष्पवृष्टिश्च खाच्च्युता॥
When that high-souled god had spoken thus celestial kettle-drums sounded and a blossomy shower rained from the sky.

अचिन्तयित्वा स तदा नन्दिवाक्यं महाबलः। पर्वतं तु समासाद्य वाक्यमाह दशाननः॥
But without heeding Nandi's speech, that highly powerful one Daśānana coming to the mountain, said.

पुष्पकस्य गतिश्छिन्ना यत्कृते मम गच्छतः। तमिमं शैलमुन्मूलं करोमि तव गोपते॥
'O Gopati, I will even uproot this mountain, for whom Pușpaka was deprived of its motion as I was journeying.

केन प्रभावेण भवा नित्यं क्रीडति राजवत्। विज्ञातव्यं न जानीते भयस्थानमुपस्थितम्॥
It must be known by what influence Bhavasvara sport here king-like. He does not know that an occasion of fear has presented itself?'

एवमुक्त्वा तं राम भुजान्विक्षिप्य पर्वते। तोलयामास तं शीघ्रं स शैलं समकम्पत॥
Having said this, O Rama, Ravana seizing the mountain with his arms, lifted it up at once; and then the mountain trembled greatly.

चा नात्पर्ततस्यैव राणा देवस्य कम्पिताः। चचाल पार्वती चापि तदाश्लिष्टा महेश्वरम्॥
And in consequence of the mountain shaking the attendants of the deity (dwelling in it) also shook. And Pārvatí also trembled and embraced Mahesvara. as

ततो राम महादवो देवानां प्रवरो हरः। पादाङ्गुष्ठेन तं शैलं पीडयामास लीलया॥
Then, O Rāma, Mahadeva foremost of the deities even Hara, as in sport pressed the mount with his great toe.

पीडितास्तु ततस्तस्य शैलस्तम्भोपमा भुजाः। विस्मिताश्चाभवंस्तत्र सचिवास्तस्य रक्षसः॥
Thereat his arms, resembling blocks of stone felt the shock and then there the councillors of that Rākşasa were struck with amaze.

रक्षसा तेन रोषाच्च भुजानां पीडनात्तथा। मुक्तो विरावः सहसा त्रैलोक्यं येन कम्पितम्।।२९
The Rākṣasa, from wrath and the pain felt in his arms, set up a shout that shook the entire triune world.

मेनिरे वज्रनिष्पेषं तस्यामात्या युगक्षये। तदा वर्त्मसु चलिता देवा इन्द्रपुरोगमाः॥ समुद्राश्चापि संक्षुब्धाश्चलिताश्चापि पर्वताः। यक्षा विद्याधराः सिद्धाः किमेतदिति चाब्रुवन्।।३१
His councillors considered it the concussion of the thunder at the universal disruption. And then the celestials with Indra at their head shook on their way; and the sea was wild and the mountains shook. And Yakşas and Vidyadharas and Siddhas asked, "What is this.'

तोषयस्व महादेवं नीलकण्ठमुमापतिम्। तमृते शरणं नान्यं पश्यामोऽत्र दशानन॥
'Do you propitiate Uma's lord the bluethroated Mahādeva; for, O Daśānana, save him your refuge see we none in this matter.

स्तुतिभिः प्रणतो भूत्वा तमेव शरणं व्रज। कृपालुः शंकरस्तुष्टः प्रसादं ते विधास्यति ॥
Bowing yourself down, do you seek him as your shelter. Then the kind Sankara, on being gratified, will confer on you his favour.

एवमुक्तस्तदामात्यैस्तुष्टाव वृषभध्वजम् । समाभिर्विविधैः स्तोत्रैः प्रणभ्य स दशाननः। संवत्सरसहस्रं तु रुदतो रक्षसो गतम्॥
Thus accosted by his councillors, the Tenfaced one, bowing down to him having the bull for his standard, began to hymn him with various soma hymns; and the Rākşasa passed away a good thousand years in lamentations.

ततः प्रीतो महादेवः शैलाने विष्ठितं प्रभुः। मुक्त्वा चास्य भुजाराम प्राह वाक्यं दशाननम्॥
Thereat that Lord Mahādeva, pleased, set free the hands of Daśānana stationed at the top of the mount, and O Rāma, addressed him, saying.

प्रीतोऽस्मि तव वीरस्य शौटीर्याच्च दशानन। शैलाक्रान्तेन यो मुक्तस्त्वयारावः सुदारुणः॥ यस्माल्लोकत्रयं चैतद्रावितं भयमागतम्। तस्मात्त्वं रावणो नाम नाम्ना राजन्भविष्यसि ॥
O Daśānana, pleased am I with you on account of your hymns. And as in consequence of your arms having been hurt by the mountain, you have uttered a terrific yell, which struck horror into the worlds and put them shaking, therefore, o King, your name shall be Ravana.

देवता मानुषा यक्षा ये चान्ये जगतीतले। एवं त्वामभिधास्यन्ति रावणं लोकरावणम्॥
And deities and men, Yakşas and others living on earth shall call you Rāvana terror to creatures,

गच्छ पौलस्त्य विस्रब्धं पथा येन त्वमिच्छसि। मया चैवाभ्यनुज्ञातो राक्षसाधिप गम्यताम्॥
Go, O Paulastya, which way you wish with confidence, and permitted by me, O Lord of Raksasas, go you.

एवमुक्तस्तु लङ्केशः : शंभुना स्वयमब्रवीत्। प्रीतो यदि महादेव वरं मे देहि याचतः॥
Thus accosted by Sambhu, Larkā's lord said of himself. 'If you are pleased with me, grant me a boon, who ask you for it.

अवध्यत्वं मया प्राप्तं देवगन्धर्वदानवैः। राक्षसैर्गुह्यकै गैर्ये चान्ये बलवत्तराः॥
I have already obtained a boon, bestowing on me immunity from death at the hands of gods, Gandharvas and Dānavas; and Rākşasas and Guyhakas and Nāgas; and others also that are of more than ordinary strength.

मानुषान गणे देव स्वल्पास्ते मम संमताः। दीर्घमायुश्च में प्राप्तं ब्रह्मणस्त्रिपुरान्तक। वाञ्छितं चायुषः शेषं शस्त्रं त्वं च प्रयच्छ मे॥
Man count I not ogod: They, I deem, are insignificant. I have also, O destroyer of Tripura, received a long lease of life from Brahmä. Now I wish to pass the remainder of my days in peace: and do you grant me a weapon.

एवमुक्तस्ततस्तेन रावणेन स शंकरः। ददौ खङ्गं महादीप्तं चन्द्रहासमिति श्रुतम्। आयुषश्चावशषं च ददौ भूतपतिस्तदा॥
Thus addressed by him, (Ravana,) Sankara gave him an exceedingly effulgent sword, famed as Candrahāsa; and the master of spectres then also granted him peace for the rest of his life.

दत्त्वोवाच ततः शंभु वज्ञेयमिदं त्वया। अवज्ञातं यदि हि ते मामेवैष्यत्यसंशयः॥
And making (the sword) over to him, Sambhu said, “You must not disregard this. If disregarded, it will for certain come (back) to me?'

एवं महेश्वेणैव कृतनामा स रावणः। अभिवाद्य महादेवमारुरोहाथ पुष्पकम्॥
Having thus received his his name from Mahesvara, Rāvana, saluting Mahadeva, ascended Puspaka.

ततो महीतलं राम पर्यक्रामत रावणः। क्षत्रियान्सुमहावीर्यान्बाधमानस्ततस्ततः॥ केचित्तेजस्विनः शूराः क्षत्रिया युद्धदुर्मदाः। तच्छासनमकुर्वन्तो विनेशुः सपरिच्छदाः॥
Then, O Rāma, Rāvaņa, began to go round the earth. And opposed at places, by the heroic Kșatriyas endowed with energy and irrepressible in fight, fight, who refused submission, he exterminated them along with their retainers.

अपरे दुर्जयं रक्षो जानन्तः प्राज्ञसंमताः। जिताः स्म इत्यभाषन्त राक्षसं बलदर्पितम्॥
While other men of wisdom, knowing the Räkşasa to be invincible, said to the Rākṣasas elated with strength, "We have been conquered?”