Uttara Kanda: Chapter 13

अथ लोकेश्वरोत्सृष्टा तब कालेन केन चित्। निद्रा समभवत्तीव्रा कुम्भकर्णस्य रूपिणी॥
Once upon a time in came to pass that, despatched by the lord of creatures, Steep in her (native) form powerfully overpowered Kumbhakarna.

ततो भ्रातरमासीनं कुम्भकर्णोऽब्रवीद्वचः। निद्रा मां बाधते राजन्कारयस्व ममालयम्॥
Then Kumbhakarņa spoke to his brother, who was seated, 'O king, Sleep obstructs me. Do you, therefore, have my mansion made.

विनियुक्तास्ततो राज्ञा शिल्पनो विश्वकर्मवत्। विस्तीर्ण योजनं स्निग्धं ततो द्विगुणमायतम्॥ दर्शनीयं निराबाधं कुम्भकर्णस्य चक्रिरे। स्फाटिकैः काञ्चश्चित्रैः स्तम्भैः सर्वत्र शोभितम्॥ वैदूर्यकृतसोपानं किङ्किणीजालकं तथा। दान्ततोरणविन्यस्तं वज्रस्फटिकवेदिकम्।५।। मनोहरं सर्वसुखं कारयामास राक्षसः। सर्वत्र सुखदं नित्यं मेरोः पुण्यां गुहामिव ॥
Thereupon, employed by the king, architects resembling Viśvakarmă constructed an edifice beautiful to behold, measuring the smooth space of a Yojana diagonally and two in area; graceful to the view and having no obstruction (to hide its beauty). And the Rākşasa caused a splendid and delightful pile to be built, adorned all round with pillars decked with gold and crystal, having stairs composed of lapises, furnished with networks of small bells, set with ivory gateways, and containing daises-dight with diamonds and crystal elegant throughout, and enduring, like to a goodly cave of Maru.

तत्र निद्रां समाविष्टः कुम्भकर्णो महाबलः। बहून्यब्दसहस्राणि शयानो न च बुद्ध्यते॥
There, overcome with slumber, the wondrous strong Kumbhakarņa, lying down for many thousand years, did not wake up.

निद्राभिभूते तु तदा कुम्भकर्णे दशाननः। देवर्षियक्षगन्धर्वान्संजघ्ने हि निरङ्कुशः॥ उद्यानानि विचित्राणि नन्दनादीनि यानि च। तानि गत्वा सुसंक्रुद्धो भिनत्ति स्म दशाननः॥
While Kumbhakarna was overpowered by sleep, Daśānana* without let began to destroy Devarşis, Yakşas and Gandharvas, and going to graceful gardens, Nandana, etc., he devastated them (ruthlessly). *Henceforth we shall use this significant surname of Rāvana, meaning Ten-faced.

नदी गज इव क्रीडन्वृक्षान्वायुरिव क्षिपन्। नगान्वज्र इवोत्सृष्टो विध्वंसयति राक्षसः॥
That Rākşasa spread destruction, even as an elephant sporting agitates a river, as the wind bring down trees, or as the thunder-bolt rive mountain-peaks.

यथावृत्तं तु विज्ञाय दशग्रीवं धनेश्वरः। कुलानुरूपं धर्मज्ञो वृत्तं संस्मृत्य चात्मनः॥ सौभ्रात्रदर्शनार्थं तु दूतं वैश्रवणस्तदा। लङ्कां संप्रेषयामास दशग्रीवस्य वै हितम्॥
Hearing of the doings of Dasagrīva,* and remembering his conduct chiming in with his race, the righteous lord of riches Vaisravanashowing his fraternal affection, despatched a messenger to Lankā, seeking the welfare of Dasagriva. *Ten-necked.

स गत्वा नगरी लङ्काससाद विभीषणम्। मानितस्तेन धर्मेण पृष्टश्चागमनं प्रति॥
Going to the city of Lankā, he presented himself before Vibhīşaņa. And having received him with honour, he asked him as to the cause of his visit.

पृष्ट्वा च कुशलं राज्ञो ज्ञातीनां च बिभीषणः। सभायां दर्शयामास तमासीनं दशाननम्॥
Having enquired after the welfare of the king as well as his kindred, Vibhīşaņa, showed him to Daśānana seated in his court.

स दृष्ट्वा तत्र राजानं दीप्यमानं स्वतेजसा। जयेति वाचा संपूज्य तूष्णीं समभिवर्तते॥
Seeing the king there flaming in his own energy, he (the messenger), saluting him (Rāvana) with the word Jaya* stood silent. *Jaya may mean (1) victory and (2) all the deities of the Hindu pantheon.

स तत्रोत्तमपर्यङ्के वरास्तरणशोभिते। उपविष्टं दशग्रीवं दूतो वाक्यमथाब्रवीत्॥
The envoy addressed Dasagrīva, seated on a superb couch, graced with a costly coverlet.

राजन्वदामि ते सर्व भ्राता तव यदब्रवीत्। उभयोः सदृशं वीर वृत्तस्य च कुलस्य च ॥ साधु पर्याप्तमेतावत्कृत्यश्चारिक्षसंग्रहः। साधु धर्मे व्यवस्थानं क्रियतां यदि शक्यते॥ दृष्टं मे नन्दनं भग्नमृषयो निहताः श्रुताः। देवतानां समुद्योगस्त्वत्तो राजन्मया श्रुतः॥
O king, I shall tell you all that your brother has said, worthy of both the character and race of your father and mother, Enough of wrong doing. Now you should mend your ways. If you can, stay in righteousness. I have seen Nandana ravaged; and I have heard of the sages slain, and Oking, of the preparations the deities are making against you.

निराकृतश्च बहुशस्त्वयाह राक्षसाधिप। सापराधोऽपि बालो हि रक्षितव्यः स्वबान्धवैः।।२०
I have been utterly disregarded by you; but even if a boy should transgress, he should, for all that be protected by his family members.

अहं तु हिमवत्पृष्ठं गतो धर्ममुपासितुम्। रौद्रं व्रतं समास्थाय नियतो नियतेन्द्रियः॥
Self-restrained and controlling my senses, I, adopting a terrific vow, had gone to the breast to the Himavān for practising righteousness.

तत्र देवो मया दृष्ट उमया सहितः प्रभुः। सव्यं चक्षुर्मया दैवात्तत्र देव्यां निपातितम् ॥ कान्वेषेति महाराज न खल्वन्येन हेतुना। रूपं चानुपमं कृत्वा रुद्राणी तत्र तिष्ठति ॥
There I saw that lord of the gods in company with Umā. There I happened to cast my left eye on the goddess, for ‘knowing, O mighty king, who she was, and not for any other reason. Rudrāņi was staying then, wearing a surpassing form.

देव्या दिव्यप्रभावेण दग्धं सव्यं ममेक्षणम्। रेणुध्वस्तमिव ज्योतिः पिङ्गलत्वमुपागतम्॥
Thereupon through the divine energy of the goddess my left eye was burnt and seemed to be covered with dust, and its lustre became tawny.

ततोऽमन्यद्विस्तीर्णं गत्वा तस्य गिरेस्तटम्। तूष्णीं वर्षशतान्यष्टौ ममवारं महाव्रतम्॥
Then I, going to another spacious peak of the inountain, became engaged in silently observing a mighty vow.

समाप्ते नियमे तस्मिंस्तत्र देवो महेश्वरः। ततः प्रीतेन मनसा प्राह वाक्यमिदं प्रभुः॥
On my term of restraint having been complete, that lord of the gods Maheśvara with a gratified heart addressed me, saying.

प्रीतोऽस्मि तव धर्मज्ञ तपसानेन सुव्रत। मया चैतव्रतं चीर्णं त्वया चैव धनाधिप॥
O righteous one, you of fair vows, I am wellpleased with this asceticism of your. I also had observed this vow; and you also, O lord of riches, have done the same.

तृतीयः पुरुषो नास्ति यश्चेरद्बतमीदृशम्। व्रतं सुदुष्करं ह्येतन्मयैवोत्पादितं पुरा ॥
A third person there is none that practise such a vow. This vow is hard to perform, and formerly it was I that introduced it.

तत्सखित्वं मया सौम्य रोचयस्व धनेश्वर। तपसा निर्जीतश्चैव सखा भव ममानघ ॥
Therefore, O mild one, O lord of riches, do you contract friendship with me. And you have conquered me by your penances. Therefore, O be you my friend.

देव्या दग्धं प्रभावेण यच्च सव्यं तवेक्षणम्। पैङ्गल्यं यदवाप्तं हि देव्या रूपनिरीक्षणात्॥ एकाक्षिपिङ्गलीत्येव नाम स्थास्यति शाश्वतम्। एवं तेन सखित्वं च प्राप्यानुज्ञां च शंकरात्॥ आगतेन मया चैवं श्रुतस्ते पापनिश्चयः।
This your left eye has been burnt through the energy of the goddess, and has turned tawny in consequence of having seen the grace of the goddess; your shall be Ekāksipingala. Then at Saikara's command I sinless one, SO name ever have obtained the privilege of companionship (with him). Having come here I have heard of your evil designs.

तदधर्मिष्ठसंयोगानिवर्त कुलदूषणात्॥ चिन्त्यते हि वधोपायः सर्षिसङ्घः सुरैस्तव।
Do you then desist from this impious course, tending to sully your line. The celestials along with the sages are pondering over the means of compassing your death.

एवमुक्तो दश्ग्रीवः कोपसंरक्तलोचनः॥ हस्तान्दन्तांश्च संपिष्य वाक्यमेतदुवाच ह।
Thus addressed, the Ten necked one, with his eyes reddened in wrath, rubbing his hands and knashing his teeth, said.

विज्ञातं ते मया दूत वाक्यं यत्त्वं प्रभाषसे॥ नैव त्वमसि नैवासौ भ्रात्रा येनासि चोदितः। हितं नैष ममैतद्धि ब्रवीति धनरक्षकः॥ महेश्वरसखित्वं तु मूढः श्रावयते किल।
O messenger, I have learnt what you have uttered. Neither you nor this brother of mine by whom you have been despatched, (shall live); nor does the keeper of riches say what is for my good. And the fool makes me hear the circumstance of his having made friends with Mahesvara.

नैवेदं क्षमणीयं मे यदेतद्भाषितं त्वया॥ यदेतावन्मया कालं दूत तस्य तु मर्षितम्। न हन्तव्यो गुरुज्येष्ठो मयायमिति मन्यते॥
I shall never forgive what you have said. Up to this I had borne him, considering that he, being my elder brother and as such my superior should not be slain by me.

तस्य त्विदानीं श्रुत्वा मे वाक्यमेषा कृता मतिः। त्रौंल्लोकानपि जेष्यामि बाहुवीर्यमुपाश्रितः॥
But now hearing his (utterances), even this is my resolve. Depending upon the might of my arms, I shall conquer the three worlds.

एतन्मुहूर्तमेवाहं तस्यैतस्य तु वै कृते। चतुरो लोकपालांस्तानयिष्यामि यमक्षयम्॥
On his account solely I shall on the instant despatch the four Lokapālas to the abode of Death.

एवमुक्त्वा तु लङ्केशो दूतं खङ्गेन जघ्निवान्। ददौ भक्षयितुं ह्येनं राक्षसानां दुरात्मनाम्॥
Having said this, Lanka's lord killed the emissary with his sword and made him over to the wicked Räksasas for being eaten.

ततः कृतस्वस्त्ययनो रथमारुह्य रावणः। त्रैलोक्यविजयाकांक्षी ययौ यत्र धनेश्वरः॥
Then, having performed Svastyayana, Rāvana, ascending his car, went to where the lord of riches was, bent on conquering the three worlds.