Uttara Kanda: Chapter 11

सुमाली वरलब्धांस्तु ज्ञात्वा चैतानिशाचरान्। उदतिष्ठद्भयं त्यक्त्वा सानुगः स रसातलात्॥
Learning that these night-rangers had obtained boons, Sumāli with his followers, casting off fear, rose up from the nether regions.

मारीचश्च प्रहस्तश्च विरूपाक्षो महोदरः। उदतिष्ठन्सुसंरब्धाः सचिवास्तस्य रक्षसः॥
And wrought up with exceeding great wrath, the counsellors of that Rākşasas-Mārīca and Prahasta and Virūpākṣa and Mahodara-also rose up.

सुमाली सचिवैः सार्धं वृतो राक्षसपुङ्गवैः। अभिगम्य दशग्रीवं परिष्वज्येदमब्रवीत्॥
Accompanied by his counsellors-foremost of Rākşasas-Sumāli presenting himself before the Ten-necked one and embracing him, addressed him, saying.

दिष्ट्या ते वत्स संप्राप्तश्चिन्तितोऽयं मनोरथः। यस्त्वं त्रिभुवनश्रेष्ठाल्लब्धवान्वरमुत्तमम्॥
By good fortune it is, O child, that through you we have had the wish that was in our heart, inasmuch as you have received the best of boons from him that is the foremost of all these three worlds.

यत्कृते च वयं लङ्कां त्यक्त्वा याता रसातलम्। तद्गतं नो महाबाहो महद्विष्णुकृतं भयम्॥
O mighty-armed one, that great fear arising from Vişnu, from which leaving Larkā, we had gone to the nethermost abysses, has been removed.

असकृत्तद्भयाद्भग्नाः परित्यज्य स्वमालयम्। विदूताः सहिताः सर्वे प्रविष्टाः स्म रसातलम् ॥
Full many a time, brought down by that fear, we, on being pursued (by our enemies), forsaking our homes, had gone to the nether regions along with all those (related to us).

अस्मदीया च लङ्केयं नगरी राक्षसोषिता। निवेशिता तव भ्रात्रा धनाध्यक्षेण धीमता॥
This Lankā was our city, inhabited by Rākşasas. (Now) it is inhabited by the brotherthe intelligent lord of riches.

यदि नामात्र शक्यं स्यात्साम्ना दानेन वानघ। तरसा वा महाबाहो प्रत्यानेतुं कृतं भवेत्॥ त्वं च लङ्केश्वरस्तात भविष्यसि न संशयः। त्वया राक्षसवंशोऽयं निमग्नोऽपि समुद्धृतः॥
O mighty-armed one, if you can through selfcontrol or charity or by a sudden display of prowess, repossesses yourself of the same, a (great) thing shall have been achieved; and then, O child, you should, without doubt, be the lord of Lankā; and this Raksasa race, which has sunk, shall have been raised up by you.

सर्वेषां नः प्रभुश्चैव भविष्यसि महाबल। अथाब्रवीद्दशग्रीवो मातामहमुपस्थितम्॥
O you endowed with prodigious strength, you shall be the lord of all. Then the Ten-necked one addressed his maternal grand-father, who was present.

वित्तेशो गुरुरस्माकं नार्हसे वक्तुमीदृशम्। साम्ना हि राक्षसेन्द्रेण प्रत्याख्यातो गरीयसा॥ किंचिन्नाह तदा रक्षो ज्ञात्वा तस्य चिकीर्षितम्।
The lord of riches is our superior; therefore you ought not to speak thus. On that dignified were Rākşasa-chief having through moderation thus passed it by, that Rākşasa, understanding his intent, did not then say anything more.

कस्यचित्त्वथ कालस्य वसन्तं रावणं ततः॥ प्रहस्तः प्रश्रितं वाक्यमिदमाह स रावणम्।
It came to pass that when Rāvana had resided there for a time, Prahasta addressed him in humble speech.

दशग्रीव महाबाहो नार्हसे वक्तुमीदृशम्॥ सौभ्रात्रं नास्ति शूराणां शृणु चेदं वचो मम।
O Ten-necked one, O long-armed (hero), it does not behove you to speak thus. Faternal feeling there is none among heroes. Listen to these words of mine!

अदितिश्च दितिश्चैव भगिन्यौ सहिते हि ते॥ भार्ये परमरूपिण्यौ कश्यपस्य प्रजापतेः।
There two sisters-Aditi and Diti, mutually attached to each other, those (damsels) endowed with surpassing beauty, became the wives of that lord of creatures-Kaśyapa.

अदितिर्जनयामास देवांस्त्रिभुवनेश्वरान्॥ दितिस्त्वजनयदैत्यान्कश्यपस्यात्मसंभवान्।
Aditi brought forth the gods, who are the lords of three worlds. And Diti gave birth to the Daityas, offspring of Kasyapa.

दैत्यानां किल धर्मज्ञ पुरेयं वसनार्णवा॥ सपर्वता मही वीर तेऽभवन्प्रभविष्णवः। निहत्य तांस्तु समरे विष्णुना प्रभविष्णुना ॥ देवानां वशमानीतं त्रैलोक्यमिदमव्ययम्।
O you cognisant of righteousness, formerly this earth, O hero, having the ocean for her garment, and furnished with mountains, belonged to the Daityas; and (gradually) they grew very powerful. And then this undeteriorating triune world was brought under the dominion of the celestials.

नैतदेको भवानेव करिष्यति विपर्ययम्॥ सुरासुरैराचरितं तत्कुरुष्व वचो मम।
So that you are not the only one that would act inimically (to your brother); but this course had formerly been pursued by both the celestials and the Asuras. Therefore do you act in conformity with my word.

एवमुक्तो दशग्रीवः प्रहृष्टेनान्तरात्मना॥ चिन्तयित्वा मुहूर्त वै बाढमित्येव सोऽब्रवीत्। स तु तेनैव हर्षेण तस्मिनहनि वीर्यवान्॥ वनं गतो दशग्रीवः सह तैः क्षणदाचरैः।
Thus exhorted, the Ten-necked one, with a delighted heart, reflecting for a moment, said, 'Very well.' And wrought up with delight, the Ten-necked one endowed with prowess the very same day went to the forest, accompanied by the night-rangers.

त्रिकूटस्थः स तु तदा दशग्रीवो निशाचरः॥ प्रेषयामास दौत्येन प्रहस्तं वाक्यकोविदः।
Arriving at Trikuta, that one skilled in speechthe night-ranger, Ravana-sent Prahasta in the ca vacity of an ambassador:

प्रहस्त शीघ्रं गच्छ त्वं ब्रूहि नैर्ऋतपुङ्गवम्॥ वचसा मम वित्तेशं सामपूर्वमिदं वचः।
O Prahasta, hie you; and tell the foremost of Naiſtas-the lord of riches-in my words informed with mildness.

इयं लङ्का पुरी राजनराक्षसानां महात्मनाम्॥ त्वया निवेशिता सौम्य नैतद्युक्तं तवानघ।
This city of Lankā, O king, belongs to the high-souled Rākṣasas; but you have established yourself in her. This, O sinless one, is not proper for you.

तद्भवान्यदि नो ह्यद्य दद्यादतुलविक्रम॥ कृता भवेन्मम प्रीतिर्धर्मश्चैवानुपालितः।
Therefore, O you of unrivalled prowess, if you should render the same (back), I shall be highly gratified; and righteousness also you will maintain.

स तु गत्वा पुरीं लङ्कां धनदेन सुरक्षिताम्॥ अब्रवीत्परमोदारं वित्तपालमिदं वचः।
Thereupon, repairing to Lankā, well-protected by the giver of riches, Prahasta communicated these words to the highly generous ruler of riches.

प्रेषितोऽहं तव भ्रात्रा दशग्रीवेण सुव्रत॥ त्वत्समीपं महाबाहो सर्वशस्त्रभृतां वर। वचनं मम वित्तेश यद्ब्रवीति दशाननः॥
O you of excellent vows, I have been sent to you by your brother, the Ten-necked one. O long-armed one, O foremost of those versed in all branches of learning, do you listen to my words, O lord of wealth, and what the Ten-faced one says.

इयं किल पुरी रम्या सुमालिप्रमुखैः पुरा। भुक्तपूर्वा विशालाक्ष राक्षसैर्भीपविक्रमैः॥ तेन विज्ञाप्यते सोऽयं सांप्रतं विश्रवात्मज। तदेषा दीयतां तात याचतस्तस्य सामतः॥
This beautiful city, O you furnished with expansive eyes, was formerly inhabited by Räkşasas of dreadful prowess headed by Sumāli; and for that reason, O son of Viśravā, he asks you this. Do you, my child, grant this to him, who is humbly begging for it.

प्रहस्तादपि संश्रुत्य देवो वैश्रवणो वचः। प्रत्युवाच प्रहस्तं तं वाक्यं वाक्यविदां वरः॥
Hearing these words from Prahasta, the god Vaiśravaņa, best of those skilled in speech, answered the former.

दत्ता ममेयं पित्रा तु लङ्का शून्या निशाचरैः। निवेशिता च मे रक्षो दानमानादिभिर्गुणैः॥
My father had given this to me, when it had been emptied of night-rangers; and, O Raksasa, I have inhabited this place, furnished with charity, honour and other virtues.

ब्रूहि गच्छ दशग्रीवं पुरी राज्यं च यन्मम। तवाप्येतन्महाबाहो भुक्ष्व राज्यमकण्टकम्॥
Go and tell the Ten-necked one, as this city and this kingdom are mine, so they are your, O mighty-armed one. Do you enjoy this kingdom without a foe.

अतिभक्तं त्वया सार्धं राज्यं यच्चापि मे वसु। एवमुक्त्वा धनाध्यक्षो जगाम पितुरन्तिकम्॥ अभिवाद्य गुरुं प्राह रावणस्य यदीप्सितम्। एष तात दशग्रीवो दूतं प्रेषितवान्मम॥ दीयतां नगरी लङ्का पूर्वं रक्षोगणोषिता। मयात्र यदनुष्ठेयं तन्ममाचक्ष्व सुव्रत॥
May my kingdom and wealth never undergo division when you are present! 'Having said this, the lord of riches sought the side of his sire, and, paying him reverence, he communicated Ravana's wish to him:' My father, this Tennecked one had sent a messenger to me, saying, Give (back) the city Lankā, which had before been inhabited by hosts of Rakşasa. Now, O you of excellent vows, do you tell me what I should do.

ब्रह्मर्षिस्त्वेवमुक्तोऽसौ विश्रवा मुनिपुंगवः। प्राञ्जलिं धनदं प्राह शृणु पुत्र वचो मम॥
Thus accosted, that foremost of ascetics, the Brahmarși Viśravă spoke to the lord of riches (standing) with joined hands, 'O son, listen to my words.

दशग्रीवो महाबाहुरुक्तवान्मम संनिधौ। मया निर्भर्त्सतश्चासीद्बहुशोक्तः सुदुर्मतिः॥ स क्रोधेन मया चोक्तो ध्वंससे च पुनः पुनः।
The mighty-armed Ten-necked one had (once); spoken in my presence (to that effect). Thereat I greatly rebuked that wicked-minded one; and I said again and again in anger, You disregard (your religion and honour).

श्रेयोऽभियुक्तं धयं च शृणु पुत्र वचो मम॥ वरप्रदानसंमूढो मान्यामान्यं सुदुर्मतिः। न वेत्ति मम शापाच्च प्रकृति दारुणां गतः॥
Do you listen to my words fraught with religion and profit. Of a wicked heart, you, with your understanding spoilt in consequence of the granting of the boon, can not distinguish between those deserving honour and those not; and, further, through my curse, you have come by fierce nature.

तस्माद्गच्छ महाबाहो कैलासं धरणीधरम्। निवेशय निवासार्थं त्यक्त्वा लङ्कां सहानुगः॥
Therefore, O mighty-armed one, go to the mountain, Kailasa. Do you, along with your retainers, for the purpose of dwelling there, take up your quarters (there).

तत्र मन्दाकिनी रम्या नदीनामुत्तमा नदी. काञ्चनैः सूर्यसंकाशैः पङ्कजैः संवृतोदका॥ कुमुदैरुत्पलैश्चैव अन्यैश्चैव सुगन्धिभिः।
There flowes the Mandākini best of streams, with her water covered with golden lotuses resembling suns, as also with lilies and blue lotuses and various other fragment flowers.

तत्र देवाः सगन्धर्वाः साप्सरोरगकिंनराः।॥ विहारशीलाः सततं रमन्ते सर्वदाश्रिताः। नहि क्षमं तवानेन वैरं धनद रक्षसा। जानीषे हि यथानेन लब्धः परमको वरः।॥
And coming there frequently, celestials with Gandharvas and Apsarās and serpents and Kinnaras, ever sport there. O lord of riches, you ought not to enter into hostilities with that Raksasa. You know how he has obtained a great boon.

एवमुक्तो गृहीत्वा तु तद्वचः पितृगौरवात्। सदारपुत्रः सामात्यः सवाहनधनो गतः॥
Thus addressed, Vaisravana, for the sake of his father's dignity, with his wives and sons, with his counsellors and his vehicles and wealth went (to Kailasa).

प्रहस्तोऽथ दशग्रीवं गत्वा वचनमब्रवीत्। प्रहृष्टात्मा महात्मानं महामात्यं सहाजुनम् ॥
And Prahasta, going (back), joyfully spoke to the high-souled Ten-necked one, (seated) with his counsellors and his younger brothers.

शून्या सा नगरी लङ्का त्यक्त्त्वैनां धनदो गतः। प्रविश्य तां महास्माभिः स्वधर्म तत्र पालयः॥
The city of Lanka is (now) empty. Renouncing her, the bestower of riches has gone out of her. (Now) entering into her, along with us, do you there maintain your own religion.

एवमुक्तो दशग्रीवः प्रहस्तेन महाबलः। विवेश नगरी लङ्का भ्रातृभिः सबलानुगैः॥ धनदेन परित्यक्तां सुविभक्तमहापथाम्। आरुरोह स देवारिः स्वर्ग देवाधिपो यथा॥
Thus addressed by Prahasta, the redoubtable Ten-necked one, entered the city of Lanka with his brothers and forces and followers. And then even as the lord of the celestials ascends heaven, that foe of the immortals ascended Lanka welldivided by highways, which had been forsaken by the lord of wealth.

स चाभिषिक्तः क्षणदाचरैस्तदा निवेशयामास पुरी दशाननः। निकामपूर्णा च बभूव सा पुरी निशाचरैर्नीलबलाहकोपमैः।॥
Having been installed, that night-ranger the Ten-faced one dwelt in that city; and that city teemed with night-rangers resembling dark clouds.

वेशयच्छशिविमले गिरौ पुरीम्। स्वलंकृतैर्भवनवरैर्विभूषितां पुरंदरः स्वरिव यथामरावतीम्॥
The lord of riches, for the sake of his father's dignity, dwelt in a palace situated on the hill bright as moon-light, graced with ornamented superb piles; even as Purandara dwells in Amaravati.