Uttara Kanda: Chapter 109

प्रभातायां तु शर्वर्या-पृथुवक्षा महायशाः। रामः कमलपत्राक्षः पुरोधसमथाब्रवीत्॥
After the night had expired the highly illustrious Rāma having a spacious breast and eyes like lotus petals said to the priest.

अग्निहोत्रं व्रजत्वग्रे दीप्यमानं सह द्विजैः। वाजपेयातपत्रं च शोभमानं महापथे॥
Let the brilliant umbrellas Agnihotra, and Vājapeya go with the Brāhmaṇas before, which look well in the great road.

ततो वसिष्ठस्तेजस्वी सर्व निरवशेषतः। चकार विधिवद्धर्म माहाप्रस्थानिक विधिम्॥
There upon the highly effulgent Vasiştha arranged duly all the ceremonies necessary for going to the next world.

ततः सूक्ष्माम्बरधरो ब्रह्ममावर्तयन्परम्। कुशान्गृहीत्वा पाणिभ्यां सरयूं प्रययावथ॥
There upon wearing a thin cloth, holding Kuśa grass by his fingers, and reciting Vedic hymns he proceeded to the banks of Sarayū.

अव्याहरन्क्वचित्किचिनिश्चेष्टो निःसुखः पथि। निर्जगाम गृहात्तस्माद्दीप्यमानो यथांशुमान्॥
Having given up all actions of senses, and suffered the pains of going on foot he issued out of the city speechless like to the burning sun.

रामस्य दक्षिणे पार्श्वे पद्मा श्रीः समुपाश्रिता। सव्येऽपि च मही देवी व्यवसायस्तथाग्रतः॥ शरा नानाविधाश्चापि धनुरायत्तमुत्तमम्। तथायुधाश्च ते सर्वे ययुः पुरुषविग्रहाः।७।।
On his right hand side was the lotus-handed Śrī, on his left hand side was the goddess. Earth and before him was the power of destruction. Various arrows, huge bows, and daggers, assuming forms followed him.

वेदा ब्राह्मणरूपेण गायत्री सर्वरक्षिणी। ओङ्कारोऽथ वषट्कारः सर्वे राममनुव्रताः॥
And also went with him the four Vedas in the shape of the Brāhmaṇas, the all protecting Gayatri, Omkara and Vasatkāra.

ऋषयश्च महात्मानः सर्व एव महीसुराः। अन्वगच्छन्महात्मानं स्वर्गद्वारमपावृतम्॥
The high-souled Rșis and great Asuras followed the high-souled Rāma to the open gates of heaven.

तं यान्तमनुगच्छन्ति ह्यन्तःपुरचराः स्त्रियः। सवृद्धबालदासीकाः सवर्षवरकिंकराः॥ सान्तःपुरश्च भरतः शत्रुघ्नसहितो ययौ। रामं गतिमुपागम्य साग्निहोत्रमनुव्रताः॥
All the female servants, old and young, the damsels of the seraglio accompanied by servants having no manhood, Bharata and Lakşmaņa accompanied by their wives, followed him with Agnihotra.

ते च सर्वे महात्मानः साग्निहोत्राः समागताः। सपुत्रदाराः काकुत्स्थमनुजग्मुर्महामतिम्॥
All those high-souled ones, assembled there with Agnihotra and followed Kākutstha with their wives and children.

मन्त्रिणो भृत्यवर्गाश्च सपुत्रपशुबान्धवाः। सर्वे सहानुगा राममन्वगच्छन्प्रहृष्टवत्॥
The ministers and the servants, with their sons, beasts and friends, followed Rama delightedly.

ततः सर्वाः प्रकृतयो हृष्टपुष्टजनावृताः। गच्छन्तमनुगछन्ति राघवं गुणरञ्जिताः॥ ततः सस्त्रीपुमांसस्ते सपक्षिपशुबान्धवाः। राघवस्यानुगाः सर्वे हृष्टा विगतकल्मषाः॥
There upon all the subjects healthy and delighted went after Raghava, attracted by his accomplishments and cleansed of their sins.

स्नाताः प्रमुदिताः सर्वे हृष्टपुष्टाश्च वानराः। दृढं किलकिलाशब्दैः सर्वं राममनुव्रतम्॥
All the females and males, with their beasts, birds and friends, delightedly followed Raghava. Bathed and delighted all the monkeys, healthy and joyous following Rāma, created a continued tumult.

न तत्र कश्चिद्दीनो वा ब्रीडितो वापि दुःखितः। हृष्टं समुदितं सर्वं बभूव परमाद्भुतम्॥
There was none poorly, aggrieved or miserable—all of them appeared wonderfully happy and delighted.

द्रष्टकामोऽथ निर्यान्तं रामं जानपदो जनः। यः प्राप्तः सोपिऽ दृष्ट्वैव स्वर्गायानुगतो जनः।।१८
When Råma issued out of the city, whoever came to see him followed him being desirous of going to heaven.

ऋक्षवानररक्षांसि जनाश्च पुरवासिनः। आगच्छन्परया भक्त्या पृष्ठतः सुसमाहिताः॥
Bears, monkeys and Räkşasas and all the citizens, followed him with great devotion and collected minds.

यानि भूतानि नगरेऽप्यन्तर्धानगतानि च। राघवं तान्यनुययुः स्वर्गाय समुपस्थितम्॥
And all other animals, that were beyond the view of all in the city went after Rāghava proceeding to heaven.

यानि पश्यन्ति काकुत्स्थं स्थावराणि चराणि च। सर्वाणि रामगमने अनुजग्मुर्हि तान्यपि॥
All creations mobile and immobile, whoever beheld Kakutstha followed him.

नोच्छ्वसत्तदयोध्यायां सुसूक्ष्ममपि दृश्यते। तिर्यग्योनिगताश्चैव सर्वे राममनुव्रताः॥
All beings in Ayodhya, whoever breathe and are very minute, accompanied Rāma.