Uttara Kanda: Chapter 105

तथा तयोः संवदोर्दुर्वासा भगवानृषिः। रामस्य दर्शनाकाङ्क्षी राजद्वारमुपागमत्॥ सोऽभिगम्य तु सौमित्रिमुवाच ऋषिसत्तमः। रामं दर्शय मे शीघ्रं पुरा मेऽर्थोऽतिववर्तते॥
While Rāma and Kala were thus conversing with one another, the great ascetic Durvāsā arrived at the gate for seeing Rāma and approaching Laksmana said:-O Saumitri, do you soon take me to Rāma; my time goes away, so do you take me first.

मुनेस्तु भाषितं श्रुत्वा लक्ष्मणः परवीरहा। अभिवाद्य महात्मानं वाक्यमेतदुवाच ह॥
Hearing the words of the ascetic, Laksmana, the slayer of enemies worshipping the feet of that high-souled one, said.

किं कार्य ब्रूहि भगवन्को ह्यर्थः किं करोम्यहम्। व्यग्रो हि राघवो ब्रह्मन्मुहूर्त परिपाल्यताम्॥
O illustrious Sir, kindly mention your business. What is your object? Order me what I am to do. Råma is engaged in some business so kindly wait here for some time.

तच्छ्रुत्वा ऋषिशार्दूलः क्रोधेन कलुषीकृतः। उवाच लक्ष्मणं वाक्यं निर्दहनिव चक्षुषा॥
Hearing those words that foremost of Rșis, red eyes:

अस्मिन्क्षणे मां सौमित्रे रामाय प्रतिवेदय। विषयं त्वां पुरं चैव शपिष्ये राघवं तथा॥ भरतं चैव सौमित्रे युष्माकं या च संततिः। न हि शक्ष्याम्यहं भूयो मन्यु धारयितुं हृदि।७।।
O Saumitri, if do you not go even this very moment and communicate to Ráma my arrival, I shall imprecate you, Rama, Bharata, Satrughana, your sons and grand-sons. I shall curse also your kingdom and cities. I cannot any longer restrain by growing ire.

तच्छ्रुत्वा घोरसंकाशं वाक्यं तस्य महात्मनः। चिन्तयामास मनसा तस्य वाक्यस्य निश्चयम्॥
Hearing those dreadful and resolute words of the Rşis, Lakşmaņa thought within himself.

एकस्य मरणं मेऽस्तु मा भूत्सर्वविनाशनम्। इति बुद्ध्या विनिश्चित्य राघवाय न्यवेदयत्॥
My own destruction is far more desirable than that of all. Having thus resolved Lakşmaņa approached Rāma and communicated to him the intelligence.

लक्ष्मणस्य वचः श्रुत्वा रामः कालं विसृज्य च। निःसृत्य त्वरितो राजा अत्रेः पुत्रं ददर्श ह॥
Hearing the words of Lakşmaņa and having bade adieu, to Kala, Rama soon came out and saw Atri's son.

सोऽभिवाद्य महात्मानं ज्वलन्तमिव तेजसा। किं कार्यमिति काकुत्स्थः कृताञ्जलिरभाषत॥
And having saluted that great and powerful ascetic he with folded hands, said. What is your business.

तद्वाक्यं राघवेणोक्तं श्रुत्वा मुनिवरः प्रभुः। प्रत्याह रामं दुर्वासाः श्रूयतां धर्मवत्सल॥
Hearing the words of Rāma, the highly powerful Durvāsā, the foremost of Munis, said. Hear, O Rāma fond of virtue.

अद्य वर्षसहस्रस्य समाप्तिर्मम राघव। सोऽहं भोजनमिच्छामि यथासिद्धं तवानघ ॥
For a thousand years I have carried on the vow of fasting. It has terminated today, so do you give me food as much as possible.

तच्छ्रुत्वा वचनं राजा राघवः प्रीतमानसः। भोजनं मुनिमुख्याय यथासिद्धमुपाहरत्॥
Hearing those words Rāma was greatly delighted and gave proper food to that ascetic.

स तु भुक्त्वा मुनिश्रेष्ठस्तदन्नममृतोपमम्। साधु रामेति संभाष्य स्वमाश्रममुपागमत्॥
And feasting on that nectar-like sweet food, Durvāsā, the foremost of Rşis, thanked Rāma and repaired to his own hermitage.

संस्मृत्य कालवाक्यानि ततो दुःखमुपागमत्। दुःखेन च सुसंतप्तः स्मृत्वा तद्धोरदर्शनम्॥ अवाङ्मुखो दीनमना व्याहतुं न शशाक ह। ततो बुद्ध्या विनिश्चित्य कालवाक्यानि राघवः। नैतदस्तीति निश्चित्य तूष्णीमासीन्ग्रहायशाः॥
There upon remembering the words of Kāla, Rāma was greatly sorry. And thinking of those dreadful words he was overwhelmed with grief. And with a poorly heart, and face downwards he remained silent for some time. There upon thinking of Kāla's words and determining that every calamity would befall him, that highly illustrious descendant, of Raghus, summoned patience.