Uttara Kanda: Chapter 104

शृणु राजन्महासत्व यदर्थमहमागतः। पितामहेन देवेन प्रेषितोऽस्मि महाबल॥
There upon the great saint said:-Hear, O king, O you gifted with great energy, for what I have come here. O you of great strength, the great Patriarch has sent me to you.

तवाहं पूर्वके भावे पुत्रः परपुरंजय। मायासंभावितो वीर काल: सर्वसमाहरः॥
O hero, I am your son. You did, in your pristine birth, beget me on Maya-I am Kala, the destroyer of all.

पितामहश्च भगवानाह लोकपतिः प्रभुः। समयस्ते कृतः सौम्य लोकान्संपरिरक्षितुम्॥
Lord Brahmā, the father of all creatures, has said that you did promise to preserve the three worlds.

सक्षिप्य हि पुरा लोकान्मायया स्वयमेव हि। महार्णवे शयानोऽप्सु मां त्वं पूर्वमजीजनः॥
Formerly when having slain all animals by your Māyā you went asleep in the waters of the mighty deep I was born.

भोगवन्तं ततो नागमनन्तमुदकेशयम्। मायया जनयित्वा त्वं द्वौ च सत्त्वौ महाबलौ॥ मधुं च कैटभं चैव ययोरस्थिचयैर्वता। इयं पर्वतसंबाधा मेदिनी चाभवत्तदा॥
There after you did create the huge-bodied Ananta, living in the waters as the king of serpents. Then you did create two highly powerful Asuras named Madhu and Kaitabha. At that time the bones of those two Asuras having been scattered far and wide this earth containing many mountains was named Medini.

पद्म दिव्येऽर्कसंकाशे नाभ्यामुत्पाद्य मामपि। प्राजापत्यं त्वया कर्म मयि सर्व निवेशितम्॥
Having procreated me in your lotus navel, dazzling in celestial brilliance you did employ me in the work of generation.

सोऽहं संन्यस्तभारो हि त्वामुपास्य जगत्पतिम्। रक्षां विधत्स्व भूतेषु मम तेजस्करो भवान्।।।।
I took the charge and procreated men; but finding no other means to preserve them I worshipped you, the lord of the universe and said:-0 lord, you should protect the creatures, for you are my father and giver of energy and therefore irrepressible.

ततस्त्वमसि दुर्धर्षात्तस्माद्भावात्सनातनात्। रक्षां विधास्यन्भूतानां विष्णुत्वमुफ्जग्मिवान्॥
Thereupon for concerning means for the preservation of creatures, you did renounce your irrepressible shape and assume Vişņu form.

अदित्यां वीर्यवान्पुत्रो भ्रातॄणां वीर्यवर्धनः। समुत्पन्नेषु कृत्येषु तेषां साह्याय कल्पसे॥
And taking your birth from Aditi's powerful son, you went engaged in enhancing the delight of my brothers. You did use to protect the deities whenever they were assailed by any calamity.

स त्वमुज्जास्यमानासु प्रजासु जगतोवर। रावणस्य वधाकाङ्क्षी मानुषेषु मनोऽदधाः॥
O lord of the universe, it is for that reason, on beholding the destruction of creatures you went born on earth to slay the Ten-necked demon.

दशवर्षसहस्राणि दशवर्षशतानि च। कृत्वा वासस्य नियमं स्वयमेवात्मना पुरा॥
And at that time you did promise that you would live in the land of mortals for eleven thousand years.

स त्वं मनोमयः पुत्रः पूर्णायुर्मानुषेष्विह। कालो नरवरश्रेष्ठ समीपमुपवर्तितुम्॥
There upon you did assume a human form to carry out your desire. Now that period is ripe and this is the proper time to inform you of it.

यदि भूयो महाराज प्रजा इच्छस्युपासितुम्। वस वा वीर भद्रं ते एवमाह पितामहः॥ अथ वा विजिगीषा ते सुरलोकाय राघव। सनाथा विष्णुना देवा भवन्तु विगतज्वराः॥
O great king, do you wait in this land of mortals if do you wish to govern people for some time more. And if did you wish to repair to the region of immortals, do you again lord over the deities in your Vişņu form and let them be freed from anxiety. O Hero, the Patriarch has sent this intelligence to you.

श्रुत्वा पितामहेनोक्तं वाक्यं कालसमीरितम्। राघवः प्रहसन्वाक्यं सर्वसंहारमब्रवीत्॥
Hearing those unequalled words of the Patriarch from the mouth of Kala, the destroyer of all, Rama smiling said.

श्रुत्वा मे देवदेवस्य वाक्यं परममद्भुतम्। प्रीतिर्हि महती जाता तवागमनसंभवा॥ त्रयाणामपि लोकानां कार्यार्थ मम संभवः। भद्रं तेऽस्तु गमिष्यामि यत एवाहमागतः॥
I have been greatly pleased and happy for your coming here O my son, I descended on earth to bring about the well-being of the three worlds. May good betide you. I shall now repair to from where I have come here.

हृद्गतो ह्यसि संप्राप्तो न मे तत्र विचारणा। मया हि सर्वकृत्येषु देवानां वशवर्तिनाम्। स्थातव्यं सर्वसंहार यथा ह्याह पितामहः॥
I was thinking of this when you did come here. Therefore, I have no doubt in this. O lord of destruction, the immortals are dependent on me, so I shall be with them in all works. The Great Patriarch has said the truth.