Uttara Kanda: Chapter 103

कस्यचित्त्वथ कालस्य रामे धर्मपरे स्थिते। कालस्तापसरूपेण राजद्वारमुपागमत्॥
In this wise the virtuous Rāma having spent some time Kāla, assuming the shape of an ascetic, arrived at the palace gate.

दूतो ह्यतिबलस्याहं महर्षेरमितौजसः। रामं दिदृक्षुरायातः कार्येण हि महाबलः॥
I am the messenger of the great saint Atibala of incomparable effulgence. O you of great strength, for a particular business, I have come here to sec Rāma.

तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा सौमित्रिस्त्वरयान्वितः। न्यवेदयत रामाय तापसं तं समागतम्॥
Hearing the words of the great saint, Saumitri speedily went to Råghava and communicated to him the arrival of the ascetic, saying.

जयस्व राजधर्मेण उभौ लोकौ महाद्युते। दूतस्त्वां द्रष्टुमायातस्तपसा भास्करप्रभः॥
O you of great effulgence, observing the royal duties, may you acquire victory in both the worlds; one ambassador radiant like the sun by virtue of his asceticism, has come here to visit you.

तद्वाक्यं लक्ष्मणोक्तं वै श्रुत्वा राम उवाच ह। प्रवेश्यतां मुनिस्तात महौजास्तस्य वाक्यधृक् ॥
Hearing the words of Laksmana, Rāma said: “Do you speedily bring here the highly effulgent ascetic bringing in a message."

सौमित्रिस्तु तथेत्युक्त्वा प्रावेशयत तं मुनिम्। ज्वलन्तमेव तेजोभिः प्रदहन्तमिवांशुभिः॥
There upon saying so be it, Saumitri conducted, the effulgent ascetic to Råma's house.

सोऽभिगम्य रघुश्रेष्ठं दीप्यपानं स्वतेजसा। ऋषिर्मधुरया वाचा वर्धस्वेत्याह राघवम्॥
And having approached Rama the foremost? of Raghus, the ascetic, burning in his own energy, said to him, in sweet accents:-0 great king may prosperity crown you.

तस्मै रामो महातेजाः पूजामर्थ्यपुरोगमाम्। ददौ कुशलमव्यग्रं प्रष्टुं चैवोपचक्रमे॥
And having welcomed him with water and Argya, the highly effulgent Rāma asked him about his well-being.

पृष्टश्च कुशलं तेन रामेण वदतां वरः। आसने काश्चने दिव्ये निषसाद महायशाः॥
Being asked by Rāma as to his welfare, that foremost of ascetics, skilled in the are of speech, sat on a golden seat.

तमुवाच ततो रामः स्वागतं ते महामते। प्रापयास्य च वाक्यानि यतो दूतस्त्वमागतः॥
There upon welcoming him Rāma said:-Do you communicate to me his words by whom you have been sent.

चोदितो राजसिंहेन मुनिर्वाक्यमभाषत। द्वन्द्वे ह्येतत्प्रवक्तव्यं हितं वै यद्यवेक्षसे॥
Being thus addressed by Rāma, a lion among kings, the ascetic said:-If do you wish to bring about the well-being of the celestials, my earnest desire is that we may talk over it in a solitary place.

यः शृणोति निरीक्षेद्वा स वध्यो भविता तव। भवेद्वै मुनिमुख्यस्य वचनं यद्यवेक्षसे॥
And if you have any regard for the words of that foremost of ascetics, do you so order that whoever shall hear or see us, when we shall converse in a solitary place, shall be slain by you.

तथेति च प्रतिज्ञाय रामो लक्ष्मणमब्रवीत्। द्वारि तिष्ठ महाबाहो प्रतिहारं विसर्जय॥
There upon Rāma promised that it should be done and said to Lakşmaņa:-O you having long arms, sending away the warder do you wait at the gate.

स मे वध्यः खलु भवेद्वाचं द्वन्द्वसमीरितम्। ऋषेर्मम च सौमित्रे पश्येद्वा शृणुयाच्च यः॥
When I shall talk with this ascetic in this solitary room whoever, shall hear or see us, shall be slain by me.

ततो निक्षिप्य काकुत्स्थो लक्ष्मणं द्वारि संग्रहम्। तमुवाच मुने वाक्यं कथयस्वेति राघवः॥ तत्ते मनीषितं वाक्यं येन वासि समाहितः। कथयस्वाविशङ्कस्त्वं ममापि हृदि वर्तते॥
Having thus piaced Lakşmaņa at the gate Rama said to that Rsis:-O great saint, tell me what he has communicated to you. O Muni, what is your intention and by what high-souled Rșis you have been sent here. Tell me all this without any fear, I have become anxious to hear it.