Uttara Kanda: Chapter 101

श्रुत्वा सेनापति प्राप्तं भरतं केकयाधिपः। युधाजिद्गर्गसहितं परां प्रीतिमुपागमत्॥
Hearing of the arrival of the Bharata with the army Gargya and Yudhajit, the king of Kekayas, were greatly delighted.

स निर्ययौ जनौघेन महता केकयाधिपः। त्वरमाणोऽभिचक्राम गन्धर्वान्केकयाधिपः।२।।
He, the king of Kekaya, with a huge army they speedily went out for conquering the Gandharvas.

भरतश्च युधांजिच्च समेतौ लघुविक्रमैः। गन्धर्वनगरं प्राप्तौ सबलौ सपदानुगौ॥
There upon the highly powerful and lightarmed Bharata and Yudhājit, with the soldiers and followers, arrived at the city of Gandharvas.

श्रुत्वा तु भरतं प्राप्तं गन्धर्वास्ते समागताः। योद्धकामा महावीर्या व्यनदस्ते समन्ततः॥
Having heard of the coming of Bharata the highly powerful Gandharvas gathered round and sent up leonine roars.

ततः समभवद्युद्धं तुमुलं लोमहर्षणम्। सप्तरात्रं महाभीमं न चान्यतरयोर्जयः॥
There upon began the battle capable of making down erect and continued for a week. On neither side there was victory or defeat.

खङ्गशक्तिधनुाहा नद्यः शोणितसंस्रवाः। नृकलेवरवाहिन्यः प्रवृत्ताः सर्वतोदिशम्॥
On all sides there flowed streams of blood and there were afloat human bodies. Daggers, Saktis and bows were like the banks of the river.

ततो रामानुजः क्रुद्धः कालस्यास्र सुदारुणम्। संवत नाम भरतो गन्धर्वेष्वभ्यचोदयत्॥
There upon enraged Bharata, Rāma's younger brother, discharged a dreadful arrow named Samvarata resembling the fire of dissolution against Gandharvas.

ते बद्धाः कालपाशेन संवर्तेन विदारिताः। क्षणेनाभिहतास्तेन तिस्त्र: कोट्यो महात्मना॥
Having bound them all with the noose of death and sundered them with Sangharata, Bharata despatched all the Gandharvas to the abode of death.

तयुद्धं तादृशं घोरं न स्मरन्ति दिवौकसः। निमेषान्तरमात्रेण तादृशानां महात्मनाम्।।। हतेषु तेषु सर्वेषु भरतः केकयीसुतः। निवेशयामास तदा समृद्ध द्वे पुरोत्तमे॥
Even the celestials could not recollect if such a dreadful encounter had happened before. In a moment the huge Gandharva host was slain. After the destruction of the Gandharvas, Kaikeyi's son Bharata set up two excellent and prosperous cities in the province of Gandharva.

तक्षं तक्षशिलायां तु पुष्कलं पुष्कलावते। गन्धर्वदेशे रुचिरे गान्धारविषये च सः॥
And he placed Takṣa in Takşasilā, the beautiful city of Gandharvas and Puşkala in Puşkalāvati of Gāndhāra province.

धमरत्नौघसंकीर्णे काननैरुपशोभिते। अन्योन्यसंघर्षकृते स्पर्धया गुणविस्तरैः॥
Both the cities were filled with profuse riches and jewels and covered with various gardens. As for many ornaments both of them as if vied with one another.

उभे सुरुचिरप्रख्ये व्यवहारैरकिल्बिषैः। उद्यानयानसंपूर्णे सुविभक्तान्तरापणे॥
By just purchases and sales, and by the conduct of the people the cities grew highly charming. Both of them were filled with gardens and conveyances. Rows of shops were well arranged by the streets in both the cities.

उभे पुरवरे रम्ये विस्तरैरुपशोभिते। गृहमुख्यैः सुरुचिरैर्विमानैर्बहुभिर्वृते॥ शोभिते शोभनीयैश्च देवायतनविस्तरैः। तालैस्तमालैस्तिलकैर्बकुलैरुपशोभिते॥
Both of them were adorned with many excellent fancy articles, picturesque houses, charming palaces and many beautiful and high Tala, Tamāla, Tilaka and Vakula trees.

निवेश्य पञ्चभिर्वर्भरतो राघवानुजः। पुनरायान्महाबाहुरयोध्या केकयीसुतः॥
Having reared up those two cities within five years, Rāma's younger brother, the mighty armed Bharata, son of Kaikeyl, returned to Ayodhyā. ?

सोऽभिवाद्य महात्मानं साक्षाद्धर्ममिवापरम्। राघवं भरतः श्रीमान्ब्रह्माणमिव वासवः॥ शशंस च यथावृवं गन्धर्ववधमुत्तमम्। निवेशनं च देशस्य श्रुत्वा प्रीतोऽस्य राघवः॥
Like to Vasava saluting Brahmå he adored the high-souled Raghava the very personation of virtue and communicated to him duly the destruction of the Gandharvas and the establishment of the two cities. And hearing the words of Bharata, Råma attained to an excess of delight. are