Uttara Kanda: Chapter 1

प्राप्तराज्यस्य रामस्य राक्षसानां वधे कृते। आजग्मुर्मुनयः सर्वे राघवं प्रतिनन्दितुम् ॥
On the Rākṣasas having been slain, all the ascetics, for the purpose of congratulating Rāghava, came to Rāma as he gained (back) his kingdom.

कौशिकोऽथ यवक्रीतो गार्यो गालव एव च। कण्वो मेधातिथेः पुत्रः पूर्वस्यां दिशि ये श्रिताः॥ स्वस्त्यात्रेयश्च भगवान्नमुचिः प्रमुचिस्तथा। अगस्त्योऽत्रिश्च भगवान्सुमुखो विमुखस्तथा॥ आजग्मुस्ते सहागस्त्या ये श्रिता दक्षिणां दिशम्।
Kausika, and Yavakrīta, and Gārgya, and Gālava and Kaņva, son of Medhātithi,who dwelt in the east, (came thither); and the reverend Svastyāstreya, and Namuci, and Pramuci, and Agastya, and the worshipful Atri, and Sumukha, and Vimukha, who dwelt in the south, came in company with Agastya.* *The name of Agastya had before been just specified among the incomes; but so it is in the text.

नृषङ्गुः कवषी धौम्यः कौषेयश्च महानृषिः॥ तेऽप्याजग्मुः सशिष्या वै ये श्रिताः पश्चिमां दिशम्।
Nrisadgu, and Kavasi, and Dhaumya, and that mighty sage-Kauseya-who abode in th quarter, came there accompanied by their disciples.

वसिष्ठः कश्यपोऽथात्रिविश्वामित्रः सगौतमः॥ जमदग्निर्भरद्वाजस्तेऽपि सप्तर्षयस्तथा। उदीच्यां दिशि सप्तैते नित्यमेव निवासिनः॥
Vasiştha and Kasyapa and Atri and Viśvāmitra with Gautama and Jamadagni and Bharadvāja and also the seven sages*, who for aye resided in the northern quarter, (came there). *Ursa Major, or the great bear, the seven stars of which are the souls of as many saints, Marici, Atri, Angiras, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu and Vasistha.

संप्राप्यते महात्मानो राघवस्य निवेशनम्। विष्टिताः प्रतिहारा) हुताशनसमप्रभाः॥
On arriving at the residence of Rāghava, those high-souled ones, resembling the fire in radiance, stopped at the gate, with the intention of communicating their arrival (to Rama) through the warder.

वेदवेदाङ्गविदुषो नानाशास्त्रविशारदाः। द्वाःस्थं प्रोवाच धर्मात्मा अगस्त्यो मुनिसत्तमः।।८
That foremost of ascetics-the righteous Agastya-versed in various branches of learning and cognisant of the Vedas along with their branches, addressed the warder, saying, “Do you say to Dasaratha's son that we-the sages-have come (here)."

निवेद्यतां दाशरथेऋषयो वयमागताः। प्रतीहारस्ततस्तूर्णमगस्त्यवचनाद्भुतम्॥ समीपं राघवस्याशु प्रविवेश महात्मनः। नयेङ्गितिज्ञः सद्वृत्तो दक्षो धैर्यसमन्वितः॥ स रामं दृश्य सहसा पूर्णचन्द्रसमद्युतिम्। अगस्त्यं कथयामास संप्राप्तमृषिसत्तमम्॥
Then at the words of Agastya, the gate-keeper quick* and swift presented himself with celerity before the high-souled Rāghava. And that one versed in polity and emotional expressions, of worthy ways, possessed of ability, and endowed with patience swiftly seeing Rāma resembling the full moon in brightness, communicated to him the arrival of that supreme of saintsAgastya. *Turnam-according to the commentator, is mental celerity, and drutam-physical. This distinction, however, is seldom, if ever, observed by Sanskrit authors.

श्रुत्वा प्राप्तान्मुनींस्तांस्तु बालसूर्यसमप्रभान्। प्रत्युवाच ततो द्वा:स्थं प्रवेशय यथासुखम्॥
Hearing of the arrival of the anchorets, possessed of the effulgence of the sun new-risen, he answered the warder, saying, "Do you usher them in, having regard to their comfort."

दृष्ट्वा प्राप्तान्मुनींस्तांस्तु प्रत्युत्थाय कृताञ्जलिः। पाद्याादिभिरान गां निवेद्य च सादरम्॥ रामोऽभिवाद्य प्रयत आसनान्यादिदेश ह।
Seeing the ascetics him, Rāma with joined hands worshipped their feet with arghyas, and with regard consecrated a cow to each, and saluting them with the collecting mind, he ordered seats (for the saints).

तेषु काञ्चनचित्रेषु महत्सु च वरेषु च॥ कुशान्तर्धानदत्तेषु मृगचर्मयुतेषु च। यथार्हमुपविष्टास्ते आसनेष्वृषिपुङ्गवाः॥ रामेण कुशलं पृष्टाः सशिष्याः सपुरोगमाः। महर्षयो वेदविदो रामं वचनमब्रुवन्।
And having, according to their rank, seated themselves on gorgeous and superb seats of kuća or deerskins embroidered with gold, those foremost of sages-those mighty saints, versed in the Vedas, along with their disciples and leaders, having (previously) been asked as to their welfare, addressed Rāma, saying.

कुशलं नो महाबाहो सर्वत्र रघुनन्दन॥ त्वां तु दिष्ट्या कुशलिनं पश्यामो हतशात्रवम्। दिष्ट्या त्वया हतो राजन्रावणो लोकरावणः॥
O son of Raghu. O mighty-armed one, complete welfare is ours. By good luck it is that we see you fortunate, with all your foes finished. Bygood luck it is that, Oking, Ravana-destroyer of creatures, has been slain byyou.

नहि भारः स ते राम रावणः पुत्रपौत्रवान्। सधनुस्तवं हि लोकांस्त्रीन्विजयेथा न संशयः॥
Sure, O Rama, it was no great matter for you (to slay) Rāvaņa along with his sons and grandsons. Furnished with your bow, you can, without doubt, destroy the three worlds themselves.

दिष्ट्या त्वया हतो राम रावणः पुत्रपौत्रवान्। दिष्ट्या विजयिनं त्वाद्य पश्यामः सह सीतया॥ लक्ष्मणेन च धर्मात्मन्ध्रात्रा त्वद्धितकारिणा। मातृभिर्धातृसहितं पश्यामोऽद्य वयं नृप॥
By good fortune it is, O Rama, that Ravana along with his sons and grandsons has been slain by you. By good fortune it is that today we see you victorious along with $ītā, and, O righteoussouled one, with your brother, Lakşmaņa, (ever) compassing your profit. (By good fortune it is) that, Oking, today we behold (you) in company with your mothers and your brothers.

दिष्ट्या प्रहस्तो विकटो विरूपाक्षो महोदरः। अकम्पनश्च दुर्धर्षो निहतास्ते निशाचराः॥
By good fortune it is that those night-rangers, Prahasta, and Vikata; and Virupāksa, and Mahodara, and the unconquerable Akampana, have all been slain (by you).

यस्य प्रमाणाद्विपुलं प्रमाणं नेह विद्यते। दिष्ट्या ते समरे राम कुम्भकर्णो निपातितः॥
By good fortune it is, O Rama, that he than whose proportions there are no other's greater on earth, even Kumbhakarņa, was brought downy (by you).

त्रिशिराश्चातिकायश्च देवान्तकनरान्तकौ। दिष्ट्या ते निहता राम महावीर्या निशाचराः॥
By good luck it is, O Rama, that these highly powerful night-rangers. Trisiras and Atikāya and Devāntaka and Narāntaka, have been slain by you.

दिष्ट्या त्वं राक्षसेन्द्रेण द्वन्द्वयुद्धमुपागतः। देवतानामवध्येन विजय प्राप्तवानसि॥
By good luck it is that you had been encountered in a hand-to-hand combat with that foremost of Rākşasas, incapable of being slain by the celestials themselves; and achieved victory (ultimately).

संख्ये तस्य न किंचित्तु रावणस्य पराभवः। द्वन्द्वयुद्धमनुप्राप्तो दिष्ट्या ते रावणिर्हतः॥
To defeat Ravana in battle was (for you) in small matter; but it is a piece of good fortune that Ravana's son, who had confronted you for combat, has been slain (by you) in battle.

दिष्ट्या तस्य महाबाहो कालस्येवाभिधावतः। मुक्तः सुररिपोर्वीर प्राप्तश्च विजयस्त्वया॥
By good fortune it is that you, O mightyarmed one, had been liberated from the bonds of) that foe of the celestials whose course resembled that of Time;*-and that you also had secured victory. *i.e. surpassing perception.

अभिनन्दाम ते सर्वे संश्रुत्येन्द्रजितो वधम्। अवध्यः सर्वभूतानां महामायाधरो युधि॥
Hearing of the destruction of Indrajit, we congratulate you (on your success). He was in capable of being slain by all creatures, and in battle possessed mighty powers of illusion.

विस्मयस्त्वेष चास्माकं तं श्रुत्वेन्द्रजितं हतम्। दत्त्वा पुण्यामिमां वीर सौम्यामभयदक्षिणाम्।। दिष्ट्या वर्धसि काकुत्स्थ जयेनामित्रकर्शन॥
Hearing that Indrajit slain, amazement have seized us all. Having conferred on us this holy freedom from fear, O Kākutstha, O repressor of enemies. you through good fortune, will grow in victory.

श्रुत्वा तु वचनं तेषां मुनीनां भावितात्मनाम्। विस्मयं परमं गत्वा रामः प्राञ्जलिरब्रवीत्॥
Hearing the speech of the ascetics of sacred souls, Rāma, coming under the influence of a mighty wonder, said with joined hands.

भगवन्तः कुंभकर्णं रावणं च निशाचरम्। अतिक्रम्य महावीयौँ किं प्रशंसथ रावणिम्॥
You worshipful ones, wherefore, passing by those exceedingly powerful ones-Kumbhakarna and the night-ranger, Ravana, do you praise Ravana's son?

महोदरं प्रहस्तं च विरूपाक्षं च राक्षसम्। मत्तोन्मत्तौ च दुर्धर्षों देवान्तकनरान्तकौ।। अतिक्रम्य महावीरान् किं प्रशंसथ रावणिम्॥
Wherefore, passing by Mahodara, and Prahasta, and the Rākşasa-Virüpākşa-and Matta, and Unmatta, and the irrepressible Devāntaka and Narāntaka-redoubtable heroes all-do you extol Ravana's son?

अतिकायं त्रिशिरसं धूम्राक्षं च निशाचरम्। अतिक्रम्य महावीर्यान्कि प्रशंसथ रावणिम्॥
And wherefore, passing by Atikāya and Trisiras and Dhumraksa, that night-ranger-all endowed with exceeding powers, do you extol Ravana's son?

कीदृशो वै प्रभावोऽस्य किं बलं कः पराक्रमः। के वा कारणेनैष रावणादतिरिच्यते॥
What was his prowess? And what his strength? And what his might? And by virtue of what cause did he surpass Rāvana?

शक्यं यदि मया श्रोतुं न खल्वाज्ञापयामि वः। यदि गुह्यं न चेद्वक्तुं श्रोतुमिच्छामि कथ्यताम्॥
If I can well hear the same (do you tell it me). I by no means command you. If the thing can bear disclosure, I would hear it. Pray, speak out.

शक्रोऽपि विजितस्तेन कथं लब्धवरश्च सः। कथं च बलवानन्पुत्रो न पिता तस्य रावणः॥
How was Śakra vanquished by him, and how also did he obtain the boon? And how was the son powerful and not his sire Rāvaņa.

कथं पितुश्चाप्यधिको महाहवे शक्रस्य जेता हि कथं स राक्षसः। वराश्च लब्धाः कथयस्व मेऽद्य पाप्रच्छतश्चास्य मुनीन्द्र सर्वम्॥
How could that Raksasa, surpassing his sire, conquer Sakra in mighty encounter, and how did he obtain the boon? O foremost of anchorets, do you today unfold all this to me, who ask (for the same).