Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 99

महोदरमहापाचौं हतौ दृष्ट्वा स रावणः। तस्मिंश्च निहते वीरे विरूपाक्षे महाबले॥ आविवेश महान्क्रोधो रावणं तु महामृधे। सूतं संचोदयामास वाक्यं चेदमुवाच ह।२।।
Beholding Mahodara, Mahāpäráva and the highly powerful Virūpåksa slain in the encounter Rāvaņa attained to an excess of ire. And ordering his charioteer to hurry on he gave went to the following words.

निहतानाममात्यानां रुद्धस्य नगरस्य च। दुःखमेवापनेष्यामि हत्वा तौ रामलक्ष्मणौ॥
All my courtiers have been slain and my city is shut up-I shall remove my grief consequent on all these by slaying Răma and Lakşmaņa.

रामवृक्षं रणे हन्मि सीतापुष्पफलप्रदम्। प्रशाका यस्य सुग्रीवो जाम्बवान्कुमुदो नलः॥ द्विविदश्चैव मैन्दश्च अङ्गदो गन्धमादनः। हनूमांश्च सुषेणश्च सर्वे च हरियूथपाः ॥
I shall destroy Rāma-like tree in the conflict whose flower is Sītā and whose branches are Sugrīva, Jāmbavān, Kumuda, Nala, Divida, Mainda, Angada Gandhamadana, Hanuman and all other leading monkeys.

स दिशो दश घोषेण रथस्यातिरथो महान्। नादयन्प्रययौ तूर्णं राघवं चाभ्यधावत ॥
And resounding the ten quarters with the sound of his chariot wheels that mighty carwarrior proceeded quickly towards Rāghava.

पूरिता तेन शब्देन सनदीगिरिकानना। संचचाल मही सर्वा त्रस्तसिंहमृगद्विजा ॥
With that sound all quarters were filled, and the earth, will rivers, mountains and forests shook and all the lions, deer and birds were terrified.

तामसं सुमहाघोरं चकारास्त्रं सुदारुणम्। निर्ददाह कपीन्सवस्तेि प्रपेतुः समन्ततः॥ उत्पपात रजो भूमौ तैर्भग्नैः संप्रधावितैः। नहि तत्सहितुं शेकुर्ब्रह्मणा निर्मितं स्वयम्॥
He created a dreadful darkness with the discharge of his sharp weapons and burnt down the monkeys who fled away to different directions. Dust was raised on the ground by those monkeys assailed and flying to various directions. They were unable to withstand the power of the weapon made by Brahmå himself.

तान्यनीकान्यनेकानि रावणस्य शरोत्तमैः। दृष्ट्वा भग्नानि शतशो राघवः पर्यवस्थितः॥
Beholding his own army, assailed and cut into hundred pieces by the excellent weapons of Rāvana Råghava dashed forward. a

ततो राक्षसशार्दूलो विद्राव्य हरिवाहिनीम्। स ददर्श ततो रामं तिष्ठन्तमपराजितम्॥ लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा विष्णुना वासवं यथा। आलिखन्तमिवाकाशमवष्टभ्य महद्धनुः॥ पद्मपत्रविशालाक्षं दीर्घबाहुमरिंदमम्।
Assailing the monkey-host, that foremost of Rākşasas espied Rāma, unconquered at distance with his brother Lakşmaņa like to Basava with Vişņu, holding a huge bow like one painted on the sky, having expansive eyes like lotus-petals, long arms, and always subduing the enemies.

ततो रामो महातेजाः सौमित्रिसहितो बली॥ वानरांश्च रणे भग्नानापतन्तं च रावणम्। समीक्ष्य राघवो हृष्टो मध्ये जग्राह कार्मुकम्॥
Beholding the monkeys slain in the encounter and Rāvaņa approach, the heroic and highly powerful Rāma, with Sumitra's son in his company, delightedly set arrows on his bow.

विस्फारयितुमारेभे ततः स धनुरुत्तमम्। महावेगं महानादं निर्भिन्दन्निव मेदिनीम्॥
As if rending the whole earth with that dreadful sound he began to draw the string of his excellent bow.

रावणस्य च बाणौधै रामविस्फारितेन च। शब्देन राक्षसास्तेन पेतुश्च शतशस्तदा॥
With the sound of Ravan's arrows and the twang of Rāma's bow hundreds of Rākşasas fell down on earth..

तयोः शरपथं प्राप्य रावणो राजपुत्रयोः। स बभौ च यथा राहुः समीपे शशिसूर्ययोः॥
Coming within the range of the arrows of those two Princes, Rāvaņa appeared like Rahu in presence of the sun and the moon.

तमिच्छन्प्रथमं योद्धं लक्ष्मणो निशितैः शरैः। मुमोच धनुरायम्य शरानग्निशिखोपमान्॥
And desiring to fight with him first Lakşmana setting sharp arrows on his bow, discharged shafts at him resembling the flame of fire.

तान्मुक्तमात्रानाकाशे लक्ष्मणेन धनुष्मता। बाणान्बाणैर्महातेजा रावणः प्रत्यवारयत्॥
The highly powerful Ravana too with his arrows stopped the course of those shafts in the sky as soon as they were discharged by Laksmana, skilled in archery.

एकमेकेन बाणेन त्रिभिस्त्रीन्दशभिर्दश। लक्ष्मणस्य प्रचिच्छेद दर्शयन्पाणिलाघवम्॥
And displaying his light-handedness, he with one arrow, severed Laksmana's one, with three his three and with ten his ten.

अभ्यतिक्रम्य सौमित्रिं रावणः समितिंजयः। आससाद रणे रामं स्थितं शैलमिवापरम्॥
Surpassing thus the son of Sumitrā Rāvana, ever victorious in battle, confronted Rāma in the encounter, standing like another hill.

स राघवं समासाद्य क्रोधसंरक्तलोचनः। व्यसृजच्छरवर्षाणि रावणो राक्षसेश्वरः॥
Approaching Rāghava, Rāvana the lord of Rakşasas, with his eyes reddened in ire, began to make a shower of arrows.

शरधारास्ततो रामो रावणस्य धनुश्च्युताः। दृष्ट्वैवापतिताः शीघ्रं भल्लाञ्जग्राह सत्वरम्॥
Thereupon beholding the arrows shot off Ravana's bow fall on all sides, Rāma speedily took up a Bhalla.* *An arrow with a crescent shaped head.

ताञ्छरौघांस्ततो भल्लैस्तीक्ष्णैश्चिच्छेद राघवः। दीप्यमानान्महाघोराञ्छरानाशीविषोपमान्॥
Rāghava sundered with his sharp Bhalla his dreadful flaming and resembling poisonous serpents.

राघवो रावणं तूर्णं रावणो राघवं तथा। अन्योन्यं विविधैस्तीक्ष्णैः शरवर्ववर्षतुः॥
With various sharpened arrows Rāghava assailed Rävaņa, and he again assailed Rāma in return.

चेरतुश्च चिरं चित्रं मण्डलं सव्यदक्षिणम्। बाणवेगात्समुत्क्षिप्तावन्योन्यमपराजितौ॥ तयोर्भूतानि वित्रेसुर्युगपत्संप्रयुध्यतोः। रौद्रयोः सायकमुचोर्यमान्तकनिकाशयोः॥
And forming a circle, they passed each other by the right side. Uprooting the earth with the vehemence of their arrows, irrepressible by each other, fighting equally discharging arrows, they arrows looked dreadful like Death himself-and created terror in all creatures.

सततं विविधैर्बाणैर्बभूव गगनं तदा। घनैरिवातपापाये विद्युन्मालासमाकुलैः॥
The sky was filled with their various weapons like to clouds in the rainy season accompanied with lightning.

गवाक्षितमिवाकाशं बभूव शरवृष्टिभिः। महावेगैः सुतीक्ष्णागृध्रपत्रैः सुवाजितैः॥
The welkin appeared full of windows with that shower of arrows, shot with great vehemence and winged like vultures.

शरान्धकारमाकाशं चक्रतुः प्रथमं तदा। गतेऽस्तं तपने चापि महामेधाविवोत्थितौ ॥
The earth was stricken with darkness caused by these arrows like to clouds appearing after sunset.

तयोरभून्महायुद्धमन्योन्यवधकाङ्क्षिणोः। अनासाद्यमचिन्त्यं च वृत्रवासवयोरिव॥
There took place a dreadful conflict between them desiring to slay each other, having their prowess unknown and fighting like Vitra and Vasava.

उभौ हि परमेष्वासावुभौ युद्धविशारदौ। उभावस्त्रविदां मुख्यावुभौ युद्धे विचेरतुः॥
Both of them were proficient in archery, skilled in the art of conflict and foremost of those conversant with the use of weapons.

उभौ हि येन व्रजस्तेन तेन शरोर्मयः। ऊर्मयो वायुना विद्धा जग्मुः सागरयोरिव ॥
They began to veer round the battle-field. And wherever they went, there appeared arrows like to waves of the deep roused by the winds.

ततः संसक्तहस्तस्तु रावणो लोकरावणः। नाराचमालां रामस्य ललाटे प्रत्यमुश्चत॥
Then that destroyer of creatures-Ravana, with his hand engaged in discharging shafts, shot at Rāma's forehead a network of arrows.

रौद्रचापप्रयुक्तां तां नीलोत्पलदलप्रभाम्। शिरसाधारयद्रामो न व्यथामभ्यपद्यत ॥
Thereat Rāma on his head bore that shower of shafts shot from his terrific bow, having the lustre of the petals of blue lotuses; nor did he experience any pain.

अथ मन्त्रानपि जपनरौद्रमस्त्रमुदीरयन्। शरान्भूयः समादाय रामः क्रोधसमन्वितः॥ मुमोच च महातेजाश्चापमायम्य वीर्यवान्। ताशराराक्षसेन्द्राय चिक्षेपाच्छिन्नसायकः॥
Then reciting a formula, the exceedingly energetic Rāma endowed with prowess, wrought up with wrath, engaged in incessantly shooting his shafts, taking his Rudra weapon and again seizing his arrows, discharged them at that lord of Raksasas.

ते महामेघसंकाशे कवचे पातिताः शराः। अवध्ये राक्षसेन्द्रस्य न व्यथां जनयंस्तदा॥
Alighting at the impenetrable mail of the Rākşasa-chief, resembling a mass of mighty clouds, those arrows did not then occasion him any pain.

पुनरेवाथ तं रामो रथस्थं राक्षसाधिपम्। ललाटे परमास्त्रेण सर्वास्त्रकुशलोऽभिनत्॥
Again Rāma skilled in all weapons, from a powerful weapon discharged arrows at the sovereign of the Raksasas mounted on his car.

ते भित्त्वा बाणरूपाणि पञ्चशीर्षा इवोरगाः। श्वसन्तो विविशुर्भूमिं रावणप्रतिकूलिताः॥
And piercing Ravana, those like to fivehooded serpents, resisted by him, entered the earth, hissing.

निहत्य राघवस्यास्त्रं रावणः क्रोधमूर्छितः। आसुरं सुमहाघोरमन्यदत्रं चकार सः॥ सिंहव्याघ्रमुखांश्चापि कङ्ककोकमुखानपि। गृध्रश्येनमुखांश्चापि शृगालवदनांस्तथा॥ ईहामृगमुखांश्चापि व्यादितास्यान्भयावहान्। पञ्चास्याल्लेलिहानांश्च ससर्ज निशिताशरान्।॥ शरान्खरमुखांश्चान्यान्वराहमुखसंश्रितान्। श्वानकुक्कुटवक्रांश्च मकराशीविषाननान्॥ एतांश्चान्यांश्च मायाभिः ससर्ज निशिताञ्छरान्। रामं प्रति महातेजाः क्रुद्धः सर्प इव श्वसन्॥
Having baffled Rāghava's weapon, Rāvana, transported with passion, took up a dreadful Asura weapon; and discharged sharpened shafts having the faces of lions and tigers and the faces of kankas and kokas,' and the faces of vultures and hawks, and the faces of jackals, and the faces of wolves, with gaping mouths, and terrific of aspect:; five-mouthed and red-hued. And that highly powerful one, enraged, sighing like a snake, by his power of illusion shot at Rāma other keen arrows having the faces of mules and the faces of bears, and the faces of dogs and cocks, and the faces of Makaras? And venomous serpents these as well as others. 1. Koka-a ruddy goose. It may also mean a lizard, a chameleon, a wolf. 2. A marine monster, generally confounded with the alligator and the shark: but really a fabulous animal.

आसुरेण समाविष्टः सोऽस्त्रेण रघुपुङ्गवः। ससर्जास्त्रं महोत्साहं पावकं पावकोपमः।४६।। अग्निदीप्तमुखान्बाणांस्तत्र सूर्यमुखानपि। चन्द्रार्धचन्द्रवक्रांश्च धूमकेतुमुखानपि।। ग्रहनक्षत्रवर्णाश्च महोल्कामुखसंस्थितान्॥ विद्युज्जिह्वोपमांश्चापि ससर्ज विविधाञ्छरान्।
Covered with that Asura weapon that foremost of the Raghus, himself resembling fire, discharged an exceedingly vigorous weapon informed with fire; and shot various shafts having faces filled with live flames, and faces like to suns, and hued like to planets and stars, and furnished with faces resembling mighty meteors or resembling tongues of lightning.

ते रावणशरा घोरा राघवास्त्रसमाहताः।४८।। विलयं जग्मुराकाशे जघ्नुश्चैव सहस्रशः।
Those terrific shafts of Răvana, resisted by Rāghava's weapon, were annihilated in the sky, and destroyed (monkeys) by thousands.

तदत्रं निहतं दृष्ट्वा रामेणाक्लिष्टकर्मणा॥ हृष्टा नेदुस्ततः सर्वे कपयः कामरूपिणः। सुग्रीवाभिमुखा वीराः संपरिक्षिप्य राघवम्॥
Seeing that weapon (of Rāvaņa) destroyed by Rāma of untiring deeds, all those heroes, the monkeys, headed by Sugrīva, capable of wearing forms at will shouted, surrounding Rāghava.

ततस्तदत्रं विनिहत्य राघवः प्रसह्य तद्रावणबाहुनिःसृतम्। मुदान्वितो दाशरथिर्महात्मा विनेदुरुच्चैर्मुदिताः कपीश्वराः ॥
The high-souled son of Dasartha-Rāghavahaving by his might destroyed that weapon discharged by Råvana's arms, was delighted; and the monkey-chiefs, filled with glee, began to emit shouts.