Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 96

तथा तैः कृत्तगात्रैस्तु दशग्रीवेण मार्गणैः। बभूव वसुधा तत्र प्रकीर्णा हरिभिस्तदा॥
There the earth was covered with monkeys whose bodies were rent with the arrows of the Ten-necked (Ravana).

रावणस्याप्रसह्यं तं शरसंपातमेकतः। न शेकुः सहितुं दीप्तं पतङ्गा ज्वलनं यथा॥
As the flies cannot stand before the flaming fire so they could not bear the vehemence of Ravana's shafts.

तेऽदिता निशितैर्बाणैः क्रोशन्तो विप्रदुद्रुवुः। पावकार्चिः समाविष्टा दह्यमाना यथा गजाः॥
Being thus assailed with pointed arrows they fled away crying, like to elephants being burnt by fire.

प्लवंगानामनीकानि महाभ्राणीव मारुतः। संययौ समरे तस्मिन्विधमन्रावणः शरैः॥
Rävaņa with his arrows pursued in conflict destroying the army of monkey as wind dissipate the large clouds.

कदनं तरसा कृत्वा राक्षसेन्द्रो वनौकसाम्। आससाद ततो युद्धे त्वरितं राघवं रणे॥
Thus slaughtering the monkeys the lords of Räkşasas speedily reached in the encounter where Raghava was.

सुग्रीवस्तान्कपीन्दृष्ट्वा भग्नान्विद्रादितारणे। गुल्मे सुषेणं निक्षिप्य चक्रे युद्धे द्रुतं मनः॥
Beholding the monkeys assailed and afraid Sugrīva placing Sușeņa in charge of a gulma*addressed himself for the battle. *The division of an army; a body of troops consisting of nine platoons or nine elephants, nine chariots; twenty-seven horses and forty five foot.

आत्मनः सदृशं वीरं स तं निक्षिप्य वानरम्। सुग्रीवोऽभिमुखं शत्रु प्रतस्थे पादपायुधः॥
Placing that heroic monkey, his equal in prowess, in that command Sugrīva sallied out with a tree in his hand to meet the enemy.

पार्श्वतः पृष्ठतश्चास्य सर्वे वानरयूथपाः। अनुजग्मुर्महाशैलान्विविधांश्च वनस्पतीन् ॥
And followed him on all sides the leaders of the monkeys with huge crags and various trees.

ननद युधि सुग्रीवः स्वरेण महता महान्। पोथयन्विविधांश्चान्यान्ममन्थोत्तमराक्षसान्।।।। ममर्द च महाकायो राक्षसान्वानरेश्वरः। युगान्तसमये वायुः प्रवृद्धानगमानिव ॥
The heroic Sugrīva emitted terrible roars in the conflict and assailed the heroic Rakşasas and many others. The huge-bodied monkey-chief crushed the Rakşasas like to the wind uprooting the trees at the time of dissolution.

राक्षसानामनीकेषु शैलवर्ष ववर्ष ह। अश्मवर्ष यथा मेघः पक्षिसङ्केषु कानने॥
He began to make a downpour of crags at the Rakşasas host like to the cloud pouring down hailstorms at the bird in the forest.

कपिराजविमुक्तैस्तैः शैलवस्तु राक्षसाः। विकर्णशिरस: पेतुर्विकीर्णा इव पर्वताः॥
Being beheaded by the crags discharged by that monkeys chief the Rākşasas fell down like to mountains cleft.

अथ संक्षीयमाणेषु राक्षसेषु समन्ततः। सुग्रीवेण प्रभग्नेषु नदत्सु च पतत्सु च ॥ विरूपाक्षः स्वकं नाम धन्वी विश्राव्य राक्षसः। रथादाप्लुत्य दुर्धर्षो गजस्कन्धमुपारुहत् ॥
The Rākṣasas being thus attacked and shattered by Sugriva and roaring and falling down on all sides, an irrepressible Raksasa, skilled in archery, in archery, by name by name Virūpākṣa, pronouncing his own name, got down from the car and mounted an elephant.

स तं द्विपमथारुह्य विरूपाक्षो महाबलः। ननद भीमनिर्हादं वानरानभ्यधावत॥
And mounted on the elephant that highly powerful Virūpākṣa sent forth leonine roars and dashed against the monkeys.

सुग्रीवे स शरान्घोरान्विससर्ज चमूमुखे। स्थापयामास चोद्विग्नानराक्षसान्संप्रहर्षयन्॥
Exciting the joy of the Răkşasas and removing their anxiety he discharged dreadful shafts at Sugrīva and his army.

सोऽतिविद्धः शितैर्बाणैः कपीन्द्रस्तेन रक्षसा। चुक्रोश च महाक्रोधो वधे चास्य मनो दधे ॥
Being assailed by the pointed arrows of the Räksasa that lord of monkeys roared in anger and made up his mind to destroy him.

ततः पादपमुद्धृत्य शूरः संप्रधनो हरिः। अभिपत्य जघानास्य प्रमुखे तं महागजम्॥
Thereupon uprooting a tree the heroic monkeys, skilled in warfare leaped and struck that huge elephant down in his presence.

स तु प्रहाराभिहतः सुग्रीवेण महागजः। अपासर्पद्धनुर्मानं निषसाद ननाद च॥
Being assailed greatly by Sugrīva that huge elephant proceeded a little within the range of the bow and roared and died.

गजातु मथितात्तूर्णमपक्रम्य स वीर्यवान्। राक्षसोऽभिमुखः शत्रु प्रत्युद्गम्य ततः कपिम्॥ आर्षभं चर्म खङ्गं च प्रगृह्य लघुविक्रमः। भर्त्सयत्रिव सुग्रीवमाससाद व्यवस्थितम्॥
Being greatly enraged on the destruction of the elephant the highly powerful Rākşasa dashed forward to face the enemy. That one of quick monuments took up his dagger and armour and viling, approached Sugriva.

स हि तस्यापि संगृह्य प्रगृह्य विपुलां शिलाम्। विरूपाक्षस्य चिक्षेप सुग्रीवो जलदोपमाम्॥
Beholding his movement Sugrīva took up a huge crag resembling cloud and hurled it against Virüpākşa.

स तां शिलामापतन्ती दृष्ट्वा राक्षसपुङ्गवः। अपक्रम्य सुविक्रान्तः खङ्गेन प्राहरत्तदा॥
That highly powerful leading Rākṣasa, finding the crag about to fall, turned a little away and struck the monkey with his dagger.

तेन खङ्गप्रहारेण रक्षसा बलिना हतः। मुहूर्तमभवद्भूमौ विसंज्ञ इव वानरः॥
Being assailed with dagger by that powerful Räkşasa the monkey remained senseless for sometime on the ground.

सहसा स तदोत्पत्य राक्षसस्य महहावे। मुष्टिं संवर्त्य वेगेन पातयामास वक्षसि ॥
Rising up all on a sudden he, clenching his fist, struck that Rakşsas in the mighty encounter on his braeast and got him down.

मुष्टिप्रहाराभिहतो विरूपाक्षो निशाचरः। तेन खङ्गेन संक्रुद्धः सुग्रीवस्य चमूमुखे ॥ कवचं पातयामास पद्भ्यामभिहतोऽपतत्।
Being struck with the fist the night-ranger Virūpākṣa greatly enraged cut down with his dagger Sugriva's armour and tumbled him down with his feet.

स समुत्थाय पतितः कपिस्तस्य व्यसर्जयत्॥ तलप्रहारमशनेः समानं भीमनि:स्वनम्।
The monkey rising up again was about to deal him a blow, hard as a thunder-bolt, with a dreadful sound.

तलप्रहारं तद्रक्षः सुग्रीवेण समुद्यतम्॥ नैपुण्यान्मोचयित्वैनं मुष्टिनोरसि ताडयत्।
And receding a little, he baffled its aim and returned one on Sugriva's breast.

ततस्तु संक्रुद्धतरः सुग्रीवो वानरेश्वरः॥ मोक्षितं चात्मनो दृष्ट्वा प्रहारं तेन रक्षसा। स ददर्शान्तरं तस्य विरूपाक्षस्य वानरः॥
Finding his aim baffled and himself struck in return by the Rākşasa, Sugrīva, the lord of monkeys, was excited with anger. And the monkey-chief was now on the look-out for an opportunity to strike Virüpākşa.

ततोऽन्यं पातयत्क्रोधाच्छङ्खदेशे महातलम् । महेन्द्राशनिकल्पेन तलेनाभिहतः क्षितौ ॥ पपात रुधिरक्लिन्नः शोणितं हि समुगिरन्। स्रोतोभ्यस्तु विरूपाक्षो जलं प्रस्रवणादिव॥
Immediately in anger he struck him down with a blow on his forehead. And being thus assailed with the fist resembling the thunder-bolt of Mahendra, he fell down on the earth bathed in a pool of blood.

विवृत्तनयनं क्रोधात्सफेनं रुधिराप्लुतम्। ददृशुस्ते विरूपाक्षं विरूपाक्षतरं कृतम्॥ स्फुरन्तं परिवर्तन्तं पार्श्वेन रुधिरोक्षितम्। करुणं च विनर्दन्तं ददृशुः कपयो रिपुम्॥
Blood gushed out of the person of Virūpākșa like to water issuing out of a fountain. And the monkeys beheld their enemy (Virūpākṣa) with his eyes disfigured in anger, bathed in a foam of blood, his whole body discoloured, trembling, rolling and crying piteously.

तथा तु तौ संयति संप्रयुक्तौ तरस्विनौ वानरराक्षसानाम्। बलार्णवौ सस्वनतुश्च भीमौ महार्णवौ द्वाविव भिन्नसेतू॥
There upon those too armies of the monkeys and Räkşasas, being ready to engage in the encounter, began to roar like to two mighty oceans having their banks broken.

विनाशितं प्रेक्ष्य विरूपनेत्रं महाबलं तं हरिपार्थिवेन। मुद्वृत्तगङ्गाप्रतिमं बभूव॥
Observing that highly powerful Räkşasa, of discoloured eyes, slain by the king of monkeys, the monkeys and Rakşasa forces engaged in fight and looked like the rising Ganges.