Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 94

तानि नागसहस्राणि सारोहाणि च वाजिनाम्। रथानां त्वग्निवर्णानां सध्वजानां सहस्रशः॥ राक्षसानां सहस्राणि गदापरिघयोधिनाम्। काञ्चनध्वजचित्राणां शूराणां कामरूपिणाम्॥ निहतानि शरैर्दीपैस्तप्तकाञ्चनभूषणैः। रावणेन प्रयुक्तानि रामेणाक्लिष्टकर्मणा॥ दृष्ट्वा श्रुत्वा च संभ्रान्ता हतशेषा निशाचराः। राक्षस्यश्च समागम्य दीनाश्चिन्तापरिप्लुताः॥
By Rāma of unwearied actions, with flaming arrows feathered in burning gold, were destroyed thousands of elephants-many horses with their riders, many a car crested with flaming banners; thousands of heroic Rákşasas assuming shapes at will engaged by Råvana, and armed with clubs and parighas; and golden pennons. Beholding and hearing of this the remaining night-rangers assembled and were greatly bewildered, poorly and stricken with anxiety.

विधवा हतपुत्राश्च क्रोशन्त्यो हतबान्धवाः। राक्षस्यः सह संगम्य दुःखार्ताः पर्यदेवयन्॥
The widows and those who had lost their children or kinsmen approached those Rākşasas and overwhelmed with grief bewailed piteously.

कथं शूर्पणखा वृद्धा कराला निर्णतोदरी। आससाद वने रामं कंदर्पसमरूपिणम्॥
Alas! why did the aged and grim-visaged Śūrpanakhă, having her belly extending down ward, behold in the forest Rāma graceful like Kandarpa.

सुकुमारं महासत्त्वं सर्वभूतहिते रतम्। तं दृष्ट्वा लोकवध्या स हीनरूपा प्रकामिता॥
Beholding him of great beauty and prowess, ever engaged in the welfare of all creatures, that ugly one, worthy of being slain by people, was excited with lust.

कथं सर्वगुणैींना गुणवन्तं महोजसम्। सुमुखं दुर्मुखी रामं कामयामास राक्षसी॥
Why did that ugly-faced she-demon, devoid of all qualities, address Räma, having a beautiful countenance, gifted with many virtues and great effulgence?

जनस्यास्याल्पभाग्यत्वाद्वलिनी श्वेतमूर्धजा। अकार्यमपहास्यं च सर्वलोकविगर्हितम्॥ राक्षसानां विनाशाय दूषणस्य खरस्य च। चकाराप्रतिरूपा सा राघवस्य प्रधर्षणम्॥
Alas for the misfortune of the Rākşasas, the aged Rākşasaee brought before him such a vile proposal, hated of all and worthy of creating laughter. for the destruction of Khara, Düşaņa and other Räksasas that ugly one approached Rāghava with such a vile intention.

तन्निमित्तमिदं वैरं रावणेन कृतं महत्। वधाय सीता सा नीता दशग्रीवेण रक्षसा॥
It was for her that Rāvana created enmity (with Răma) and Sītä was carried away by the Ten-necked Rākşasa.

न च सीतां दशग्रीवः प्राप्नोति जनकात्मजाम्। बद्धं बलवता वैरमक्षयं राघवेण च ॥
But he could not spread his influence upon Sitā the daughter of king Jannak and deep rooted and eternal became the enmity with the highly powerful Rāghava.

वैदेही प्रार्थयानं तं विराधं प्रेक्ष्य राक्षसम्। हतमेकेन रामेण पर्याप्तं तन्निदर्शनम्॥
Beholding the Rākşasa Virādha slain by Rāma alone (Rāvana) wishing Vaidehỉ should have regarded that as a sufficient proof of his prowess.

चतुर्दश सहस्राणि रक्षसां भीमकर्मणाम्। निहतानि जनस्थाने शरैरग्निशिखोपमैः॥ खरश्च निहतः संख्ये दूषणः स्त्रिशिरास्तथा। शरैरादित्यसंकाशैः पर्याप्तं तन्निदर्शनम् ॥
And fourteen thousand Rākşasas of terrible deeds were slain by him in janasthāna with shafts resembling the flame of fire. Khara Düş aņa as well as Tricira were slain by him in conflict with arrows resembling the Sun-this was a sufficient proof (of his power).

हतो योजनबाहुश्च कबन्धो रुधिराशनः। क्रोधान्नादं नदन्सोऽथ पर्याप्तं तन्निदर्शनम्॥
Yojanabāhu and Kabandha, drinking blood, were slain by him, roaring with wrath-this too was a sufficient proof of his power.

जघान बलिनं रामः सहस्रनयनात्मजम्। वालिनं मेघसंकाशं पर्याप्तं तन्निदर्शनम्॥
Rāma slew the powerful Vāli, the son of the thousand eyed one, resembling the cloud-that too was the sufficient proof of his prowess.

ऋष्यमूके वसंश्चैव दीनो भग्नमनोरथः। सुग्रीवः प्रापितो राज्यं पर्याप्तं तन्निदर्शनम् ॥
By him Sugriva, poorly and living in the mount Rșyamūka, having all his desires frustrated, was placed on the throne-that too even was the sufficient proof of his power.

धर्मार्थसहितं वाक्यं सर्वेषां रक्षसां हितम्। युक्तं विभीषणेनोक्तं मोहात्तस्य न रोचते॥ विभीषणवचः कुर्याद्यदि स्म धनदानुजः। श्मशानभूता दुःखार्ता नेयं लङ्का भविष्यति॥
He (Rāvana) from foolishness did not like the becoming speech of Vibhīşaņa conducive to the acquirement of piety and wealth and securing the welfare of the Rakşasas. Had the younger brother of the lord of wealth (Rāvana) observed the words of Vibhīşaņa, Lanka would not have been overwhelmed with grief and reduced to the state of a cremation ground.

कुम्भकर्णं हतं श्रुत्वा राघवेण महाबलम्। अतिकायं च दुर्मर्ष लक्ष्मणेन हतं तदा।। प्रियं चेन्द्रजितं पुत्रं रावणो नावबुद्ध्यते॥
Hearing of the destruction of the highly powerful Kumbhakarņa by Rāma of the irrepressible Atikay by Lakşmaņa as well as of his beloved son Indrajit, Rāvana did not come to his senses.* *One śloka has been omitted here by some of the editors which when translated stands thus; When one monkey only Hanumān killed the prince Akşaya and reduced the whole city to ashes with the fire of his tail Rāvana should have come to his senses.

मम पुत्रो मम भ्राता मम भर्ता रणे हतः। इत्येष श्रूयते शब्दो राक्षसीनां कुले कुले॥
There is audible in every house of the Rāks sas, the cry-My son, my brother, my husband is slain in battle.

रथाश्वनागाश्च हतास्तत्र तत्र सहस्रशः। रणे रामेण शूरेण हताश्चापि पदातयः॥
In conflict have been destroyed by the heroic Rāma, thousand cars, horses, serpents and infantry.

रुद्रो वा यदि वा विष्णुर्महेन्द्रो वा शतक्रतुः। हन्ति नो रामरूपेण यदि वा स्वयमन्तकः॥
Perhaps Rudra, Visnu, Mehendra or the performer of hundred sacrifices, or even Death, in the shape of Rāma, is slaying us.

हतप्रवीरा रामेण निराशा जीविते वयम्। अपश्यन्त्यो भयस्यान्तमनाथा विलपामहे ॥
By Rāma all the heroes have been slaindespair has taken possession of our minds-we do not behold the end of our terror and are bewailing being deprived of our lords.

रामहस्ताद्दशग्रीवः शूरो दत्तमहावरः। इदं भयं महाघोरं समुत्पन्नं न बुद्ध्यते।२६।।
Does not the Ten-necked hero, who has obtained boons (from Brahmă) perceive that a mighty disaster shall befall him from Råma?

तं न देवा न गन्धर्वा न पिशाचा न राक्षसाः। उपसृष्टं परित्रातुं शक्ता रामेण संयुगे॥
Neither the celestials Gandharvas, Piśācas nor Rāksasas shall be able to save him from Rāma in conflict.

उत्पाताश्चापि दृश्यन्ते रावणस्य रणे रणे। कथयन्ति हि रामेण रावणस्य निबर्हणम्॥
In very battle many an accident befalls Rāvaņa, this bespeaks of his destruction at the hands of Rāma.

पितामहेन प्रीतेन देवदानवराक्षसैः। रावणस्याभयं दत्तं मनुष्येभ्यो न याचितम्॥
The great Patriarch, being pleased conferred upon Rāvaņa the boon that no fear would proceed to him from the celestials, the Dānavas or the Rākşasas-but he did not beg of him, security from men.

तदिदं मानुषं मन्ये प्राप्तं निःसंशयं भयम्। जीवितान्तकरं घोरं रक्षसां रावणस्य च॥
Forsooth, he is that fearful man who shall slay Rāvana and the Rākşasas.

पीड्यमानास्तु बलिना वरदानेन रक्षसा। दीप्तैस्तपोभिर्विबुधाः पितामहपूजयन् ॥
The celestials being thus oppressed by Ravana, who had obtained the boon, worshipped the great Patriachs with sever austerities.

देवतानां हितार्थाय महात्मा वै पितामहः। उवाच देवतास्तुष्ट इदं सर्वा महद्वचः॥
Being propitiated with them, the high-souled Patriarch, for their welfare, addressed the celestials, with the following pregnant speech.

अद्यप्रभृति लोकांस्त्रीन्सर्वे दानवराक्षसाः। भयेन प्रभृता नित्यं विचरिष्यन्ति शाश्वतम्॥
From today shall the Rākṣasas and Dänavas roam for ever afraid of the celestials in three worlds,

दैवतैस्तु समागम्य सर्वेश्चन्द्रपुरोगमैः। वृषध्वजस्त्रिपुरहा महादेवः प्रतोषितः॥
Thereupon the celestials headed by Indra engaged in propitiating Mahādeva, the slayer of Tripura, and who rides upon a bull.

प्रसन्नस्तु महादेवो देवानेतद्वचोऽब्रवीत्। उत्पत्स्यति हितार्थं वो नारी रक्षःक्षयावहा॥
And being pleased, Mahädeva addressed them saying, For your welfare there will be born a woman who shall be the cause of the destruction of the Rākşasas.

एषा देवैः प्रयुक्ता तु क्षुद्यथा दानवान्पुरा। भक्षयिष्यति नः सर्वान्राक्षसघ्नी सरावणान्॥
As hunger, being engaged by the celestials, did destroy in olden time, all the Dānvas, so shall she (Sītā) the root of the extinction of Rāksasa race destroy us all with Rāvana.

रावणस्यापनीतेन दुविनीतस्य दुर्मतेः। अयं निष्टानको घोरः शोकेन समभिप्लुतः॥
Alas! for the foolishness of the vicious minded and insolent Răvaņa destruction has faced us and we are overwhelmed with grief.

तं न पश्यामहे लोके यो नः शरणदो भवेत्। राघवेणोपसृष्टानां कालेनेव युगक्षये॥ नास्ति नः शरणः किंचिद्भये महति तिष्ठताम्। दावाग्निवेष्टितानां हि करेणूनां यथा वने॥
We do not see any such being in the world who can afford us shelter. Rāghava has attacked us like to the fire of dissolution. There is no refuge for who have been stricken with fear as no help re.. hes the elephants in a forest best with fire.

प्राप्तकालं कृतं तेन पौलस्त्येन महात्मना। यत एव भयं दृष्टं तमेव शरणं गतः॥
The high-souled Vibhīşaņa did the just thing in proper time-he took shelter of him from whom he expected danger.

इतीव सर्वा रजनीचरस्त्रियः परस्परं संपरिरभ्य बाहुभिः। विषेदुरार्तातिभयाभिपीडिता विनेदुरुच्चैश्च तदा सुदारुणम्॥
Thus bewailed piteously and loudly-the she demons holding each other by neck and being stricken with fear and grief.