Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 88

विभीषणवचः श्रुत्वा रावणिः क्रोधमूर्छितः। अब्रवीत्परुषं वाक्यं क्रोधेनाभ्युत्पपात च॥
Hearing Vibhisana's words, the son of Ravana, deprived of his senses by passion, spoke harshly, and rushed forward in wrath.

उद्यतायुधनिस्त्रिंशो रथे सुसमलंकृते। कालाश्वयुक्ते महति स्थितः कालान्तकोपमः॥
With upraised weapons and scimitars, he, resembling the Destroyer himself, was mounted on a mighty car yoked with black steeds, and ornamented (on all sides).

महाप्रमाणमुद्यम्य विपुलं वेगवदृढम्। धनुर्भीमबलो भीमं शरांश्चामित्रनाशनान् ॥
That one endowed with terrific strength upraised a huge, gigantic, strong and powerful bow, and shafts capable of destroying foes.

तं ददर्श महेष्वासो रथस्थः समलंकृतः। अलंकृतममित्रघ्नो रावणस्यात्मजो बली॥ हनूमत्पृष्ठमारूढमुदयस्थरविप्रभम्। उवाचैनं सुसंरब्धः सौमित्रिं सविभीषणम्॥ तांश्च वानरशार्दूलान्पश्यध्वं मे पराक्रमम्। अद्य मत्कार्मुकोत्सृष्टं शरवर्ष दुरासदम्॥ मुक्तवर्षमिवाकाशे धारयिष्यथ संयुगे।
That mighty bowman and slayer of foes-the powerful son of Ravana, adorned (with ornaments, and mounted on his chariot, saw him dight (with his own splendour). And fired wrath (Indrajit) addressed Sumitra's son, who, mounted on Hanumān's back, like to the risen sun in splendour-accompanied Vibhīşaña; and he also addressed all those principal monkeys saying, "Do you behold my prowess! today do you in the conflict bear my arrowy shower shot from my bow, incapable of being approached, and resembling the down pour in the sky.

अद्य वो मामका बाणा महाकार्मुकनिःसृताः। विधमिष्यन्ति गात्राणि तूलराशिमिवानलः॥
fo-day my shafts discharged from my mighty bow shall mangle your limbs, even as fire burn up a heap of cotton.

तीक्ष्णसायकनिर्भिन्नाशूलशक्त्वृष्टिसायकैः। अद्य वो गमयिष्यामि सर्वानेव यमक्षयम्॥
To-day with your persons pierced with sharp shafts, with darts, and javelins, and Rstis and arrows, Shall I despatch you all to the abode of Yama.

सृजतः शरवर्षाणि क्षिप्रहस्तस्य संयुगे। जीमूतस्येव नदतः कः स्थास्यति ममाग्रतः।।।।
Who shall stay before me, fleet-handed, creating an arrows shower in the field, and roaring like to clouds?

रात्रियुद्धे तदा पूर्व वज्राशनिसमैः शरैः। शायितौ तौ मया भूयो विसंज्ञौ सपुरःसरौ॥ स्मृतिर्न तेऽस्ति वा मन्ये व्यक्तं या तो यमक्षयम्। आशीविषसमं क्रुद्धं यन्मां योद्धमुपस्थितः॥
Formerly in a night-engagement, with my shafts resembling the thunder-bolt and Vajra, you two along with your foremost adherents, were rendered insensible and laid down on the earth by me. But, perhaps, you have forgotten it. As you have presented yourself for battle before me, fired with wrath and resembling a venomous serpent, it is evident you will go to the region of Yama.

तच्छुत्वा राक्षसेन्द्रस्य गर्जितं राघवस्तदा। अभीतवदनः क्रुद्धो रावणिं वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥
Hearing the vaunt of the Rākşasa-chief, Rahgu's son, inflamed with rage, with an undaunted countenance, spoke to Ravana's son.

उक्तश्च दुर्गमः पार:कार्याणां राक्षस त्वया। कार्याणां कर्मणा पारं यो गच्छति स बुद्धिमान्॥ स त्वमर्थस्य हीनार्थो दुरवापस्य केनचित्। वाचा व्याहृत्य जानीषे कृतार्थोऽस्मीति दुर्मते॥
O Rākşasa, hard is the achievement of the task that you have mentioned. He that compass business by act is alone intelligent. He that compass business by act is alone intelligent. But you, O wicked-minded one, incompetent as you are to bring about your end, attaining your arduous aim by words only, deem yourself as crowned with success.

अन्तर्धानगतेनाजौ यत्त्वया चरितस्तदा। तस्कराचरितो मार्गो नैष वीरनिषेवितः॥
That your had rendered yourself invisible in the field of conflict, was the work of a thief, and not the way of a hero.

यथा बाणपथं प्राप्य स्थितोऽस्मि तव राक्षस। दर्शयस्वाद्य तत्तेजो वाचा त्वं किं विकत्थसे॥
Coming within the range of your shafts, I stay here, do you display your prowess. What did you say in words.?

एवमुक्तो धनुर्भीम परामृश्य महाबलः। ससर्ज निशितान्बाणानिन्द्रजित्समितिजयः॥
Thus addressed, the mighty IndrajitConqueror of enemies-stretching his dreadful bow, showered sharpened shafts.

तेन सृष्टा महावेगाः शराः सर्पविषोपमाः। संप्राप्य लक्ष्मणं पेतुः श्वसन्त इव पनगाः॥
And discharged by him, those exceedingly impetuous arrows, resembling the venom of serpents, hitting Laksmana, fell down like to hissing snakes.

शरैरतिमहावेगैर्वेगवान्रावणात्मजः। सौमित्रिमिन्द्रजिद्युद्धे विव्याध शुभलक्षणम्॥
In that encounter, Rāvana's son-Indrajit, possessed of eminent impetuosity, pierced Laksmana, graced with auspicious marks, with vehement shafts.

स शरैरतिविद्धाङ्गो रुधिरेण समुक्षितः। शुशुभे लक्ष्मणः श्रीमान्विधूम इव पावकः॥
And pierced with those arrows and bathed in blood, the graceful Lakşmaņa appeared like a smokeless fire.

इन्द्रजित्त्वात्मनः कर्म प्रसमीक्ष्याभिगम्य च। विनद्य सुमहानादमिदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Seeing his own feat, Indrajit, coming forward, and setting up a tremendous cry, said.

पत्रिणः शितधारास्ते शरा मत्कार्मुकच्युताः। आदास्यन्तेऽद्य सौमित्रे जीवितं जीवितान्तकाः॥
O son of Sumitrā, my feathered and sharpedged shafts shot from my bow, capable of destroying life, will today finish you up.

अद्य गोमायुसङ्घाश्च श्येनसङ्घाश्च लक्ष्मण। गृध्राश्च निपतन्तु त्वां गतासुं निहतं मया॥
To-day, O Laksmana, swarms of jackals and hosts of hawks and vultures shall alight on you lying lifeless, having been slain by me.

क्षत्रबन्धुं सदानार्य रामः परमदुर्मतिः। भक्तं भ्रातरमचैव त्वां द्रक्ष्यति हतं मया॥ वित्रस्तकवचं भूमौ व्यपविद्धशरासनम्। हृतोत्तमाङ्गं सौमित्रे त्वामद्य निहतं मया।॥
This very day shall the exceedingly wicked Råma behold you, who are the friend of Kș atriyas and devoted to your brother, and who ėver bear yourself ignobly, slain by me; today see you, O Sumitra's son, slain by me, with your armour fallen off your person, your bow broken, and your head severed.

इति ब्रवाणं संक्रुद्धः परुषं रावणात्मजम्। हेतुमद्वाक्यमर्थज्ञो लक्ष्मणः प्रत्युवाच ह॥
As Ravana's son was speaking thus harshly, Lakşmaņa conversant with the import of words, replied in a reasonable speech, saying.

वाग्बलं त्यज दुर्बुद्धे क्रूरकर्मन्हि राक्षस। अथ कस्माद्वदस्येतत्संपादय सुकर्मणा ॥
Leave off your strength of tongue, O you of perverse sense, O Räkşasa, O you of crooked ways! Wherefore did you speak thus? Bring all this to pass in worthy deed.

अकृत्वा कत्थसे कर्म किमर्थमिह राक्षस। कुरु तत्कर्म येनाहं श्रद्धेयं तव कत्थनम्॥
Why, O Raksasa, without doing (what you say), did you simply say it? Do the deed, so that I may have regard for your utterances.

अनुक्त्वा परुषं वाक्यं किंचिदप्यनवक्षिपन्। अविकत्थन्वधिष्यामि त्वां पश्य पुरुषादन॥
Mark! without speaking anything harsh, without censuring you in the least, without venting any brag, shall, I, O cannibal, slay you.

इत्युक्त्वा पञ्च नाराचानाकर्णापूरिताशरान्। विजषान महावेगाल्लक्ष्मणो राक्षसोरसि॥
Saying this, Lakşmaņa drawing his bow to its full bent, hit at the Raksasas chest five nārācas, wondrous impetuous arrows.

सपत्रवाजिता बाणा ज्वलिता इव पन्नगाः। नैर्ऋतोरस्यभासन्त सवितू रश्मयो यथा॥
Those arrows resembling flaming serpents, with their velocity accelerated by the feathers (with which they were furnished), blazed on the Nairta's breast like the rays of the sun.

स शरैराहतस्तेन सरोषो रावणात्मजः। सुप्रयुक्तैस्त्रिभिर्बाणैः प्रतिविव्याध लक्ष्मणम्॥
And wounded with those shafts, Ravana's son, fired with wrath, pierced Lakşmaņa with arrows discharged (from his bow).

स बभूव महाभीमो नरराक्षससिंहयोः। विमर्दस्तुमुलो युद्धे परस्परजयैषिणोः॥
And exceedingly dreadful was the encounter that took place between those leonine man and Rākşasa, each eager to conquer the other.

विक्रान्तौ बलसंपन्नावुभौ विक्रमशालिनौ। उभौ परमदुर्जेयावतुल्यबलतेजसौ॥ युयुधाते तदा वीरौ ग्रहाविव नभोगतौ। बलवृत्राविव हि तौ युधि वै दुष्प्रधर्षणौ॥ युयुधाते महात्मानौ तदा केसरिणाविव। बहूनवसृजन्तौ हि मार्गणौघानवस्थितौ।। नरराक्षसमुख्यौ तौ प्रहृष्टावभ्ययुध्यताम्॥
Both powerful, and both endowed with strength and possessed of prowess, and both exceedingly invincible; and both having unparalleled might and energy, those heroes faught like two planets in the welkin; or like Bala and Vộtra, irresistible in conflict; and those high-souled ones faught like two lions. And showering countless shafts and displaying many manoeuvres, that foremost of men and that Rāks asas, faught on cheerfully,

ततः शरान्दाशरथिः संधायामित्रकर्षणः। ससर्ज राक्षसेन्द्राय क्रुद्धः सर्प इव श्वसन्॥
Then sighing like an enraged serpent, that chastiser of foes, Dasaratha's son, setting shafts (on his bow-string) showered them on the Raksasa-chief.

तस्य ज्यातलनिर्घोषं स श्रुत्वा राक्षसाधिपः। विवर्णवदनो भूत्वा लक्ष्मणं समुदैक्षत॥
And hearing the twang of his bow-string the lord of Rākṣasas, with his countenance fallen, gazed at Laksmana.

विषण्णवदनं दृष्ट्वा राक्षसं रावणात्मजम्। सौमित्रिं युद्धसंयुक्तं प्रत्युवाच विभीषणः॥
Then Vibhīşaņa spoke to Sumitrā's son as he was fighting, “I find (inauspicious) signs in Rāvana's son.

निमित्तान्युपपश्यामि यान्यस्मिन्रावणात्मजे। त्वर तेन महाबाहो भग्न एष न संशयः॥
Do therefore hasten on, broken he is, without doubt.

ततः संधाय सौमित्रिः शरानाशीविषोपमान्। मुमोच विशिखांस्तस्मिन्सानिव विषोल्बणान्॥
Then fixing arrows (on his bow) resembling venomous snakes, he let go those keen shafts, like to serpents furnished with poison.

शक्राशनिसमस्पर्शेर्लक्ष्मणेनाहतः शरैः। मुहूर्तमभवन्मूढः सर्वसंक्षुभितेन्द्रियः।॥
And smite by Lakşmaņa with arrows having the touch of the levin, (Indrajit) for a while was stupefied and had his senses overwhelmed.

ददर्शावस्थितं वीरमाजौ दशरथात्मजम्। सोऽभिचक्राम सौमित्रिं रोषात्संरक्तलोचनः॥
And eyeing that heroson to Dasaratha-present in the encounter, (Indrajit) with his eyes crimsoned on choler, drew near Sumitrā's son. And coming up to him (Laksmana), he again addressed (that hero) in a harsh speech, saying.

अब्रवीच्चैनमासाद्य पुनः स परुषं वचः। किं न स्मरसि तद्युद्धे प्रथमे मत्पराक्रमम्।। निबद्धस्त्वं सह भ्रात्रा यदा युधि विचेष्टसे॥ युवां खलु महायुद्धे वज्राशनिसमैः शरैः। शायितौ प्रथमं भूमौ विसंज्ञौ सपुर:सरौ॥
Did you not remember my prowess at that first encounter, when you along with your brother was bound up, that now you are discharging arms (at me)? Forsooth you two in mighty encounter, with shafts resembling the thunder-bolt and vajra, by me were first laid down on the ground, deprived of your lives, along with your principal adherents.

स्मृतिर्वा नास्ति ते मन्ये व्यक्तं वा यमसादनम्। गन्तुमिच्छसि यन्मां त्वमाधर्षयितुमिच्छसि॥
Either this has escaped your memory or I fancy, you plainly act to go to the abode of Yama, inasmuch as you have set your heart on beating me.

यदि ते प्रथमे युद्धे न दृष्टो मत्पराक्रमः। अद्य त्वां दर्शयिष्यामि तिष्ठेदानी व्यवस्थितः॥
If at the first encounter you have not witnessed my prowess, today shall I show it to you. Do you now stay, summoning your attention.

इत्युक्त्वा सप्तभिर्बाणैरभिविव्याध लक्ष्मणम्। दशभिस्तु हनूमन्तं तीक्ष्णधारैः शरात्तमैः॥
Seeing this, he pierced Lakşmaņa with seven shafts, and Hanumān with ten keen-edged excellent shafts.

ततः शरशतेनैव सुप्रयुक्तेन वीर्यवान्। क्रोधाद् द्विगुणसंरब्धो निर्बिभेद विभीषणम्॥
Then, fired with double fury, that powerful one pierced Vibhīşana with an hundred arrows, powerfully discharged (from his weapons.)

तदृष्ट्वेन्द्रजिता कर्म कृतं रामानुजस्तदा। अचिन्तयित्वा प्रहसनैतत्किचिदिति ब्रुवन्। ५० ।।
Seeing this act of Indrajit, that foremost of men, Rama's younger brother, Laksmana, with an undaunted countenance, fired with wrath without minding the same, and saying with a laugh, this is nothing.'

मुमोच च शरान्घोरान्संगृह्य नरपुङ्गवः। अभीतवदनः क्रुद्धो रावणिं लक्ष्मणो युधि॥ नैवं रणगताः शूराः प्रहरन्ति निशाचर। लघवश्चाल्पवीर्याश्च शरा हीमे सुखास्तव॥
Taking dreadful arrows, in the conflict, discharged them at the son of Ravana. "O nightrangers, heroes, coming to the field never discharge (such shafts as these). These arrows of your are light and of slight strength, and they conduce to my comfort. Heroic warriors eager for encounter, do not fight thus.

नैवं शूरास्तु युध्यन्ते समरे युद्धकाङ्गिणः। इत्येवं तं ब्रुवन्धन्वी शरैरभिववर्ष ह॥
Speaking thus, (Laksmana) accoutred with his bow showered vollies of shafts (on his adversary).

तस्य बाणैः सुविध्वस्तं कवचं काञ्चनं महत्। व्यशीर्यत रथोपस्थे ताराजालमिवाम्बरात्॥
And at his arrows (hitting), (Indrajit's) mighty golden mail fell off his person, and dropped to the platform of his car like a cluster of stars dropping from the welkin.

विधूतवर्मा नाराचैर्बभूव स कृतव्रणः। इन्द्रजित्समरे वीरः प्रत्यूषे भानुमानिव ॥
With his armour dropping off, that hero— Indrajit was wounded with nárachas, like the Sun at dawn.

ततः शरसहस्रेण संक्रुद्धो रावणात्मजः। बिभेद समरे वीरो लक्ष्मणं भीमविक्रमः॥
That hero, Ravana's son endowed with dreadful prowess, in that conflict, pierced Lakşmaņa with a thousand shafts.

व्यशीर्यत महद्दिव्यं कवचं लक्ष्मणस्य तु। कृतप्रतिकृतान्योन्यं बभूवतुरभिद्रुतौ ॥
Thereat Lakşmaņa's gorgeous and mighty mail was rent in pieces. And each rushing forward was engaged in dealing blows and harrying them.

अभीक्ष्णं निःश्वसन्तौ वै युध्येतां तुमुलौ युधि। शरसंकृत्तसर्वाङ्गौ सर्वतो रुधिरोक्षितौ।। सुदीर्घकालं तौ वीरावन्योन्यं निशितैः शरैः॥
And sighing again and again, they faught furiously. And with their persons cut all over, and laved in blood, for a long while the heroes kept cleaving each other with sharpened shafts.

ततक्षतुर्महात्मानौ रणकर्मविशारदौ। बभूवतुश्चात्मजये यत्तौ भीमपराक्रमौ॥
And those high-souled ones versed in warfare, and endowed with terrific prowess exerted their utmost in securing victory.

तौ शरौषैस्तथाकीर्णो निकृत्तकवचध्वजौ। सृजन्तौ रुधिरं चोष्णं जलं प्रस्रवणाविव॥
And covered with vollies of shafts, with their armour and banners rent, they drew each other's warm blood flowing like water from a fountain.

शरवर्षं ततो घोरं मुञ्चतोर्भीमनिःस्वनम्। सासारयोरिवाकाशे नीलयोः कालमेघयोः॥
They discharged dreadful showers attended with tremendous sounds, like the sounds of black clouds at Dooms-day* pouring torrents in the sky. * Kalameghayo (gen). The commentator says the word means (black clouds; but I prefer the sense given.

तयोरथ महान्कालो व्यतीयाधुध्यमानयोः। न च तौ युद्धवैमुख्यं क्लमं चाप्युपजग्मतुः॥
A long time went by as they faught. Not did they turn away from the encounter, or know fatigue.

अस्त्राण्यस्त्रविदां श्रेष्ठौ दर्शयन्तौ पुनः पुनः। शरानुच्चावचाकारानन्तरिक्षे बबन्धतुः॥
Those foremost of those acquainted with weapons repeatedly displayed their weapons; and their long and short shafts enveloped the welkin.

व्यपेतदोषमस्यन्तौ लघु चित्रं च सुष्ठु च। उभौ तु तुमुलं घोरं चक्रतुर्नरराक्षसौ॥
The skill that they displayed was perfect, and showed lightness, variety and grace; and both man and the Rākşasa carried on fearful and terrible conflict.

तयोः पृथक्पृथग्भीमः शुश्रुवे तुमुलः स्वनः। स कम्पं जनयामास निर्घात इव दारुणः॥
The dreadful and tremendous roars of each were audible (at that place); and terrific like the levin, they made the hearts of hearers tremble (in terror).

तयोः स भ्राजते शब्दस्तथा समरयत्तयोः। सुघोरयोनि:स्वनतोगगने मेघयोरिव॥
As they faught with might and main, the sounds that they sent resembled the deep rumbling of clouds in the sky.

सुवर्णपुजैर्नाराचैर्बलवन्तौ कृतव्रणौ। प्रसुनुवाते रुधिरं कीर्तिमन्तौ जये धृतौ॥
And pierced with närâchas knobbed with gold, those-powerful and illustrious (warriors) with their hearts set on celebrity, bled profusely.

ते गात्रयोनिपतिता रुक्मपुङ्खाः शरा युधि। असृग्दिग्धा विनिष्पेतुर्विविशुर्धरणीतलम्॥
in that engagement gold-knobbed shafts hitting each other's person, pierced the same and covered with gore, entered the earth.

अन्ये सुनिशितैः शस्त्रैराकाशे संजघट्टिरे। बभञ्जश्चिच्छिदुश्चैव तयोर्बाणाः सहस्रशः॥
And other shafts were resisted in the sky by sharpened weapons, and some were snapped, and thousands of their arrows were cleft (in the sky).

स बभूव रणे घोरस्तयोर्बाणमयश्चयः। अग्निभ्यामिव दीप्ताभ्यां सत्रे कुशमयश्च यः॥
In that field, the vollies of their shafts were dreadful to behold like to a heap of Kusa aflame in a sacrifice.

तयोः कृतव्रणौ देहौ शुशुभाते महात्मनोः। सुपुष्पाविव निष्पत्रौ वने किंशुकशाल्मली।७१।।
The wounded frames of those high-souled ones appeared beautiful like a leafless flowering Kinsuka and Sālmali in wood.

चक्रतुस्तुमुलं घोरं संनिपातं मुहुर्मुहुः। इन्द्रजिल्लक्ष्मणश्चैव परस्परजयैषिणौ॥
Each eager to vanquish the other, Indrajit and Lakşmaņa momentarily discharged tremendous and terrific showers (of arms).

लक्ष्मणो रावणिं युद्ध रावणिश्चापि लक्ष्मणम्। अन्योन्यं तावविभिघ्नन्तौ न श्रमं प्रतिपद्यताम्॥
Laksmana smiting Ravana's son, and Ravana's son smiting Lakşmaņa, they did not experience any fatigue.

बाणजालैः शरीरस्थैरवगाडैस्तरस्विनौ। शुशुभाते महावीर्यो प्ररूढाविव पर्वतौ॥
With net-works of arrows deeply entering their persons, those vehement and exceedingly powerful ones resembled mountains topped (with trees).

ततो रुधिरसिक्तानि संवृतानि शरैर्भृशम्। बभ्राजुः सर्वगात्राणि ज्वलन्त इव पावकाः॥
All their limbs, drenched in blood and covered with arrows, looked like a blazing fire.

तयोरथ महान्कालो व्यतीयाधुध्यमानयोः। न च तौ युद्धवैमुख्यं श्रमं चाप्यभिजग्मतुः॥
A great while did they fight; yet they neither turned away (from the fight), nor did they experience any exhaustion.

अथ समरपरिश्रमं निहन्तुं समरमुखेष्वजितस्य लक्ष्मणस्य। प्रियहितमुपपादयन्महात्मा समरमुपेत्य विभीषणोऽवतस्थे॥
Then to remove (Laksmana's) fatigue from fight, the high-souled Vibhisana, working the weal of Laksmaņa staying in front of the field, came forward in the encounter and took up his post.