Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 84

राममाश्वासमाने तु लक्ष्मणे भ्रातृवत्सले। निक्षिप्य गुल्मान्स्वस्थाने तत्रागच्छद्विभीषणः॥ नानाप्रहरणैवीरैश्चतुर्भिरभिसंवृतः। नीलाञ्जनचयाकारैर्मातंगैरिव यूथपैः॥
As Lakşmaņa devoted to his brother was comforting Rāma, Vibhīşaņa, posting his forces at their proper quarters, came there, surrounded by four heroes accoutred in various arms, resembling masses of collyrium or leaders of elephant-herds.

सोऽभिगम्य महात्मानं राघवं शोकलालसम्। वानरांश्चापि ददृशे वाष्पपर्याकुलेक्षणान्॥
And approaching the high-souled Rāghava, overwhelmed with grief, he saw the monkeys with tears in their eyes.

राघवं च महात्मानमिक्ष्वाकुकुलनन्दनम्। ददर्श मोहमापन्नं लक्ष्मणस्याङ्कमाश्रितम्॥
He saw that joy of the Ikşvāku race the high-souled Raghava-stupefied with grief, lying on the lap of Lakşmaņa.

व्रीडितं शोकसंतप्तं दृष्ट्वा रामं विभीषणः। अन्तर्दुःखेन दीनात्मा किमेतदिति सोऽब्रवीत्॥
son Seeing Rāma cast down and inflamed with grief, Vibhisana, inlay pained, said, "What is this?

विभीषणमुखं दृष्ट्वा सुग्रीवं तांश्च वानरान्। लक्ष्मणोवाच मन्दार्थमिदं वाष्पपरिप्लुतः॥
Thereat, gazing at Vibhisana's countenance as well as all those monkeys, Laksmana, with his eyes flooded with tears, said these words pregnant with dire import.

हता इन्द्रजिता सीता इति श्रुत्वैव राघवः। हनूमद्वचनात्सौम्य ततो मोहमुपाश्रितः॥
O placid one, hearing from Hanumān's lips that Sītā has been slain by Indrajit. Rāghava has been overcome with stupor.

कथयन्तं तु सौमित्रिं संनिवार्य विभीषणः। पुष्कलार्थमिदं वाक्यं विसंज्ञं राममब्रवीत्।।।।।
As Sumitra's was speaking thus, Vibhisana,. preventing him, addressed the stupefied Rāma in these pregnant words.

मनुजेन्द्रार्तरूपेण यदुक्तस्त्वं हनूमता। तदयुक्तमहं मन्ये सागरस्येव शोषणम्॥
O king, all that Hanumān in distressful guise had communicated to you I deem as improbable, like to the drying of the deep.

अभिप्रायं तु जानामि रावणस्य दुरात्मनः। सीतां प्रति महाबाहो न च घातं करिष्यति॥
I know the intent of the impious Rāvana with reference to Sita, O mighty-armed one. Her he will not slay.

याच्यमानः सुबहुशो मया हितचिकीर्षुणा। वैदेहीमुत्सृजस्वेति न च तत्कृतवान्वचः॥
I, seeking his welfare, had besought him much, saying, 'Let go Vaidehi', but he did not act up to my speech.

नैव साम्ना न दानेन न भेदेन कुतो युधा। सा द्रष्टुमपि शक्येत नैव चान्येन केनचित्॥
Neither by conciliation, nor by gift, nor by dissension, and where is war? nor by any other means is one capable of obtaining the very sight of Sītā.

वानरान्मोहयित्वा तु प्रतियातः स राक्षसः। मायामयीं महाबाहो तां विद्धि जनकात्मजाम्॥
Having bewildered the monkeys, the Raksasa has gone back; and, O mighty-armed one, know her to be the illusory daughter of Janaka.

चैत्यं निकुम्भिलामद्य प्राप्य होमं करिष्यति। हुतवानुपयातो हि देवैरपि सवासवैः॥
Today, going to the sacrificial ground (called) Nikumbhilā, he will offer oblations into fire; and there the deity of fire will present himself along with Vasava and the (other) divinities.

दुराधर्षो भवत्येष संग्रामे रावणात्मजः। तेन मोहयता नूनमेषा माया प्रयोजिता ।।
Then Rāvana's son shall be invincible in batile. Indubitably that illusion has been wrought by him, to deceive (the monkeys), so that they might not through their prowess disturb him there.

विघ्नमन्विच्छता तत्र वानराणां पराक्रमे॥ ससैन्यास्तत्र गच्छामो यावत्तन्न समाप्यते।
Thither will we go before he has furnished his (sacrifice). O foremost of men, shake off this vain sorrow that has overcome you!

त्यजैनं नरशार्दूल मिथ्या संतापमागतम्॥ सीदते हि बलं सर्वं दृष्ट्वा त्वां शोककर्शितम्। इह त्वं स्वस्थहृदयस्तिष्ठ सत्वसमुच्छ्रितः।। लक्ष्मणं प्रेषयास्माभिः सह सैन्यानुकर्षिभिः॥
Seeing you smitten with grief, this entire host is dispirited. Here, with your heart composed, do your stay, summoning your strength. Send Lakşmañana along with us and the flower of the forces.

एष तं नरशार्दूलो रावणिं निशितैः शरैः। त्याजयिष्यति तत्कर्म ततो वध्यो भविष्यति॥
This foremost of men by means of sharpened shafts will make Rāvana's son give up his rites; and then shall he be capable of being slain by us.

तस्यैते निशितास्तीक्ष्णाः पत्रिपत्राङ्गवाजिनः। पतत्रिण इवासौम्याः शराः पास्यन्ति शोणितम्॥
These keen and sharpened shafts of his, attaining access of velocity through the feathers of birds, and themselves resembling fierce fowls, will drink his* blood. *Indrajit's.

तत्संदिश महाबाहो लक्ष्मणं शुभलक्षणम्। राक्षसस्य विनाशाय वज्र वज्रधरो यथा ॥
Therefore, O mighty-armed one, do you in order to the destruction of the Rākşasa, commission Lakşmana, even as the wielder of the thunder-bolt command the same.

मनुजवर न कालविप्रकर्षों रिपुनिधनं प्रति यत्क्षमोऽद्य कर्तुम्। त्वमतिसृज रिपोर्वधाय वज्रं दिविजरिपुमथने यथा महेन्द्रः॥
As today no time should be lost, therefore do you send Lakşmaņa for campassing the destruction of the foe, even as Mahendra send the thunder-bolt for bringing about the destruction of the enemies of the immortals.

समाप्तकर्मा हि स राक्षसर्षभो भवत्यदृश्यः समरे सुरासुरैः। युयुत्सता तेन समाप्तकर्मणा भवेत्सुराणामपि संशयो महान्॥
If that foremost of Räkşasas can finish his rites, he shall be invisible to both celestials and Asuras; and, he fighting after finishing his sacrifice, the celestials themselves shall be placed in great jeopardy.