Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 80

मकराक्षं हतं श्रुत्वा रावणः समितिंजयः। रोषेण महताविष्टो दन्तान्कटकटाय्य च॥
Hearing of the destruction of Makarākşa, the heroic Răvaņa, being excited with ire, began to grind his teeth.

कुपितश्च तदा तत्र किं कार्यमिति चिन्तयन्। आदिदेशाथ संकुद्धो रणायेन्द्रजितं सुतम्॥
Being thus angered, and thinking within himself what steps to take, he ordered his son Indrajit to proceed to the battle-field.

जहि वीर महावीयौं भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ। अदृश्योदृश्यमानो वा सर्वथा त्वं बलाधिकः॥
O hero, gifted with great prowess as you are, do you, hidden (in clouds) or appearing before them, slay the two heroic brothers Rāma and Laksmana.

त्वमप्रतिमकर्माणमिन्द्रं जयसि संयुगे। किं पुनर्मानुषौ दृष्ट्वा न वधिष्यसि संयुगे॥
You did defeat in conflict Indra of unequalled prowess. Shall you then neglect to slay men as they are?

तथोक्तो राक्षसेन्द्रेण प्रतिगृह्य पितुर्वचः। यज्ञभूमौ स विधिवत्पावकं जुहवेन्द्रजित् ॥
Being thus addressed by the lord of the Raks asas and obeying his father's command, Indrajit proceeded towards the sacrificial ground to satisfy Fire (with oblations).

जुह्वतश्चापि तत्राग्नि रक्तोष्णीषधराः स्त्रियः। आजग्मुस्तत्र संभ्रान्ता राक्षस्यो यत्र रावणिः॥
There came some she-demons with crimson turbans and waited respectfully where Rävaņa's son was offering oblations to Fire.

शस्त्राणि शरपत्राणि समिधोऽथ बिभीतकाः। लोहितानि च वासांसि स्रुवं कार्णायसं तथा॥
In that sacrifice the weapons were the leaves of sara,' bibhitakas? were fuels, and there were brought crimson clothes and sruvas made of black iron. 1. Saccharum-a reed or grass. 2. Beleric myrobalan. 3. A ladle with a double extremity or two oval collateral excavations made of wood to pour ghee

सर्वतोऽग्नि समास्तीर्य शरपत्रैः सतोमरैः। छागस्य सर्वकृष्णस्य गलं जग्राह जीवतः॥
Spreading fire on all sides with śare leaves and Tomaras, (Indrajit) caught a living goat, all black, by the neck.

शरहोमसमिद्धस्य विधूमस्य महार्चिषः। बभूवुस्तानि लिङ्गानि विजयं दर्शयन्ति च।९।।
The fire, with oblations of sara, became greatly blazed and devoid of smoke. There were visible many good omens indicating victory.

प्रदक्षिणावर्तशिखस्तप्तहाटकसंनिभः। हविस्तत्प्रतिजग्राह पावकः स्वयमुत्थितः॥
The flame of the fire was like to gold, and moving Southwards began to receive offerings of clarified butter.

हुत्वाग्नि तर्पयित्वाथ देवदानवराक्षसान्। आरुरोह रथश्रेष्ठमन्तर्धानगतं शुभम्॥
Thus offering oblations to fire and to celestials, Dänavas and Raksasas, he ascended in excellent car and soon disappeared.

स वाजिभिश्चतुर्भिस्तु बाणैस्तु निशितैर्युतः। आरोपितमहाचापः शुशुभे स्यन्दनोत्तमे॥
It was drawn by four horses and a huge bow, set with sharp arrows, appeared beautiful on that excellent car.

जाज्वल्यमानो वपुषा तपनीयपरिच्छदः। मृगैश्चन्द्रार्धचन्द्रश्च स रथः समलंकृतः॥
The chariot was brilliant with its own native resplendence, adorned with gold and painted with the figures of deer and a cresent.

जाम्बूनदमहाकम्बुर्दीप्तपावकसंनिभः। बभूवेन्द्रजितः केतुर्वैदूर्यसमलंकृतः॥
It was encircled on all sides with golden bracelets, adorned with flags made of viadurja and was like to the flaming fire.

तेन चादित्यकल्पने ब्रह्मास्त्रेण च पालितः। स बभूव दुराधर्षो रावणिः सुमहाबलः॥
Being thus well protected with Brahma weapons resembling the Sun in brilliance, the mighty son of Rāvana became invincible.

सोऽभिनिर्याय नगरादिन्द्रजित्समितिंजयः। हुत्वाग्नि राक्षसैर्मन्त्रैरन्तर्धानगतोऽब्रवीत्॥
Offering oblations to Fire in accordance with demoniac incantations and thus obtaining the power of hiding himself, that hero, ever victorious in battle, issued out of the city and said.

अद्य हत्वा रणे यौ तौ मिथ्या प्रव्रजितौ वने। जयं पित्रे प्रदास्यामि रावणाय रणेऽधिकम्॥
Slaying these two brothers in battle, who have uselessly wandered away into the forest, shall I crown my father Răvana with victory.

अद्य निर्वानरामुर्वी हत्वा रामं च लक्ष्मणम्। करिष्ये परमां प्रीतिमित्युक्त्वान्तरधीयत॥
Destroying Rāma and Lakşmaņa, and clearing the monkeys off the earth, shall I satisfy my sire greatly. Saying this, he disappeared from their view.

आपपाताथ संक्रुद्धो दशग्रीवेण चोदितः। तीक्ष्णकार्मुकनाराचैस्तीक्ष्णस्त्विन्द्ररिपू रणे॥
Thereupon that fearful foe of the lord of celestials appeared in the battle-field, excited with wrath, armed with bow and sharp Nārācas and commissioned thus by the Ten-necked one.

स ददर्श महावीयौँ नागौ त्रिशिरसाविव। सृजन्ताविषुजालानि वीरौ वानरमध्यगौ॥
He beheld there those two heroes discharging flaming arrows and surrounded by the monkeys like to the fearful three-hooded serpent in the midst of other serpents.

इमौ ताविति संचिन्त्य सज्यं कृत्वा च कार्मुकम्। संततानिषुधाराभिः पर्जन्य इव वृष्टिमान्॥
Thinking "these must be both brothers, Rāma and Lakşmaņa," and stretching his bow he began showering arrows like to clouds.

स तु वैहायसरथो युधि तौ रामलक्ष्मणौ। अचक्षुर्विषये तिष्ठन्विव्याध निशितैः शरैः॥
He was seated in a car in the welkin and hidden from the human gaze and began to assail! Ráma and Lakşmaņa with sharp shafts.

तौ तस्य शरवेगेन परीतौ रामलक्ष्मणौ। धनुषी सशरे कृत्वा दिव्यमस्त्रं प्रचक्रतुः॥
Being hurt with the arrows, Rāma and Lakş mana, fixing arrows on their bows, began to discharge celestial shafts.

प्रच्छादयन्तौ गगनं शरजालैर्महाबलौ। तमस्त्रैः सूर्यसंकाशैनँव पस्पर्शतुः शरैः॥
Those two highly powerful heroes could not even touch his person with their arrows resembling the Sun albeit they covered the whole welkin therewith.

स हि धूमान्धकारं च चक्रे प्रच्छादयन्नभः। दिशश्चान्तर्दधे श्रीमान्त्रीहारतमसा वृतः॥
And clouding the whole sky with smoke that effulgent one, enveloped in frost, his himself from their gaze.

नैव ज्यातलनिर्घोषी न च नेमिखुरस्वनः। शुश्रुवे चरतस्तस्य न च रूपं प्रकाशते॥
There was not audible the twang of kis bow, the sound of the wheels, or the noise of the steeds. Nor was he seen by any.

घनान्धकारे तिमिरे शिलावर्षमिवाद्भुतम्। स ववर्ष महाबाहुर्नाराचशरवृष्टिभिः॥
In that terrible darkness of clouds that one of mighty arms began to make a downpour of Nāracas and arrows like hail storms.

स रामं सूर्यसंकाशैः शरैर्दत्तवरै शम्। विव्याध समरे क्रुद्धः सर्वगात्रेषु रावणिः॥
In that encounter, Rāvana's son, inflamed with ire, wounded Rāma, with shafts, resembling the Sun and obtained by him as a boon.

तौ हन्यमानौ नाराचैर्धाराभिरिव पर्वतौ। हेमपुवानरव्याघ्रौ तिग्मान्मुमुचतुः शरान्॥
Being hurt with Nārāchas, like to mountains wet with rain, those two foremost of men, began to discharge shafts feathered in gold.

अन्तरिक्षे समासाद्य रावणिं कङ्कपत्रिणः। निकृत्य पतगा भूमौ पेतुस्ते शोणिताप्लुताः॥
Reaching the son of Rāvana in the sky and soaked in blood those golden arrows, fell down on earth.

अतिमात्रं शरौघेण दीप्यमानौ नरोत्तमौ। तानिषून्पततो भल्लैरनेकैविचकर्ततुः॥
Those two best of men, hurt with his arrows, became more effulgent and beffled the shafts discharged by the Räkşasa.

यतो हि ददृशाते तो शरानिपतिताञ्छितान्। ततस्तु तौ दाशरथी ससृजातेऽस्त्रमुत्तमम्॥
Thereupon Rama and Lakşmaņa began to aim their sharp shafts to the direction whence the arrows came down.

रावणिस्तु दिशः सर्वा रथेनातिरथोऽपतत्। विव्याध तौ दाशरथी लघ्वस्त्रौ निशितैः शरैः॥
And stationed in his chariot that mighty carwarrior disturbed all quarters with his arrows and pierced Dasaratha's sons with sharp shafts won by him.

तेनातिविद्धौ तौ वीरौ रुक्मपुत्रैः सुसंहतैः। बभूवतुर्दाशरथी पुष्पिताविव किंशुकौ॥
Being greatly hurt with those sharp-pointed and terrible arrows Rāma and Lakşmaņa appeared like blossoming kingsukas.

नास्य वेगगतिं कश्चिन्न च रूपं धनुः शरान्। न नास्य विदितं किंचित्सूर्यस्येवाभ्रसंप्लवे॥
Like to the sun hidden in clouds they could see neither his countenance and motion, nor his bow and arrows.

तेन विद्धाश्च हरयो निहताश्च गतासवः। बभूवुः शतशस्तत्र पतिता धरणीतले।३६॥
Being wounded with those arrows hundreds of monkeys died and fell down on the earth.

लक्ष्मणस्तु ततः क्रुद्धो भ्रातरं वाक्यमब्रवीत्। ब्राह्ममस्त्रं प्रयोक्ष्यामि वधार्थ सर्वरक्षसाम्॥
Thereupon Lakşmaņa, being excited with wrath, spoke to his brother, saying-"To slay all the Rākṣasas shall I discharge today Brahma weapon.'

तमुवाच ततो रामो लक्ष्मणं शुभलक्षणम्। नैकस्य हेतो रक्षांसि पृथिव्यां हन्तुमर्हसि ॥
Thereupon Rāma spoke to Lakşmaņa, gifted with auspicious . marks, saying.-"It does not behove you to clear all the Rākşasas off the earth for the folly of one individual.

अयुध्यमानं प्रच्छन्नं प्राञ्जलिं शरणागतम्। पलायमानं मत्तं वा न हन्तुं त्वमिहार्हसि॥ तस्यैव तु वधे यत्नं करिष्यामि महाभुज। आदेक्ष्यावो महावेगानस्त्रानाशीविषोपमान्॥
You should not slay him, who has retired from battle, has hidden himself, has sought your shelter, has stood before you with joined palms, has fled away or who is bewildered. O you of mighty-arms, let us try to slay him (Indrajit). And to accomplish it I shall use the weapons gifted with great impetuosity and resembling the serpents.

तमेनं मायिनं क्षुद्रमन्तर्हितरथं बलात्। राक्षसं निहनिष्यन्ति दृष्ट्वा वानरयूथपाः॥
He is hidden from the public gaze so we must slay him, had he been fighting openly the leaders of the monkey hosts could have slain that Räks asas.

यद्येष भूमिं विशते दिवं वा रसातलं वापि नभस्तलं वा। एवं विगूढोऽपि ममास्त्रदग्धः पतिष्यते भूमितले गतासुः।॥
Truly he shall be burnt to death with my shafts and fall down on the earth albeit he entered the regions under the earth of the abode of the celestials.

इत्येवमुक्त्वा वचनं महाथ रघुप्रवीरः प्लवगर्षभैर्वृतः। स्तदा महात्मा त्वरितं निरीक्षते।४३॥
Having said these words pregnant with a high significance, the high-souled and heroic descendant of Raghu, being surrounded by monkeys, began to concert various plans for the destruction of that terrible Raksasa of wicked deeds.