Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 76

प्रवृत्ते संकुले तस्मिन्वीरे घोरजनक्षये। अङ्गदः कम्पनं वीरमाससाद रणोत्सुकः॥
On that furious and destructive carnage proceeding, Angada eager for encounter, approached the heroic Kampana.

आहूय सोऽङ्गदं कोपात्ताडयामास वेगितः। गदया कम्पनः पूर्व स चचाल भृशाहतः॥
Thereat, challenging Angada in wrath, he assailed him with impetuosity. And Kampana dealt a blow to Angada with his mace; and thereat, wounded with it, he reeled.

स संज्ञां प्राप्य तेजस्वी चिक्षेप शिखरं गिरेः। अर्दितश्च प्रहारेण कम्पनः पतितो भुवि॥
Then regaining his senses, that energetic one hurled a mountain-top. Borne down by the blow, Kampana dropped down to the earth.

ततस्तु कम्पनं दृष्ट्वा शोणिताक्षो हतं रणे। रथेनाभ्यपतित्क्षिप्रं तत्राङ्गदमभीतवत्॥
Seeing Kampana slain in the conflict, ſoņitākṣa mounted on a car, intrepidity rushed against Angada.

सोऽङ्गदं निशितैर्बाणैस्तदा विव्याध वेगितः। शरीरदारणैस्तीक्ष्णैः कालाग्निसमविग्रहैः॥ क्षुरक्षुरखनाराचैर्वत्सदन्तैः शिलीमुखैः। कर्णिशल्यविपाठैश्च बहुभिर्निशितैः शरैः॥ अङ्गदः प्रतिविद्धाङ्गो वालिपुत्रः प्रतापवान्। धनुरुग्रं रथं बाणान्ममर्द तरसा बली॥
He then impetuously pierced Angada with sharpened shafts, keen and capable of cleaving the body and resembling the fatal fire itself in appearance, with Kșuras' and Kșurapras? and Näräcas and Vatsadantas* and Silīmukhas and Karmis and Salyas and Vipathas, and countless (other) whetted arrows. And the powerful son of Vāli, Angada endowed with prowess having his person pierced with arrows suddenly smashed (his adversary's) car and arrows and dreadful bow. 1. Arrows having razor-like edges. 2. Crescent-shaped shafts. 3. Arrows made entirely of iron. 4. Arrows resembling the teeth of calves. 5. Arrows resembling the feathers of the Kanka. 6. Arrow furnished with two sides resembling cars. 7. Arrow with short leads. 8. Arrows resembling the tops of KaravīrasTirtha.

शोणिताक्षस्ततः क्षिप्रमसिचर्म समाददे। उत्पपात तदा कुद्धो वेगवानविचारयन्॥
Thereat, Šoņitākṣa swiftly took up his sword and shield; and without reflecting for a moment, that vigorous one sprang forward.

तं क्षिप्रतरमाप्लुत्य परामृश्याङ्गदो बली। करेण तस्य तं खङ्गं समाच्छिद्य ननाद च॥
The powerful Angada speedily bounding up, seized his enemy's sword and holding the same with his hands shouted.

तस्यां स फलके खङ्गं निजघान ततोऽङ्गदः। यज्ञोपवीतवच्चैनं चिच्छेद कपिकुञ्जरः॥
Then hitting at (Akampana's) shoulder-blade, that powerful monkey-Angada hewed him in twain, his blow going obliquely down like the sacred thread.

तं प्रगृह्य महाखड्गं विनद्य च पुनः पुनः। वालिपुत्रोऽभिदुद्राव रणशीर्ष परानरीन्॥
Taking that terrific sword, and shouting again and again, in the field, Valr's son rushed against other enemies.

प्रजङ्घसहितो वीरो यूपाक्षस्तु ततो बली। रथेनाभिययौ क्रुद्धो वालिपुत्रं महाबलम्॥
Then strong and heroic Yüpākṣa accompanied by Prajangha, mounted on a car, wrathfully approached the mighty son of Vali.

आयसीं तु गदां गृह्य स वीरः कनकाङ्गदः। शोणिताक्षः समाश्वस्य तमेवानुपपात ह॥
Taking an iron mace, that hero, Sonitaksa, adorned with a golden Angada attaining a little respite, advanced against Angada.

प्रजङ्घस्तु महावीरो यूपाक्षसहितो बली। गदयाभिययौ क्रुद्धो वालिपुत्रं महाबलम्॥
That redoubtable hero, the powerful Prajangha, also accompanied by Yüpākşa, fired with wrath, equipped with a mace, advanced towards the son of Vāli endowed with exceeding prowess.

तयोर्मध्ये कपिश्रेष्ठः क्षोणिताश्रप्रजङ्घयोः। विशाखयोर्मध्यगतः पूर्णचन्द्र इवाबभौ॥
And placed between those two Soņitākşa and Prajangha-that foremost of monkeys appeared like the full moon placed between the Visākhās.* *The asterisks so named

अङ्गदं परिरक्षन्तौ मैन्दो द्विविद एव च। तस्य तस्थतुरभ्याशे परस्परदिदृक्षया॥
Mainda and Dvivida defending Angada remained beside him, desirous of witnessing the encounter between those two (combatants).

अभिपेतुर्महाकायाः प्रतियत्ता महाबलाः। राक्षसा वानरानरोषादसिबामगदाधराः॥
And fired with fury, those huge-bodied Räkş asas endowed with dreadful prowess, equipped with swords and shafts and maces, being on their guard, fell upon the monkeys.

त्रयाणां वानरेन्द्राणां त्रिभी राक्षसपुङ्गवैः। संसक्तानां महद्युद्धमभवद्रोमहर्षणम्॥
The encounter that took place between those three lords of monkeys combined (on one side), and the three redoubtable Rākşasas (on the other), was dreadful and capable of making people's down stand on end.

ते तु वृक्षान्समादाय संप्रचिक्षिपुराहवे। खङ्गेन प्रतिचिक्षेप तान्प्रजङ्घो महाबलः॥
They, taking up trees, hurled them in the conflict (against their antagonists); and the powerful Prājantha resisted all those with his swords.

रथान्सर्वान्दुमाञ्छैलान्प्रतिचिक्षिपुराहवे। शरौधैः प्रतिचिच्छेद तान्यूपाक्षो महाबलाः॥
And (the monkeys) in the contest showered rocks and trees on the cars (of their) enemies; and the exceedingly strong Yūpākşa cut them off with vollies of arrows.

सृष्टान्विविदमैन्दाभ्यां दुमानुत्पाट्य वीर्यवान्। बभञ्ज गदया मध्ये शोणिताक्षः प्रतापवान्॥
The powerful Sonitaksa, endowed with prowess, with his mace severed in the middle the trees which Dvivida and Mainda had uprooted and discharged.

उद्यम्य विपुलं खङ्गं परमर्मविदारणम्। प्रजबो वालिपुत्राय अभिदुद्राव वेगितः॥
And summoning speed, Prajangha darted against Väli's son, upraising a huge scimitar capable of piercing into the vitals of trees.

तमभ्याशगतं दृष्ट्वा वानरेन्द्रो महाबलः। आजघानाश्वकर्णेन दुमेणातिबलस्तदा॥ बाहुं चास्य सनिस्त्रिंशमाजघान स मुष्टिना। बालिपुत्रस्य घातेन स पपात क्षितावसिः॥
Seeing him approach, that lord of monkeys possessed of exceeding strength and great prowess struck him with an Aśvakarņa tree; and with a blow smote his antagonist on his arm holding a nistringa.

तं दृष्ट्वा पतितं भूमौ खङ्गं मुसलसंनिभम्! मुष्टिं संवर्तयामास वज्रकल्पं महाबलः॥ स ललाटे महावीर्यमङ्गदं वानरर्षभम्। आजघान महातेजाः स मुहूर्त चचाल ह॥
Seeing the sword resembling a mace dropped to the earth, that exceedingly mighty one clenched his fist into a blow like to the levin; and that one, endowed with wondrous energy, smote in the forehead that foremost of monkeys possessed of redoubtable prowess. And thereat he for a moment was staggered.

स संज्ञां प्राप्य तेजस्वी वालिपुत्रः प्रतापवान्। प्रजङ्घस्य शिरः कायात्पातयामास मुष्टिना॥
Then recovering his senses, the energetic and powerful son of Vālī by means of his clenched fist severed Prajangha's head from his body.

स यूपाक्षोऽश्रुपूर्णाक्षः पितृव्ये निहते रणे।। अवरुह्य रथात्क्षिप्रं क्षीणेषु खङ्गमाददे॥
Thereat Yüpākşa, seeing his uncle slain in battle, with his eyes filled with tears, finding his shafts exhausted, swiftly descended from his car and took a sword.

तमापतन्तं संप्रेक्ष्य यूपाक्षं द्विविदस्त्वरन्। आजघानोरसि क्रुद्धो जग्राह च बलाबली॥
Finding Yūpākṣa charge, Dvivida, waxing wroth, speedily smote him on the breast; and that powerful one also seized him.

गृहीतं भ्रातरं दृष्ट्वा शोणिताक्षो महाबलम्। आजधान महातेजा वक्षसि द्विविदं ततः॥
And finding his brother taken, the highly energetic Soạitākṣa then dealt the mighty Dvivida a blow in the chest.

स ततोऽभिहतस्तेन चचाल च महाबलः। उद्यतां च पुनस्तस्य जहार द्विविदो गदाम्॥
And overcome by that blow, that one endowed with great sirength, shook; and Dvivida seized his antagonist's upraised mace.

एतस्मिन्नन्तरे मैन्दो द्विविदाभ्याशमागमत्। तौ शोणिताक्षयूपाक्षौ प्लवंगाभ्यां तरस्विनौ। चक्रतुः समरे तीव्रमाकर्षोत्पाटनं भृशम्॥
In the meanwhile Mainda came to the side of Dvivida. And śoṇitākṣa and Yüpākşa, bestirring themselves, began to vehemently and forcibly drag and pull those (two) monkeys.

द्विविदः शोणिताक्षं तु विददार नखैर्मुखे। निष्पिपेष स वीर्येण क्षितावाविध्य वीर्यवान्॥
And Dvivida with his nail tore ſoņitākşa's face; and that powerful one violently bringing him down to the earth, pressed him with might and main.

यूपाक्षमभिसंक्रुद्धो मैन्दो वानरपुङ्गवः। पीडयामास बाहुभ्यां पणत स हतः क्षितौ॥
And fired with wrath, Mainda-foremost of monkeys-grasped Yupaksa with his arms; and that one dropt down dead on the earth.

हतप्रवीरा व्यथिता राक्षसेन्द्रचमूस्तथा। जगामाभिमुखी सा तु कुम्भकर्णात्मजो यतः॥
Thereupon the force of the lord of the Rāks asas, having its foremost heroes slain, and aggrieved thereat, went to where Kumbhakarma's son was.

आपतन्तीं च वेगेन कुम्भस्तां सान्त्वयच्चमूम्। अथोत्कृष्टं महावीयौलब्धलक्षैः प्लवंगमैः॥ निपातितमहावीरां दृष्ट्वा रक्षश्चमूं तदा। कुम्भः प्रचक्रे तेजस्वी रणे कर्म सुदुष्करम्॥
Then cheering up the flying forces, that best (of Raksas)-the energetic Kumbha-seeing that Rakşasa host with its mighty herocs slain by highly powerful monkey crowned with success, began to perform difficult feats in the encounter.

स धनुर्धन्विनां श्रेष्ठः प्रगृह्य सुसमाहितः। मुमोचाशीविषप्रख्याञ्छरान्देहविदारणान्॥
And heedfully taking his bow, that first of bowmen discharged shafts resembling venomous serpents capable of piercing the body.

तस्य तच्छुशुभे भूयः सशरं धनुरुत्तमम्। विद्युदैरावतार्चिष्माद्दितीयेन्द्रधनुर्यथा॥
And his excellent bow with shafts shone resplendent like the very bow of Indra himself affluent with the splendour of Airāvata and lightning.

आकर्णकृष्टमुक्तेन जघान द्विविदं तदा। तेन हाटकपुनेन पत्रिणा पत्रवाससा॥
Then drawing his bow to its utmost bent, he hit Dvivida with a feathered shaft knobbed with gold.

सहसाभिहतस्तेन विप्रमुक्तपदः स्फुरन्। निपपात त्रिकूटाभो विह्वलन्प्लवगोत्तमः॥
Suddenly wounded with it, that best of monkeys having the splendour of Trikūța, fell down senseless to the earth, stretching his legs wide.

मैन्दस्तु भ्रातरं तत्र भग्नं दृष्ट्वा महाहवे। अभिदुद्राव वेगेन प्रगृह्य विपुलां शिलाम्॥ तां शिलां तु प्रचिक्षेप राक्षसाय महाबलः। बिभेदं तां शिलां कुम्भः प्रसन्नैः पञ्चभिः शरैः।॥
Mainda, seeing his brother, broken in mighty encounter, furiously rushed forward, taking a gigantic crag; and that one possessed of great strength, hurled it at the Raksasa. And thereat Kumbha "severed that crag with five shafts discharged (from his bow).

संधाय चान्यं सुमुखं शरमाशीविषोपमम्। आजघान महातेजा वक्षसि द्विविदाग्रजम्॥
Then aiming other fair-headed arrows resembling venomous snakes, that exceedingly energetic one smote Dvivida's elder brother in the chest.

स तु तेन प्रहारेण मैन्दो वानरयूथपः। मर्मण्यभिहतस्तेन पपात भुवि मुर्छितः॥
And struck (with those arrows), that leader of monkey-bands, Mainda, with his marrow pierced therewith, fell down to the earth, deprived of his senses.

अङ्गदो मातुलौ दृष्ट्वा मथितौ तु महाबलौ। अभिदुद्राव वेगेन कुम्भमुद्यतकार्मुकम्॥
Angada seeing his uncles* endowed with exceeding prowess, overpowered, darted vehemently at Kumbha staying with bow upraised. *Maternal uncles.

तमापतन्तं विव्याध कुम्भः पञ्चभिरायसैः। त्रिभिश्चान्यैस्त्रिभिर्बाणैर्मातंगमिव तोमरैः।। सोऽङ्गदं बहुभिर्बाणैः कुम्भो विव्याध वीर्यवान् ॥ अकुण्ठधारैर्निशितैस्तीक्ष्णैः कनकभूषणैः।
As he descended, Kumbha pierced him with five shafts; and as one pierce an elephant with tomaras, he also pierced (Angada) with three other arrows. And the powerful Kumbha pierced Angada with a great many arrows, sharppointed, whetted, keen and ornamented with gold.

अङ्गदः प्रतिविष्टाङ्गो वालिपुत्रो न कम्पते।॥ शिलापादपवर्षाणि तस्य मूर्ध्नि ववर्ष ह। स प्रचिच्छेद तान्सर्वान् बिभेद च पुनः शिलाः॥ कुम्भकर्णात्मजः श्रीमान्वालिपुत्रसमीरितान्।
Vāli's son Angada albeit pierced all over in his person, did not shake; and he kept showering on his* head stones and trees. And the graceful son of Kumbhakarņa cut off and cleft all those (stone and trees) discharged by Valr's son. *Kumbha's.

आपतन्तं च संप्रेक्ष्य कुम्भो वानरयूथपम्॥ ध्रुवौ विव्याध बाणाभ्यामुल्काभ्यामिव कुञ्जरम्।
Seeing him spring up, Kumbha pierced that monkey-leader on the ground with shafts, even as one assail an elephant with fire-brands.

तस्य सुस्राव रुधिरं पिहिते चास्य लोचने॥ अङ्गदः पाणिना नेत्रे पिधाय रुधिरोक्षिते। सालमासन्नमेकेन परिजग्राह पाणिना। ५२।। संपीड्योरसि सस्कन्धं करेणाभिनिवेश्य च। किंचिदभ्यवनम्यैनमुन्ममाथ महारणे॥ तमिन्द्रकेतुप्रतिमं वृक्षं मन्दरसंनिभम्। समुत्सृजत वेगेन मिषतां सर्वरक्षसाम्॥
And blood gushed out of his closed eyes. And then covering his eyes with his hand, Angada with another took a Sala that was hard by. And placing on his breast the Sala furnished with shoulders, and pulling its branches and bending its top, he cleared it of its foliage, in that mighty encounter. Then in the sight of all the Rākşasas he violently discharged that tree resembling the very banner of Indra and appearing like Mandara itself.

स चिच्छेद शितैर्बाणैः सप्तभिः कायभेदनैः। अङ्गदो विव्यथेऽभीक्ष्णं स पपात मुमोह च॥
Thereat he* severed it with seven sharp shafts capable of piercing the body. And Angada experienced a sharp pang and fell down deprived of his senses. *Kumbha.

अङ्गदं पतितं दृष्ट्वा सीदन्तमिव सागरम्। दुरासदं हरिश्रेष्ठा राघवाय न्यवेदयन् ॥
Seeing the invincible Angada down like ebbing sea, the foremost monkeys informed Raghava of it.

रामस्तु व्यथितं श्रुत्वा वालिपुत्रं महाहवे। व्यादिदेश हरिश्रेष्ठाञ्जाम्बवत्प्रमुखांस्ततः॥
Rama, hearing that Vali's son had come to grief in terrific fight, directed the principal monkeys, headed by Jambavan.

ते तु वानरशार्दूलाः श्रुत्वा रामस्य शासनम्। अभिपेतुः सुसंक्रुद्धाः कुम्भमुद्यतकार्मुकम्॥
And hearing Rama's command, the monkeys, fired with wrath, charged Kumbha, staying with his bow upraised.

ततो दुमशिलाहस्ताः कोपसंरक्तलोचनाः। रिरक्षिषन्तोऽभ्यपतनङ्गदं वानरर्षभाः॥
Those powerful monkeys, with their eyes crimsoned with choler and bearing rocks and trees in their hands, were engaged in defending Angada.

जाम्बवांश्च सुषेणश्च वेगदर्शी च वानरः। कुम्भकर्णात्मजं वीरं क्रुद्धाः समभिदुद्रुवुः॥
Jāmbavān and Suşeņa and the monkey, Vegadarsi, wrought with wrath, darted against that hero-son to Kumbhakarma.

समीक्ष्यापततस्तांस्तु वानरेन्द्रान्महाबलान्। आववार शरौघेण नगेनेव जलाशयम्॥
Seeing them spring forward; he covered up those exceedingly mighty lords of monkey, with showers of shafts, even as a crag obstruct the course of a current.

तस्य बाणपथं प्राप्य न शेकुरपि वीक्षितुम्। वानरेन्द्रा महात्मानो वेलामिव महोदधिः॥
Even the great deep cannot see his own shores, those high-souled lord of monkeys, coming within the range of his arrows, could not even see.

तांस्तु दृष्ट्वा हरिगणाशरवृष्टिभिरर्दितान्। अङ्गदं पृष्ठतः कृत्वा भ्रातृजं प्लवगेश्वरः॥ अभिदुद्राव सुग्रीवः कुम्भकर्णात्मजं रणे। शैलसानुचरं नागं वेगवानिव केसरी॥
Seeing those monkeys sore distressed by the shafts, the king of the monkeys, Sugrīva, in that conflict taking his brother's son on his back, rushed against the son of Kumbhakarna, even as a powerful lion rush at an elephant ranging on the slopes of a mountain.

उत्पाट्य च महावृक्षानश्वकर्णादिकान्बहून्। अन्यांश्च विविधान्वृक्षांश्चिक्षेप स महाकपिः॥
That mighty monkey, uprooting many an asvakarna and other mighty trees of various kinds, discharged them (at the foe).

तां छादयन्तीमाकाशं वृक्षवृष्टिं दुरासदाम्। कुम्भकर्णात्मजः श्रीमांश्चिच्छेद स्वशरैः शितैः॥ अर्दितास्ते दुमा रेजुर्यथा घोराः शतघ्नयः।
By means of his sharp arrows the graceful son of Kumbhakarņa cut off that down-pour of trees covering the welkin; and incapable of being resisted. And being beffled those trees looked like sataghnis.

दुमवर्षं तु तद्भिन्नं दृष्ट्वा कुम्भेन वीर्यवान्॥ वानराधिपतिः श्रीमान्महासत्त्वो न विव्यथे।
Seeing that shower of trees riven by Kumbha, the graceful lord of the monkeys endowed with exceeding strength and prowess, did not feel any mortification.

स विध्यमानः सहसा सहमानस्तु ताञ्छरान्॥ कुम्भस्य धनुराक्षिप्य बभञ्जेन्द्रधनुष्प्रभम्। अवप्लुत्य धनुः शीघ्रं कृत्वा कर्म सुदुष्करम्॥ अब्रवीत्कुपितः कुम्भं भग्नशृङ्गमिव द्विपम्।
Suddenly attacked, he bearing those arrows, seized Kumbha's bow resembling in resplendence the very bow of Indra. And swiftly bounding up and performing that feat difficult of being achieved, he, exceedingly enraged, addressed Kumbha resembling an elephant shorn of his tusks, saying.

निकुम्भाग्रज वीर्यं ते बाणवेगं तदद्भुतम्॥ संनतिश्च प्रभावश्च तव वा रावणस्य वा। प्रह्लादबलिवृत्रघ्नकुबेरवरुणोपम॥ एकस्त्वमनुजातोऽसि पितरं बलवत्तरम्। त्वामेवैकं महाबाहुं शूलहस्तमरिंदमम्॥ त्रिदशा नातिवर्तन्ते जितेन्द्रियमिवाधयः। विक्रमस्व महाबुद्धे कर्माणि मम पश्य च॥
O elder brother of Nikumbha, marvellous are your might and the force of yourself as well as the modesty and prowess that are your and Ravana's. And, o you equal to Prahrada or Vall or the slayer of Vặtra or Varuņa or Kuvera! You alone walk in the wake of you yet mightier father. As mental anguish does not dog one that has controlled his senses, the celestials cannot cope in conflict with you alone, O repressor of foes, O of mighty arms, bearing your dart in your hand. O you of high intelligence, put forth your prowess! and do you also witness my work.

वरदानात्पितृव्यस्ते सहते देवदानवान्। कुम्भकर्णस्तु वीर्येण सहते च सुरासुरान्॥ धनुषीन्द्रजितस्तुल्यः प्रतापे रावणस्य च। त्वमद्य रक्षसां लोके श्रेष्ठोऽसि बलवीर्यतः॥
It is only by virtue of the boon he has received, that your uncle can bear the deities and the Dānavas. But Kumbhakarņa cop with the immortals and Asuras by means of his native might. And in the bow equal to Indrajit himself and in power equal to Rāvana, you now in might and energy are the foremost of Räkşasas.

महाविम समरे मया सह तवाद्भुतम्। अद्य भूतानि पश्यन्तु शक्रशम्बरयोरिव॥
Today let all creatures witness the mighty and wonderful encounter in conflict between you and me, like to the meeting of Śakra and Sambara.

कृतमप्रतिमं कर्म दर्शितं चास्त्रकौशलम्। पतिता हरिवीराश्च त्वयैते भीमविक्रमाः।७७।।
Unparalleled is the feat you have performed; and you have displayed your skill in weapons. And heroic monkeys endowed with dreadful vigour, have been brought down by you.

उपालम्भभयाच्चैव नासि वीर मया हतः। कृतकर्मपरिश्रान्तो विश्रान्तः पश्य मे बलम्॥
O hero it is only because of the apprehension* of censure of the people that I do not slay you who are fatigued in consequence of the acts that you have performed. And reposing from fight, do you see my strength! *i.e. Lest people should censure me, saying, Sugrīva slew Kumbha when he was fatigued in fight.

तेन सुत्रीववाक्येन सावमानेन मानितः। अग्नेराज्यहुतस्येव तेजस्तस्याभ्यवर्धत॥
Being thus honoured (by Sugrīva) with fair speech, (Kumbha) flamed up like a flame into which oblations have been poured.

ततः कुम्भस्तु सुग्रीवं बाहुभ्यां जगृहे तदा। गजाविवावीतमदौ निःश्वसन्तौ मुहुर्मुहुः॥ अन्योन्यगात्रग्रथितौ घर्षन्तावितरेतरम्। सधूमां मुखतो ज्वालां विसृजन्तौ परिश्रमात्॥
Then Kumbha seized Sugriva by the arms. And like two elephants in rut, they sighing momentarily, fastened on each other's person, and possessed each other, and from fatigue emitting from their mouth flames mixed with vapour.

तयोः पादाभिघाताच्च निमग्ना चाभवन्मही। व्याघूशिततरङ्गश्च चुक्षुभे वरुणालयः॥
And with the stamping of their feet, the earth was rent into rivers, and the main was waxed, with its billows surging furiously.

ततः कुम्भं समुत्क्षिप्य सुग्रीवो लवणाम्भसि। पातयामास वेगेन दर्शयन्नुदधेः स्थलम्॥ ततः कुम्भनिपातेन जलराशिः समुत्थितः। विन्ध्यमन्दरसंकाशो विससर्प समन्ततः॥
Then Sugrīva lifting up Kumbha clean, violently plunged him into the salt wash, making his eyes acquainted with the locality of the deep. And in consequence of Kumbha's plunge, the waters heaving up, rolled on all sides like the Vindhya or Mandara.

ततः कुम्भः समुत्पत्य सुग्रीवमभिपात्य च। आजघानोरसि क्रुद्धो वज्रकल्पेन मुष्टिना॥
Then springing up, and bringing Sugriva down, Kumbha, transported with wrath dealt a blow on his chest, like to the levin.

तस्य वर्म च पुस्फोट संजज्ञे चापि शोणितम्। तस्य मुष्टिर्महावेगः प्रतिजघ्नेऽस्थिमण्डले॥
Thereat his skin was rent, and blood began to gush out, and the impetus of that blow broke Sugriva's bones.

तस्य वेगेन तत्रासीत्तेजः प्रज्वलितं महत्॥ वज्रनिष्पेषसंजाता ज्वाला मेरोर्यथा गिरेः॥
The vehemence (of the blow) caused a great fire to blaze up at that spot, even as the thunderbolt smiting the mountain Meru, make place blazed.

स तत्राभिहतस्तेन सुग्रीवो वानरर्षभः। मुष्टिं संवर्तयामास वज्रकल्पं महाबलः॥ अर्चिःसहस्रविकचरविमण्डलवर्चसम्।
The mighty Sugrīva foremost of monkeys-sorely handled by him, fastened his fingers into a box resembling the thunder-bolt, and furnished with all the effulgence of the solar disc having a thousand rays.

स मुष्टिं पातयामास कुम्भस्योरसि वीर्यवान् ॥ स तु तेन प्रहारेण विह्वलो भृशपीडितः। निपपात तदा कुम्भो गतार्चिरिव पावकः।१०।।
Then that powerful one made that blow descend right on on Kumbha's breast. And agonised with that stroke, Kumbha reft of his senses, dropped like to a fire that has lost its brightness.

मुष्टिनाभिहतस्तेन निपपाताशु राक्षसः। लोहिताङ्ग इवाकाशाद्दीप्तरश्मिर्यदृच्छया॥
And overpowered by that blow, the Rākṣasa anon dropped down, like to the bright Lohitānga dropping from the firmament urged on by Destiny.

कुम्भस्य पततो रूपं भग्नस्योरसि मुष्टिना। बभौ रुद्राभिपन्नस्य यथा रूपं गवां पतेः॥
The aspect of the falling Kumbha with his breast broken by the blow, appeared like that of the Sun routed by Rudra.

तस्मिन्हते भीमपराक्रमेण प्लवंगमानामृषभेण युद्धे। मही सशैला सवना चचाल भयं च रक्षांस्यधिकं विवेश।१३।।
On his being slain, in encounter, by the foremost of monkeys endowed with terrific strength, the earth with her hills and woods, shook; and a mighty fear took possession of the Raksasas.