Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 74

तयोस्तदासादितयो रणाग्रे मुमोह सैन्यं हरियूथपानाम्। सुग्रीवनीलाङ्गदजाम्बवन्तो न चापि किंचित्प्रतिपेदिरे ते॥
They were rendered inert in the field; and the army of the monkey-leaders was stupefied, with Sugrīva and Nīla and Angada and Jāmbavān, and they did not show any signs of activity.

ततो विषण्णं समवेक्ष्यं सर्व विभीषणो बुद्धिमतां वरिष्ठः। नाश्वासयन्त्रप्रतिमैर्वचोभिः॥
Thereupon, seeing them dispirited, that foremost of intelligent persons, Vibhisana, cheering them up with his peerless speech, said.

मा भैष्ट नास्त्यत्र विषादकालो यदार्यपुत्रौ ह्यवशौ विषण्णौ। स्वयंभुवो वाक्यमथोद्वहन्तौ यत्सादिताविन्द्रजितास्त्रजालैः॥
You heroes of the king of monkeys, do not give way to fear. This is not the time to indulge in grief at this place; for the sons of that noble one,' inactive and depressed, and seeming to be wounded with the showers of Indrajit's shafts, are in reality in this plight, for showing reverence to the words of the self-sprung one. 1. Dasaratha. 2.Mantra.

स्वयंभुवा ब्राह्मममोघवीर्यम्। तन्मानयन्तौ युधि राजपुत्रौ निपातितौ कोऽत्र विषादकालः।४।।
On him the self-sprung has conferred the mighty Brahmă weapon of unfailing power; and the king's sons are doing honour to it by lying down on the field of battle. Why then do you grieve now?

ब्रह्ममत्रं ततो धीमान्मानयित्वा तु मारुतिः। विभीषणवचः श्रुत्वा हनूमानिदमब्रवीत्॥
Hearing the words of Vibhisana and honouring the Brahma weapon, Hanumăn spoke as follows.

अस्मित्रत्रहते सैन्ये वानराणां तरस्विनाम्। यो यो धारयते प्राणांस्तं तमाश्वासयावहे॥
The host of the quick-paced monkeys has been slain by this weapon. Let us go and console them who are still living.

तावुभौ युगपद्वीरौ हनूमद्राक्षसोत्तमौ। उल्काहस्तौ तदा रात्रौ रणशीर्षे विचेरतुः॥
Those two great heroes— Hanumān and that foremost of the Rakşasas, with fire-brands in their hands, began to range to and fro in the battle field.

भिन्नलालहस्तोरुपादाङ्गुलिशिरोधरैः। स्रवद्भिः क्षतजं गात्रैः प्रस्रवद्भिः समन्ततः॥ पतितैः पर्वताकारैर्वानरैरभिसंवृताम्। शस्त्रैश्च पतितैर्दीप्तैर्ददृशाते वसुंधराम्॥
They beheld there the earth strewn on all sides with monkeys lying down like so many hills and various shining weapons. And some of these monkeys were deprived of their tails, some of their hands, some of their thighs, some of their legs, some of their fingers, and some of their heads. And blood was gushing out from the persons of some, and others were urinating out of fear.

सुग्रीवमङ्गदं नीलं शरभं गन्धमादनम्। जाम्बवन्तं सुषेणं च वेगदर्शिनमेव च॥ मैन्दं नलं ज्योतिमुखं द्विविदं चापि वानरम्। विभीषणो हनूमांश्च ददृशाते हतारणे॥
Vibhīşaņa and Hanuman beheld there Sugriva, Angada Nila, Gandhamādana, Jambhavan, Susena, Vegadarshin, Mainda, Nala, Jyotimukha, and the monkey, Dvivida, almost slain.

सप्तषष्टिर्हता: कोट्यो वानराणां तरस्विनाम्। अह्नः पञ्चमशेषेण वल्लभेन स्वयम्भुवः॥
Vibhișana and Hanuman saw in the field seven and sixty kotis of fleet-footing monkeys slain (in battle) at the fifth part of the day by the darling of the self-sprung.

सागरौघनिभं भीमं दृष्ट्वा बाणादितं बलम्। मार्गते जाम्बवन्तं च हनूमान्सविभीषणः॥
And surveying that host worsted, dreadful like the surges of the sea, Hanumăn and Vibhīşaņa began to search for Jāmbavān.

स्वभावजरया युक्तं वृद्धं शरशतैश्चितम्। प्रजापतिसुतं वीरं शाम्यन्तमिव पावकम्॥ दृष्ट्वा समभिसंक्रम्य पौलस्त्यो वाक्यमब्रवीत्। कश्चिदार्यशरैस्तीक्ष्णैर्न प्राणा ध्वंसितास्तव ॥
Finding that heroic son of Prajāpati, afflicted with natural decrepitude, aged, and resembling smouldering fire, wounded with hundreds of shafts, Pulastya's son said, “O noble one, has not your life been destroyed with those sharp shafts?"

विभीषणवचः श्रुत्वा जाम्बवानृक्षपुङ्गवः। कृच्छादब्युद्गिरन्वाक्यमिदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Hearing Vibhisana's words, Jambevan, best of bears, evoking utterance with extreme effort, said.

नैऋतेन्द्र महावीर्य स्वरेण त्वाभिलक्षये। विद्धगात्रः शितैर्बाणैर्न त्वां पश्यामि चक्षुषा॥
O foremost of Naiſtas, endowed with exceeding prowess, I know you by your voice. Having my person pierced with sharp shafts, I cannot see you with my eyes.

अञ्जना सुप्रजा येन मातरिश्वा च सुव्रत। हनूमान्वानरश्रेष्ठः प्राणान्धारयते क्वचित्॥
Does he through whom Añjanä as well as Mātariśvan* are blessed with fair offspring, does that prince of monkeys-Hanumān, live? *The wind-god.

श्रुत्वा जाम्बवतो वाक्यमुवाचेदं विभीषणः। आर्यपुत्रावतिक्रम्य कस्मात्पृच्छसि मारुतिम्॥
Hearing Jambavan's speech, Vibhisana said, “Why, passing by the son of the high and mighty,* did you enquire after the wind-god's offsprmg? *Vide Hamlet.

नैव राजनि सुग्रीवे नाङ्गदे नापि राघवे। आर्य संदर्शितः स्नेहो यथा वायुसुते परः॥
O noble one, you did not show that overflowing affection either for king Sugrīva or Angada and Raghava that you show for the son of the wind-god.

विभीषणवचः श्रुत्वा जाम्बवान्वाक्यमब्रवीत्। शृणु नैर्ऋतशार्दूल यस्मात्पृच्छामि मारुतिम्॥
Hearing Vibhisana's words, Jambavan said, "Hear, O foremost of Raksasas, why I enquire after the wind-god's son.

अस्मिञ्जीवति वीरे तु हतमप्यहतं बलम्। हनूमत्युज्झितप्राणे जीवन्तोऽपि मृता वयम्॥
While this hero is alive, this force, albeit destroyed, live; but if Hanumān is reft of life, although living, we are destroyed.

धरते मारुतिस्तात मारुतप्रतिमो यदि। वैश्वानरसमो वीर्ये जीविताशा ततो भवेत्॥
O child, if the wind-god's offspring, resembling his sire himself or (the deity of) fire in prowess, is alive, there is hope for our lives.

ततो वृद्धमुपागम्य विनयेनाभ्यवादयत्। गृह्य जाम्बवतः पादौ हनूमान्मारुतात्मजः॥
Then approaching that aged one, Hanumanson to the wind-god-saluted him humbly, holding Jāmbavān's feet.

श्रुत्वा हनूमतो वाक्यं तदा विव्यथितेन्द्रियः। पुनर्जातमिवात्मानं मन्यते प्लवगोत्तमः॥
Hearing Hanuman's voice, that foremost of monkeys with his senses sorely smarting, deemed himself as having regained his life.

ततोऽब्रवीन्महातेजा हनूमन्तं स जाम्बवान्। आगच्छ हरिशार्दूल वानरांस्त्रातुमर्हसि ॥
Then that exceedingly energetic Jåmbavān addressed Hanumān, saying, “Come, O powerful monkey, It behove you to rescue the monkeys."

नान्यो विक्रमपर्याप्तस्त्वमेषां परमः सखा। त्वत्पराक्रमकालोऽयं नान्यं पश्यामि कंचन ॥
There is none else. Endowed with profuse prowess, you are the greatest friend of these. This is the hour when you should display you might. Any other see I not.

ऋक्षवानरवीराणामनीकानि प्रहर्षय। विशल्यौ कुरु चाप्येतौ सादितौ रामलक्ष्मणौ॥
Do you cheer up this host consisting of bears and monkeys; and do you also heal the wounds of these two tormented by them.

गत्वा परममध्वानमुपर्युपरि सागरम्। हिमवन्तं नगश्रेष्ठं हनूमन्गन्तुमर्हसि॥
Bounding sheer over the main, you, O Hanumān, should repair to the Himavānforemost of mountains.

ततः काञ्चनमत्युग्रमृषभं पर्वतोत्तमम्। कैलासशिखरं चात्र द्रक्ष्यस्यरिनिषूदन ॥
There you will see that best of mountiansthe golden Rşabha of terrific aspect, and, O smiter of foes, the peak also of Kailāśa.

तयोः शिखरयोर्मध्ये प्रदीप्तमतुलप्रभम्। सौषधियुतं वीर द्रक्षस्योषधिपर्वतम्॥
Lying in the lap of these two, you, O hero, O powerful monkey, will see the mountain of medicines, fraught with healing herbs of all kinds.

तस्य वानरशार्दूल चतस्रो मूर्ध्नि संभवाः। द्रक्षस्योषधयो दीप्ता दीपयन्तीदिशो दश॥ मृतसंजीवनीं चैव विशल्यकरणीमपि। सुवर्णकरणीं चैव संधानी च महौषधीम्॥
On its summit you will find four medicinal herbs flaming and illumining the ten cardinal quarters-viz., Mſtasanjivani,' Višalyakarani, Suvarnakarani, and the mighty medicine, Sandhănī. 1. Lit. reviving the dead. 2. Lit. healing wounds inflicted by darts. 3. Lit. transmuting any thing to gold.

ताः सर्वा हनुमन्गृह्य क्षिप्रमागन्तुमर्हसि। आश्वासय हरीन्प्राणैर्योज्य गन्धवहात्मज ॥
O Hanumān, providing yourself with these, you should come here without delay. Do you, O offspring of the wind-god* bringing back lives to these monkeys, cheer them up. *Gandhavahātanaya-lit., son to the bearer of smell-a designation of the wind in Sanskrit.

श्रुत्वा जाम्बवतो वाक्यं हनूमान्मारुतात्मजः। आपूर्यत बलोद्धर्वायुवेगैरिवार्णवः॥
Thereat hearing the words of Jāmbavān Hanumān, son of wind-god filled himself with energy, even as the Ocean heave with the force of the winds (blowing on its breast).

स पर्वततटाग्रस्थः पीडयन्पर्वतोत्तमम्। हनूमान्दृश्यते वीरो द्वितीय इव पर्वतः॥
Ascending the summit of that mountain,* and hurting it with his tread, that hero-Hanumanappeared like a second mountain. *Trikuta.

हरिपादविनिर्भग्नो निषसाद स पर्वतः। न शशाक तदात्मानं वोढुं भृशनिपीडितः॥
Crushed under the tread of that monkey, the mountain was dispirited; and sore distressed, it could hardly contain itself.

तस्य पेतुर्नगा भूमौ हरिवेगाच्च जज्वलुः। शृङ्गाणि च व्यकीर्यन्त पीडितस्य हनूमता ॥ तस्मिन्संपीड्यमाने तु भग्नद्रुमशिलातले। न शेकुर्वानराः स्थातुं घूर्णमाने नगोत्तमे॥
The trees on it began to topple to the earth; and on account of the vehemence of the monkey, they flamed up. And smitten by Hanumān, its peaks were scattered around. And monkeys could no longer dwell on that fore. Most of mountains, which being hard pressed (by Hanumān), was trembling all over, with its slopes covered with broken trees and rocks.

सा घूर्णितमहाद्वारा प्रभग्नगृहगोपुरा। लङ्का त्रासाकुला रात्रौ प्रनृत्येवाभवत्तदा॥
With her giant gateways shaking, and the doors of her edifices broken, that night Lankā, over-whelmed with fright, seemed to be dancing.

पृथिवीधरसंकाशो निपीड्य पृथिवीधरम्। पृथिवीं क्षोभयामास सार्णवां मारुतात्मजः॥
The offspring of the wind-god, resembling a mountain itself, bringing that mountain to sore straits, agitated the entire earth with her oceans.

पद्भ्यां तु शैलमाविध्य वडवामुखवन्मुखम्। विवृत्योग्रं ननादोच्वैस्वासयन्रजनीचरान्।॥
And hurting the mountain with his tread, he, opening wide his mouth resembling that of a mare, sent up loud shouts, terrifying the nightrangers.

तस्य नानद्यमानस्य श्रुत्वा निनदमुत्तमम्। लङ्कास्था राक्षसव्याघ्रा न शेकुः स्पन्दितुं क्वचित्॥
Hearing those tremendous roars as he kept emitting cries, the powerful Rākṣasas were quite stupified.

नमस्कृत्वा समुद्राय मारुतिर्भीमविक्रमः। राघवार्थे परं कर्म समीहत परंतपः॥
Bowing down to the Ocean, that subduer of enemies, the Wind-god's son, endowed with dreadful prowess, began to ponder over the mighty mission with which he had been entrusted in the interests of Rāghava.

स पुच्छमुद्यम्य भुजंगकल्पं विनम्य पृष्ठं श्रवणे निकुच्य। मापुप्लुवे व्योम्नि च चण्डवेगः॥
Then upraising his tail resembling a serpent, bending his back, contracting his ears, and opening his mouth looking like that of a mare, that one possessed of terrific impetuosity, bounded into the sky.

स वृक्षखण्डांस्तरसा जहार शैलाशिलाः प्राकृतवानरांश्च । स्ते क्षीणवेगाः सलिले निपेतुः॥
With the vehemence of his rush, he carried away in his wake whole tracts of trees, and rocks, and crags, and inferior monkeys;* and after having been carried away some distance by the vehemence of his arms and thighs, they, at length losing their velocity, fell into the waters (of the Ocean.) *Residing in the Trikuta mountain.

स तौ प्रसार्योरगभोगकल्पौ भुजौ भुजंगारिनिकाशवीर्यः। जगाम शैलं नगराजमग्र्यं दिशः प्रकर्षनिव वायुसूनुः॥
Stretching his arms resembling serpents, the son of the Wind-god endowed with the prowess of Garuda* coursed on towards the monarch of mountains, as if making all the quarters tremble. *The text has, the foe of serpents—an appellation of Garuda

स सागरं घूर्णितवीचिमालं तदम्भसा भ्रामितसर्वसत्त्वम्। समीक्षमाणः सहसा जगाम चक्रं यथा विष्णुकरारमुक्तम्॥
Seeing the sea with its hosts of billows rolling furiously and with the confederacies of aquatic animals bewildered by the angry waters, he coursed on rapidly, like the discus discharged by the hand of Vişnu.

स पर्वतान्पक्षिगणान्सरांसि नदीस्तटाकानि पुरोत्तमानि। स्फीताञ्जनांस्तानपि संप्रवीक्ष्य जगाम वेगापितृतुल्यवेगः॥
Surveying hills and birds and pools and rivers and tanks and splendid cities and flourishing provinces, that one equal to his sire himself in celerity, held his way.

आदित्यपथमाश्रित्य जगाम स गतश्रमः। हनूमांस्त्वरितो वीरः पितुस्तुल्यपराक्रमः॥
That hero Hanuman—like to his father in prowess, and incapable of being fatigued, vigorously proceeded along the orbit of the sun.

जवेन महता युक्तो मारुतितिरंहसा। जगाम हरिशार्दूलो दिशः शब्देन नादयन्।५१।।
That powerful monkey possessed of the speed of the Wind itself, and having mighty impetuosity, careered, making all sides resound with his roars.

स्मरञ्जाम्बवतो वाक्यं मारुतिर्भीमविक्रमः। ददर्श सहसा चापि हिमवन्तं महाकपिः।१२।। नानाप्रस्रवणोपेतं बहुकंदरनिर्झरम्। श्वेताभ्रश्यसंकाशैः शिखरैश्चारुदर्शनैः।। शोभितं विविधैर्वृक्षरगमत्पर्वतोचमम्॥
Remembering Jāmbavān's words, that redoubtable monkey, son to the Wind-god, possessed of terrific prowess, and resembling a mountain, suddenly saw (before him) the Himavān; furnished with countless cascades and numerous caves and rivulets; with splendid summits appearing like massess of pale clouds, and graced with various trees.

मतिप्रवृद्धोत्तमहेमशृङ्गम्। ददर्श पुण्यानि महाश्रमाणि सुरर्षिसङ्घोत्तमसेवितानि॥
Arriving at that lord of mighty mountains, furnished with excellent towering golden summits, he saw the great sacred asylums (of the ascetics), inhabited by the flower of celestial saints.

स ब्रह्मकोशं रजतालयं च शक्रालयं रुद्रशरप्रमोक्षम्। हयाननं ब्रह्मशिरश्च दीप्तं ददर्श वैवस्वतकिंकरांश्च ॥
He beheld Brahmakosa (a) Rajatalaya (b) Śakrālaya (c) Rudraśarapramokṣa (d) Hayānana (e) and the flaming Brahmasiras (f) and the servants of Vaivasvata (g). (a) The place of Hiranyagarbha (b) The place of Rajatanăbha— silver-neededanother from of Hiranyagarbha (c) The abode of Sakra. (d) The place where from Rudra discharged his arrow on the occasion of the destruction of Tripurā (e) Theplace of the horse-necked. (f) The place of the deity presiding ever the Brahma-weapon. (g) An appellation of Yama.

वयालयं वैश्रवणालयं च सूर्यप्रभं सूर्यनिबन्धनं च। ब्रह्मालयं शंकरकार्मुकं च ददर्श नाभिं च वसुंधरायाः।५६।। कैलासमुग्रं हिमवच्छिलां च तं वै वृषं काञ्चनशैलमग्र्यम्। प्रदीप्तसौषधिसंप्रदीप्तं ददर्श सौषधिपर्वतेन्द्रम्॥
He saw the abode of the Fire-god, and the abode of Vaiśravana and the effulgent suryyanivandhana, (h) and the abode of Brahmă, (i) and the bow of Sankara, and the navel of the Earth. (j) And he saw Kailasa of terrific aspect, and the stone, (k) of Himavăn, and that bull, (1) and the golden mountain, and that foremost of mountains furnished with all medicinal herbs, flaming, and illuminated with every kind of medicinal plants. (h) The spot where the suns meet. (i) The place of the four-faced Brahmă. (i) The spot of Prajāpati. (k) On which Rudra sat when engaged in asceticism. (1) Which had been mentioned by Jambavan.

स तं समीक्ष्यानलराशिदीप्तं विसिष्मिये वासवदूतसूनुः। आप्लुत्य तं चौषधिपर्वतेन्द्र तत्रौषधीनां विचयं चकार॥
Beholding that flaming mass of fire, the offspring of Vasava's* emissary wondered. And bounding up to the lord of medicinal mountains, he fell to searching for the drugs. * The emissary of Vāsavain his cloud-from is the wind driving the cloud; and the passage refers to Hanuman,

स योजनसहस्राणि समतीत्य महाकपिः। दिव्यौषधिधरं शैलं व्यचरन्मारुतात्मजः॥
That mighty monkey-the Wind-god's son-leaving behind a thousand Yojanas, began to range the mountain containing the divine remedies in its entrails.

महौषध्यस्ततः सर्वास्तस्मिन्पर्वतसत्तमे। विज्ञायार्थिनमायान्तं ततो जग्मुरदर्शनम्॥
Those potent medicines, in that foremost of mountains, knowing (before-hand) that one was coming seeking for them, rendered themselves invisible.

श्चुकोप रोषाच्च भृशं ननाद। महीधरेन्द्र तमुवाच वाक्यम्॥
And not seeing them, the high-souled Hanumān was angered; and from wrath he set up roars. And not brooking that, (Hanumān) with eyes resembling glowing fire, addressed that foremost of mountains, saying.

किमेतदेवं सुविनिश्चितं ते यद्राघवेनासि कृतानुकम्पः। पश्याद्य मद्बाहुबलाभिभूतो विकीर्णमात्मानमथो नगेन्द्र॥
What is ihis that you have decided on, that you show no compassion for Rāghava? But, O lord of mountains, today witness yourself, overpowered by my arms and torn in pieces!

स तस्य शृङ्ग सनगं सनागं सकाञ्चनं धातुसहस्त्रजुष्टम्। विकीर्णकूटं ज्वलिताग्रसार्नु प्रगृह्य वेगात्सहसोन्ममाथ॥
And (anon) on a sudden, he violently rooted up its summit with trees and elephants and gold, and furnished with thousand varieties of ore, having its tops torn and its slopes aflame.

स तं समुत्पाट्य खमुत्पपात चित्रास्य लोकान्ससुरान्सुरेन्द्रान्। जंगाम वेगाद्गरुडोग्रवेगः॥ स्तं भास्काराभं शिखरं प्रगृह्य । बभौ तदा भास्करसंनिकाशो रवेः समीपे प्रतिभास्कराभः॥
And uprooting it, he sprang into the bosom of the air), terrifying the worlds containing celestials and the lords thereof. And hymned by countless rangers of the air, that one endowed with the terrific impetuosity of Garuda himself, taking that summit furnished with the splendour of the Sun, went along the orbit of the Sun. And near the Sun, that Sun-like one seemed to be another sun.

स तेन शैलेन भृशं रराज शैलोपमो गन्धवाहत्मजस्तु। सहस्रधारेण सपावकेन चक्रेण खे विष्णुरिवार्पितेन॥
With that mountain, the offspring of the bearer of perfumes appeared surpassingly grand, like very Vişņu equipped with the flaming discus having a thousand edges.

तं वानराः प्रेक्ष्य तदा विनेदुः स तानपि प्रेक्ष्य मुदा ननाद। तेषां समुत्कृष्टरवं निशम्य लङ्कालया भीमतरं विनेदुः॥ स्युः।
Seeing him, the monkeys shouted, and he also, seeing them, shouted in delight. And hearing their tremendous cheers, those residing in Lankā shouted still more dreadfully.

ततो महात्मा निपपात तस्मिन् शैलोत्तये वानरसैन्यमध्ये। हर्युत्तमेभ्यः शिरसाभिवाद्य विभीषणं तत्र च सस्वजे सः॥
Then the high-souled one dropped on that best of mountains in the midst of the monkey-forces; and, bowing down to the principal monkeys there, he embraced Vibhisana.

तावप्युभौ मानुषराजपुत्रौ तं गन्धमाघ्राय महौषधीनाम्। वुत्तस्थुरन्ये च हरिप्रवीराः॥ सर्वे विशल्या विरुजाः क्षणेन हरिप्रवीराश्च हताश्च ये गन्धेन तासां प्रवरोषधीनां सुप्ता निशान्तेष्विव संप्रबुद्धाः। ७०।।
Then those sons of that king of men, smelling the perfume of that mighty medicine, were then and there healed of their wounds; and the heroic monkeys also sat up. And all the heroic monkeys were instantly healed and cured; and those also that were slain (in battle), through the smell of that best of drugs, sat up, like persons risen after sleep at break of day.

यदा प्रभृति लङ्कायां युध्यन्ते हरिराक्षसाः। यदा प्रभृति मानार्थमाज्ञया रावणस्य च।७१।। ये हन्यन्ते रणे तत्र राक्षसाः कपिकुञ्जरैः। हता हतास्तु क्षिप्यन्ते सर्व एव तु सागरे॥
Even since the monkeys and Rākşasas had began to fight; for maintaining honour, all those Rākşasas that were slain there by the mighty monkeys, were thrown into the sea.

ततो हरिर्गन्धवहात्मजस्तु तमोषधीशैलमुदग्रवेगः। निनाय वेगाद्धिमवन्तमेव पुनश्च रामेण समाजगाम।७३ ।।
Then that monkey, the offspring of the bearer of fragrance, endowed with terrific speed, took that medicinal mountain (back) to Himavān and again presented himself before Rāma.