Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 71

स्वबलं व्यथितं दृष्ट्वा तुमुलं लोमहर्षणम्। भ्रातृ॑श्च निहतान्दृष्ट्वा शक्रतुल्यपराक्रमान्॥ पितृव्यौ चापि संदृश्य समरे संनिपातितौ। युद्धोन्मत्तं च मत्तं च भ्रातरौ राक्षसोत्तमौ।२।। चुकोप च महातेजा ब्रह्मदत्तवरो युधि। अतिकायोऽद्रिसंकाशो देवदानवदर्पहा॥
Seeing in sore straits his own mighty forces capable of making people's down stand on end, and seeing his brothers resembling Sakra in prowess, routed; and seeing also his uncles brought down in battle, as well as his brothersYuddhonmatta and Matta— foremost of Råkş asas, that crusher of the pride of deities and Dānavas-the exceedingly energetic Atikāya-resembling a hill, who had obtained from Brahmă a boon in battle, was fired with wrath.

स भास्करसहस्रस्य संघातमिव भास्वरम्। रथमारुह्य शक्रारिरभिदुद्राव वानरान्॥
Ascending a car effulgent like a thousand suns mingling their rays into a burst of brilliance, that enemy of Sakra, charged the monkeys.

स विस्फार्य तदा चापं किरीटी मृष्टकुण्डलः। नाम संश्रावयामास ननाद च महास्वनम्॥
Stretching his bow, (Atikāya) decked with a diadem wearing polished ear-rings, proclaimed his name (among the monkey-ranks) and shouted in lofty tones.

तेन सिंहप्रणादेन नामविश्रावणेन च। ज्याशब्देन च भीमेन त्रासयामास वानरान्।६॥
And with his leonine roars and the proclamation of his name, and the tremendous twang of his bow-string, he struck terror into the monkeys.

ते दृष्ट्वा देहमाहात्म्यं कुम्भकर्मोऽयमुत्थितः। भयार्ता वानराः सर्वे संश्रयन्ते परस्परम्॥
Seeing the magnitude of his person, the monkeys thinking that it was Kumbhakarna who had come, and affrighted thereat, sought the shelter of each other.

ते तस्य रूपमालोक्य यथा विष्णोस्त्रिविक्रमे। भयाद्वानरयोधास्ते विद्रवन्ति ततस्ततः।।।।।
Seeing his form like to that of Vişnu when he displayed his threefold energy, the monkeywarriors seized with fear, began to scour on all sides.

तेऽतिकार्य समासाद्य वानरा मूढचेतसः। शरण्यं शरणं जग्मुर्लक्ष्मणाग्रजमाहवे॥
On Atikāya appearing before them, the monkeys stupefied in that conflict, saught the shelter of Laksmana's elder brother.

ततोऽतिकायं काकुत्स्थो रथस्थं पर्वतोपमम्। ददर्श धन्विनं दूरागर्जन्तं कालमेघवत्॥
And from a distance Kakutstha saw the mountain-like Atikāya mounted on the car and equipped with his bow, like to roaring clouds (seen) on the occasion of the universal disruption.

स तं दृष्ट्वा महाकायं राघवस्तु सुविस्मितः। वानरान्सान्त्वयित्वा च विभीषणमुवाच ह।॥
Seeing that huge-bodied one, Rāghava struck with surprise, comforting the monkeys, addressed Vibhisana, saying.

कोऽसौ पर्वतसंकाशो धनुष्मान्हरिलोचनः। युक्ते हयसहस्रेण विशाले स्यन्दने स्थितः॥ य एष निशितैः शूलैः सुतीक्ष्णैः प्रासतोमरैः। अर्चिष्मद्भिर्वृतो भाति भूतैरिव महेश्वरः॥ कालजिह्वाप्रकाशाभिर्य एषोऽभिविराजते। आवृतो रथशक्तीभिर्विद्युद्भिरिव तोयदः॥
Who is this one resembling a mountain, furnished with a bow and having leonine eyes, that is stationed on a large car hoked with a thousand steeds, he that with effulgent sharpened darts and keen práśas and tomaras, shine like Maheśvara environed by spectres-he that displaying his fatal tongue appear splendid surrounded with darts in his car; like a mass of clouds graced with lightning.

धनूंषि चास्य सज्जानि हेमपृष्ठानि सर्वशः। शोभयन्ति रथश्रेष्ठं शक्रचापमिवाम्बरम्॥
And his bows adorned and backed with gold all over, beautify his car even as Indra's bow beautify the firmament.

य एष रक्षःशार्दूलो रणभूमिं विराजयत्। अभ्येति रथिनां श्रेष्ठो रथेनादित्यवर्चसा॥ ध्वजशृङ्गप्रतिष्ठेन राहुणाभिविराजते। सूर्यरश्मिप्रभैर्बाणर्दिशो दश विराजयन्॥ त्रिनतं मेघनिदिं हेमपृष्ठमलंकृतम्। शतक्रतुधनुःप्रख्यं धनुश्चास्य विराजते॥
Who is this foremost of Räkşasas and best of bowmen that embellishing the field of battle, approach on a car glorious as the sun; who, . displaying the ten cardinal points with his shafts resembling the rays of the sun, appear handsome with his peak of a banner bearing the figure of Rāhu, whose bow bent in three places, emitting roars resembling the rumbling of clouds, and plated with gold, look like the bow itself of Satakratu?

सध्वजः सपताकश्च सानुकर्षों महारथः। चतुःसादिसमायुक्तो मेघस्तनितनिःस्वनः॥
His mighty car furnished with a banner and ensign and bottom, and having clatter resembling the roaring of clouds, has four horsemen (attached to it).

विंशतिर्दश चाष्टौ च तूणास्य रथमास्थिताः। कार्मुकाणि च भीमानि ज्याश्च काञ्चनपिङ्गलाः॥
There are on the car eight and thirty quivers and dreadful bows and yellow-golden bowstrings.

द्वौ च खङ्गौ च पार्श्वस्थौ प्रदीपौ पार्श्वशोभितौ। चतुर्हस्तत्सरुचितौ व्यक्तहस्तदशायतौ॥
There are (in that car) two effulgent swords at iis side, illumining it, their hafts measuring four lands and their blades ten each.

रक्तकण्ठगुणो धीरो महापर्वतसंनिभः। कालः कालमहावक्रो मेघस्थ इव भास्करः॥
That calm (warrior) wears red garlands about is neck, and resembles-a mighty mountain. And very destroyer, he has a mighty mouth, appearing like that of the destroyer himself; and he look like the sun stationed on clouds.

काञ्चनाङ्गदनद्वाभ्यां भुजाभ्यामेष शोभने। शृङ्गाभ्यामिव तुङ्गाभ्यां हिमवान्पर्वतोत्तमः॥
With his arms adorned with golden angadas, he appear splendid like that best of mountains the Himavān with its towering summits.

कुण्डलाभ्यामुभाभ्यां च भाति वक्रं सुभीषणम्। पुनर्वस्वन्तरगतः परिपूर्णो निशाकरः॥
With his pair of ear-rings, his charming yet terrific countenance shine like the full Moon entering into Punarvasu.* *The seventh lunar asterism.

आचक्ष्व मे महाबाहो त्वमेनं राक्षसोत्तमम्। यं दृष्ट्वा वानराः सर्वे भयार्ता विद्रुता दिशः॥
O mighty-armed one, tell me all about this foremost of Rākşasas, seeing whom the monkeys, overwhelmed with fear, fly away in all directions.

स पृष्टो राजपुत्रेण रामेणामिततेजसा। आचचक्षे महातेजा राघवाय विभीषणः॥
Asked by the king's son Rāma of immeasurable prowess, the exceedingly energetic Vibhīşaņa spoke to Rāma, informing him.

दशग्रीवो महातेजा राजा वैश्रवणानुजः। भीमकर्मा महात्मा हि रावणो राक्षसेश्वरः॥ तस्यासीद्वीर्यवान्पुत्रो रावणप्रतिमो बले। वृद्धसेवी श्रुतिधरः सर्वस्त्रविदुषां वरः॥
The highly powerful .king, Vaisravana's younger brother of dreadful deeds, the highsouled Rävaņa, is the sovereign of the Rāks asas. This one is his mighty son, like to Rāvaņa himself in strength. He serve the aged, is of wide celebrity and is the prime of those versed in all branches of knowledge.

अश्वपृष्ठे नागपृष्ठे खड्ने धनुषि कर्षणे। भेदे सान्त्वे च दाने च नये मन्त्रे च संमतः॥ यस्य बाहुं समाश्रित्य लङ्का भवति निर्भया। तनयं धान्यमालिन्या अतिकायमिमं विदुः॥
He is competent to ride horses and elephants, to wield the sword or draw the bcw, or in sowing dissensions, or giving away, or in counsel, he reposing in whose arm Lanka has cast off fear. Know him to be Atikāya, son to Dhānyamāli.

एतेनाराधितो ब्रह्मा तपसा भावितात्मना। अस्त्राणि चाप्यवाप्तानि रिपवश्च पराजिताः॥
Having adored the pure-souled Brahma with austerities, he has obtained weapons, and has defeated his foes (in fight).

सुरासुरैरवध्यत्वं दत्तमस्मै स्वयंभुवा। एतच्च कवचं दिव्यं रथश्च रविभास्वरः॥
You shall be incapable of being slain by celestials and Asura's was the boon conferred on him by the self-sprung; and he also gave him this celestial mail and this car resembling the effulgent Sun himself.

एतेन शतशो देवा दानवाश्च पराजिताः। रक्षितानि च रक्षांसि यक्षाश्चापि निषूदिताः॥
He has vanquished (in battle) hundreds of deities and Dänavas; and he has always) protected the Rakşasas, and destroyed Yakşas.

वजं विष्टम्भितं येन बाणैरिन्द्रस्य धीमता। पाशः सलिलराजस्य युद्धे प्रतिहतस्तथा ॥
This intelligent one resisted the thunder-bolt itself of Indra; and in encounter baffled the very noonse of the king of waters.

एषोऽतिकायो बलवान्राक्षसानामथर्षभः। स रावणसुतो धीमान्देवदानवदर्पहा॥
This one is Atikāya-foremost of Raksasas; and that son of Rāvana is the humbler of the hauteur of deities and Dänavas.

तदस्मिन्क्रियतां यत्नः क्षिप्रं पुरुषपुङ्गव। पुरा वानरसैन्यानि क्षयं नयति सायकैः॥
Therefore, O best of persons, do you endeavour your best. This one with his shafts slaughter the monkey-hosts before (us).

ततोऽतिकायो बलवान्प्रविश्य हरिवाहिनीम्। विस्फारयामास धनुर्ननाद च पुनः पुनः॥
Then the powerful Atikāya entering that monkey-force, stretched his bow and shouted again and again.

तं भीमवपुषं दृष्ट्वा रथस्थं रथिनां वरम्। अभिपेतुर्महात्मानः प्रधाना ये वनौकसः॥ कुमुदो द्विविदो मैन्दो नीलः शरभ एव च। पादपैर्गिरिशृङ्गैश्च युगपत्समभिद्रवन्॥
The high-souled principal monkeys, seeing that (hero) possessed of a dreadful person, that best of car-warriors-stationed on his car, rushed forward. And Kumuda and Dvivida and Mainda and Nila and Sarabha dashed on at one time with trees and mountain-peaks.

तेषां वृक्षांश्च शैलांश्च शरैः कनकभूषणैः। अतिकायो महातेजाश्चिच्छेदास्त्रविदां वरः।४।।
Thereupon that foremost of those skilled in weapons, the exceedingly energetic Atikāya, severed those trees and rocks by means of shafts dight with gold.

तांश्चैव सर्वान्स हरीशरैः सर्वायसैबली। विव्याधाभिमुखान्संख्ये भीमकायो विशारदः॥
In that encounter that powerful one possessed of a gigantic person, skilled in arms, pierced all those monkeys staying before him with arrows entirely made of iron.

तेऽर्दिता बाणवर्षेण भिन्नगात्राः पराजिताः। न शेकुरतिकायस्य प्रतिकतुं महाहवे।॥
And agonised, having their persons pierced in that mighty conflict by that arrowy shower, they were incapable of resisting the same.

तत्सैन्यं हरिवीराणां त्रासयामास राक्षसः। मृगयूथमिव क्रुद्धो हरियौवनदर्पितः।॥
The Rakşasas terrified that host of monkeyheroes, even as an enraged lion priding in his youth terrify a society of deer.

स राक्षसेन्द्रो हरियूथमध्ये नायुध्यमानं निजघान कंचित्। उत्पत्य रामं च धनु:कलापी सगर्वितं वाक्यमिदं बभाषे॥
In the midst of those bands of monkeys, that lord of Raksasas did not slay anyone without battle. And then springing up before Rāma, that one furnished with his bow and quiver, addressed him in haughty words, saying.

नप्राकृतं कंचन योधयामि। यस्यास्ति शक्तिर्व्यवसाययुक्तो ददातु मे शीघ्रमिहाद्य युद्धम्॥
Stationed in this car holding the bow and arrows in my hands, I will not fight any that is ignoble. Him that has strength, and that also understand this business, let him today speedily give me battle.

तत्तस्य वाक्यं ब्रुवतो निशम्य चुकोप सौमित्रिरमित्रहन्ता। अमृष्यमाणश्च समुत्पपात जग्राह चापं च ततः स्मयित्वा ॥
Hearing his speech, that slayer of foesSumitrā's son, was fired with wrath. And not bearing him, he sprang forward disregarding his antagonist's words, and took up his bow.

क्रुद्धः सौमित्रिरुत्पत्य तूणादाक्षिप्य सायकम्। पुरस्तादतिकायस्य विचकर्ष महद्धनुः॥
And flying to fury, Sumitra's son, darting up, took out arrows from his quiver, and stretched his mighty bow in front of Atikāya.

पूरयन्स महीं सर्वामाकाशं सागरं दिशः। ज्याशब्दो लक्ष्मणस्योग्रस्त्रासयन्रजनीचरान्॥
Filling the entire earth and the sky and the ocean and all the cardinal quarters, the terrific twang of Lakşmaņa's bow struck terror into the (hearts of the) night-rangers.

सौमित्रेश्चापनिर्घोषं श्रुत्वा प्रतिभयं तदा। विसिष्मिये महातेजा राक्षसेन्द्रात्मजो बली॥
Hearing the dreadful twang of the bow of Sumitrā's son , the exceedingly energetic and powerful son of the lord of Rākşasas was struck with surprise.

तदातिकायः कुपितो दृष्ट्वा लक्ष्मणमुत्थितम्। आदाय निशितं बाणमिदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Then Atikāya, enraged, seeing Lakşmaņa advance, taking sharpened shafts, spoke to him.

बालस्त्वमसि सौमित्रे विक्रमेष्वविचक्षणः। गच्छ किं कालसंकाशं मां योधयितुमिच्छसि॥
You are a bc/, O Sumitra's sons and as such know not how to display prowess. Go you. Why wish you to fight with me resembling death itself.

नहि मद्बाहुसृष्टानां बाणानां हिमवानपि। सोढुमुत्सहते वेगमन्तरिक्षमथो मही॥
Not Himālaya itself or the firmament or the earth is capable of bearing the impetuosity of shafts shot by my arms.

सुखप्रसुप्तं कालाग्नि विबोधयितुमिच्छसि। न्यस्य चापं निवर्तस्व प्राणान्न जहिमद्गतः॥
You wish to rouse a fire slumbering sweetly. Leaving alone your bow, do you return. Do not lose your life by coming in contact with me.

अथवा त्वं प्रतिस्तब्धो न निवर्तितुमिच्छसि। तिष्ठ प्राणान्परित्यज्य गमिष्यसि यमक्षयम्॥
Or it may be that you are proud; and therefore, have no mind to return. Stay then. Renouncing your life, you shall go to Yama's mansion.

पश्य मे निशितान्बाणानिरपुदर्पनिषूदनान्। ईश्वरायुधसंकाशांस्तप्तकाञ्चनभूषणान्। ५५ ।।
Behold my whetted arrows-crushers of the insolence of foes resembling the weapon itself of the Lord,* adorned with burnished gold. *Isvara, Siva, His weapon is the trident.

एष ते सर्पसंकाशो बाणः पास्यति शोणितम्। मृगराज इव क्रुद्धो नागराजस्य शोणितम्। इत्येवमुक्त्वा संक्रुद्धः शरं धनुषि संदधे॥
Even as a lion enraged shedded the blood of a mighty elephant, this arrow of mine resembling a serpent shall shed your blood. Having delivered himself thus, he fired with wrath set his shaft on his bow.

श्रुत्वातिकायस्य वचः सरोषं सगर्वितं संयति राजपुत्रः। स संचुकोपातिबलो मनस्वी उवाच वाक्यं च ततो बृहच्छ्रीः॥
Hearing in that encounter Atikāya's wrathful speech fraught with hauteur, the highly powerful and intelligent son of the king possessed of exceeding grace, was transported with passion; and he said.

न वाक्यमात्रेण भवान्प्रधानो न कत्थनात्सत्पुरुषा भवन्ति। मयि स्थिते धन्विनि बाणपाणौ निदर्शयस्वात्मबलं दुरात्मन्॥
You can not attain pre-eminence solely by virtue of your speech. One cannot be a worthy person simply by say. O wicked-minded one, do you display your strength on me equipped with the bow and holding arrows in my hands.

कर्मणा सूचयात्मानं न विकस्थितुमर्हसि । पौरुषेण तु यो युक्तः स तु शूर इति स्मृतः। ५९।।
Manifest yourself by your valour, you ought not to blow your own trumpet. He, who is actually powerful identified as a real gallant.

सर्वायुधसमायुक्तो धन्वी त्वं रथमास्थितः। शरैर्वा यदि वाप्यस्त्रैर्दर्शयस्व पराक्रमम्॥
Seated on a chariot and skilled in archery you are equipped with all weapons, therefore, you display your own prowess either with your arrows or with arms.

ततः शिरस्ते निशितैः पातयिष्याम्यहं शरैः। मारुतः कालसंयुक्तं वृन्तात्तालफलं यथा॥
Then, I shall cut off your head with my sharpened arrows like wind falls down a palm fruit from its stalk, ripened in the process of time.

अद्य ते मामका बाणास्तप्तकाञ्चनभूषणाः। पास्यन्ति रुधिरं गात्राबाणशल्यान्तरोत्थितम्॥
To-day shall my shafts decked in gold, drink your blood flowing from your person and issuing of wounds inflicted by my resembling darts.

बालोऽयमिति विज्ञाय न चावज्ञातुमर्हसि। बालो वा यदि वा वृद्धो मृत्यु जानीहि संयुगे॥
'This one is a boy', thinking this, you ought not to slight me. Whether I am a boy or an old* man' death shall you know in the conflict. *The commentator says the passage means-"You know (me) for death itself.” I prefer the sense given.

बालेन विष्णुना लोकास्त्रयः क्रान्तास्त्रिविक्रमैः। लक्ष्मणस्य वचः श्रुत्वा हेतुमत्परमार्थवत्।। अतिकायः प्रचुक्रोध बाणं चोत्तममाददे॥ ततो विद्याधरा भूता देवदैत्या महर्षयः। गुह्यकाश्च महात्मानस्तद्युद्धं ददृशुस्तदा॥
It was as a boy that Vişņu had overpowered the triune world with his prowess.” Hearing Laksmana's words, fraught with reason and high sense, Vidyadharas and ghosts, deities, Daityas out arrows and Maharşis, and the high-souled Guhyakas then beheld that marvel.* *The encounter that ensued between Lakşmaņa and Atikāya.

ततोऽतिकायः कुपितश्चापमारोप्य सायकम्। लक्ष्मणाय प्रचिक्षेप संक्षिपन्निव चाम्बरम्॥
Then Atikāya, enraged, setting his arrow on his bow, shot it at Lakşmaņa, as if devouring up the welkin.

तमापतन्तं निशितं शरमाशीविषोपमम्। अर्धचन्द्रेण चिच्छेद लक्ष्मणः परवीरहा॥
Thereat, Lakşmaņa-slayer of hostile heroes-with a crescent severed that sharpened shaft resembling a venomous serpent, as it was descending.

तं निकृत्तं शरं दृष्ट्वा कृत्तभोगमिवोरगम्। अतिकायो भृशं क्रुद्धः पञ्च बाणान्समादधे॥ ताशरान्संप्रचिक्षेप लक्ष्मणाय निशाचरः। तानप्राप्ताशितैर्बाणैश्चिच्छेद भरतानुजः॥
Seeing the shaft severed, like a serpent having its person cut off, Atikāya waxing exceedingly enraged, took up five arrow; and the nightranger discharged them at Lakşmaņa. Thereat Bharata's younger brother cut off the approaching arrows with whetted shafts.

स ताञ्छित्त्वा शितैर्बाणैर्लक्ष्मणः परवीरहा। आददे निशितं बाणं ज्वलन्तमिव तेजसा ॥
Having severed them with sharpened shafts, Lakşmaņa— slayer of hostile heroes-took up a sharpened arrow, as if flaming in energy.

तमादाय धनुःश्रेष्ठे योजयामास लक्ष्मणः। विचकर्ष च वेगेन विससर्ज च सायकम्॥
And taking it, Lakşmaņa set it on his excellent bow; and drawing the latter, vigorously discharged the shaft.

पूर्णायतविसृष्टेन शरेण नतपर्वणा। ललाटे राक्षसश्रेष्ठमाजघान स वीर्यवान्।७२।।
That hero endowed with prowess hit that foremost of Rākşasas in the forehead with that i shaft having bent knots, discharged from his bow drawn to its full bent.

स ललाटे शरो मग्नतस्य भीमस्य रक्षसः। ददृशे शोणितेनाक्तः पन्नगेन्द्र इवाचले।७३।।
That arrow piercing the forehead of that dreadful Raksasas, and smeared with blood, appeared like the lord of serpents in a mountain.

राक्षसः प्रचकम्पेऽथ लक्ष्मणेषुप्रपीडितः। रुद्रबाणहतं घोरं यथा त्रिपुरगोपुरम्।। चिन्तयामास चाश्वस्य विमृश्य च महाबलः।७४।। साधु बाणनिपातेन श्लाघनीयोऽसि मे रिपुः।
The Raksasas, smarting under Laksmana's shaft, showered, like the dreadful gateway of Tripura battered by Rudra. Then recovering himself and reflecting, he said.* *Cintayāmasa-thought, I apprehend, means said in this connection.

विधायैवं विदार्यास्यं विनम्य च महाभुजौ। स रथोपस्थमास्थाय रथेन प्रचचार ह!७५ ।।
Excellent well! By this discharge of your shaft, you approve yourself as a foe in whom I can well glory. Having spoken thus candidly, he, folding his hands at ease, and seated on the platform of his car, began to range in it.

एकं त्रीपञ्च सप्तति सायकान्राक्षसर्षभः। आददे संदधे चापि विचकर्षोत्ससर्ज च।७६ ।।
Then that foremost of Raksasas began to take up, set and shoot one, three, five, or seven shafts.

ते बाणाः कालसंकाशा राक्षसेन्द्रधनुश्च्युताः। हेमपुङ्खा रविप्रख्याश्चर्दीप्तमिवाम्बरम्॥
Those shafts resembling Fate itself, plated with gold at the feathered parts, and looking like the Sun himself (in splendour), discharged from the bow of the lord of Rakşasas, lighted up the heavens.

ततस्ताराक्षसोत्सृष्टाशरौघानराघवानुजः। असंभ्रान्तः प्रचिच्छेद निशितैर्बहुभिः शरैः॥
Thereat Raghava's younger brother by means of many a sharpened shaft calmly cut off all those vollies of arrows shot by the Rakşasas.

ताशरान्युधि संप्रेक्ष्य निकृत्तान्रावणात्मजः। चुकोप त्रिदशेन्द्रारिर्जग्राह निशितं शरम्॥
And finding all those arrows riven in the encounter, that enemy of the lord of the immortals, Ravana's son, was fired with wrath, and took up a whetted shaft.

स संधाय महातेजास्तं बाणं सहसोत्सृजत्। तेन सौमित्रिमायान्तमाजघान स्तनान्तरे॥
Then aiming that arrow, that highly powerful one suddenly shot it; and with that, rushing on, hit Sumitra's son in the chest.

अतिकायेन सौमित्रिस्ताडितो युधि वक्षसि। सुस्राव रुधिरं तीव्र मदं मत्त इव द्विपः॥
Struck in the encounter by Atikaya, the son of Sumitra began to bleed copiously, like a mad elephant discharging the temporal jouice.

स चकार तदात्मानं विशल्यं सहसा विभुः। जग्राह च शरं तीक्ष्णमस्त्रेणापि समाददे।८।।
Then that lord at once extricated the arrow; and then took up a keen shaft and fixed the same on his weapon.* *i.e. the bow.

आग्नेयेन तदात्रेण योजयामास सायकम्। स जज्वाल तदा बाणो धनुश्चास्य तदात्मनः॥
Then he set a shaft (on his bow-string) reciting a formula for the Agneya* (Belonging to the god of Fire.) weapon; and thereat his arrow as well as bow flamed up.

अतिकायोऽतितेजस्वी रौद्रमलं समाददे। तेन बाणं भुजंगाभं हेमपुखमयोजयत्॥
Then the highly powerful Atikaya took up a Ruadra* weapon; and thereon fixed a shaft plated with gold at the feathered part, and resembling a serpent in sheen. *Relative to Rudra.

तदलं ज्वलितं घोरं लक्ष्मणः शरमाहितम्। अतिकायाय चिक्षेप कालदण्डमिवान्तकः॥
And even as the reaper hurled his rod, did Lakşmaņa hurl that weapon inspired with divine energy, dreadful and aflame, at Atikaya.

आग्नेयास्त्राभिसंयुक्तं दृष्ट्वा बाणं निशाचरः। उत्ससर्ज तदा बाणं रौद्रं सूर्यास्त्रयोजितम्॥
Seeing that shaft set upon an Āgneya weapon, that night-ranger discharged a Raudra arrow set upon a Solar weapon.

तावुभावम्बरे बाणावन्योन्यमभिजन्नतुः। तेजसा संप्रदीप्ताग्रो कुद्धाविव भुंजगमौ।। तावन्योन्य विनिर्दह्य पेततुः पृथिवीतले॥ निरर्चिषौ भस्मकृतौ न भ्राजेते शरोत्तमौ। तावुभौ दीप्यमानौ स्म न भ्राजेते महीतले॥
There like a pair of infuriated serpents, those arrows with their heads flaming in energy, baffled each other in the sky. And burning each other, the shafts fell on the earth; and those best of arrows, shorn of brilliance and reduced to ashes, were deprived of their splendour. And having blazed in the welkin, those two fell down to the earth reft of their lustre.

ततोऽतिकायः संक्रुद्धस्त्वाष्ट्रमैषीकमुत्सृजत्। ततश्चिच्छेद सौमित्रिरस्त्रमैन्द्रेण वीर्यवान्।॥
Then Atikāya wrought up with wrath discharged an arrow called Aişīka dedicated to Tvaştā. Thereat the powerful son of Sumitrā severed that shaft by an Aindra* weapon. *Belonging to Indra.

ऐषीकं निहतं दृष्ट्वा कुमारो रावणात्मजः। याम्येनास्त्रेण संकुद्धो योजयामास सायकम्॥ ततस्तदत्रं चिक्षेप लक्ष्मणाय निशाचरः। वायव्येन तदत्रेण निजघान स लक्ष्मणः॥
Seeing Aisika baffled, that Prince-son to Rāvana-fired with rage, fixed an arrow on a Yămya' weapon; and then the night-ranger shot that weapon at Lakşmaņa. And Lakşmaņa resisted it by a Vāyavya' weapon. 1. What could this be like? The commentator is silent over this important point. 2. Belonging to the wind-god.

अथैनं शरधाराभिर्धाराभिरिव तोयदः। अभ्यवर्षत संक्रुद्धो लक्ष्मणो रावणात्मजम्।१२।।
Then as a mass of clouds poured down showers, Laksmana, enraged, poured volleys of shafts on Rāvana's son.

तेऽतिकायं समासाद्य कवचे वज्रभूषिते। भग्नाग्रशल्याः सहसा पेतुर्बाणा महीतले।१३।।
Thereupon, hitting Atikāya, those arrows coming in contact with his mail, had their barbs broken, and fell down to the earth.

तान्मोघानभिसंप्रेक्ष्य लक्ष्मणः परवीरहा। अभ्यवर्षत बाणानां सहस्रेण महायशाः।१४।।
Seeing them baffled, that slayer of hostile heroes-the renowned Laksmana-began to shower shafts by thousands.

स वृष्यमाणो बाणौधैरतिकायो महाबलः। अवध्यकवचः संख्ये राक्षसो नैव विव्यथे॥ न शशाक रुजं कर्तुं युधि तस्य नरोत्तमः।
And albeit showered with those arrows, that Raksasas, the mighty Atikāya-in that encounter was not pierced by them on account of his impenetrable mail; and that best of men failed to hurt him in the contest.

अथैनमभ्युपागम्य वायुर्वाक्यमुवाच ह॥ ब्रह्मदत्तवरो ह्येष अवध्यकवचावृतः। ब्राह्मणास्त्रेण भिन्ध्येनमेष वध्यो हि नान्यथा।। अवध्य एष ह्यन्येषामस्त्राणां कवची बली॥
Then approaching him, the wind-god spoke to him, saying, "This one has received a boon from Brahmā, and is covered with an impenetrable mail. Pierce him with a Brahma* weapon. He cannot otherwise be slain. This one clad in mail and endowed with prowess is forsooth incapable of being slain by others." *Belonging to Brahma.

ततस्तु वायोर्वचनं निशम्य सौमित्रिरिन्द्रप्रतिमानवीर्यः। समादधे बाणमथोग्रवेगं तद्ब्राह्ममस्त्रं सहसा नियुज्य।१८॥
Hearing the words of the wind-god, Sumitrā's son like to Indra in prowess took an arrow endowed with fierce impetuosity, and at once set it on a Brahma weapon.

तस्मिन्वरास्त्रे तु नियुज्यमाने सौमित्रिणा बाणवरे शिताओ। दिशश्च चन्द्रार्कमहाग्रहाश्च नभश्च तत्रास ररास चोर्वी॥
On that sharp-headed best of arrows being fixed on that foremost of weapons, the cardinal quarters and the Moon and the sun and the mighty planets and the sky were saized with affright; and the earth shook.

तं ब्रह्मणोऽस्त्रेण नियुज्य चापे शरं सपुवं यमदूतकल्पम्। सौमित्रिरिन्द्रारिसुतस्य तस्य ससर्ज बाणं युधि वज्रकल्पम्॥
And inspiring that arrow furnished with a feathered part and resembling an emissary of Yama himself, and fixing the same on his bow, Sumitrā's son in that encounter discharged that shaft like to the thunder-bolt at the son of the enemy of Indra.

तं लक्ष्मणोत्सृष्टविवृद्धवेगं समापतन्तं श्वसनोग्रवेगम्। सुपर्णवज्रोत्तमचित्रपुङ्ख तदातिकायः समरे ददर्श॥
And in that conflict Atikāya beheld that shaft fair-feathered and having its feathered part dight with splendid diamonds, acquiring enhanced vehemence arising from its having been discharged by Lakşmaņa, and hissing and rushing on with tremendous impetuosity.

तं प्रेक्षमाणः सहसातिकायो जघान बाणैनिशितैरनेकैः। स्तथातिवेगेन जगाम पार्श्वम्॥
Seeing it, Atikäya swiftly resisted it with countless sharpened shafts. But endowed with the energy of Suparna himself, that shaft vehemently went to him.

तमागतं प्रेक्ष्य तदातिकायो बाणं प्रदीप्तान्तककालकल्पम्। जघान शक्त्यष्टिगदाकुठारैः शूलैः शरश्चाप्यविपनचेष्टः॥
Seeing that shaft flaming and resembling the Fatal destroyer himself, coming, he, exerting himself to the utmost resisted it with darts and Rştis and maces and adzes and javelins and arrows.

तान्यायुधान्यद्भुतविग्राहणि मोघानि कृत्वा स शरोऽग्निदीपः। प्रगृह्य तस्यैव किरीटजुष्टं तदातिकायस्य शिरो जहार॥
But beating down all those weapons of wonderful forms, that arrow alive with flames, coming to the diadem-decked head of Atikāya, severed the same (in twain).

तच्छिरः सशिरस्त्राणां लक्ष्मणेषुप्रमर्दितम्। पपात सहसा भूमौ शृङ्ग हिमवतो यथा॥
That head furnished with a corsalet, cut off by Laksmana's arrow, suddenly dropped to the earth, like a summit of Himavān toppling (to the ground).

तं भूमौ पतितं दृष्ट्वा विक्षिप्ताम्बरभूषणम्। बभूवुर्व्यथिताः सर्वे हतशेषा निशाचराः॥
Seeing him rolling on the earth, with his attire and ornaments scattered about, those nightrangers that survived were overwhelmed with grief.

ते विषण्णमुखा दीनाः प्रहारजनितश्रमाः। विनेदुरुच्चैर्बहवः सहसा विस्वरैः स्वरैः॥
And with pale forces and distressed, they, fatigued in consequence of the thrashing they had undergone, suddenly began to cry in frightful accents.

ततस्तत्परितो याता निरपेक्षा निशाचराः। पुरीमभिमुखा भीता द्रवन्तो नायके हते॥
On their leader having been slain, those nightrangers that were about (Atikāya), without waiting any longer, overwhelmed with panic, rushed towards the city.

प्रहर्षयुक्ता बहवस्तु वानराः प्रफुल्लपद्मप्रतिमाननास्तदा। अपूजयल्लक्ष्मणमिष्टभागिनं हते रिपौ भीमबले दुरासदे॥
On their foe endowed with terrific prowess and incapable of being conformed, having been slain, innumerable monkeys filled with excess of joy, and displaying countenances resembling blown lotuses, paid homage to Lakşmaņa working out their welfare.