Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 70

नरान्तकं हतं दृष्ट्वा चुक्रुशुनैऋतषर्भाः। देवान्तकरित्रमूर्धा च पौलस्त्यश्च महोदरः॥
Seeing Narāntaka slain, the foremost of Naiſtas-including the three-headed Devāntaka and Pulastya's descendant, Mahodara, began to cry (in chorus).

आरूढो मेघसंकाशं वारणेन्द्र महोदरः। वालिपुत्रं महावीर्यमभिदुद्राव वेगवान्॥
Then the vehement Mahodara, mounted (on horseback), rushed against Vali's son endued with energy.

भ्रातृव्यसनसंतप्तस्तदा देवान्तको बली। आदाय परिघं घोरमङ्गदं समभिद्रवत्॥
Aggrieved in consequence of the calamity that had befallen his brother, the strong Devāntaka grasping a dreadful bludgeon, darted against Angada.

रथमादित्यसंकाशं युक्तं परमवाजिभिः। आस्थाय त्रिशिरा वीरो वालिपुत्रमथाभ्यगात्॥
Ascending a car resembling the Sun yoked with superb steeds, the heroic Triģiras rushed against Vali's son.

स त्रिभिर्देवदर्पघ्नै राक्षसेन्ट्रैरभिद्रुतः। वृक्षमुत्पाटयामास महाविटपमङ्गदः॥ देवान्तकाय तं वीरश्चिक्षेप सहसाङ्गदः। महावृक्षं महाशाखं शक्रो दीप्तामिवाशनिम्॥
Then charged by those three powerful Räkş asas-crushers of the hauteur of immortals, Angada uprooted a tree furnished with gigantic branches. And as Sakra hurl the mighty flaming thunder-bolt, that hero-Angada, at once hurled against Devāntaka that mighty tree having giant branches.

त्रिशिरास्तं प्रचिच्छेद शरैराशीविषोपमैः। स वृक्षं कृत्तमालोक्य उत्पपात तदाङ्गदः।७।। स ववर्ष ततो वृक्षाशिलाश्च कपिकुञ्जरः। तान्प्रचिच्छेद संक्रुद्धस्त्रिशिरा निशितैः शरैः॥ परिघाग्रेण तान्वृक्षान्बभञ्ज स महोदरः। त्रिशिराश्चाङ्गदं वीरमभिदुद्राव सायकैः।९।। गजेन समभिद्रुत्य वालिपुत्रं महोदरः। जघानोरसि संक्रुद्धस्तोमरैर्वज्रसंनिभैः॥
Trisiras cut off that tree in pieces by means of shafts resembling serpents. And seeing the tree severed, Angada darted up; and then that foremost of monkeys showered crags and trees. And all those Triſiras wrought with wrath cut off by means of whetted arrows; and Mahodara snapped those trees with the end of his bludgeon. And then Trisiras rushed against that hero-Valr's son-with shafts; and Mahodara chased him, mounted own an elephant; and struck Angada in the chest with Tomaras resembling the thunder-bolt. 1. The text has Angada avoided for euphony. 2. The text has Vali's son.

देवान्तकश्च संक्रुद्धः परिघेण तदाङ्गदम्। उपगम्याभिहत्याशु व्यपचक्राम वेगवान्॥
Devantaka, enraged advancing, hit Angada with his bludgeon, and then, endowed with velocity, he swiftly turned away.

स त्रिभिनैर्ऋतश्रेष्ठैर्युगपत्समभिद्रुतः। न विव्यथे महातेजा वालिपुत्रः प्रतापवान्॥
Attacked simultaneously by those three powerful Naiſtas, the exceedingly energetic son of Vali's possessed of prowess, did not feel any pain.

स वेगवान्महावेगं कृत्वा परमदुर्जयः। तलेन समभिदुत्य जघानास्य महागजम्॥
That impetuous one incapable of being conquered, summoning his utmost vehemence, rushing on, pealt a slap at his* mighty elephant. *Mahodara's.

तस्य तेन प्रहारेण नागराजस्य संयुगे॥ पेततुर्नयने तस्य विननाश स कुञ्जरः।
Thereat in the conflict the king elephant fell down in his very sight and expired.

विषाणं चास्य निष्कृष्य वालिपुत्रो महाबलः॥ देवान्तकमभिदुत्य ताडयामास संयुगे।
Then pulling out his tusks, the highly powerful son of Vāli, darting against Devāntaka, dealt him a blow therewith in that encounter.

स विह्वलस्तु तेजस्वी वातोद्भूत इव दुमः॥ लाक्षारससवर्णं च सुस्राव रुधिरं महत्।
Thereupon that strong one overwhelmed like a tree buffeted by the wind, began to discharge blood profusely, looking like the hue of lac.

अथाश्वस्य महातेजाः कृच्छ्राद्देवान्तको बली॥ आविध्य परिघं वेगादाजधान तदाङ्गदम्।
Then cheering him, the exceedingly energetic and powerful Narāntaka, violently whirling his bludgeon with might and main, hit Angada with it.

परिघाभिहतश्चापि वानरेन्द्रात्मजस्तदा॥ जानुभ्यां पतितो भूमौ पुनरेवोत्पपात ह।
And albeit struck with the bludgeon, the son of the lord of monkeys, going down on his knees, again darted up.

तमुत्पतन्तं त्रिशिरास्त्रिभिर्बाणैरजिह्मगैः॥ घोरैर्हरिपतेः पुत्रं ललाटेऽभिजघान ह।
As he sprang up, Triśiras hit at the temples of the son of the king of monkeys with three straight-speeding terrific shafts.

ततोऽङ्गदं परिक्षिप्तं विभिनैर्ऋतपुङ्गवैः॥ हनूमानथ विज्ञाय नीलश्चापि प्रतस्थतुः।
Seeing Angada assailed by the three redoubtable Rakşasas, Hanumān and Nila proceeded (to his rescue).

ततश्चिक्षेप शैलाग्रं नीलत्रिशिरसे तदा॥ तद्रावणसुतो धीमान्बिभेद निशितैः शरैः।
Then Nila hurled a mountain-top at Trisiras; and thereat that son of Rāvaņa severed it with sharpened arrows.

तदेबाणशतनिर्भिन्नं विदारितशिलातलम्॥ सविस्फुलिङ्गं सज्वालं निपपात गिरेः शिरः।
That mountain-top on being riven, dropped down, aflame and shooting out sparks of fire.

स विजृम्भितमालोक्य हर्षाद्देवान्तको बली॥ परिघेणाभिदुद्राव मारुतात्मजमाहवे।
Seeing him* yawning in joy, the stalwart Devāntaka in that encounter pursued the windgod's son with his bludgeon. *Triśiras.

तमापतन्तमुत्पत्य हनूमान्कपिकुञ्जरः॥ आजघान तदा मूर्ध्नि वज्रकल्पेन मुष्टिना।
As he rushed on, that foremost of monkeysHanuman-~-dealt on the crown of his head, a blow resembling the thunder-bolt itself.

शिरसि प्राहरद्वीरस्तदा वायुसुतो बली।। नादेनाकम्पयच्वैव राक्षसान्स महाकपिः॥
The mighty and heroic son of the wind-god hit (at his antagonist); and that redoubted monkey also with his roars made the Raksasas tremble (in fear).

स मुष्टिनिष्पिष्टविभिन्नमूर्धा निर्वान्तदन्ताक्षिविलम्बिजिह्वः। र्गतासुरुव्यां सहसा पपात॥
Thereat with his head crushed and cleft, and his ieeth and eyes falling out, and his tongue hanging down, that son to the sovereign of the Rākşasas suddenly dropped to the earth, deprived of life.

तस्मिन्हते राक्षसयोधमुख्ये महाबले संयति देवशत्रौ। क्रुद्धस्त्रिशीर्षो निशितास्त्रमुग्रं ववर्ष नीलोरसि बाणवर्षम्॥
On that fierce and mighty Rākşasas warriorthat foe of the immortals— having fallen in fight, the three-headed one, waxing wondrous enraged began to shower terrific sharpened shafts on Nila's chest.

महोदरस्तु संक्रुद्धः कुञ्जरं पर्वतोपमम्। भूयः समधिरुह्याशु मन्दरं रश्मिवानिव॥
Mahodara, getting enraged, again swiftly mounted an elephant like the ray-furnished (Sun) mounting Mandara.

ततो बाणमयं वर्ष नीलस्योपर्यपातयत्। गिरौ वर्ष तडिच्चक्रं स गर्जनिव तोयदः।।२८। ततः शरौधैरभिवृष्यमाणो विभिन्नगात्रः कपिसैन्यपालः। नीलो बभूवाथ विसृष्टगात्रो विष्टम्भितस्तेन महाबलेन॥
Then even as a mass of roaring clouds poured down showers enwheeled with levin on a mountain, he showered arrows right on Nīla's breast. Threat showered with those shafts, that leader of monkeys Nīla with his person pierced, had his body riven and was stupefied by that exceedingly powerful one.

ततस्तु नीलः प्रतिलब्धसंज्ञः शैलं समुत्पाट्य सवृक्षखण्डम्। ततः समुत्पत्य महोग्रवेगो महोदरं तेन जघान मूर्ध्निः॥
Then that (monkey) possessed of tremendous vehemence, having regained his senses, uprooting a crag with a whole tract of trees, struck it at Mahodara's head.

ततः स शैलाभिनिपातभग्नो महोदरस्तेन महाद्विपेन। व्यामोहितो भूमितले गतासुः पपात वज्राभिहतो यथाद्रिः॥
Struck by that mighty enemy, Mahodara, broken down by the impetus of that rock, deprived of his senses, dropped down dead on the ground, like a cliff smite with the thunderbolt.

पितृव्यं निहतं दृष्ट्वा त्रिशिराश्चापमाददे। हनूमन्तं च संक्रुद्धो विव्याध निशितैः शरैः॥
Seeing his uncle slain, Triſiras took up his bow; and inflamed with fury pierced Hanumān with whetted arrows.

स वायुसूनुः कुपितश्चिक्षेप शिखरं गिरेः। त्रिशिरास्तच्छरैस्तीक्ष्णैर्बिभेद बहुधा बली॥
Thereat the wind-god's son, enraged, hurled a mountain-peak (at his adversary). And Trisiras by means of keen arrows severed the same in shivers.

तद्व्यर्थं शिखं दृष्ट्वा द्रुमवर्षं तदा कपिः। विससर्ज रणे तस्मिन्रावणस्य सुतं प्रति ॥
Seeing the mountain-peak baffled, the monkey in the encounter began to shower trees on Ravana's son.

तमापतन्तमाकाशं दुमवर्ष प्रतापवान्। त्रिशिरानिशितैर्बाणैश्चिच्छेद च ननाद च ॥
Trisiras endowed with prowess by means of sharpened shafts cut off that descending arrowy shower in the sky and shouted (in delight).

हनूमांस्तु समुत्पत्य हयं त्रिशिरसस्तदा। विददार नखैः क्रुद्धो नागेन्द्रं मृगराडिव॥
Then Hanumān flying into a fury, bounding to the welkin, with his nails ript the steed of Triớiras, even as a lion cleave a powerful elephant.

अथ शक्तिं समासाद्य कालरात्रिमिवान्तकः। चिक्षेपानिलपुत्राय त्रिशिरा रावणात्मजः॥
Then taking a dart even as the destroyer employ the fatal night, Ravana's son, TriSiras discharged it at the offspring of the wind-god.

दिवः क्षिप्तामिवोल्कां तां शक्तिं क्षिप्तामसंगताम्। गृहीत्वा हरिशार्दूलो बभञ्ज च ननाद च॥
Thereat catching the dart of resistless course as it descended from the sky, the powerful monkey snapped it and then shouted.

तां दृष्ट्वा घोरसंकाशां शक्तिं भग्नां हनूमता। प्रहृष्टा वानरगणा विनेदुर्जलदा यथा॥
Seeing that dreadful dart broken by Hanumān, the monkeys, transported with delignt, sent up shouts, even as clouds rumble.

ततः खङ्गं समुद्यम्य त्रिशिरा राक्षसोत्त निचखान तदा खङ्गं वानरेन्द्रस्य वक्षसि ॥
Then upraising his sword, that foremost of Raksasas-Trisiras-brought it down on the breast of the monkey-chief.

खङ्गप्रहाराभिहतो हनूमान्मारुतात्मजः। आजघान त्रिमूर्धानं तलेनोरसि वीर्यवान्।४१॥
Overpowered with the sword-blow, Hanumān son to the wind-god, endowed with energy, dealt the three-headed one a slap on the head.

स तलाभिहतस्तेन स्रस्तहस्ताम्बरो भुवि। निपपात महातेजास्त्रिशिरास्त्यक्तचेतनः।॥
And smitten with that slap, the highly powerful Triśiras, with his hands and attire dropping off, fell down to the earth, deprived of consciousness.

स तस्य पततः खङ्गं तमाच्छिद्य महाकपिः। ननाद गिरिसंकाशस्त्रासयन्सर्वराक्षसान्॥
Then that mighty monkey-resembling a hill broke his sword as he fell, and roared, terrifying all the Raksasas.

अमृष्यमाणस्तं घोषमुत्पपात निशाचरः। उत्पत्य च हनूमन्तं ताडयामास मुष्टिना ॥
But not brooking that uproar, that night-ranger sprang up; and springing up, he dealt a blow at Hanuman.

तेन मुष्टिप्रहारेण संचुकोप महाकपिः। कुपितश्च निजग्राह किरीटे राक्षसर्षभम्॥
At that blow, the redoubtable monkey was wrought up with wrath; and inflamed with rage, he smote that foremost of Räkşasas about his diadem.

स तस्य शीर्षाण्यसिना शितेन किरीटजुष्टानि सकुण्डलानि। क्रुद्धः प्रचिच्छेद सुतोऽनिलस्य त्वष्टः सुतस्येव शिरांसि शक्रः॥
Then with a sharp sword the wind-god's son cut off his heads decked with diadems and furnished with ear-rings; even as Sakra had severed the heads of Tastri' son.* *Visvarupa.

तान्यायताक्षाण्यगसंनिभानि प्रदीप्तवैश्वानरलोचनानि। पेतुः शिरांसीन्द्ररिपोः पृथिव्यां ज्योतींषि मुक्तानि यथेन्द्रमार्गात्॥
Thereat even as burning stars, loosened, drop down from the course of Indra, the large organs of sense, and eyes flaming like glowing fire, and heads of that foe of Indra, dropped down to the ground.

तस्मिन्हते देवरिपौ त्रिशीर्षे हनूमता शक्रपराक्रमेण। नेदुः प्लवंगाः प्रचचाल भूमी रक्षास्यथो दुद्रुविरे समन्तात्॥
On Trisiras, enemy of the immortals-having been slain by Hanuman endowed with the prowess itself of Sakra, the monkeys shouted, the earth shook, and the Rākṣas began to fly on all sides.

हतं त्रिशिरसं दृष्ट्वा युद्धोन्मत्तं तथैव च। हतौ प्रेक्ष्य दुराधर्षों देवान्तकनरान्तकौ॥ चुकोप परमामर्षी मत्तो राक्षसपुङ्गवः। जग्राहार्चिष्मतीं चापि गदां सर्वायसीं तदा॥ हेमपट्टपरिक्षिप्तां मांसशोणितफेनिलाम्। विराजमानां विपुलां शत्रुशोणिततर्पिताम्॥ तेजसा संप्रदीप्ताग्रां रक्तमाल्यविभूषिताम्। ऐरावतमहापद्मसार्वभौमभयावहाम्॥ गदामादाय संक्रुद्धो मत्तो राक्षसपुङ्गवः। हरीन्समभिदुद्राव युगान्ताग्निरिव ज्वलन्॥
Seeing Triſira and Yuddhonmatta slain and seeing also the irrepressible Devāntaka and Narāntaka slain (in the encounter), that highly irascible and powerful Räkşasas-Matta, was transported with passion, and then took up a flaming mace entirely wrought with iron inlaid with gold; frothy with flesh and gore; mighty to behold; gratified with the blood of foes; with its end flaming in splendour; decked with red wreaths; and capable of striking terror into Airāvata and Mahāpadma and Sárvabhauma.* And flaming up like the fire arisen at the end of a Yuga, that foremost of Raksasas-Matta, wrought with fury, rushed against the monkeys. *Elephants of the cardinal points.

अथर्षभः : समुत्पत्य वानरो रावणानुजम्। मत्तानीकमुपागम्य तस्थौ तस्याग्रतो बली॥
Then the mighty and powerful monkey Risabha-springing up before Ravana's son, stood before the hosts of Matta.

तं पुरस्तारिथतं दृष्ट्वा वानरं पर्वतोपमम्। आजघानोरसि क्रुद्धो गदया वज्रकल्पया॥
Seeing that mountain-like monkey staying before (him), Matta, enraged, dealt him a blow on the breast.

स तयाभिहतस्तेन गदया वानरर्षभः। भिन्नवक्षाः समाधूतः सुस्राव रुधिरं बहु।५६॥
And smite with the mace, that foremost of monkeys, with his breast riven and trembling, began to bleed copiously.

स संप्राप्य चिरात्संज्ञामृषभो वानरेश्वरः। क्रुद्धो विस्फुरमाणौष्ठौ महापार्श्वमुदैवत॥
And regaining his senses after a long while, Risabha-lord of monkeys-inflamed with wrath pouting out his upper lip, gazed at Mahāpārsva.* *Otherwise, called Matta.

स वेगवान्वेगवदभ्युपेत्य तं राक्षसं वानरवीरमुख्यः। संवर्त्य मुष्टिं सहसा जघान बाह्वन्तरे शैलनिकाशरूपः॥
Then impetuously approaching the Räks asas, that foremost of heroic monkeys resembling a hill, endowed with vehemence, clenching his fist, suddenly smote him with a blow on his breast.

स कृत्तमूलः सहसेव वृक्षः क्षितौ पपात क्षतजोक्षिताङ्गः। तां चास्य घोरां यमदण्डकल्पां गदां प्रगृह्याशु तदा ननाद। ५९।।
Thereat like a tree whose roots have been severed, he suddenly dropped on the ground, covered with blood. And thereupon, (Risabha) swiftly snatched his dreadful mace resembling the rod of Yama himself; and shouted.

मुहूर्तमासीत्स गतासुकल्पः प्रत्यागतात्मा सहसा सुरारिः। स्तं वारिराजात्मजमाजघान॥
Only for a moment did he remain like one dead. Recovering his senses, the enemy of the immortals, looking like evening clouds in hue, suddenly springing up, attacked the son of the king of waters.

स मूर्छितो भूमितले पपात मुहूर्तमुत्पत्य पुनः ससंज्ञः। तामेव तस्याद्रिवराद्रिकल्पां गदां समाविध्य जघान संख्य।६१।।
Thereat, the dropped down to the earth, senseless. In a moment regaining his consciousness, he again bounded up, and whirling the mace resembling a peak of the foremost of mountains, in that encounter dealt (Matta) a blow therewith.

सा तस्य रौद्रा समुपेत्य देहं रौद्रस्य देवाध्वरविप्रशत्रोः। बिभेद वक्षः क्षतजं च भूरि सुस्राव धात्वम्भ इवाद्रिराजः॥
And descending on the body of that dreadful one-the enemy of deities, sacrifices and Vipras-that terrific mace rived his breast; and the began to bleed profusely, even as the lord of mountains discharges minerals and water.

अभिदुद्राव वेगेन गदां तस्य महात्मनः। तां गृहीत्वा गदां भीमामाविध्य च पुनः पुनः॥
And taking the terrific mace of the highsouled (Matta) and swinging it again and again, (Risabha) rushed (against the Raksasas). And that high-souled one began to slaughter Matta's forces in the field.

मत्तानीकं महात्मा स जघान रणमूर्धनि। स स्वया गदया भग्नो विशीर्णदशनेक्षणः॥ निपपात तदा मत्तो वजाहत इवाचलः। विशीर्णनयनो भूमौ गतसत्त्वो गतायुषः। पतिते राक्षसे तस्मिन्विद्रुतं राक्षसं बलम्॥
Broken down by his own mace, Matta dropped down like a hill, with his teeth and eyes shrivelled up; and he dropped to the earth deprived of strength and life, with his eyes paling. And on that Räkşasas falling, the Raksas forces began to fly.

तस्मिन्हते भ्रातरि रावणस्य तनैर्ऋतानां बलमर्णवाभम्। त्यक्तायुधं केवलजीवितार्थ दुद्राव भिन्नार्णवसंनिकाशम्॥
On that brother of Rāvaņa having been slain, that host of Nairtas appearing like the ocean in grandeur, leaving its arms behind, solely for life rushed away, like to the deep riven (by the winds).