Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 7

इत्युक्ता राक्षसेन्द्रेण राक्षसास्ते महाबलाः। ऊचुः प्राञ्जलयः सर्वे रावणं राक्षसेश्वरम्॥ द्विषत्पक्षमविज्ञाय नीतिबाह्यास्त्वबुद्धयः।
Being thus accosted by their lord, the highly powerful Rākşasas, devoid of good sense and ignorant of sound counsel, replied with folded palms, saying.

राजन्परिघशक्त्यष्टिशूलपट्टिशकुन्तलम्॥ सुमहन्नो बलं कस्माद्विषादं भजते भवान्।
You have, o king, enough of soldiers and various types of weapons like parighas saktis etc. Why are you smitten with sorrow then?

त्वया भोगवतीं मत्वा निर्जिताः पन्नगा युधि ॥ कैलासशिखरावासी यक्षैर्बहुभिरावृतः। सुमहत्कदनं कृत्वा वश्यस्ते धनदः कृतः॥
Repairing to Bhagavatī, you did discomfit the serpents in battle. The God of Death, living on mount Kailasa, encircled by Yaksas, was subjugated by you in a great battle.

स महेश्वरसख्येन श्लाघमानस्त्वया विभो। निर्जितः समरे रोषाल्लोकपालो महाबलः॥
That mighty lord of men, proud of his friendship with Śiva, was defeated by you wrathfully in battle.

विनिपात्य च यक्षौघान्विक्षोभ्य विनिगृह्य च। त्वया कैलासशिखराद्विमानमिदमाहृतम्॥
Discomfiting and slaying the band of Yaksas, you did bring this flowery car from the mount Kailasa.

मयेन दानवेन्द्रेण त्वद्भयात्सख्यमिच्छता। दुहिता तव भार्यार्थ दत्ता राक्षसपुङ्गव।७।।
O lord of Rākşasas, desiring your friendship out of fear, Maya, the king of Danavas, offered you his daughter for your spouse.

दानवेन्द्रो महाबाहो वीर्योत्सिक्तो दुरासदः। विगृह्य वशमानीतः कुम्भीनस्याः सुखावहः॥
O you of mighty arms, you did bring under your subjection the powerful and irrepressible Dänava for the pleasure of Kumbhīnasī.

निर्जितास्ते महाबाहो नागा गत्वा रसातलम्। वासुकिस्तक्षकः शङ्खो जटी च वशमाहृताः॥
And entering the region under the earth, you did defeat the serpents-and thus bring under your subjection Väsuki, Takşaka, Sankha, and Jațī.

अक्षया बलवन्तश्च शूरा लब्धवराः पुनः। त्वया संवत्सरं युद्ध्वा समरे दानवा विभो॥ स्वबलं समुपाश्रित्य नीता वशमरिन्दम। मायाश्चाधिगतास्तत्र वयो वै राक्षसाधिप॥
Those heroic Dänavas, the Kālakeyas, were greatly powerful, irrepressible, and proud of the boons conferred on them. And fighting with them perpetually for a year, you did bring them under your control, O lord, O slayer of foes, and learn from them the science o varied illusions, O king of the Rākşasas.

शूराश्च बलवन्तश्च वरुणश्च सुता रणे। निर्जितास्ते महाभाग चतुर्विधबलानुगाः॥
O great hero, by you were defeated in battle, the heroic and powerful sons of Varuņa, followed by a fourfold division of their army.

मृत्युदण्डमहाग्राहं शाल्मलीदुममण्डितम्। कालपाशमहावीचिं यमकिंकरपन्नगम ॥ महाज्वरेण दुर्धर्षं यमलोकमहार्णवम्। अवगाह्य त्वया राजन्यमस्य बलसागरम्॥ जयश्च विपुलः प्राप्तो मृत्युश्च प्रतिषेधितः। सुयुद्धेन च ते सर्वे लोकास्तत्र सुतोषिताः॥
The dominion of Death is like the mighty main, having his rod for aquatic animals, agonies for the frees that cover its islands, the noose for the billows, his attendants for the serpents and his terrible fever for the dreadful attitude of the deep. And diving into this terrible deep, you did, O king, discomfit Death himself and win glorious victory. And every one was pleased there with your successful fight.

क्षत्रियैर्बहुभिवीरैः शक्रतुल्यपराक्रमैः। आसीद्वसुमती पूर्णा महद्भिरिव पादपैः॥
The Earth was filled with various heroic Kșatriyas, resembling Sakra in prowess as she is adorned now with various trees.

तेषां वीर्यगुणोत्साहैर्न समो राघवो रणे। प्रसह्य ते त्वया राजन्हताः समरदुर्जयाः॥
Rāghava is not their equal either is strength or prowess. And all those heroes, hard to repress in battle, were slain by you, O king.

तिष्ठ वा किं महाराज श्रमेण तव वानरान्। अयमेको महाराज इन्द्रजित्क्षपयिष्यति॥
Do you wait here, O great king; you need not take any trouble, Indrajit alone shall slay all these monkeys.

अनेन च महाराज माहेश्वरमनुत्तमम्। इष्ट्वा यज्ञं वरो लब्धो लोके परमदुर्लभः॥
This one, O mighty monarch, having celebrated the the Māheśvara* sacrifice, has obtained a noble boon, rarely (attained by persons). *Relating to Mahasvara, the great Lord, a designation of Sivā.

शक्तितोमरमीनं च विनिकीर्णान्त्रशैवलम्। गजकच्छपसंबाधमश्वमण्डूकसंकुलम्॥ रुद्रादित्यमहाग्राहं मरुद्वसुमहोरगम्। रथाश्वगजतोयौघं पदातिपुलिनं महत्॥ अनेन हि समासाद्य देवानां बलसागरम्। गृहीतो दैवतपतिर्लङ्कां चापि प्रवेशितः॥
Having agitated the ocean of celestial hosts, having darts and lances for its fishes, showering arms for its moss, elephants for its tortoises, steeds for its frogs, Rudra and Aditya for its ferocious animals, the Maruts and Vasus for its mighty serpents, cars, horses, and elephants for its volume of waters, and infantry for its spacious shore, this one (Indrajit), taking captive the lord of the celestials himself, had brought him into Lanka.

पितामहनियोगाच्च मुक्तः शम्बरवृत्रहा। गतस्त्रिविष्टपं राजन्सर्वदेवनमस्कृतः॥
Then, O king, liberated agreeably to the injunction of the Great-father, the slayer of Sambara and Vſtra, worshipped of all the celestials, went (back) to heaven.

तमेव त्वं महाराज विसृजेन्द्रजितं सुतम्। यावद्वानरसेनां तां सरामां नयति क्षयम्॥
Do you, O great king, entrust Indrajit with this business, until he bring to destruction the monkey-host along with Rāma.

राजन्नापदयुक्तेयमागता प्राकृताज्जनात्। हृदि नैव त्वया कार्या त्वं वधिष्यसि राघवम्॥
O king, you must not think that this calamity, coming from an ignoble person is not insignificant. You shall slay Rāghava.