Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 68

कुम्भकर्णं हतं दृष्ट्वा राघवेण महात्मना। राक्षसा राक्षसेन्द्राय रावणाय न्यवेदयन्॥
Seeing Kumbhakarņa slain by the high-souled Rāghava, the Räkşasas conveyed the tidings to the lord of the Raksasas-Ravana; (and addressed him, saying)

राजन्स कालसंकाशः संयुक्तः कालकर्मणा। विद्राव्य वानरों सेनां भक्षयित्वा च वानरान्॥ प्रतपित्वा मुहूर्तं तु प्रशान्तो रामतेजसा। कायेनार्धप्रविष्टेन समुद्रं भीमदर्शनम्॥ निकृत्तनासाकर्णेन विक्षरदुधिरेण च। रुद्ध्वा द्वारं शरीरेण लङ्कायाः पर्वतोपमः॥ कुम्भकर्णस्तव भ्राता काकुत्स्थशरपीडितः। अगण्डभूतो विवृतो दावदग्ध इव दुमः॥
O king, that one resembling the destroyer himself, urged on by death, having scoured the monkey-army and eaten up monkeys, and for a while displayed his prowess, has met with his quietus at the hands of Rāma exerting his energy. And with half his body immersed in the dreadful deep, your brother, Kumbhakarņa, with his nose and ears cut off, and blood besmearing his body, with his head and limbs hewn away, and his body uncovered, mountain-like block up the gate of Laňkă with his person-and resemble a tree that has been consumed by a forest-fire.

श्रुत्वा विनिहतं संख्ये कुम्भकर्ण महाबलम्। रावणः शोकसंतप्तो मुमोह च पपात च॥
Hearing the mighty Kumbhakarņa slain in battle, Ravana burning in grief, swooned away and dropped to the earth.

पितृव्यं निहतं श्रुत्वा देवान्तकनरान्तकौ। त्रिशिराश्चातिकायश्च रुरुदुः शोकपीडिताः॥
Hearing their uncle slain, Trisiras* and Atikāya-destroyers of gods and men, began to weep, oppressed with sorrow. *Three-headed.

भ्रातरं निहतं श्रुत्वा रामेणाक्लिष्टकर्मणा। महोदरमहापाचौं शोकाक्रान्तौ बभूवतुः॥
Mahodara' and Mahāpārśvahearing of their uncle slain by Rāma of untiring deeds, were overcome with grief. 1. Huge-bellied. 2. Mighty flanked.

ततः कृच्छत्समासाद्य संज्ञां राक्षसपुङ्गवः। कुम्भकर्णवधाद्दीनो विललापाकुलेन्द्रियः॥
Then regaining his senses with extreme exertion, that foremost of Rākṣasas, distressed in consequence of the destruction of Kumbhakarna, mourned with his senses overwhelmed, saying.

हा वीर रिपुदर्पघ्न कुम्भकर्ण महाबल। त्वं मां विहाय वै दैवाद्यातोऽसि यमसादनम्॥
O hero! O humbler of the pride of the foe! O mighty Kumbhakarna! Leaving me, you through stiny, have gone to the abode of Yama.

मम शल्यमनुद्धृत्य बान्धवानां महाबल। शत्रुसैन्यं प्रताप्यैकः क्व मां संत्यज्य गच्छसि॥
O exceedingly powerful one, leaving me (alone) whither did you wend, without extracting my dart as well as that of your friends?

इदानीं खल्वहं नास्मि यस्य मे पतितो भुजः। दक्षिणोऽयं समाश्रित्य न बिभेमि सुरासुरात्॥
Now really I am not, inasmuch as my right arm has dropped. Backed by this one, I would not fear celestials and Asuras.

कथमेवंविधो वीरो देवदानवदर्पहा। कालाग्निप्रतिमो ह्यद्य राघवेण रणे हतः॥
How today forsooth has such a hero-crusher of the hauteur of gods and Dänavas—resembling the fire arisen at the hour of universal wreck, been slain in fight by Raghava?

यस्य ते वज्रनिष्पेषो न कुर्याद्व्यसनं सदा। स कथं रामबाणातः प्रसुप्तोऽसि महीतले॥
He who could not be harmed by the concussion of the thunder-bolt itself-how can he, smitten with Rāma's arrows, sleep soundly on the earth?

एते देवगणाः सार्धमृषिभिर्गगने स्थिताः। निहतं त्वां रणे दृष्ट्वा निनदन्ति प्रहर्षिताः॥
These gods stationed in the sky along with the saints, beholding you slain the battle, are shouting in glee.

ध्रुवमद्यैव संहृष्टा लब्धलक्षाः प्लवंगमाः। आरोक्ष्यन्तीह दुर्गाणि लङ्काद्वाराणि सर्वशः॥
Surely today the monkeys overjoyed, finding occasion, well scale all the gateways and fortifications of Lankā.

राज्येन नास्ति मे कार्य किं करिष्यामि सीतया। कुम्भकर्णविहीनस्य जीविते नास्ति मे मतिः॥
I have nothing to do with empire. And what shall I do with Sītā? And deprived of Kumbhakarma, I do not even wish to live.

यद्यहं भ्रातृहन्तारं न हन्मि युधि राघवम्। ननु मे मरणं श्रेयो न चेदं व्यर्थजीवितुम्॥
If I do not slay in encounter that slayer of my brother-Rāghava, certainly death is even that which is good for me, otherwise, this life is useless.

अद्यैव तं गमिष्यामि देशं यत्रानुजो मम। नहि भ्रातृन्समुत्सृज्य क्षणं जीवितुमुत्सहे॥
This very day will I repair to that place where my younger brother is. Forsaking my brother, I forsooth dare not live for a moment.

देवा हि मां हसिष्यन्ति दृष्ट्वा पूर्वापकारिणम्। कथमिन्द्रं जयिष्यामि कुम्भकर्ण हते त्वयि ॥
For the gods shall laugh on seeing me, who had formerly wronged them. But, how, O Kumbhakarņa, you having been slain, shall I conquer Indra?

तदिदं मामनुप्राप्तं विभीषणवचः शुभम्। यदज्ञानान्मया तस्य न गृहीतं महात्मनः॥ विभीषणवचस्तावत्कुम्भकर्णप्रहस्तयोः। विनाशोऽयं समुत्पनो मां वीडयति दारुणः॥
Now the beneficial words of Vibhīşaņa have been verified. And as through blindness I did not accept the advice of that high-souled one, Kumbhakarņa and of Prahasta, this disaster arisen, shame me sore.

तस्यायं कर्मणः प्राप्तो विपाको मम शोकदः। यन्मया धार्मिकः श्रीमान्स निरस्तो विभीषणः॥
As I had disgraced the virtuous and graceful Vibhīşaņa, this peril producing grief, has been the consequence of my conduct.

इति बहुविधमाकुलान्तरात्मा कृपणमतीव विलप्य कुम्भकर्णम्। स्तमनुजमिन्द्ररिपुं हतं विदित्वा॥
Having thus piteously and long lamented Kumbhakarna, the Ten-necked one, with his inmost soul overwhelmed with sorrow, and sore distressed in consequence of grief, fell down, knowing his brother—the enemy of Indra-slain in battle.