Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 65

स तथोक्तस्तु निर्भय॑ कुम्भकर्णो महोदरम्। अब्रवीद्राक्षसश्रेष्ठं भ्रातरं रावणं ततः॥
Thus addressed, Kumbhakarņa rebuking Mahodara, said to that foremost of Rākşasa-his brother-Ravana.

सोऽहं तव भयं घोरं वधात्तस्य दुरात्मनः। रामस्याद्य प्रमार्जामि निर्वैरो हि सुखी भव॥
Even I shall remove your great fear by slaying the wicked minded Råma. On your foe having been slain, attain you ease.

गर्जन्ति न वृथा शूरा निर्जला इव तोयदाः। पश्य संपद्यमानं तु गर्जितं युधि कर्मणा॥
It is not for naught that the heroes roar, like to clouds containing no rain. Behold you their, like roaring resulting in action in the field!

न मर्षयन्ति चात्मानं संभावयितुमात्मना। अदर्शयित्वा शूरास्तु कर्म कुर्वन्ति दुष्करम्॥
Heroes do not vaunt: but without boasting of their prowess in speech, they perform feats difficult of being achieved.

विक्लवानां ह्यबुद्धीनां राज्ञां पण्डितमानिनाम्। रोचते त्वद्वचो नित्यं कथ्यमानं महोदर॥
O Mahodara, what you say is ever acceptable only to kings that are incompetent, and foolish, pluming themselves on their knowledge.

युद्धे कापुरुषैनित्यं भवद्भिः प्रियवादिभिः। राजानमनुगच्छद्भिः सर्वं कृत्यं विनाशितम्॥ राजशेषा कृता लङ्का क्षीणः कोशो बलं हतम्। राजानमिममासाद्य सुहृच्चिह्नममित्रकम्॥
All the affairs of the monarch have been wrecked by you-cravens in fight, sleek-tongued, following the king (fawning) you have made Lankā contain only the king, the treasury is lean; and the forces have been slain. By the king you have done like foes in the guise of friends.

महोदरोऽयं रामात्तु एष निर्याम्यहं युद्धमुद्यतः शत्रुनिर्जये। दुर्नयं भवतामद्य समीकर्तुं महाहवे।।।।।
For repairing in mighty conflict the wrong that you have perpetrated, I am about to set out for battle for routing the enemy.

एवमुक्तवतो वाक्यं कुम्भकर्णस्य धीमतः। प्रत्युवाच ततो वाक्यं प्रहसनराक्षसाधिपः॥
Thus addressed by the intelligent Kumbhakarna, the lord of Raksasas, laughing answered.

परित्रस्तो न संशयः। नहि रोचयते तात युद्धं युद्धविशारद ॥
Sure this Mahodara is affrighted at Rāma. Therefore, my child, O you versed in warfare, he does not relish battle.

कश्चिन्मे त्वत्समो नास्ति सौहृदेन बलेन च। गच्छ शत्रुवधाय त्वं कुम्भकर्णजयाय च॥
Like you have I none either in friendship or strength. Therefore, O Kumbhakama, go for destroying the foe and securing celebrity.

शयानः शत्रुनाशार्थं भवान्संबोधितो मया। अयं हि कालः सुमहान्राक्षसानामरिंदम॥
I have waked you up that wast lying down, in order that you mightst destroy the enemy. O subduer of foes, perilous is the time for the Rāks asas.

संगच्छ शूलमादाय पाशहस्त इवान्तकः। वानरानराजपुत्रौ च भक्षयादित्यतेजसौ॥
Go forth, grasping your spear, like the noosehanded Destroyer himself. Do you devour up the monkeys as well as the princes possessed of the energy of the Sun himself.

समालोक्य तु ते रूपं विद्रविष्यन्ति वानराः। रामलक्ष्मणयोश्चापि हृदये प्रस्फुटिष्यतः॥
On seeing your form the monkeys shall flee away; and the breasts of Rāma and Lakşmaņa shall be riven.

एवमुक्त्वा महातेजाः कुम्भकर्ण महाबलम्। पुनर्जातमिवात्मानं मेने राक्षसपुङ्गवः॥
Having spoken thus to Kumbhakarna endowed with prodigious might, that foremost of Rakşasas-the exceedingly energetic Rāvaņa-felt as if he had received life over again.

कुम्भकर्णबलाभिज्ञो जानंस्तस्य पराक्रमम्। बभूव मुदितो राजा शशाङ्क इव निर्मलः॥
And well acquainted with Kumbhakarņa's might, and knowing his prowess, the king felt delighted, like the cloudless Moon.

इत्येवमुक्तः संहृष्टो निर्जगाम महाबलः। राज्ञस्तु वचनं श्रुत्वा योद्धमुद्युक्तवांस्तदा॥
Having been thus accosted, that highly powerful one, went out cheerfully. And hearing the king's speech, he made ready for fight.

आददे निशितं शूलं वेगाच्छत्रुनिबर्हणः। सर्वं कालायसं दीप्तं तप्तकाञ्चनभूषणम्॥ इन्द्राशनिसमप्रख्यं वज्रप्रतिमगौरवम्। देवदानवगन्धर्वयक्षपन्नगसूदनम्॥ रक्तमाल्यमहादामं स्वतश्चोद्तपावकम्। आदाय विपुलं शूलं शत्रुशोणितरञ्जितम्॥ कुम्भकर्णो महातेजा रावणं वाक्यमब्रवीत्। गमिष्याम्यहमेकाकी तिष्ठत्विह बलं महत्॥
He took a whetted dart, destructive to foes on account of its impetuous vehemence; entirely made of black iron; flaming: decorated with garniture, of shining gold; looking like Indra's asani; ponderous as the thunder-bolt; capable of destroying gods and Dānavas, Gandharvas, Yakşas and Pannagas, adorned with festoons of crimson flowers; and belching forth flames. And taking that huge dart decked with the blood of foes. The wondrous energetic Kumbhakarna spoke to Ravana, saying, I shall go alone; let this mighty host remain here.

अद्य तान्क्षुधितः क्रुद्धो भक्षयिष्यति वानरान्। कुम्भकर्णवचः श्रुत्वा रावणो वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥
Today hungry and enraged, I shall devour up the monkeys. Hearing Kumbhakarma's words. Rāvana said.

सैन्यैः परिवृतो गच्छ शूलमुद्गरपाणिभिः। वानरा हि महात्मानः शूराः सुव्यवसायिनः॥ एकाकिनं प्रमत्तं वा नयेयुदर्शनैः क्षयम्। तस्मात्परमदुर्धर्षः सैन्यैः परिवृतो व्रज॥ रक्षसामहितं सर्वं शत्रुपक्षं निषूदय॥
Go you surrounded by the forces bearing darts and maces in their hands. The monkeys are highsouled, heroic and well-skilled in battle; and if they find you alone or unwary, they may slay you with their teeth, Therefore do you exceedingly irresistible, go, environed by the forces; and destroy the entire party of the foes, who are bent upon doing harm to the Rākşasa.

अथासनात्समुत्पत्य स्रजं गणिकृतान्तराम्। आबबन्ध महातेजाः कुम्भकर्णस्य रावणः॥
Then starting up form his seat, the exceedingly energetic Rāvana hung on Kumbhakarņa's neck a wreath stringed with gems in the centre.

अङ्गदान्यङ्गुलीवेष्टन्वराण्याभरणानि च। हारं च शशिसंकाशमाबबन्ध महात्मनः॥
Rāvaņa also decked that high-souled one with Angadas, and finger fences and noble ornaments, and a chain resembling the Moon.

दिव्यानि च सुगन्धीनि माल्यदामानि रावणः। गात्रेषु सज्जयामास श्रोत्रयोश्चास्य कुण्डले॥ काञ्चनाङ्गदकेयूरनिष्काभरणभूषितः। कुम्भकर्णो बृहत्कर्णः सुहृतोऽग्निरिवाबभौ ॥
Rāvaņa adorned his person with garlands gorgeous and fragrant, and set ear-rings to his ears. And adorned with golden Angadas and Keyūras and other ornaments of gold, the largeeared Kumbhakarņa appeared like a fire fed full of sacrificial libations.

श्रोणिसूत्रेण महता मेचकेन व्यराजत। अमृतोत्पादने नद्धो भुजंगेनेव मन्दरः॥
With his great dark girdle he seemed like the Mandara fastened by the serpent on the occasion of the churning of the sea.

स काञ्चनं भारसहं निवातं विद्युत्प्रभं दीप्तमिवात्मभासा। आबध्यमानः कवचं रराज संध्याभ्रसंवीत इवाद्रिराजः॥
Donning on his impenetrable golden mail, splendid like lightning, and shining in its own brilliance, Kumbhakarņa appeared like the monarch of mountains enveloped with evening clouds.

सर्वाभरणसर्वाङ्गः शूलपाणिः स राक्षसः। त्रिविक्रमकृतोत्साहो नारायण इवाबभौ॥
Having all his limbs adorned with ornaments and bearing a dart in his hand, the Rakşasas resembled Nārāyaṇa in elation of spirits, when he covered heaven and earth and the nether regions with three paces.

भ्रातरं संपरिष्वज्य कृत्वा चापि प्रदक्षिणम्। प्रणम्य शिरसा तस्मै प्रतस्थे स महाबलः॥
Then embracing his brother and going round him and bowing down the head to him, that exceedingly powerful one went out.

तमाशीभिः प्रशस्ताभिः प्रेषयामास रावणः। शङ्खदुन्दुभिनिर्घोषैः सैन्यैश्चापि वरायुधैः॥
Rāvana sent him with choice benedictions, while he caused kettle-drums and conchs to be sounded and force equipped with excellent weapons, to accompany Kumbhakarņa.

तं गजैश्च तुरंगैश्च स्यन्दनैश्चाम्बुदस्वनैः। अनुजग्मुर्महात्मानो रथिनो रथिनां वरम्॥
And high-souled mighty warriors followed that foremost of heroes with elephant and steeds and chariots sending out rattle resembling the rumbling of thunder.

स(रुष्टैः खरैश्चैव सिंहद्विपमृगद्विजैः। अनुजग्मुश्च तं घोरं कुम्भकर्ण महाबलम्॥
And mounting serpents and camels and asses and lions and leopards and deer and birds, (Rāks asas) followed the grim Kumbhakarņa endowed with tremendous strength.

स पुष्पवर्षैरवकीर्यमाणो धृतातपत्रः शितशूलपाणिः। महोत्कटः शोणितगन्धमत्तो विनिर्ययौ दानवदेवशत्रुः॥
And strewn with blossoms, and, with an umbrella held over him, that exceedingly terrible enemy of the Deities and the Dănvas, wielding a dz.: in his hand-went out maddened with the smell of blood.

पदातयश्च बहवो महासारा महाबलाः। अन्वयू राक्षसा भीमा भीमाक्षाः शस्त्रपाणयः॥
Countless footmen wondrous powerful and mighty and dreadful and fierce-sighted Räksasas, carrying weapons in their hands, went in his wake.

रक्ताक्षाः सुबहुव्यामा नीलाञ्जनचयोपमाः। शूलानुद्यम्य खङ्गांश्च निशितांश्च परश्वधान्॥ भिन्दिपालांश्च परिघान्गदाश्च मुसलानि च। तालस्कन्धांश्च विपुलान्क्षेपणीयान्दुरासदान्॥
The Räkşasa measuring each many a vyama and red, eyed, and resembling masses of darkblue collyrium, went out upraising darts and swords and sharpened axes and bhindipälas and parighas and maces and huge talaskandhas and irrisistible Kșepaņis.

अथान्यद्वपुरादाय दारुणं घोरदर्शनम्। निष्पपात महातेजाः कुम्भकर्णो महाबलः॥
The exceedingly energetic Kumbhakarna endowed with prodigious strength sallied forth, assuming another form terrific and dreadful to behold.

धनुःशतपरिणाहः स षट्शतसमुच्छ्रितः। रौद्रः शकटचक्राक्षो महापर्वतसंनिभः॥ संनिपत्य च रक्षांसि दग्धशैलोपमो महान्। कुम्भकर्णो महावक्रः प्रहसन्निदमब्रवीत्।॥ अद्य वानरमुख्यानां तानि यूथानि भागशः। निर्दहिष्यामि संक्रुद्धः पतङ्गानिव पावकः॥
And the gigantic huge-faced and fierce Kumbhakarņa, measuring an hundred bows in breadth and six hundred in altitude, having eyes resembling car-wheels, and resembling a towering hill, or a mountain burnt, marshalling the Raksasa, said with a complacent countenance, “Like fire consuming insects, shall I today, wrought up with wroth, burn up one by one the bands of the flower of the monkeyforces.

नापराध्यन्ति मे कामं वानरा वनचारिणः। जातिरस्मद्विधानां सा पुरोद्यानविभूषणम्॥
But the wood-ranging monkeys have not transgressed anywise to the like of us. That species is the ornament of the gardens attached to our residences.

पुररोधस्य मूलं तु राघवः सहलक्ष्मणः। हते तस्मिन्हतं सर्व तं वधिष्यामि संयुगे॥
The cause of the siege of the city is Rāghava along with Laksmana. He being slain, all are slain. Therefore shall I slay him in battle.

एवं तस्य ब्रुवाणस्य कुम्भकर्णस्य रक्षसः। नादं चक्कुर्महाघोरं कम्पयन्त इवार्णवम्॥
As the Rākşa—Kumbhakarņa—was speaking thus, the Rākşasas sent up terrific shouts, as if making the very sea shake.

तस्य निष्पततस्तूर्णं कुम्भकर्णस्य धीमतः। बभूवुर्घोररूपाणि निमित्तानि समन्ततः॥
As the intelligent Kumbhakarņa sallied out speedily, dreadful were the omens that presented themselves on all sides.

उल्काशनियुता मेघा बभूवुर्गर्दभारुणाः। ससागरवना चैव वसुधा समकम्पत ॥
Clouds containing meteors and lightning looked dark like asses. And the earth shook with her oceans and woods.

घोररूपाः शिवा नेदुः सज्वालकवलैर्मुखैः। मण्डलान्यपसव्यानि बबन्धुश्च विहंगमाः॥
And fierce jackals began to cry, opening their fiaming mouths. And birds began to wheel at the left.

निष्पपात च गृध्रोऽस्य शूले वै पथि गच्छतः। प्रास्फुरनयनं चास्य सव्यो बाहुरकम्पत॥
As he marched a vulture alighted on his dart. And his left eye throbbed and his left arm shook.

निष्पपात तदा चोल्का ज्वलन्ती भीमनि:स्वना। आदित्यो निष्प्रभश्चासीन वाति च सुखोऽनिलः॥
A meteor dropped down with a tremendous crash. And the sun was bedimmed, and the air did not blow, enhancing pleasure.

अचिन्तयन्महोत्पातानुदितान्रोहमर्षणान्। निर्ययौ कुम्भकर्णस्तु कृतान्तबलचोदितः॥
But without heeding these mighty omens that took place, capable of making people's down stand on end, Kumbhakarna went out, urged on by the force of the Finisher.

स लवयित्वा प्राकारं पद्भ्यां पर्वतसंनिभः। स ददर्श धनप्रख्यं वानरानीकमद्भुतम्॥
And leaping over the wall with his legs, that one resembling a mountain saw the wonderful array of the monkeys, resembling clouds.

ते दृष्ट्वा राक्षसश्रेष्ठं वानराः पर्वतोपमम्। वायुनुन्न इव घना ययुः सर्वा दिशस्तदा॥
Seeing that foremost of Rākşasas resembling a hill, the monkeys began to disperse in all the ten cardinal directions like clouds driven by the wind.

तद्वानरानीकमतिप्रचण्डं दिशो द्रवद्भिनमिवाभ्रजालम्। स कुम्भकर्णः समवेक्ष्य हर्षान्ननाद भूयो घनवद्धनाभः॥
Seeing that terrific host of monkeys scattering in all directions, like clouds broken through (by winds), Kumbhakarņa possessed the splendour of clouds, from joy, emitted roars like clouds.

ते तस्य घोरं निनदं निशम्य यथा निनादं दिवि वारिदस्य। पेतुर्धरण्यां बहवः प्लवंगा निकृत्तमूला इव शालवृक्षाः॥
Hearing those terrible shouts like to the roaring of clouds in the welkin, innumerable monkeys dropped to the earth even as sāla trees that have their roots severed.

विपुलपरिघवान्स कुम्भकर्णो रिपुनिधनाय विनिःसृतो महात्मा। कपिगणभयमाददत्सुभीमं प्रभुरिव किंकरदण्डवान्युगान्ते॥
And issuing forth for destroying the foe, the high-souled Kumbhakarņa, equipped with a tremendous bludgeon, struck extreme terror into the monkey-ranks, like to the Lord armed with the Fatal rod at the Universal wreck.