Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 6

लङ्कायां तु कृतं कर्म घोरं दृष्ट्वा भयावहम्। राक्षसेन्द्रो हनुमता शक्रेणेव महात्मना। अब्रवीद्राक्षसान्सर्वान्हिया किंचिदवाङ्मुखः॥
Beholding in Lankā that dreadful and aweinspiring work performed by Hanuman like to the high-souled Sakra, the lord of Raksasas, looking down with shame, addressed them all, saying.

धर्षिता च प्रविष्टा च लङ्का दुष्प्रसहा पुरी। तेन वानरमात्रेण दृष्टा सीता च जानकी॥
That monkey alone has invaded and entered the city of Lankā hard to reach and has espied Sītā, the daughter of king Janaka.

प्रासादो धर्षितश्चैत्यः प्रवरा राक्षसा हताः। आविला च पुरी लङ्का सर्वा हनुमता कृता॥
He has shattered the palace, and the altar of sacrifice, slain the leading Raksasas, and, in short, agitated the whole city of Lankā.

किं करिष्यामि भद्रं वः किं वो युक्तमनन्तरम्। उच्यतां नः समर्थ यत्कृतं च सुकृतं भवेत्॥
What shall I do now? And what should you all do one this occasion? It behove you all go give me such counsel as become me and will conduce to my glory.

मन्त्रमूलं च विजयं प्रवदन्ति मनस्विनः। तस्माद्वै रोचये मन्त्रं रामं प्रति महाबलाः॥
'Victory is the outcome of consultation'-this do the sages* say. Let us, therefore, O mighty ones, engage in counsel, relating to the measures we should adopt towards Rāma. * Manasvin, according to Rāmānuja, means hero.

विविधाः : पुरुषा लोके उत्तमाधममध्यमाः। तेषां तु समवेतानां गुणदोषौ वदाम्यहम्॥
There are three orders of men on this earththe superior, the middling and the inferior. This distinction cannot be perceived without a knowledge of the signs, and so I shall relate to you their merits and demerits.

मन्त्रस्त्रिभिर्हि संयुक्तः समर्थैर्मन्त्रनिर्णये। मित्रैर्वापि समानार्थैर्बान्धवैरपि वाधिकैः॥ सहितो मन्त्रयित्वा यः कर्मारम्भान्प्रवर्तयेत्। दैवे च कुरुते यत्नं तमाहुः पुरुषोत्तमम् ॥
He is said to belong to the superior order, whose counsel contains the three signs (mentioned below), or who engages in works after consulting duly with friends capable or with persons having the same end in view, and some times with others, and who serve Providence.

एकोऽर्थं विमृशेदेको धर्मे प्रकुरुते मनः। एकः कार्याणि कुरुते तमाहुर्मध्यमं नरम्॥
He belongs to the middle order who consults his own self only, depends on the Providence, and engages alone in works.

गुणदोषौ न निश्चित्य त्यक्त्वा दैवव्यपाश्रयम्। करिष्यामीति यः कार्यमुपेक्षेत्स नराधमः॥
He belongs to the inferior order who engage in works without ascertaining their merits or demerits, disregarding the will of the Providence and saying, 'I will do this,' and is inactive (at last).

यथेमे पुरुषा नित्यमुत्तमाधममध्यमाः। एवं मन्त्रोऽपि विज्ञेय उत्तमाधममध्यमः॥
And counsels are also divided into three divisions like to the three orders of men (mentioned).

ऐकमत्यमुपागम्य शास्त्रदृष्टेन चक्षुषा। मन्त्रिणो यत्र निरतास्तमाहुर्मन्त्रमुत्तमम्॥
That counsel belongs to the superior order in which the counsellors with their judgement reinforced by a knowledge of political ethics, are unanimous.

बह्वीरपि मतीर्गत्वा मन्त्रिणामर्थनिर्णयः। पुनर्यत्रैकतां प्राप्तः स मन्त्रो मध्यमः स्मृतः॥
That one belongs to the middle order in which the counsellors after varied discussion, arrive at unanimity in the long run.

अन्योन्यमतिमास्थाय यत्र संप्रतिभाष्यते। न चैकमत्ये श्रेयोऽस्ति मन्त्रः सोऽधम उच्यते॥
That one is the worst in which the counsellors differ from each other and agree a little in the long run, with no good result.

तस्मात्सुमन्त्रितं साधु भवन्तो मतिसत्तमाः। कार्य संप्रतिपद्यन्तामेतत्कृत्यं मतं मम॥
You are all gifted with good intellects: do you all unanimously settle as to what become me and conduce to my well-being.

वानराणां हि धीराणां सहस्त्रैः परिवारितः। रामोऽभ्येति पुरीं लङ्कामस्माकमुपरोधकः॥
Environed by a thousand of patient monkeys, Rāma, with a view to capture our city, is approaching towards Lankā.

तरिष्यति च सुव्यक्तं राघवः सागरं सुखम्। तरसा युक्तरूपेण सानुजः सबलानुगः॥
Forsooth, shall he cross over the main along with his younger brother and a mighty host.

समुद्रमुच्छोषयति वीर्येणान्यत्करोति वा। तस्मिन्नेवंविधे कार्ये विरुद्ध वानरैः सह।। हितं पुरे च सैन्ये च सर्व संमन्त्र्यतां मम ॥
He can by his prowess dry up the ocean and do the other.* Rāma approaching thus with a hostile intention along with the monkeys, it behove you to devise such means as might protect my city and army. *i.e. bridge over the ocean.