Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 59

तस्मिन्हते राक्षससैन्यपाले प्लवंगमानामृषभेण युद्धे। भीमायुधं सागरवेगतुल्यं विदुद्रवे राक्षसराजसैन्यम्॥
On the leader of the Rākşasa host being slain in battle by the foremost of monkeys, that army of the Rākşasas monarch, resembling the ocean in violence, furnished with dreadful weapons, began to scamper away.

गत्वा तु रक्षोधिपतेः शशंसुः सेनापतिं पावकसूनुशस्तम्। तच्चापि तेषां वचनं निशम्य रक्षोधिपः क्रोधवशं जगाम॥
Going to the lord of the Rākşasas, they ar prised hin, of the dealth of his general at the hands of the Fire-god's offspring. And hearing those words of theirs, the Rākşasas lord was overcome with rage.

संख्ये प्रहस्तं निहतं निशम्य क्रोधार्दितः शोकपरीतचेताः। निन्द्रो यथा निर्जरयूथमुख्यान्॥
And hearing that Prahasta had been killed in battle (he), exercised with passion, with his heart influenced with grief, addressed those foremost of the Raksasas host, even as Indra addressed the chiefs among the celestials, saying

नावज्ञा रिपवे कार्या यैरिन्द्रबलसादनः। सूदितः सैन्यपालो मे सानुयात्रः सकुञ्जरः॥
That foe should no longer be disregarded that has slain along with his followers and elephants that leader of my host that had destroyed the forces of Indra himself.

सोऽहं रिपुविनाशाय विजयायाविचारयन्। स्वयमेव गमिष्यामि रणशीर्षं तदद्भुतम्॥
Therefore, without taking thought, will I, for compassing the destruction of the foe myself march to that marvellous field of fight.

अद्य तद्वानरानीकं रामं च सलक्ष्मणम्। निर्दहिष्यामि बाणौधैर्वनं दीप्तैरिवाग्निभिः॥
Today, even as a flaming fire burn down a forest, will I with showers of shafts burn up that monkey-army, and Rama and Laksmana.

स एवमुक्त्वा ज्वलनप्रकाशं रथं तुरंगोत्तमराजियुक्तम्। प्रकाशमानं वपुषा ज्वलन्तं समारुरोहामरराजशत्रुः॥
Saying this, that enemy of the sovereign of the immortals ascended a flaming vehicle of dazzling sheen yoked to rows of excellent steeds, displaying itself gloriously and having a glowing body.

रास्फोटितक्ष्वेडितसिंहनादैः। स्तदा ययौ राक्षसराजमुख्यः॥
And eulogized with sacred hymns, the sovereign of the Rākşasa rulers then set out to the sounds of conchs and trumpets and Panavas; and in the midst of those produced by persons striking at their arms, with their hands, and of the sounds defiance, and leonine roars.

मांसाशनैः पावकदीप्तनेत्रैः। बभौ वृतो राक्षसराजमुख्यो भूतैर्वृतो रुद्र इवामरेशः। ॥
Like that lord of the immortals-Rudrasurrounded by ghosts, the foremost of the Rākṣsa monarchs was surrounded by bands of flesh-feeding (Raksasa) resembling cliffs and clouds-with eyes glowing like fire.

ततो नगर्याः सहसा महौजा निष्क्रम्य तद्वानरसैन्यमुग्रम्। महार्णवाभ्रस्तनितं ददर्श समुद्यतं पादपशैलहस्तम्॥
At once issuing from the city, that one endowed with high energy saw that fierce array of monkeys, extended as the ocean or a mighty mass of clouds, with arms upraised with rocks and stones.

मालोक्य रामो भुजगेन्द्रबाहुः। मुवाच सेनानुगतः पृथुश्रीः॥
Seeing that terrific host of Räkşasas, that eminently auspicious one, followed by the forces, having arms resembling the lord of serpents-Rama-spoke to Vibhişana foremost of those bearing arms.

नानापताकाध्वजछऋजुष्टं प्रासासिशूलायुधशस्त्रजुष्टम्। कस्येदमक्षोभ्यमभीरुजुष्टं सैन्यं महेन्द्रोपमनागजुष्टम्॥
Whose is this force furnished with various ensigns and standards-and equipped with pracas and swords and darts and other arms, consisting of intrepid (Rakşasas), and having, elephants resembling Mahendra* itself. *The mountain so named.

ततस्तु रामस्य निशम्य वाक्यं विभीषणः शक्रसमानवीर्यः। शशंस रामस्य बलप्रवेकं महात्मनां राक्षसपुङ्गवानाम्॥
Then hearing Rama's speech, Vibhisana, possessed of the prowess of Sakra himself, informed Råma anent that foremost of hosts consisting of that flower of high souled Räkş asas, saying.

योऽसौ गजस्कन्धगतो महात्मा नवोदितार्कोपमताम्रवक्त्रः। संकम्पयनागशिरोऽभ्युपैति हाकम्पनं त्वेनमवेहि राजन् ॥
O king, him do you know to be Akampana, who, possessed of a high soul, is on the back of that elephant, whose face looks like the sun new risen, and who approach making the head of his elephant tremble (with the splendour of his person).* *This meaning is the commentator's.

धुंन्वन्धनुः शक्रधनुःप्रकाशम्। करीव भात्युग्रविवृत्तदंष्ट्रः स इन्द्रजिन्नाम वरप्रधानः॥
That one is named Indrajit-foremost by virtue of the boon (that he has obtained), who ascending a car and having a lion for his ensign, twange his bow like the very bow of Sakra displayed, and who with his terrific round teeth appear like an elephant.

यश्चैष विन्ध्यास्तमहेन्द्रकल्पो धन्वी रथस्थोऽतिरथोऽतिवीरः। विस्फारयंश्चापमतुल्यमानं नाम्नातिकायोऽतिविवृद्धकायः॥
That one of a gigantic person is named Atikāya, that, like to the Setting-hill of Vindhya, furnished with the bow and stationed on a car, highly heroic, stretch his bow of unparalleled proportions.

रारुह्य घण्टानिनदप्रणादम्। गजं खरं गर्जति वै महात्मा महोदरो नाम स एष वीरः॥
That high souled hero is named Mahodara that, furnished with right coppery eyes resembling the sun new risen, and ascending a car resonant with the sound of bells, shout shrill.

मारुद्य संध्याभ्रगिरिप्रकाशः प्रासं समुद्यम्य मरीचिनद्धं पिशाच एषोऽशनितुल्यवेगः॥
That one having the vehemence of the thunder-bolt is Pisacha, that, mounted on a steed in variegated golden trappings, and having the aspect of a mass of evening clouds, or a mountain, (appear) with a prāsa furnished with effulgence.

यश्चैष शूलं निशितं प्रगृह्य विद्युत्प्रभं किंकरवज्रवेगम्। मायाति योऽसौ त्रिशिरा यशस्वी॥
That one is the famed Trisiras, that grasping a whetted dart endowed with the splendour of lightning and having the speed of the thunder for its minister, approach, riding a bull-the best of his species-and having the appearance of the Moon himself.

असौ च जीमूतनिकाशरूपः कुम्भः पृथुव्यूढसुजातवक्षाः। विस्फारयन्याति धनुर्विधुन्वन्॥
That one looking like a mass of clouds, that, having a broad and beautiful breast and a banner surmounted with the king of serpents, goes in collected carriage, stretching his bow is Kumbha.

यश्चैष जाम्बूनदवज्रजुष्टं दीप्तं सधूमं पिरघं प्रगृह्य। आयाति रक्षोबलकेतुभूतो योऽसौ निकुम्भोऽद्भुतवीरकर्मा॥
That one is Nikumbha of wondrous valorous deeds (in battle) that, grasping a flaming and smoky bludgeon embellished with gold and diamonds, come-a very banner of the entire Rāksasa host.

यश्चैष चापासिशरौघजुष्टं पताकिनं पावकदीप्तरूपम्। रथं समास्थाय विभात्युदयो नरान्तकोऽसौ नगशृङ्गयोधी॥
That one is Narāntaka, fighting with mountain-peaks, that appear before us, mounted on a car flaming like fire, furnished with pennons and equipped with bows and swords and shafts.

यश्चैव नानाविधघोररॊपैर्व्याघ्रोष्ट्रनागेन्द्रमृगाश्ववक्रैः। भूतैवृतो भाति विवृत्तनेत्रैर्योऽसौ सुराणामपि दर्पहन्ता ॥ यत्रैतदिन्दुप्रतिमं विभातिच्छत्रं सितं सूक्ष्मशलाकमग्र्यम्। अत्रैव रक्षोधिपतिर्महात्मा भूतैर्वृतो रुद्र इवावभाति ॥ असौ किरीटी चलकुण्डलास्यो नगेन्द्रविन्ध्योपमभीमकायः। महेन्द्रवैवस्वतदर्पहन्ता रक्षोधिपः सूर्य इवावभाति ॥
That crusher of the hauteur of even the celestials, that surrounded by various spectres of dreadful forms having faces of tigers, or camels, or powerful elephants, or deer, or horses, and with their eyes rolling, where the white umbrella resembling the Moon, shine, graced with slender ribs-the high-souled sovereign of Rākṣasa appear like Rudra himself environed by spectres, the sovereign of the Rākṣasa looked with a diadem, with his countenance graced with pendulous earrings, with a person resembling that monarch of mountains-even Vindhya himself-that humbler of the pride of Indra the Great and Yama, shine like the Sun.

प्रत्युवाच ततो रामो विभीषणमरिंदमः। अहो दीप्तमहातेजा रावणो राक्षसेश्वरः॥ आदित्य इव दुष्प्रेक्ष्यो रश्मिभिर्भाति रावणः। न व्यक्तं लक्षये ह्यस्य रूपं तेजःसमावृतम्॥
Then Rāma-repressor of foes-answered Vibhisana, saying, “Alas! Ravana-lord of the Rākşasas-is of exceeding glowing splendour; and Rāvana shine in glory, and is incapable of being gazed at like the Sun himself. And his grace, being enshrouded in his own splendour, I cannot view plainly.

देवदानववीराणां वपुर्नैवंविधं भवेत्। यादृशं राक्षसेन्द्रस्य वपुरेतद्विराजते॥
The persons of celestials appear splendid as does the person of the Raksasa-chief.

सर्वे पर्वतसंकाशाः सर्वे पर्वतयोधिनः। सर्वे दीप्तायुधधरा योधास्तस्य महात्मनः॥
All the warriors of the high-souled one are like mountain and fight with crags; and all are equipped with flaming weapons.

विभाति रक्षोराजोऽसौ प्रदीप्तीमदर्शनैः। भूतैः परिवृतैस्तीक्ष्णैर्देहवद्भिरिवान्तकः॥
And environed by glowing ghosts of dreadful forms and fierce-looking and furnished with material tenements the king of Räkşasas appear imposing like the Destroyer himself.

दिष्ट्यायमद्य पापात्मा मम दृष्टिपथं गतः। अद्य क्रोधं विमोक्ष्यामि सीताहरणसंभवम्॥
And by luck it is that today the wickedminded one has come within the range of my vision; and today will I vent my wrath incident to the ravishment of Sītā.

एवमुक्त्वा ततो रामो धनुरादाय वीर्यवान्। लक्ष्मणानुचरस्तस्थौ समुद्धृत्य शरोत्तमम्॥
Having said this, Rāma endowed with prowess, eve followed by Laksmana, stood, taking up his bow and pulling out a powerful shaft.

ततः स रक्षोधिपतिर्महात्मा रक्षांसि तान्याह महाबलानि। द्वारेषु चर्यागृहगोपुरेषु सुनिर्वृतास्तिष्ठत निर्विशङ्काः॥
Then that high-souled lord of Rākşasas addressed that mighty host, saying, "Do you casting off fear stay at ease, at the gateways, high ways, and the edifices (in Lankā).

इहागतं मां सहितं भवद्भिर्वनौकसश्छिद्रमिदं विदित्वा। शून्यां पुरीं दुष्प्रसहां प्रमथ्य प्रधर्षयेयुः सहसा समेताः॥
Taking note of this lapse, viz., that you have all come hither with me, the wood-rangers in a body, subduing the empty city incapable of being withstood, shall suddenly put (all) to straits.

विसर्जयित्वा सचिवांस्ततस्तान् गतेषु रक्षःसु यथानियोगम्। व्यदारयद्वानरसागरौधं महाझषः पूर्णमिवार्णवौघम्॥
Then leaving those counsellors, (Ravana) on the Raksasa having departed agreeably to his injunction, dived into that ocean of monkeys, like a mighty fish diving into the waves of over brimming deep.

तमापतन्तं सहसा समीक्ष्य दीप्तेषुचापं युधि राक्षसेन्द्रम्। महत्समुत्पाट्य महीधराग्रं दुद्राव रक्षोधिपति हरीशः॥
Seeing the lord of Rākşasas, furnished with flaming deep. And seeing the lord of Rākşasas, furnished with flaming a bow and arrows, suddenly rushing, the king of monkeys uprooting a mighty mountain-top, darted against the sovereign of the Rākşasa.

तच्छैलशृङ्गं बहुवृक्षसार्नु प्रगृह्य चिक्षेप निशाचराय। तमापतन्तं सहसा समीक्ष्य चिच्छेद बाणैस्तपनीयपुखैः।।
Taking up that mountain-peak having its sides covered with innumerable trees, he hurled it at the night ranger. And seeing it descend swiftly, (Rāvana) in battle severed the same by means of gold-knobbed shafts.

तस्मिन्प्रवृद्धोत्तमसानुवृक्षे शृङ्गे विदीर्णे पतिते पृथिव्याम्। महाहिकल्पं शरमन्तकाभं समादधे राक्षसलोकनाथः॥
On that gigantic peak furnished with fair sides filled with trees, falling to the earth, severed in pieces, the lord of Råkşasas took up an arrow, resembling a mighty serpent and having the splendour of the Destroyer himself.

स तं गृहीत्वानिलतुल्यवेगं सविस्फुलिङ्गज्वलनप्रकाशम्। बाणं महेन्द्राशनितुल्यवेगं चिक्षेप सुग्रीववधाय रुष्टः॥
Taking that shaft endowed with the vehemence of the wind, flaming like a fire aglow, and having the impetuosity of the great Indra's thunder-bolt, (Ravana) hurled it in rage to compass the destruction of Sugrīva.

स सायको रावणबाहुमुक्तः शक्राशनिस्पर्शवपुः प्रकाशम् सुग्रीवमासाध्य बिभेद वेदाग्दहेरिता क्रौञ्चमिवोग्रशक्तिः॥
Even as the fierce dart discharged by Guha' had pierced Krauñca, that shaft shot by Rāvana, rushing in violence at Sugrīva possessed of a person having the touch of Sakra's thunder-bolt, pierced it.

स सायकार्तो विपरीतचेताः कूजन्पृथिव्यां निपपात वीरः। तं वीक्ष्य भूमौ पतितं विसंज्ञं नेदुः प्रहृष्टा युधि यातुधानाः॥
Thereat, agonised by the shaft, that hero, with his senses bewildered, dropped down to the ground with shrieks. And seeing him down on the earth bereft of his senses, the Yātudhānas were filled with rejoicing.

ततो गवाक्षो गवयः सुषेणस्त्वथर्षभो ज्योतिमुखो नलश्च। शैलान्समुत्पाट्य विवृद्धकायाः प्रदुद्रुवुस्तं प्रति राक्षसेन्द्रम्॥
Then Gavaksa and Gavaya, Susena, Rsabha, Jyotimukha and Nala, uprooting crags and magnifying their bodies, rushed against the lord of Raksasas.

तेषां प्रहारान्स चकार मोघान् राक्षोधिपो बाणशतैः शिताग्रैः। तान्वानरेन्द्रानापि बानजालैर्बिभेद जाम्बॊनदचित्रपुङ्खैः॥ ते वानरेन्द्रारित्रदशारिबाणैर्भिन्ना निपेतुर्भुवि भीमकायाः।। ततस्तु तद्वानरसैन्यमुग्रं प्रच्छादयामास स बाणजालैः। ४४॥
The lord of Rākşasas with hundreds of shafts having sharpened heads, rendered their strokes fruitless. And then he rived those foremost of monkeys with showers of arrows having variegated golden knobs, and covered those fierce monkey-ranks with networks of arrows.

ते वध्यमानाः पतिताश्च वीरा नानद्यमाना भयशल्यविद्धाः। शाखामृगा रावणसायकार्ता जग्मुः शरण्यं शरणं स्म रामम्॥ ततो महात्मा स धनुर्धनुष्मानादाय रामः सहसा जगाम। तं लक्ष्मणः प्राञ्जलिरभ्युपेत्य उवाच रामं परमार्थयुक्तम्॥
On being sore assailed and falling in consequence, those heroes, the monkeys, pierced with terrific arrows, and distressed with the shafts of Rāvana, emitting cries, sought the shelter of Rāma worthy of being sought. Then the high-souled and excellent bowman-Rāma, taking his bow, at once sallied forth. And thereat, Laksmana, approaching Rama, with joined hands addressed him words couching prime import.

काममार्य सुपर्याप्तो वधायास्य दुरात्मनः। विधमिष्याम्यहं चैतमनुजानीहि मां विभो॥
O noble one, I alone am fit to compass the destruction of this wicked-minded one. I will slay him. Do you, O master, permit me.

तमब्रवीन्महातेजा रामः सत्यपराक्रमः। गच्छ यत्नपरश्चाप भव लक्ष्मण संयुगे॥
To him replied Rāma of exceeding energy, having truth for his prowess, “Go then O Lakşmaņa, and put forth your utmost exertions in the encounter.

रावणो हि महावीर्यो रणेऽ दुतपराक्रमः। त्रैलोक्येनापि संक्रुद्धो दुष्प्रसह्यो न संशयः॥
Rāvana is forsooth endowed with mighty energy, and his prowess in battle is wonderful. Without doubt, when enraged, he is incapable of being borne by this triple world.

तस्याच्छिद्राणि मार्गस्व स्वच्छिद्राणि च लक्षय। चक्षुषा धनुषात्मानं गोपायस्व समाहितः॥
Do you keep an eye on his shortcomings as you should watch your own failings. Being always on the alert, you must with your eyes as much as your bow protect yourself.

राघवस्य वचः श्रुत्वा संपरिष्वज्य पूज्य च। अभिवाद्य च रामाय ययौ सौमित्रिराहवे॥
Hearing Rāghava's speech, Sumitrā's son, embracing Rāma, and saluting him and paying him his respect, went forth to battle.

स रावणं वारणहस्तबाहुं ददर्श भीमोद्यतदीप्तचापम्। प्रच्छादयन्तं शरवृष्टिजालैस्तान्वानरान्भिनविकीर्णदेहान्। ५१।।
And (going to the field), he found Ravana, endowed with arms resembling the trunks of elephants, wielding his dreadful and flaming bow, and covering with showers of arrows those monkeys, whose bodies had been swarming with shafts.

तमालोक्य महातेजा हनूमान्मारुतात्मजः। निवार्य शरजालानि विदुद्राव स रावणम्॥
Seeing Răvaņa, the exceedingly powerful Hanuman-son to the Wind-god, resisting that downpour of arrows, charged him vehemently.

रथं तस्य समासाद्य बाहुमुद्यम्य दक्षिणम्। त्रासयनरावणं धीमान्हनूमान्वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥
Coming at his car, the intelligent Hanumān, uplifting his right arm and terrifying Rāvana, said.

देवदानवगन्धर्वैर्यक्षैश्च सह राक्षसैः। अवध्यत्वं त्वया प्राप्तं वानरेभ्यस्तु ते भयम्। ५४।।
Incapable of being slain by gods, Dānavas or Gandharvas, Yaksas or Raksasas, Fear has (at last), found you, coming even from monkeys.

एष मे दक्षिणो बाहुः पञ्चशाखः समुद्यतः। विधमिष्यति ते देहे भूतात्मानं चिरोषितम्।५५ ।।
This my upraised right arm furnished with five fingers shall rod you of your soul long resident (in your body).

श्रुत्वा हनूमतो वाक्यं रावणो भीमविक्रमः। संरक्तनयनः क्रोधादिदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Hearing Hanuman's words, Ravana possessed of dreadful prowess, with his eyes reddened in wrath, said these words.

क्षिप्रं प्रहर निःशङ्कं स्थिरां कीर्तिमवाप्नुहि। ततस्त्वां ज्ञातविक्रान्तं नाशयिष्यामि वानर॥
Strike you swift maugre fear; and acquire lasting renown. And, O monkey, having (at first) taken the measure of your might, will I finish you.

रावणस्य वचः श्रुत्वा वायुसूनुर्वचोऽब्रवीत्। प्रहतं हि मया पूर्वमक्षं तव सुतं स्मर॥
Hearing Rāvana's words, the offspring of the Wind-god said, "(First) remember you your sonAkşa-slaughtered by me !"

एवमुक्तो महातेजा रावणो राक्षसेश्वरः। आजघानानिलसुतं तलेनोरसि वीर्यवान्।। स तलाभिहतस्तेन चचाल च मुहुर्मुहुः। ५९।।
Thus addressed, the exceedingly energetic lord of the Rākṣasas possessed of prowess dealt a slap to the offspring of the Wind-god. Struck with his slap, he shook momentarily.

स्थितो मुहुर्त तेजस्वी स्थैर्य कृत्वा महामतिः। आजघान च संक्रुद्धस्तलेनैवामरद्विषम्॥
And staying for a moment and calling up fortitude, that magnanimous one administered a slap to the foe of the immortals.

ततः स तेनाभिहतो वानरेण महात्मना। दशग्रीवः समाधूतो यथा भूमितलेऽचलः॥
Hit by the high souled monkey, the Tennecked one trembled, as tremble a mountain during an earthquake.

संग्रामे तं तथा दृष्ट्वा रावणं तलताडितम्। ऋषयो वानराः सिद्धा नेदुर्देवाः सुरासुरैः॥
Witnessing Răvaņa struck with a slap (by Hanumān saints and Siddhas and celestials and the Asuras shouted in glee.

अथाश्वस्य महातेजा रावणो वाक्यमब्रवीत्। साधु वानर वीर्येण श्लाघनीयोऽसि मे रिपुः॥
Then attaining a little respite, Ravana said, “Well done, O monkey. In prowess you are a foe I pride in."

रावणेनैवमुक्तस्तु मारुतिर्वाक्यमब्रवीत्। धिगस्तु मम वीर्यस्य यत्त्वं जीवसि रावण ॥
Thus addressed by Ravana, the Wind-god's son said, "Fie on my prowess seeing that you breath yet, O Rāvana.

सकृत्तु प्रहरेदानी दुर्बुद्धे किं विकत्थसे। ततस्त्वां मामको मुष्टिर्नयिष्यति यमक्षयम्॥
Strike at the same time, O perverse one. Why did you bluster? And then my blow shall despatch you to the mansions of Yama.

ततो मारुतिवाक्येन कोपस्तस्य प्रजज्वले। संरक्तनयनो यत्नान्मुष्टिमावृत्य दक्षिणम्।। पातयामासवेगेन वानरोरसि वीर्यवान्।६६।।
At the speech of the Wind-god's son, his ire flamed up. And then that one endowed with prowess clenching his right fist carefully, let it alight a main on the monkey's chest.

हनूमान्वक्षसि व्यूढे संचचाल पुनः पुनः। विह्वलं तं तदा दृष्ट्वा हनूमन्तं महाबलम्॥ रथेनातिरथः शीघ्रं नीलं प्रतिसमभ्यगात्।
Hit at his spacious chest, Hanumān shook over and over again. And seeing the mighty Hanumān overwhelmed, that powerful carwarrior ascended on his car, approached Nīla.

राक्षसानामधिपतिर्दशग्रीवः प्रतापवान्॥ पन्नगप्रतिमैर्भीमैः परमर्माभिभेदनैः। शरैरादीपयामास नीलं हरिचभूपतिम्॥
The powerful lord of Raksasas-the Tennecked one-made that general of forces-Nilaaflame with dreadful shafts entering into the vitals, resembling snakes.

स शरौघसमायस्तो नीलो हरिचमूपतिः। करेणैकेन शैलाग्रं रक्षोधिपतयेऽसृजन्॥
Assailed with shafts, Nila-leader of monkeyswith one arm took up a mountain-top and hurled it at the lord of Rākşasa.

हनूमानपि तेजस्वी समाश्वस्तो महामनाः। विप्रेक्षमाणो युद्धेप्सुः सरोषमिदमब्रवीत्।७१।। नीलेन सह संयुक्तं रावणं राक्षसेश्वरम्। अन्येन युध्यमानस्य न युक्तमभिधावनम्॥
The energetic and high-minded Hanumăn, attaining respite, eager for encounter, seeing (the fight between the Raksasa and the monkey), wrought up with rage said, “It is not meet for me to attack Rāvaņa-lord of Rākşasas-engaged with Nila."

रावणोऽथ महातेजास्तं शृङ्गं सप्तभिः शरैः। आजधान सुतीक्ष्णाग्रैस्तद्धिशीणं पपात ह।७३।।
The highly powerful Rāvana, by means of seven shafts with sharpened points, hit at the mountain-top; and shivered in pieces, it fell (to the earth).

तद्विशीर्णं गिरेः शृङ्गं दृष्ट्वा हरिचमूपतिः। कालाग्निरिव जज्वाल कोपेन वरवीरहा। ७४ ।।
Seeing that mountain peak shattered, that general of the monkey-forces-slayer of hostile heroes-flamed up in wrath like the fire at the universal wreck.

सोऽश्वकर्णदुमाशालांश्चूतांश्चापि सुपुष्पितान्। अन्यांश्च विविधान्वृक्षानीलश्चिक्षेप संयुगे।७५ ।।
In that encounter Nīla discharged Aśvakarņa trees, and sālas, and mangoes in full flower, and also various other trees.

स तान्वृक्षान्समासाद्य प्रतिचिच्छेद रावणः। अभ्यवर्षच्च घोरेण शरवर्षेण पावकिम्॥
Ravana, getting at the trees, severed them (by means of his arrows), and poured on the Firegod's son terrific showers of shafts.

अभिवृष्टः शरौघेण मेघेनेव महाबलः। ह्रस्वं कृत्वा ततो रूपं ध्वजाग्रे निपपात ह।७७॥
Assailed with fearful showers of arrows as with a mass of clouds, that one endowed with eminent strength, decreasing his dimensions, dropped on the top of Ravana's banner.

पावकात्मजमालोक्य ध्वजाग्रे समवस्थितम्। जज्वाल रावणः क्रोधात्ततो नीलो ननाद च। ७८ ।।
Seeing the son of the Fire-god descend on the top of his banner. Råvana was fired with ire, and Nila shouted (thereat).

ध्वजाग्रे धनुषश्चाग्रे किरीटाग्रे च तं हरिम्। लक्ष्मणोऽथ हनूमांश्च रामश्चापि सुविस्मिताः।७९ ।।
Seeing the monkey (now) at the top of the banner, and (now) at the end of his bow, and (now) at the crest of his tiara, Laksmana and Hanuman and Rāma were stuck with astonishment.

रावणोऽपि महातेजाः कपिलाघवविस्मितः। अस्त्रमाहारयामास दीप्ताग्नेयमद्भुतम्॥
Rāvana also endowed with exceeding energy, astonished at the lightness of the monkey, took up a wonderful flaming fiery weapon.

ततस्ते चुक्रुशुहृष्टा लब्धलक्षाः प्लवंगमाः। नीललाघवसंभ्रान्तं दृष्ट्वा रावणमाहवे॥
The monkeys seeing Rāvana bewildered, and delighted thereat, set up shouts.

वानराणां च नादेन संरब्धो रावणस्तदा। संभ्रमाविष्टहृदयो न किंचित्प्रत्यपद्यत।॥
Rāvana enraged at the shouts of the monkeys, with his heart overwhelmed with agitation, could not address himself to any affort.

आग्नेयेनापि संयुक्तं गृहीत्वा रावणः शरम्। ध्वजशीर्णस्थितं नीलमुर्दक्षत निशाचरः॥
Then taking a fiery shaft and setting the same on his bow, that night-ranger Rāvaņa gazed at Nila who was on the tip of his banner.

ततोऽब्रवीन्महातेजा रावणो राक्षसेश्वरः। कपे लाघवयुक्तोऽसि मायया परया सह॥
Then exceedingly energetic lord of the Rākşasas said, O monkey, by virtue of your skill in illusion, you are furnished with lightness.

जीवितं खलु रक्षस्य यदि शक्तोऽसि वानर। तानि तान्यात्मरूपाणि सृजसि त्वमनेकशः॥ तथापि त्वां मया मुक्त: नायकोऽस्त्रप्रयोजितः। जीवितं परिरक्षन्तं जीविताभ्रंशयिष्यति॥
But O monkey, if you can, preserve your life. You transform yourself into many shapes. Yet this shaft of mine discharged from my weapon, shall deprive of your life you that are preserving it.

एवमुक्त्वा महाबाहु रावणो राक्षसेश्वरः। संधाय बाणमस्त्रेण चमूपतिमताडयत्॥
Having said this, the mighty-armed Ravanalord of the Rākşasas-fixing his shaft on his bow, shot it at the general.

सोऽस्त्रमुक्तेन बाणेन नीलो वक्षसि ताडितः। निर्दह्यमानः सहसा स पपात महीतले॥
Nila, struck at the chest with that arrow, which had been shot (by Ravana), burning, suddenly fell down to the earth.

पितृमाहात्म्यसंयोगादात्मनश्चापि तेजसा। जानुभ्यामपतद्भूभौ न तु प्राणैर्वियुज्यत॥
And by virtue of the greatness of his sire and also of his own energy, he went to the earth on his knees, but was not utterly deprived of life.

विसंजं वानरं दृष्ट्वा दशग्रीवो रणोत्सुकः। रथेनाम्बुदनादेन सौमित्रिमभिदुद्रुवे॥
Seeing the monkey deprived of his senses, the Ten-necked one, eager for encounter, riding a car emitting a rattle resembling the rumbling of clouds, darted against Sumitra's son.

आसाद्य रणमध्ये तं वारयित्वा स्थितो ज्वलन्। धनुर्विस्फारयामास राक्षसेन्द्रः प्रतापवान्॥
Entering into the arena of fight and posted there flaming, the powerful lord of the Rakşasas, baffling (the foe), kept stretching his bow.

तमाह सौमित्रिरदीनसत्त्वो विस्फारयन्तं धनुरप्रमेयम्। अवेहि मामद्य निशाचरेन्द्र न वानरांस्त्वं प्रतियोद्धमर्हसि ॥
As that one of immeasurable prowess kept stretching his bow. And as that one of immeasurable prowess kept stretching his bow, Sumitrā's son of unflagging mettle, addressed him saying, “O lord of night-rangers, do you today try me in encounter. You ought not to strive with the monkeys."

स तस्य वाक्यं प्रतिपूर्णघोषं ज्याशब्दमुग्रं च निशम्य राजा। आसाद्य सौमित्रिमुपस्थितं तं रोषान्वितं वाचमुवाच रक्षः॥
Hearing Saumitri's speech uttered in a full voice, as well as the terrific twangs of his bowstring, that Raksasa-the king-approaching Sumitrā son staying in the field, spoke to him wrathfully.

दिष्ट्यासि मे राघव दृष्टिमार्ग प्राप्तऽन्तगामी विपरीतबुद्धिः। अस्मिन्क्षणे यास्यसि मृत्युलोकं संसाद्यमानो मम बाणजालैः।१४॥
O Raghu's son, by my luck have you of perverse sense, finding your fate come within the range of my ken. This very instant, tormented with the springs of my shafts, you will repair to the regions of Death.

तमाह सौमित्रिरविस्मयानो गर्जन्तमुवृत्तशिताग्रदंष्ट्रम्। राजन्न गर्जन्ति महाप्रभावा विकत्थसे पापकृतां वरिष्ठ।१५॥
Thereat Sumitra's son, without being overwhelmed with wonder (on witnessing Rāvana's prowess), addressed that one furnished with large and sharp teeth, setting up roars, “O king, those who are (really) endowed with prowess, do no storm. O prince of sinners, in vain you vauntest.

जानामि वीर्यं तव राक्षसेन्द्र बलं प्रतापं च पराक्रमं च रागच्छ किं मोघविकत्थनेन।१६॥
O lord of Raksasas, I know your prowess and strength and energy and vigour. Here am I stationed, bow and shafts in hand. Come you. What is the use of vain-glorious self-laudation?

स एवमुक्तः कुपितः ससर्ज रक्षोधिपः सप्त शरान्सुपुङ्खान्।। ताल्लक्ष्मणः काञ्चनचित्रपुङ्खैश्चिच्छेद् बाणैर्निशिताग्रधारैः॥
Thus accosted, the Raksasa monarch, growing wroth, discharged seven shafts furnished with knobs. Thereupon Lakşmaņa split them up with sharp-pointed arrows having variegated golden knobs.

तान्प्रेक्षमाणः सहसा निकृत्तान्निकृत्तभोगानिव पन्नगेन्द्रान्। लङ्केश्वरः क्रोधवशं जगाम ससर्ज चान्यानिशितान्पृषत्कान्॥
They suddenly severed like powerful serpents cut.off, Lanka's lord came under the away of passion, and discharged other whetted arrows.

स बाणवर्षं तु ववर्ष तीवं रामानुजः कार्मुकसंप्रयुक्तम्। क्षुरार्धचन्द्रोत्तमकर्णभल्लैः शरांश्च चिच्छेद न चुक्षुभे च ॥
Rāma's younger brother poured showers of arrows from his bow; and, planting himself at his post, cut off those arrows (of his adversary) by means of .razors, and crescents, and excellent karnas and darts.

स बाणजालान्यपि तानि तानि मोघानि पश्यंत्रिदशारिराजः। विसिस्मिये लक्ष्मणलाघवेन पुनश्च बाणानिशितान्मुमोच॥
Seeing his arrowy net-v orks rendered ineffectual, that enemy of the celestials-the kingwas seized with wonderment, and again shot sharpened arrows.

स लक्ष्मणश्चापि शिताशिताग्रान् महेन्द्रतुल्योऽशनिभीमवेगान्। संधाय चापे ज्वलनप्रकाशान् ससर्ज रक्षोधिपतेर्वधाय॥
Laksmana also, resembling Indra the Great, setting on his bow sharpened, sharp-pointed, flaming, and luminous shafts, endowed with the dreadful vehement impetus of the thunder-bolt, discharged (them) to compass the destruction of the lord of Räkşasa.

स तान्प्रचिच्छेद हि राक्षसेन्द्रः शिताशरांल्लक्ष्मणमाजघान। शरेण कालाग्निसमप्रभेण स्वयंभुदत्तेन ललाटदेशे॥
Thereat the Rākşasa sovereign cut off those whetted arrows; and smote Lakşmaņa in the foreheads with an arrow resembling the Fire of Dooms-day in energy, which had been conferred on him by the Self-create.

स लक्ष्मणो रावनसायकार्तश्चचाल चापं शिथिलं प्रगृह्य । पुनश्च संज्ञां प्रतिलभ्य कृच्छ्राच्चिच्छेद चापं त्रिदशेन्द्रशत्रोः॥
Laksmana, tortured with Ravan's arrow, shook, loosely holding his bow; and then recovering his consciousness after undergoing extreme agony he severed the bow of the foe of the foremost of celestials.

निकृत्तचापं त्रिभिराजघान बाणैस्तदा दाशरथिः शिताग्रैः। स सायकार्तो विचचाल राजा कृच्छ्राच्च संज्ञां पुनराससाद ॥
Having cut off Ravana's bow, Dasaratha's son hit (him) with three sharp-pointed arrows. And the king smarting under the shafts, with much ado regained his consciousness.

स कृत्तचापः शरताडितश्च मेदागात्रो रुधिरावसिक्तः। जग्राह शक्तिं स्वयमुग्रशक्तिः स्वयंभुदत्तां युधि देवशत्रुः॥
The enemy of the immortals of terrific power with his bow severed, and himself hit with shafts, and his body covered with fat, and himself washed in blood, took up a dart conferred on him by the Self-create.

स तां सधूमानलसंनिकाशा वित्रासनां संयति वानराणाम्। चिक्षेप शक्तिं तरसा ज्वलन्ती सौमित्रये राक्षसराष्ट्रनाथः॥
The sovereign of the Rākşasas and their lord in that encounter hurled at Sumitrā's son the dart resembling smoking fire, sending up living flames, and striking terror into the monkeys.

तामापतन्तीं भरतानुजोस्त्रैर्जधान बाणैश्च हुताग्निकल्पैः। तथापि सा तस्य विवेश शक्तिर्भुजान्तरं दाशरथेविशालम्॥
As it coursed on, Bharata's younger brother resisted it with arrows resembling a sacrificial flame. Yet the dart pierced into the broad arm of Dasaratha's son.

स शक्तिमाशक्तिसमाहतः सन् जज्वाल भूमौ स रघुप्रवीरः। तं विह्वलन्तं सहसाभ्युपेत्य जग्राह राजा तरसा भुजाभ्याम्॥
Smite with the dart, that hero of the Raghu race, although possessed of strength, was aglow. And the king at once with his arms seized that one, who had been deprived of his senses.

हिमवान्मन्दरो मेरुस्त्रैलोक्यं वा सहामरैः। शक्यं भुजाभ्यामुद्धर्तुं न शक्यो भरतानुजः॥
But he that could with his arms wield Himavan or Mandara or Meru or the triple world itself along with the immortals, could not (for all his strength) lift up Bharata's younger brother.

शक्त्या ब्राया तु सौमित्रिस्ताडितोऽपि स्तनान्तरे। विष्णोरमीमांस्यभागमात्मानं प्रत्यनुस्मरत्॥
And hit at his chest by the dart of Brahmā, Sumitrā's son remembered that he was verily a portion of Vişņu himself.

ततो दानवदर्पघ्नं सौमित्रिं देवकण्टकः। तं पीडयित्वा बाहुभ्यां न प्रभुर्लङ्घनेऽभवत्॥
Then pressing hard Sumitrā's son-that humbler of the hauteur of the Daityas, that thorn in the sides of the celestials-could not move him (from his place).

ततः क्रुद्धो वायुसुतो रावणं समभिद्रवत्। आजघानोरसि क्रुद्धो वज्रकल्पेन मुष्टिना॥
Then the Wind-god's offspring waxing wroth rushed at Rāvana, and overwhelmed with rage smote at his chest with his clenched fist resembling the thunderbolt.

तेन मुष्टिप्रहारेण रावणो राक्षसेश्वरः। जानुभ्यामगमद्भूमौ चचाल च पपात च॥
And boxed (by Hanumāna), Ravana-lord of the Rākşasas-went down to the ground on his knees, and shook and dropped to the earth.

आस्यैश्च नेत्रैः श्रवणैः पपात रुधिरं बहु। विघूर्णमानो निश्चेष्टो रथोपस्य उपाविशत्॥
And blood gushed out in streams from his mouths and eyes and arms, and staggered and senseless, he sat down on the platform of his car.

विसंज्ञो मूर्च्छितश्चासीन च स्थानं समालभत्। विसंज्ञं रावणं दृष्ट्वा समरे भीमविक्रमम्॥ ऋषयो वानराश्चैव नेदुर्देवाश्च सासुराः।
He was rendered insensible with his senses lost; and he knew no where he was. And seeing Rāvana endued with terrific prowess, rendered insensible in the encounter, saints and monkeys and gods with the Asuras set up shouts.

हनूमानथ तेजस्वी लक्ष्मणं रावणार्दितम्॥ आनयद्राघवाभ्याशं बाहुभ्यां परिगृह्य तम्। वायुसूनोः सुहृत्त्वेन भक्त्या परमया च सः। शत्रूणामप्यकम्प्योऽपि लघुत्वमगमत्कपेः॥
Then energetic Hanumān taking Lakşmaņa racked by Rävaņa, with his arms brought him before Rāghava. And albeit incapable of being moved by the foes, (Laksmana), on account of the friendship of the Wind-god's offspring as well as the high reverence in which he was held by Hanumān, became extremely light to the monkey.

तं समुत्सृज्य सा शक्तिः सौमित्रिं युधि निर्जितम्। रावणस्य रथे तस्मिन्स्थानं पुनरुपागमत्॥
Then that dart, renouncing Sumitra's son vanquished in fight, again sought its place in Ravana's car.

रावणोऽपि महातेजाः प्राप्य संज्ञां महाहवे। आददे निशितान्बाणाञ्जग्राह च महद्धनुः॥
The exceedingly powerful Răvaņa recovering his consciousness in the dread encounter, took up whetted shafts and seized a mighty bow.

आश्वस्तश्च विशल्यश्च लक्ष्मणः शत्रुसूदनः। विष्णोर्भागममीमांस्यमात्मानं प्रत्यनुस्मरन्॥
That finisher of foes-Lakşmaņa-recovered the exercise of his senses, and had his entire person perfectly healed, on his recalling that he verily was a part and parcel of Vişņu himself.

निपातितमहावीरां वानराणां महाचमूम्। राघवस्तु रणे दृष्ट्वा रावणं समभिद्रवत्॥
Witnessing the mighty army of the monkeys and the redoubted heroes brought down in the conflict, Rāghava rushed at Ravana.

अथैनमनुसंक्रम्य हनूमान्वाक्यमब्रवीत्। मम पृष्ठं समारुह्य राक्षसं शास्तुमर्हसि ॥ विष्णुर्यथा गरुत्मन्तमारुह्यामरवैरिणम्।
Thereat drawing near to him, Hanuman said to him, "It behove you to chastise the foe ascending my back, even as Vişņu chastise the enemies of the immortals, riding Garutmān."

तच्छ्रुत्वा राघवो वाक्यं वायुपुत्रेण भाषितम्॥ अथारुरोह सहसा हनूमन्तं महाकपिम्।
Hearing the words spoken by Hanumān, Rāghava at once got up on that gigantic monkey; and that master of men beheld Rāvana in battle.

रथस्थं रावणं संख्ये ददर्श मनुजाधिपः॥ तमालोक्य महातेजाः प्रदुद्राव स रावणम्। वैरोचनमिव क्रुद्धो विष्णुरभ्युद्यतायुधः॥
Seeing him, that highly powerful one darted against Rāvaņa, even as the enraged Vişnu had rushed against Virocana's son, upraising his weapons.

ज्याशब्दमकरोत्तीव्र वज्रनिष्पेषनिष्ठुरम्। गिरा गम्भीरया रामो राक्षसेन्द्रमुवाच ह॥
He sharply twanged his bow-string sounding like the terrific crash of thunder, and then in solemn tones, Rāma addressed the lord of Răks asas, Saying.

तिष्ठ तिष्ठ मम त्वं हि कृत्वा विप्रियमीदृशम्। क्व नु राक्षसशार्दूल गत्वा मोक्षमवाप्स्यसि॥
Stay, stay, having done me such wrong. Repairing whither, shall you, O powerful Raksasa, attain respite?

यदीन्द्रवैवस्वतभास्करान्वा स्वयंभुवैश्वानरशंकरान्वा। गमिष्यसि त्वं दशधा दिशो वा तथापि ने नाद्य गतो विमोक्ष्यसे ॥
Even if you should seek Yama or Indra or the Sun-son to Vivaśvăn-or the Self-sprung or the Fire-god or Sankara himself, or go to the ten cardinal points in ten portions, yet shall you not, so resorting attain deliverance.

यश्चैष शक्त्या निहतस्त्वयाद्य गच्छन्विषादं सहसाभ्युपेत्य। स एष रक्षोगणराजमृत्युः सपुत्रपौत्रस्य तवाद्य युद्धे ॥
And (Laksmana), going forth to the fight, has been wounded with the dart and has suddenly been stupefied. But, o king of the Rākşasa today in conflict Death shall claim for his own you and your sons and grandsons.

एतेन चात्यद्भुतदर्षनानि शरैर्जनस्थानकृतालयानि। चतुर्दशान्यात्तवरायुधानि रक्षः सहस्राणि निषूदितानि ॥
By me with my shafts have been slaughtered four and ten thousand Rākṣasa residing in Janasthāna, wielding excellent weapons.

राघवस्य वचः श्रुत्वा राक्षसेन्द्रो महाबलः। वायुपुत्रं महावेगं वहन्तं राघवं रणे॥ रोषेण महताविष्टः पूर्ववैरमनुस्मरन्। आजघान शरैर्दीप्तैः कालानलशिखोपमैः॥
Hearing Rāghava's words, the exceedingly strong lord of the Rākşasas, overwhelmed with a mighty wrath, recalling enmity a gone, with burning shafts resembling the fire of Doom hit in encounter the exceedingly impetuous offspring of the Wind-god, who was bearing Rāghava.

राक्षसेनाहते तस्य ताडितस्यापि सायकैः। स्वभावतेजोयुक्तस्य भूयस्तेजोऽभ्यवर्धत॥
Although struck and resisted by the Rākşasa with arrows, the energy of that one, endowed by nature with prowess-increased greatly.

ततो रामो महातेजा रावणेन कृतव्रणम्। दृष्ट्वा प्लवगशार्दूलं क्रोधस्य वशमेयिवान्॥
The exceedingly energetic Rāma, on seeing that foremost of the monkeys wounded by Ravana, was mastered by wrath.

तस्याभिसंक्रम्य रथं सचक्रं साश्वध्वजच्छत्रमडापताकम्। ससारथिं साशनिशूलखङ्गं रामः प्रचिच्छेद शितैः शराग्रैः॥
Rāma, closing with his enemy, by means of whetted arrow-points severed in pieces his car together with the wheels and the steeds, the banner, the umbrella, and the majestic streamer, as well as with the charioteers and the thunderbolts and darts and swords.

अथेन्द्रशत्रु तरसा जघान बाणेन वज्राशनिसंनिभेन। भुजान्तरे व्यूढसुजातरूपे वज्रेण मेरुं भगवानिवेन्द्रः॥
Then as the reverend Indra cleave Meru with his thunder-bolt, (Raghava) swiftly smote on Rāvaņa's spacious and shapely chest with a shaft resembling Vajra and the thunderbolt.

यो वज्रपाताशनिसंनिपातान् न चुक्षुभे नापि चचाल राजा। स रामबानाभिहतो भृशार्तश्चचाल चापं च मुमोच वीरः॥
That the king hero-who had not smarted nor shaken under the impetus of Vajra and the thunder-bolt, assailed with the arrows of Răma and agonised in consequence, shock and lost hold of his bow.

तं विह्वलन्तं प्रसमीक्ष्य रामः समाददे दीप्तमथार्धचन्द्रम्। तेनार्कवर्णं सहसा किरीटं चिच्छेद रक्षोधिपतेर्महात्मा॥
Seeing him overwhelmed, Ráma took up a flaming half-moon and with the same at once severed the sun-bright tiara of the high-souled sovereign of the Rākşasas.

तं निर्विषाशीविषसंनिकाशं शान्तार्चिषं सूर्यमिवाप्रकाशम्। गतश्रियं कृत्तकिरीटकूटमुवाच रामो युधि राक्षसेन्द्रम् ॥
Rāma in the encounter addressed the lord of Rākşasas, resembling a serpent bereft of venom, shorn of his splendour, like to the sun shrouded (in mist), without his wonted grace, and having his entire tiara riven-saying.

कृतं त्वया कर्म महत्सुभीमं हतप्रवीरश्च कृतस्त्वथाहम्। तस्मात्परिश्रान्त इति व्यवस्य न त्वां शरैर्मृत्युवशं नयामि॥
You have in battle) performed high and dreadful deeds, and have also (in-the conflict) slain my foremost heroes. And therefore I know you are fatigued. And for this reason it is that I will not with my shafts bring you to the door of Death.

प्रयाहि जानामि रणार्दितस्त्वं प्रविश्य रात्रिंचरराज लङ्काम्। आश्वस्य निर्याहि रथी सधन्वी तदा बलं प्रेक्ष्यसि मे रथस्थः॥
Go you. I know that you are worn out with fight. Therefore, O king of night-rangers, enter Lankā. Havirg a little respite, do you depart on your car along with your bowmen. Afterwards, mounted on your car, shall you behold my power.

स एवमुक्तो हतदर्पहर्षो निकृत्तचापः स हताश्वसूतः। शरादितो भग्नमहाकिरीटो विवेश लङ्कां सहसा स्म राजा॥
Thus addressed, the king, with his pride and joy defeated, with his bow severed, and his steeds and charioteer killed himself smarting under. shafts, and having his crown splintered, speedily entered Lankā.

तस्मिन्प्रविष्टे रजनीचरेन्द्रे महाबले दानवदेवशत्रौ। हरीन्विशल्यान्सह लक्ष्मणेन चकार रामः परमाहवाग्रे॥
On that foe of the deities and the Dănavas-the puissant lord of the night-rangers-entering (into Lankā), Rāma rendered the monkeys along with Lakşmaņa hale in that fierce conflict.

तस्मिन्प्रभग्ने त्रिदशेन्द्रशत्रौ सुरासुरा भूतगणा दिशश्च। ससागराः सर्वमहोरगाश्च तथैव भूम्यम्बुचराः प्रहृष्टाः॥
At the break-down of that foe of the immortals, the celestials and the Asuras, the ghosts and the Cardinal points, and all the mighty serpents together with the oceans and the creatures inhabiting earth and water, felt exceedingly delighted.