Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 51

तेषां तु तुमुलं शब्दं वानराणां महौजसाम्। नर्दतां राक्षसैः सार्धं तदा शुश्राव रावणः॥
Then Rāvana heard the tumult raised by the highly energetic monkeys roaring in company with the Rākşasas.

स्निग्धगम्भीरनिर्घोषं श्रुत्वा तं निनदं भृशम्। सचिवानां ततस्तेषां मध्ये वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Hearing that low and solemn noise-that prodigious uproar-Rävaņa said in the midst of his counsellors.

यथासौ संप्रहृष्टानां वानराणामुपस्थितः। बहूनां सुगहानादो मेघानामिव गर्जताम्॥ सुव्यक्तं महती प्रीतिरेतेषां नात्र संशयः। तथा हि विपुलैनदैिश्चुर्भे लवणार्णवः॥
From mighty roars that are heard of in innumerous delighted monkeys, resembling the roar of couds, it is evident, beyond a doubt, that there is great rejoicing there. And the salt Ocean is vexed with these thundering noises.

तौ तु बद्धौ शरैस्तीक्ष्णैभ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ। अयं च सुमहानादः शङ्कां जनयतीव मे॥
The brother-Rama and Laksmana-have been fast bound with sharp shafts, and here this uproar is exciting my alarm.

एवं च वचनं चोक्त्वा मन्त्रिणो राक्षसेश्वरः। उवाच नैर्ऋतांस्तत्र समीपपरिवर्तिनः॥
Having spoken thus to his ministers, the lord of the Rākşasas addressed the Naiſtas present there, saying.

ज्ञायतां तूर्णमेतेषां सर्वेषां च वनौकसाम्। शोककाले समुत्पन्ने हर्षकारणमुत्थितम्॥
Do you speedily acquaint yourselves with the cause of rejoicing that has arisen of these monkeys on this mournful occasion.

तथोक्तास्ते सुसंभ्रान्ताः प्राकारमधिरुह्य च। ददृशुः पालितां सेनां सुग्रीवेण महात्मना॥ तौ च मुक्तौ सुधोरेण शरबन्धेन राघवौ। समुत्थितौ महाभागौ विषेदुः सर्वराक्षसाः॥
Thus accosted, they hurriedly mounting up on the wall, surveyed the forces maintained by the high-souled Sugrīva as well as those exalted ones-Raghu's sons-emancipated from their terrific arrowy fetters and arisen (now).

संत्रस्तहृदयाः सर्वे प्राकारादवरुह्यते। विवर्णा राक्षसा घोरा राक्षसेन्द्रमुपस्थिताः॥
Thereat, with their hearts wrought up, grimvisaged Rākşasas descending from the wall appeared before the Rākşasa-lord with pale faces.

तदप्रियं दीनमुखा रावणस्य च राक्षसाः। कृत्स्नं निवेदयामासुर्यथावद्वाक्यकोविदाः॥
Then with woe-begone faces, those Raksasas, skilled in speech, faithfully informed Rāvana in full of that unfortunate circumstance.

यौ ताविन्द्रजिता युद्धे भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ। निबद्धौ शरबन्धेन निष्प्रकम्पभुजौ कृतौ॥ विमुक्तौ शरबन्धेन दृश्येते तौ रणाजिरे। पाशानिव गजौ छित्त्वा गजेन्द्रसमविक्रमौ॥
Those brothers-Rāma and Lakşmaņa-who had in battle been bound up in arrowy fetters by Indrajit, and whose arms lay moveless, having been emancipated from the arrowy bonds, are seen in the field of battle; and those ones like to the foremost of elephants in strength, seem like elephants that have snapped their fetters.

तच्छुत्वा वचनं तेषां राक्षसेन्द्रो महाबलः। चिन्तारोषसमाक्रान्तो विवर्णवदनोऽभवत्॥
Hearing those words of theirs, the exceedingly powerful lord of the Raksasas was wrought up with anxiety and anger, and his countenance lost its complexion.

घोरैर्दत्तवरैर्बद्धौ शरैराशीविषोपमैः। अमोघैः सूर्यसंकाशैः प्रमध्येन्द्रजिता युधि ॥ तदनबन्धमासाद्य यदि मुक्तौ रिपू मम। संशयस्थमिदं सर्वमनुपश्याम्यहं बलम्॥
Indrajit, having routed them in conflict, had bound them by means of irresistible and terrible arrows, resembling venomous serpents, and like to the Sun himself, which had been conferred on (Indrajit) as boons. But if my enemy having actually been bound by the weapons, can have been liberated, all this strength of mine I see placed in peril.

निष्फलाः खलु संवृत्ताः शराः पावकतेजसः। आदत्तं यैस्तु सङ्ग्रामे रिपूणां जीवितं मम॥
And those shafts resembling Fire in fierceness, which had in battle deprived my foes of their lives, have forsooth been rendered fruitless.

एवमुक्त्वा तु संक्रुद्धो निःश्वसन्नुरगो यथा। अब्रवीद्रक्षसां मध्ये धूम्राक्षं नाम राक्षसम्॥
Having said this in high rage Rāvana, sighing like a serpent, addressed a Raksasa, named Dhūmrākṣa, seated in the midst of the Rākşasa.

बलेन महता युक्तो राक्षसैर्भीमविक्रमः। त्वं वधायाशु निर्याहि रामस्य सह वानरैः॥
O you of dreadful prowess, surrounded by a mighty force, do you march forth to compass the destruction of Rāma along with the monkeys.

एवमुक्तस्तु धूम्राक्षो राक्षसेन्द्रेण धीमता परिक्रम्य ततः शीघ्रं निर्जगाम नृपालयात्॥
Thus accosted by the intelligent lord of the Raksasas, Dhumraksa, turning about, issued out of the abode of the king.

अभिनिष्क्रम्य तद्द्वारं बलाध्यक्षमुवाच ह। त्वरयस्व बलं शीघ्रं किं चिरेण युयुत्सतः॥
And speedily sallying forth from the gate of (Ravana's residence, he said to the general of the forces, “Do you speedily move off your forces. why should a warrior linger?”

धूम्राक्षवचनं श्रुत्वा बलाध्यक्षो बलानुगः। बलमुद्योजयामास रावणस्याज्ञया भृशम्॥
Hearing Dhumraksa's words, the general of the forces, following them, at the command of Rāvaņa forthwith made the army ready.

ते बद्धघण्टा बलिनो घोररूपा निशाचराः। विनद्यमानाः संहृष्टा धूम्राक्षं पर्यवारयन्॥
And those powerful and dreadful nightrangers, bursting with high spirits, with bells tied to their arms, set up shouts, and surrounded Dhumraksa.

विविधायुधहस्ताश्च शूलमुद्गरपाणयः। गदाभिः पट्टिशैर्दण्डैरायसैर्मुसलैरपि॥ परिधैर्भिन्दिपालैश्च भल्लैः पाशैः परश्वधैः। निर्ययू राक्षसा घोरा नर्दन्तो जलदा यथा॥
And bearing various weapons in their hands, and wielding darts and clubs, and equipped with maces and bearded darts and rods and iron bludgeons and parighas and bhindipālas and lances and nooses and axes, those terrific Rāks asas sallied out roaring like to clouds.

रथैः कवचिनस्त्वन्ये ध्वजैश्च समलंकृतैः। सुवर्णजालविहितैः खरैश्च विविधाननैः॥ हयैः परमशीघेश्च गजैश्चैव मदोत्कटैः। निर्ययुनैर्ऋतव्याघ्रा व्याघ्रा इव दुरासदाः॥
And others, accoutred in armour, with cars; adorned with banners; furnished with golden networks, and mules having various faces, and extremely swift steeds, and lusty elephants in rut, tiger-like Naiſtas incapable of being subdued even as tigers-sallied out (thereafter).

मृगसिंहमुखैर्युक्तं खरैः कनकभूषितैः। आरुरोह रथं दिव्यं धूम्राक्षः खरनिःस्वनः॥
Then Dhūmrākṣa himself ascended a superb car, bearing faces of deer and lions decked with gold, and sending forth a loud clatter.

स निर्यातो महावीर्यो धूम्राक्षो राक्षसैर्वृतः। हसन्वै पश्चिमद्वाराद्धनूमान्यत्र तिष्ठति॥
The highly powerful Dhūmrākşa, surrounded by Rākşasas, cheerfully issued out of the Western Entrance, where Hanumān was posted.

रथप्रवरमास्थाय खरयुक्तं खरस्वनम्। प्रयान्तं तु महाघोरं राक्षसं भीमदर्शनम्॥ अन्तरिक्षगताः क्रूराः शकुनाः प्रत्यषेधयन्।
Thereat, fell fowls of the air forbade that exceedingly dreadful Räksasa of a fearful form, as he went out ascending an excellent car joked with mules, and sending sharp sounds.

रथशीर्षे महाभीमो गृध्रश्च निपपात ह॥ ध्वजाग्रे ग्रथिताश्चैव निपेतुः कुणपाशनाः। रुधिराो महाश्वेतः कबन्धः पतितो भुवि॥
And an exceedingly terrific vulture alighted at the crest of the car and forming themselves into lines, vultures began to drop down about the top of the banner. And emitting a frightful cry, (a headless trunk) dropped down before Dhumraksa.

विस्वरं चोत्सृजन्नादान्धूम्राक्षस्य निपातितः। ववर्ष रुधिरं देवः संचचाल च मेदिनी॥ प्रतिलोमं ववौ वायुनिर्घातसमनिःस्वनः। तिमिरौघवृतास्तत्र दिशश्च न चकाशिरे॥
That god* showered down blood; and the earth shook. And the wind blew awry with a sound resembling thunder. And every side, covered with darkness, appeared dim. *Indra-cloud compeller.

स तूत्पातांस्ततो दृष्ट्वा राक्षसानां भयावहान्। प्रादुर्भूतान्सुघोरांश्च धूम्राक्षो व्यथितोऽभवत्।। मुमुहू राक्षसाः सर्वे धूम्राक्षस्य पुरःसराः॥
And witnessing those dreadful inauspicious omens at the outset, fraught with fear to the Räkşasas, Dhūmrākṣa was greatly aggrieved; and the Räksaşas marching before him, were stupefied.

वृतोभिनिष्क्रम्य रणोत्सुको बली। ददर्श तां राघवबाहुपालितां महौघकल्पां बहु वानरी चमूम्॥
Then as that strong and fearful one, eager for encounter, surrounded by in numerable nigh rangers, issued out (of the city), he beheld that monkey-host, protected by the arm of Rāghava, resembling the deep at the time of universal dissolution.