Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 49

घोरेण शरबन्धेन बद्धौ दशरथात्मजौ। निःश्वसन्तौ यथा नागौ शयानौ रुधिरोक्षितौ॥
Bound up terribly with shafts, Dasaratha's sons, lying down bathed in blood, sighed hard like to serpents.

सर्वे ते वानरश्रेष्ठाः ससुग्रीवमहाबलाः। परिवार्य महात्मानौ तस्थुः शोकपरिप्लुताः॥
All those foremost monkeys, along with Sugrīva, possessed of exceeding strength, overwhelmed with sorrow, remained surrounding those high-souled ones.

एतस्मिन्नन्तरे रामः प्रत्यबुध्यत वीर्यवान्। स्थिरत्वात्सत्वयोगाच्च शरैः संदानितोऽपि सन्॥
In the meanwhile, the powerful Rāma, albeit fast bound by the shafts, awoke by virtue of the exceeding toughness of his person, as well as his might.

ततो दृष्ट्वा सरुधिरं निषण्णं गाढमर्पितम्। भ्रातरं दीनवदनं पर्यदेवयदातुरः॥
Then, seeing his brother having a distressful countenance, covered with blood, feeble, and fast bound by the shafts, Rāma, greatly aggrieved, began to mourn.

किं न मे सीतया कार्यं लब्धया जीवितेन वा। शयानं योऽद्य पश्यामि भ्रातरं युधि निर्जितम्॥
Of what use to me is the recovery of Sītă, or life either, when today I see my brother vanquished in fight and lying down in the field?

शक्या सीतासमा नारी मर्त्यलोके विचिन्वता। न लक्ष्मणसमो भ्राता सचिवः सांपरायिकः॥
Seeking in the world (of men), I may light upon a woman like Sītā; but never on a brother, or a helper, or a warrior like to Laksmana.

परित्यक्ष्याम्यहं प्राणान्वानराणां तु पश्यताम्। यदि पञ्चत्वमापन्नः सुमित्रानन्दवर्धनः॥
If that enhancer of Sumitra's joy have met with his end, my life I must renounce in the sight of the monkeys.

किं नु वक्ष्यामि कौसल्यां मातरं किं नु कैकयीम्। कथमम्बां सुमित्रां च पुत्रदर्शनलालसाम्॥ विवत्सां वेपमानां च वेपन्ती कुररीमिव। कथमाश्वासयिष्यामि यदि यास्यामि तं विना ॥
What shall I say to Kausalyā; and what shall I say to Kaikeyi ? And what shall I say to mother Sumitrā eager for a sight of her son? And if I go (back) without him, how shall I soothe her, like to a cow reft of her calf; and trembling; and resembling a mourning Kurari?

कथं वक्ष्यामि शत्रुघ्नं भरतं च यशस्विनम्। मया सह वनं यातो विना तेनाहमागतः॥
How shall I say to Satrughna and the illustrious Bharata, 'He went with me to the forest; but I come (back) here without him "?

उपालम्भं न शक्ष्यामि सोढुमम्बासुमित्रया। इहैव देहं त्यक्ष्यामि नहि जीवितुमुत्सहे॥
I shall not be able to bear the rebuke of mother Sumitră. Therefore even here shall I renounce my person; for certainly I dare not live.

धिङ् मां दुष्कृतकर्माणमनायं मत्कृते ह्यसौ। लक्ष्मणः पातितः शेते शरतल्पे गतासुवत्॥
Fie on me, who am wicked and base; for me this Lakşmaņa, brought down, leith in the field of battle, like one that is without life.

त्वं नित्यं सुविषण्णं मामाश्वासयसि लक्ष्मण। गतासुर्नाद्य शक्तोऽसि मामार्तमभिभाषितुम्॥
O Lakşmaņa, you ever comforts me when I am dispirited. But today, having lost your life, you can not speak to me, who am afflicted.

येनाद्य बहवो युद्धे निहता राक्षसाः क्षितौ। तस्यामेवाद्य शूरस्त्वं शेषे विनिहतः शरैः॥
You, O hero, who had in battle slain innumerable Rākṣasa lying around, have (at length) yourself been slain in the field with shafts.

शयानः शरतल्पेऽस्मिन्सशोणितपरिसुतः। शरभूतस्ततो भासि भास्करोऽस्तमिव व्रजन्॥
And lying down in the battle-field, bleeding and covered with arrows, you appear like the Sun when he has gone up the Setting-hill.

बाणाभिहतमर्मत्वान्न शक्नोषीह भाषितुम्। रुजा चाब्रुवतो यस्य दृष्टिरागेण सूच्यते॥
In consequence of shafts piercing your vitals, you cannot speak; but your visible expression, albeit you are dumb, betokens pain.

यथैव मां वनं यान्तमनुयातो महाद्युतिः। अहमप्यनुयास्यामि तथैवैनं यमक्षयम्॥
O you endowed with exceeding splendour, even as you did follow me into the forest, will I follow you to the mansion of Yama.

इष्टबन्धुजनो नित्यं मां च नित्यमनुव्रतः। इमामद्य गतोऽवस्थां ममानार्यस्य दुर्नयैः॥
You having dear friends, and ever following me, has come by this plight in consequence of my reprehensible conduct.

सुरुष्टेनापि वीरेण लक्ष्मणेन न संस्मरे। परुषं विप्रियं चापि श्रावितं तु कदाचन॥
I do not remember having heard any harsh speech from the heroic Lakşmaņa, even when he had happened to be exceedingly wroth.

विसस कवेगेन पञ्च बाणशतानि यः। इष्वस्त्रेष्वधिकस्तस्मात्कार्तवीर्याच्च लक्ष्मणः॥
He that could discharge at one shot five hundred shafts, that Lakşmaņa is superior to karttaviryya himself in that weapon-the bow.

अस्त्रैरसत्राणि यो हन्याच्छक्रस्यापि महात्मनः। सोऽयमुव्या हतः शेते महार्हशयनोचितः॥
He that with his arms could resist the arms of Sakra himself, that one worthy of a costly couchLeith down on the ground, slain.

तत्तु मिथ्या प्रलप्तं मां प्रधक्ष्यति न संशयः। यन्मया न कृतो राजा राक्षसानां विभीषणः॥
That false babble shall now, without doubt, consume me; for by me has not Bibhishna been made monarch of the Rákşasas.

अस्मिन्मुहूर्ते सुग्रीव प्रतियातुमिवाहसि। सत्त्वहीनं मया राजरावणोऽभिभविष्यति॥
Do you, O Sugrīva, this very moment retrace your steps. Bereft of your strength through me you will be worsted by Rāvaņa.

अङ्गदं तु पुरस्कृत्य ससैन्यं सपरिच्छदम्। सागरं तर सुग्रीव नीलेन च नलेन च॥
O Sugriva, placing Angada to the fore, do you, taking your host as well as the equipage, in company with Nila and Nala, cross over the Ocean.

कृतं हि सुमहत्कर्म यदन्यैर्दुष्करं रणे। ऋक्षराजेन तुष्यामि गोलाङ्गुलाधिपेन च॥ अङ्गदेन कृतं कर्म मैन्देन द्विविदेन च। युद्ध केसरिणा संख्ये घोरं संपातिना कृतम्॥
By you has been achieved a mighty feat incapable of being done by another in battle. And pleased am I with the king of bears, and the lord of Golãngulas; and Angada has quit himself nobly, as also Mainda and Dvivida. And Kesarin and Sampāti have both faught terribly.

गवयेन गवाक्षेण शरभेण गजेन च। अन्यैश्च हरिभियुद्धं दुर्धरं त्यक्तजीवितैः॥
Gavaya, and Gavākşa, and Sarabha, and Gaja, and other monkeys have faught as others are incapable of fighting, determined to lay down their lives (for me).

न चातिक्रमितुं शक्यं दैवं सुग्रीव मानुषैः। यत्तु शक्यं वयस्येन सुहृदा वा परं मम।२८॥ कृतं सुग्रीव तत्सर्वं भवता धर्मभीरुणा। मित्रकार्यं कृतमिदं भवद्भिर्वानरर्षभाः॥ अनुज्ञाता मया सर्वे यथेष्टं गन्तुमर्हथ।
But, O Sugriva, man cannot overrule Destiny. You, my friend, fearing righteousness, has done what lay in your power. And, You foremost of monkeys, you also have acted as become friends. Now, with my permission, go you whitersoever you are minded.

शुश्रुवुस्तस्य ये सर्वे वानराः परिदेवितम्।। वर्तयांचक्रिरेऽश्रूणि नेत्रैः कृष्णेतरेक्षणाः॥
Hearing Rāma's lament, the monkeys-those dark-eyed and others-began to shed tears from their eyes.

ततः सर्वाण्यनीकानि स्थापयित्वा विभीषणः। आजगाम गदापाणिस्त्वरितं यत्र राघवः॥
Then Vibhisana, quieting the army, taking a mace in his hand, swiftly went to where Rāghava was.

तं दृष्ट्वा त्वरितं यान्तं नीलाञ्जनचयोपमम्। वानरा दुद्रुवुः सर्वे मन्यमानास्तु रावणिम्॥
Seeing him fast making his way, resembling a mass of dark collyrium, the monkeys taking him to be Ravana's son, began to run away.