Yuddha Kanda: Chapter 46

ततो द्यां पृथिवीं चैव वीक्षमाणा वनौकसः। ददृशुः संततौ बाणैर्धातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ॥
The rangers of woods, gazing at the earth and the sky, at length cast their eyes on the brothersRāma and Lakşmaņa covered all over with arrows. And after that Rākşasa had gone away having performed his work, like the God* going away, after having showered, there came to that place Vibhīşaņa with sugrīva. *Indra.

वृष्ट्वेवोपरते देवे कृतकर्मणि राक्षसे। आजगामाथ तं देशं ससुग्रीवो विभीषणः॥ नीलश्च द्विविदो मैन्दः सुषेणः कुमुदोऽङ्गदः। तूर्णं हनुमता सार्धमन्वशोचन्त राघवौ॥
And mourning Raghu's sons, there also came in all haste Nila and Dvivida and Mainda and Sușeņa and Kumuda and Angada in company with Hanuman.

अचेष्टौ मन्दनिःश्वासौ शोणितेन परिप्लुतौ। शरजालाचितौ स्तब्धौ शयानौ शरतल्पगौ॥
And moveless; breathing covered with bloodpierced all over with net-works of shafts; dumb; they* were lying on the field. *Rama and Laksmana.

निःश्वसन्तौ यथा सौ निश्चेष्टौ दीनविक्रमौ। रुधिरस्रावदिग्धाङ्गौ तपनीयाविव ध्वजौ॥
They were sighing like serpents; and were inert; and deprived of prowess; and washed in blood; and looking like to golden standards.

तौ वीरशयने वीरौ शयानौ मन्दचेष्टितौ। यूथपैः स्वैः परिवृतौ वाष्पव्याकुललोचनैः॥
And as they lay moveless, as become heroes, the leaders of monkeys environed them with tear-charged eyes.

राघवौ पतितौ दृष्ट्वा शरजालसमन्वितौ। बभूवुर्व्यथिताः सर्वे वानराः सविभीषणाः।७॥
Seeing the sons of Raghu lying, covered with showers of shafts, the monkeys, with Vibhisana, were pained (exceedingly).

अन्तरिक्षं निरीक्षन्तो दिशः सर्वाश्च वानराः। न चैनं मायया छनं ददृशू रावणिं रणे॥
The monkeys, Surveying the sky as well as all directions, could not see Rāvana's son in battle enveloped with illusion.

तं तु मायाप्रतिच्छन्नं माययैव बिभीषणः। वीक्षमाणो ददर्शाग्रे भ्रातुः पुत्रमवस्थितम्।। तमप्रतिमकर्माणमप्रतिद्वन्द्वमाहवे॥ ददर्शान्तर्हितं वीरं वरदानाद्विभीषणः। तेजसा यशसा चैव विक्रमेण च संयुतः॥
Then Vibhīşaņa by means of illusion saw his brother's son staying before, hidden by illusion. And Vibhīşaņa saw that hero of incomparable deeds, who had no compeer in the field and who had energy, fame and prowess-as he remained invisible in consequence of the boon received from Brahma.

इन्द्रजित्त्वात्मनः कर्म तौ शयानौ समीक्ष्य च। उवाच परमप्रीतो हर्षयन्सर्वराक्षसान्॥
And Indrajit, seeing his own feat and them lying at length, spoke in excess of joy, gladdening all the Rākşasas.

दूषणस्य च हन्तारौ खरस्य च महाबलौ। सादितौ मामकैर्बाणैतिरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ॥
The brothers-Rāma and Lakşmaņa, possessed of great strength, who had slain Khara and Dūşaņa, are themselves slain with my shafts.

नेमौ मोक्षयितुं शक्यावेतस्मादिषुबन्धनात्। सर्वैरपि समागम्य सर्षिसङ्घः सुरासुरैः॥
All the celestials and Asuras assembled together with the saints, are incompetent to emancipate these from the fetters of my shafts.

यत्कृते चिन्तयानस्य शोकार्तस्य पितुर्मम। अस्पृष्ट्वा शयनं गात्रैस्त्रियामा याति शर्वरी॥ कृत्स्नेयं यत्कृते लङ्का नदी वर्षास्विवाकुला। सोऽयं मूलहरोऽ नर्थः सर्वेषां शमितो मया॥
He for whom my father was exercise with anxiety and tormented by grief, for whom my sire used to spend nights without pressing his bed, for whom this entire Lankā had resembled a river turbulent in the rainy reason, that same evil sticking by the root of all, has been dispensed his quietus by me.

रामस्य लक्ष्मणस्यैव सर्वेषां च वनौकसाम्। विक्रमा निष्फलाः सर्वे यथा शरदि तोयदाः॥
And like clouds of autumn, the prowess of Råma and Laksmana as well as that of all the rangers of the woods, has been rendered useless.

एवमुक्त्वा तु तान्सरािक्षसान्परिपश्यतः। यूथपानपि तान्सांस्ताडयत्स च रावणिः॥ नीलं नवभिराहत्य मैन्दं सद्विविदं तथा। त्रिभिस्त्रिभिरमित्रघ्नस्तताप परमेषुभिः॥
Saying this in the presence of all the Raksasas, Ravana's son-destroyer of foesfencing the monkey-leaders, hit Nila with nine arrows, and hurt Mainda and Dvivida each with three powerful shafts.

जाम्बवन्तं महेष्वासो विद्ध्वा बाणेन वक्षसि । हनूमतो वेगवतो विससर्ज शरान्दश॥
And piercing Jāmbavān with an arrow in the chest, that mighty bowman discharged ten at Hanumān.

गवाक्षं शरभं चैव तावप्यमितविक्रमौ। द्वाभ्यां द्वाभ्यां महावेगो विव्याध युधि रावणिः।।२०
And ravana's son possessed of exceeding impetuosity, pierced in the conflict with two shafts each Gavākşa and Śarabha of immeasurable vigour.

गोलाङ्गुलेश्वरं चैव वालिपुत्रमथाङ्गदम्। विव्याध बहुभिर्बाणैस्त्वरमाणोऽथ रावणिः॥
And Rāvana's son, summoning celerity, pierced the king of Golangulas and Vāli's son, Angada, with innumerable arrows.

तान्वानरवरान्भित्त्वा शरैरग्निशिखोपमैः। ननाद बलवांस्तत्र महासत्त्वः स रावणिः॥
The powerful son of Rāvana, endowed with might, piercing the foremost monkeys with shafts resembling tongues of flames, set up shouts in the field of battle.

तानर्दयित्वा बाणौषैत्रासयित्वा च वानरान्। प्रजहास महाबाहुर्वचनं चेदमब्रवीत्॥
And tormenting the monkeys with volleys of shafts and striking terror into them, that mightyarmed one. bursting out into a laugh, said.

शरबन्धेन घोरेण मया बद्धौ चमूमुखे। सहितौ भ्रातरावेतौ निशामयत राक्षसाः॥
“Let the Raksasas behold these brothers lying fast bound with dreadful arrows in front of the forces."

एवमुक्तास्तु ते सर्वे राक्षसाः कूटयोधिनः। परं विस्मयमापन्नाः कर्मणा तेन हर्षिताः॥ विनेदुश्च महानादान्सर्वे ते जलदोपमाः। हतो राम इति ज्ञात्वा रावणिं समपूजयन्॥
Thus addressed, those Rākşasas-wily warriors all-resembling masses of clouds, witnessing that deed (of Indrajit), struck with wonder and rejoicing (greatly), set up tremendous roars. And thinking that Rāma was slain, they honoured Ravana's son.

निष्पन्दौ तु तदा दृष्ट्वा भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ। वसुधायां निरुच्छ्वासौ हतावित्यन्वमन्यत ॥
Seeing the brothers-Rāma and Laksmanamotionless, and lying inert on the ground, they took them for slain.

हर्षेण तु समाविष्ट इन्द्रजित्समितिंजयः। प्रविवेश पुरीं लङ्कां हर्षयन्सर्वनैर्ऋतान् ॥
And, experiencing excess of joy, Indrajitconquerer in conflict-entered the city of Lankā, rejoicing all the Nairtas.

रामलक्ष्मणयोर्दृष्ट्वा शरीरे सायकैश्चिते। सर्वाणि चाङ्गोपाङ्गानि सुग्रीवं भयमाविशत्॥
Seeing the bodies as well as the limbs of Rāma and Lakşmana, covered entirely with arrows, fear took possession of Sugriva.

तमुवाच परित्रस्तं वानरेन्द्र विभीषणः। सवाष्पवदनं दीनं क्रोधव्याकुललोचनम्। अलं त्रासेन सुग्रीव वाष्पवेगो निगृह्यताम्॥
Thereat Vibhīşaņa said to that lord of monkeys, staying in woe-begone guise, with a tearful countenance, and his eyes wild with wrath, "Do not give way to fear, O Sugriva. Restrain your rising tears!

एवं प्रायाणि युद्धानि विजयो नास्ति नैष्ठिकः। सभाग्यशेषतास्माकं यदि वीर भविष्यति॥ मोहमेतौ प्रहास्येते महात्मानौ महाबलौ। पर्यवस्थापयात्मानमनाथं मां च वानर।। सत्यधर्माभिरक्तानां नास्ति मृत्युकृतं भयम्॥
This is the way of warfare: victory is not (always) sure But, O hero, If Fortune ultimately smile upon us, this stupor shall go off from these high-souled and exceedingly powerful ones. therefore, O monkey, do you cheer me, who am forlorn.

एवमुक्त्वा ततस्तस्य जलक्लिन्नेन पाणिना। सुग्रीवस्य शुभे नेत्रे प्रममार्ज विभीषणः॥
Saying this, with hand Vibhīşaņa washed Sugriva's graceful eyes with water.

ततः सलिलमादाय विद्यया परिजप्य च। सुग्रीवनेत्रे धर्मात्मा प्रममार्ज विभीषणः॥
And taking water, the righteous Vibhīşaņa by means of his knowledge, washed Sugrīva's eyed there with.

विमृज्य वदनं तस्य कपिराजस्य धीमतः। अब्रवीत्कालसंप्राप्तमसंभ्रान्तमिदं वचः॥
And washing the face of the intelligent monkey-monarch, Vibhisana spoke these words, seasonable and sedate.

न काल: कपिराजेन्द्र वैकलव्यमवलम्बितुम्। अतिस्नेहोऽपि कालेऽसिमान्मरणायोपकल्पते॥
O foremost of monkey-kings, this is no time for being overcome with stupor. At this hour, even immoderate affection may lead destruction.

तस्मादुत्सृज्य वैक्लव्यं सर्वकार्यविनाशनम्। हितं रामपुरोगाणां सैन्यानामनुचिन्तय॥
Therefore, casting off stupor, which tends to mar all work, do you bethink you how you may serve this army headed by Rāma.

अथ वा रक्ष्यतां रामो यावत्संज्ञाविपर्ययः। लब्धसंज्ञौ हि काकुत्स्थौ भयं नौ व्यपनेष्यतः॥
Or do you protect Rāma so long as he does not regain consciousness; and when the Kākutsthas shall have regained consciousness, all our apprehension shall vanish.

नैतत्किंचन रामस्य न च रामो मुमूर्षति। नोन हास्यते लक्ष्मीर्दुर्लभा या गतायुषाम्॥
This is nothing to Rāma is not dying. And Lakşmi* who is incapable of being attained by those that are doomed, shall not forsake this one. *The goddess of prosperity. to

तस्मादाश्वासयात्मानं बलं चाश्वासय स्वकम्। यावत्सैन्यानि सर्वाणि पुनः संस्थापयाम्यहम्॥
Therefore do you comfort yourself, do you also cheer up your own forces, while I am engaged in composing all the troops.

एते हि फुल्लनयनास्त्रासादागतसाध्वसाः। कर्णे कर्णे प्रकथिता हरयो हरिसत्तम॥
O best of monkeys, these with distended eyes, come under the governance of terror, are, stricken with panic, whispering into each other's ears.

मां तु दृष्ट्वा प्रधावन्तमनीकं संप्रहर्षितम्। त्यजन्तु हरयस्त्रासं भुक्तपूर्वामिव स्रजम्॥
But seeing me, let the forces rushing about, cheered up, as well as the monkeys, cast off all fear, like a wreath that has been used before.

समाश्वास्य तु सुग्रीवं राक्षसेन्द्रो विभीषणः। विद्रुतं वानरानीकं तत्समाश्वासयत्पुनः॥
Thus comforting Sugriva, Vibhisana-lord of Rākṣasas-again instilled spirits into the flying forces of monkeys.

इन्द्रजित्तु महामायः सर्वसैन्यसमावृतः। विवेश नगरी लङ्कां पितरं चाभ्युपागमत्॥
And Indrajit, worker of mighty illusionsaccompanied by his troops, entered the city of Larkā and presented himself before his father.

तत्र रावणमासाद्य अभिवाद्य कृताञ्जलिः। आचचक्षे प्रियं पित्रे निहतौ रामलक्ष्मणौ॥
And approaching Rāvana and saluting him with joined hands, he informed his sire of the welcome tidings that Răma and Lakṣmaṇa had been slain.

उत्पपात ततो हृष्टः पुत्रं च परिषस्वजे। रावणो रक्षसां मध्ये श्रुत्वा शत्रूनिपातितौ ॥
And hearing that his foe had fallen, Rāvana springing up in the midst of the Rākşasas, With great joy embraced his son.

उपाघ्राय च तं मूर्ध्नि पप्रच्छ प्रीतमानसः। पृच्छते च यथावृत्तं पित्रे तस्मै न्यवेदयत्। यथा तौ शरबन्धेन निश्चेष्टौ निष्प्रभौ कृतौ॥
And scenting the crown of his head, (Rāvana) with a delighted heart, asked (Indrajit as to all that had taken place). And on being asked, he (Indrajit) truly related to his sire how (Rāma and Lakşmaņa) had been rendered senseless and lack-Lustre by being fastened with shafts.

स हर्षवेगानुगतान्तरात्मा श्रुत्वा गिरं तस्य महारथस्य जहौ ज्वरं दाशरथेः समुत्थं प्रहृष्टवाचाभिननन्द पुत्रम्।।
Thereat, with rapture surcharging his inmost soul, Rāvana, hearing the speech of the mighty car warrior, banished his fear of Dasaratha's son, and rising up, honoured his son with glad words. that had taken place). And on being asked, he (Indrajit) truly related to his sire how (Rāma and Lakşmaņa) had been rendered senseless and lack-Lustre by being fastened with shafts.

स हर्षवेगानुगतान्तरात्मा श्रुत्वा गिरं तस्य महारथस्य जहौ ज्वरं दाशरथेः समुत्थं प्रहृष्टवाचाभिननन्द पुत्रम्।।
Thereat, with rapture surcharging his inmost soul, Rāvana, hearing the speech of the mighty car warrior, banished his fear of Dasaratha's son, and rising up, honoured his son with glad words.